I was going to ask about patients with Parkinsons Disease should they have real anesthesia rather than twilight sedation? An upper respiratory tract infection like a cold or flu causes postnasal drip. Fatigue after surgery is a common complication and an expected one. Find out more in our. The big stuff is rare. I do backups only. Professor Uday Devgan MD is a Los Angeles Cataract Surgeon who authors CataractCoach.com to teach the best techniques of Cataract Surgery to Eye Surgeons from around the world. If you develop a sore throat, fever, cold or flu within a few days of your surgery, call your doctor. Materials and methods: One hundred forty-seven patients scheduled for dental implant surgeries under intravenous sedation were enrolled in this study. Dry Eyes, 2016-2022 London Vision Clinic Partners Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. Its worth noting that whilst eye-tracking technology is incredible, it can only work if first, the clinic has the right technology for the job, and second, its used alongside the knowledge and experience of an expert surgeon. These cookies do not store any personal information. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). Often the patient will know when the urge to cough or sneeze is building and can notify you a second or two before the event. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The cataract is chopped into two halves, which are then removed, to avoid having multiple smaller cataract pieces which could fall into the vitreous cavity if the capsule has been violated. Covid-19 makes following this advice even more important. If you should sneeze or cough, the laser will wait or adjust its position to compensate. We need AI to develop AI medical research reporting guidelines. The cataract is chopped into two halves, which are then removed, to avoid having multiple smaller cataract pieces which could fall into the vitreous cavity if the capsule has been violated.Take a moment to re-focus and then continue the surgery. View all posts by Uday Devgan MD. How soon after a total thyroidectomy can you smoke cigarettes? Aspiration pneumonia causes cough, chest pain, fever, fatigue, shortness of breath and wheezing.cause: Skin may have a bluish tinge from lack of oxygen known as cyanosis. Coughing after surgery is an important part of your post-surgical care. Another Corneal Laceration with Traumatic Cataract, Complex Cataract: multiple challenging issues, Patient moving during cataract surgery Cataract Coach, Protecting Sight #174: Remember to say thank you. Rest your hands on the patients face or head during the surgery. Lung abscess, an infection in the lung characterized by a collection of pus in the lung, may also occur. With rare exception, these are minor. Into astrology? The point is, movement is something that comes much more naturally to us and our eyes than keeping still. I avoid rotation of the lens nucleus and avoid stress on the capsular bag. This technology means that sneezingas well as coughing or any other involuntary movementwill not affect the result of your surgery. Laser Eye Surgery Fees & costs My guess is that the majority of surgeons have done "surgery" on themselves. While feeling tired is normal, feeling exhausted is not typical. Symptoms include: Supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation help supply adequate oxygenation to the body. Aspiration of the substance into the lungs can cause respiratory problems. And so although it will happen at a level imperceptible to anyone, you and your eyes will move during surgery, and this is exactly why we have such an invention as eye-tracking technology. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Cough during cataract surgery may cause complications such as choroidal effusion, iris or vitreous prolapse and expulsive haemorrhage. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Until the cold or flu declares what it truly is my advice is to wait. A registered nurse with more than 25 years of experience in oncology, labor/delivery, neonatal intensive care, infertility and ophthalmology, Sharon Perkins has also coauthored and edited numerous health books for the Wiley "Dummies" series. Sometimes a deeper level of sedation can be useful as well to prevent involuntary coughs and sneezes.Tell the patient to alert you if possible. Helpful - 0 In our case, all looks good so we finish the case as planned and the patient gets a great result. Cough during cataract surgery may cause complications such as choroidal effusion, iris or vitreous prolapse and expulsive haemorrhage. Isolated retinal racemose hemangioma. Tape the patients head to the operating room table before starting the surgery. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. Put down the surgical instruments, step away from the patient, and go ahead. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Reg No: 09301158 |. 2014 May;42(3):424-5. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are part of EuroEyes group, a global network of eye clinics. I avoid rotation of the lens nucleus and avoid stress on the capsular bag. A patient with a productive cough or ongoing infection must receive treatment before elective surgery. To make it easier, place your hands or a pillow over the incision to brace it. That being said, many clinics today invest heavily in such safety systems and have great surgeons, particularly independent clinics that are driven not by how many patients they get through the door, but by the quality of service and care they provide. Foul smelling sputum may also appear. Have the anesthesiologist administer appropriate intra-venous medications. Proceed carefully and assume that there was some damage. As a surgeon, how do you minimize this risk and if a sudden sneeze or cough does happen, what is the best reaction for the surgeon? I use paper tape to gently hold the patients head in place during the procedure. Best wishes with your upcoming procedure. reports on MedStudents. The next day you have a check up and the patch is removed and you can see fine. Advanced eye-tracking technology accounts for any movement. ARDS causes air sacs in the lungs to fill with fluid. 11K views 4 years ago Patients often ask us, "What happens if I have to sneeze or cough during cataract surgery?" And it's a valid question because a sudden movement of the patient's head while. Or, at least, if youre a pro at resisting a good tickle, it might take a few hours longer than planned. Patients often ask us, \"What happens if I have to sneeze or cough during cataract surgery?\" And it's a valid question because a sudden movement of the patient's head while we are inside the eye can cause significant damage to the delicate ocular structures. If youre highly alert during the surgery, you will be able to react very quickly and a fraction of a second can certainly make a difference in the visual outcome. A mild sore throat with no other symptoms is probably not a reason to cancel surgery. Will smoking before the surgery affect anything? What happens if you cough during LASIK? Never disregard or delay professional medical advice in person because of anything on HealthTap. Aspiration of the substance into the lungs can cause respiratory problems. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Book your informal call to discuss your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery. Finance Offers Pneumonitis is inflammation from aspiration of toxic substances, most commonly gastric juices during surgery. 6 The body is stressed by the effects of anesthesia and surgery. Check out our Zodiac Center! Cough during cataract surgery may cause complications such as choroidal effusion, iris or vitreous prolapse and expulsive haemorrhage. Surgery is Jan 28th, band is playing a benefit Feb 7th. Some surgeons sweat profusely from the forehead. Should I be worried? Get answers from Endocrinologists and top U.S. doctors, Our doctors evaluate, diagnose, prescribe, order lab tests, and recommend follow-up care. Hypoxia can cause brain damage or even damage to other organs. Complaints Procedure, Alcohol & Laser Eye Surgery And how do you detect any damage and then proceed with the remainder of the surgery?Delay surgery if the patient is sick, coughing, or sneezing. Upper respiratory infection (or URI) before surgery and anesthesia can have serious consequences, especially if you smoke cigarettes. In the case presented here, I assume that the 27ga cannula has penetrated the lens capsule and we proceed with caution. Can You Have Cataract Surgery If You Have A Sore Throat? What Happens If You Cough During Cataract Surgery? To learn more, please visit our, Very likely that your procedure will be performed under. The anesthetic may make your sore throat a little worse . Antibiotic treatment given either orally or intravenously helps clear the infection, although lung abscesses may require surgical drainage. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. However, it is not enough to impact the treatment. DO'S: Most normal activities are acceptable immediately after surgery and will not harm the eye, for example shopping, housework, gardening, going to the cinema, climbing the stairs, watching TV and reading. In rare cases, a person may experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),. Having to hold wound retractors while being chronically sleep deprived. I do not play music in my operating room and I do not talk about anything other than issues directly pertaining to the surgery being performed. having a total thyroidectomy on Tuesday for GD but PTU (propylthiouracil) has caused low t4/ft3 (ft3 0.8) I know I can't have the surgery hyper but is hypo a Problem? Once the safety systems are in place, including the eye-tracking system, you can move, cough, sneeze, fall off the bed, or even start playing tennis as Prof Reinstein mentions in the video below and it will not change the results. In the case presented here, I assume that the 27ga cannula has penetrated the lens capsule and we proceed with caution. Cough suppressants and medicines to dry out mucous membranes can be given in the pre-op area before bringing the patient into the operating room. If this does occur to a patient, it can result in depression, heart failure, an increased heart rate, and even high blood pressure long after the surgery is completed. Extra secretions trickle down the back of your throat, irritating it and sometimes causing a cough, Mosnaim says Drinking fluids helps to thin out the mucus in postnasal drip, says Kenneth DeVault, MD, professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Helpful Andrew M. Ress, MD Board Certified Plastic Surgeon ( 69) Book a virtual consultation CONTACT NOW September 28, 2021 Our Surgery Results How long after a complete thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine until you get your stamina back? After all, when using lasers to make incredibly fine adjustments to your cornea, surely you have to remain as still as humanly possible so as not to avoid utter disaster? Professor Uday Devgan MD, renowned Los Angeles cataract surgeon, teaches the Best Techniques for Cataract Surgery. If you experience any form of trauma to the chest, look for the following symptoms: chest pain that increases after coughing or taking a deep breath shortness of breath abnormal breathing. How long will I have to weight to sing after my thyroidectomy? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Purpose: The present study was performed to evaluate the incidence of cough episodes and the association between cough episodes and patient-related and site-specific parameters during implant surgery when performed under intravenous sedation. If the patient coughs or strains, the stomach gets deflated and the endoscopist cant see every part of the stomach and he has to inflate again. Rest your hands on the patient's face or head during the surgery. Increase vitamin C: Consuming foods rich in vitamin C or taking supplements can boost your immune system. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. The longer this occurs, the more damage there will be. In the video below, the sneeze came suddenly and the patient was not able to notify me in advance. Enter your email address to follow CataractCoach and receive notifications of new posts by email. Most good anesthesiologists will also try to minimize coughing/straining even when patients are waking up ( i call this no bucking around time). Pull straight out immediately and then take your time examining the eye to determine if any damage has occurred. Is it OK to have cataract surgery with a cold? I had a total thyroidectomy last week. The body is working hard to repair the incisions and loss of blood, and feeling tired is a normal part of recovering from surgery. If the cough is minor and is likely secondary to post nasal drip, it may be okay to go ahead with surgery. For example, if you are scheduled for tube placement in your ears, this surgery takes 5minutes for both ears and can be done with IV sedation. Rapid breathing and pulse, wheezing, cough and fever may occur. ARDS can leave a person with permanent lung and cognitive damage. This can be as simple as the patient saying, \"I'm going to sneeze\" or simply, \"sneeze!\" The surgeon can then quickly withdraw the instruments from the eye before the sneeze occurs. Sometimes a deeper level of sedation can be useful as well to prevent involuntary coughs and sneezes. ARDS can cause pulmonary fibrosis, scarring of the tissue between the air sacs, which makes lungs stiff. Just be sure not to contaminate yourself. If you're singing along to music, talking about your weekend plans, and laughing with the staff, are you giving the patient your best? If youre singing along to music, talking about your weekend plans, and laughing with the staff, are you giving the patient your best? . A sinus infection, whether it's viral or bacterial, will result in postponing surgery. A raging sore throat with swollen tonsils is certainly a good reason to cancel surgery. Copyright 2022 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Your anesthesiologist will be able to keep you "still"; generally speakin. If youd like to find out more about how eye-tracking technology ensures theres nothing you can do to mess up your treatment, drop a comment below or contact one of our friendly clinic coordinators. Lung collapse, called pneumothorax, can occur from mechanical ventilation. Your eyes are always moving. Then they put a gauze patch on your eye and they give you some eye drops. It's getting really annoying? Adult respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS, is fatal in 25 to 40 percent of people, says MayoClinic.com. during the procedure would be very unusual. And if there is any doubt, just re-scrub and put on a new pair of gloves and a new gown. Frequently Asked Questions Patients may require supplemental oxygen therapy or mechanical ventilation with a respirator. Aspiration of gastric acid burns and irritates the airway and lungs, causing swelling, constriction of the bronchial tubes, collapse of part of the lung and bleeding from the small airways called alveoli. PRK/LASEK vs LASIK vs SMILE , you can move, cough, sneeze, fall off the bed, or even start playing tennis as Prof Reinstein mentions in the video below and it will not change the results. Your anesthesiologist will be able to keep you "still"; generally speaking, coughing during the procedure would be very unusual. As soon as you detect the sneeze or cough happening, pull out of the eye. Contacts vs Glasses vs Laser Surgery But since endoscopy is done with the patient on empty stomach, the chances are very remote. Food, stomach juices, blood or saliva can enter the trachea, the tube that leads to the lungs. How we are different Dr. Franklyn Gergits answered. So, there is no reason to worry if you sneeze during LASIK. There is still an incredibly minor lag between the laser noticing your eye has moved and compensating for that movement. Reviews, direct from our patients, giving their verdict on their experience at London Vision Clinic. By coupling your hands to the patient's head, any movement of the head will also move your hands and hopefully keep the instruments relatively immobile in relation to the eye. Can the surgery be done soon before or during the provra treatment? Not Good. All this goes to say that if you move, look the other way, or suddenly blink during Laser Eye Surgery, the procedure will not be affected. *What if the surgeon has to sneeze or cough? Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in a minute. 5 reasons to choose us In our case, all looks good so we finish the case as planned and the patient gets a great result. If you sneeze, move or blink during the treatment, the laser tracks your eye over one thousand times per second and adjusts the laser to make certain the laser is applied to exactly the right place. Pneumonia, infection in the lung, can also result from aspiration during surgery. How long will hematomas last after thyroidectomy surgery? I use paper tape to gently hold the patient's head in place during the procedure. difficulty swallowing More severe side effects that can occur may include pneumonia and difficulty breathing. Life-threatening complications can occur after aspiration during surgery. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. So much so that your point of view is almost continually changing, and if you manage to fixate your vision for long enough on a stabilised image, it can appear like it has completely disappeared. What happens if i cough during total thyroidectomy surgery? Good article. Perkins also has extensive experience working in home health with medically fragile pediatric patients. Is there any doctor that would perform a thyroidectomy with a ft4 of 48.8?, i seem to be resistent to medication and i'm willing to risk the surgery. (Our instruments could end up at completely different places once we wake up) Foggy eye-wear. During surgical anesthesia, respiratory reflexes such as gag reflexes that normally prevent vomited food or gastric juices from entering the lungs are suppressed. If there is some fluid or food residue in the stomach it may regurgitate and may get aspirated. All Content 2018-2023 Uday Devgan Cataract Coach. We use cookies to ensure you have the best experience on our website. Coughing and bucking while intubated on emergence from general anesthesia unfortunately occurs in approximately 40% of patients [1, 2]. Most of the narcotic pain meds we prescribe after surgery are also powerful cough suppressants. What happens if you stop breathing during anesthesia? Well, it is going to be a little difficult to have Laser Eye Surgery if someone is tickling you the whole way through it. You want your instruments out of the eye because they can do serious harm with the sudden, jerky movement from the cough or sneeze. its been 5 days since my surgery and I just sneezed and got worried..? What happens if you sneeze or cough after cataract surgery? You want your instruments out of the eye because they can do serious harm with the sudden, jerky movement from the cough or sneeze. Sweating into the surgical wound. By coupling your hands to the patient's head, any movement of the head will also move your hands and hopefully keep the instruments relatively immobile in relation to the eye.Take the surgery seriously and devote 100% of your attention to the patient. Then everything is OK. Well, thats much easier. Eat healthy foods: Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Couses of having headaches after thyroidectomy i did surgery last 3 months ago, best treatment pls. Wash your hands: This can't be repeated enough. Well, that's much easier. I've cut moles off myself. Coughing ensues as the effects of anesthesia recede and permit greater peripheral and central nervous system perception of the endotracheal tube stimulating the trachea [3]. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. Place it over the forehead and use a tape that is gentle and will not damage delicate skin. For two weeks you need to be careful and you have a course of eye drops. Do not ever place tape over the eyebrows since they could be partially removed and they tend not to grow back so well in our elderly cataract patients.Rest your hands on the patient's face or head during the surgery. Don't bend over right after surgery, and try to avoid sneezing or vomiting. (We sometimes have discussions about who has not taken a bath the longest.) Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. That's reasonably common among surgeons. If youre a patient who is reading this, choose your surgeon wisely! Delay surgery if the patient is sick, coughing, or sneezing. Eye Surgery Glossary Your anesthesiologist will be able to keep you still; generally speaking. There are different methods video infra-red, 3D, LADAR the best of which involve detecting the position of your eye, photographing it up to 1000 times per second, and analysing the photos and position of the eyes instantaneously. So much so that your point of view is almost continually changing, and if you manage to fixate your vision for long enough on a stabilised image, it can appear like it has completely disappeared. Your eyes are always moving. Someone already linked the dude in Antarctica that took his own appendix. Cough and surgery: Hello, it depends on the cough itself and the surgery you are scheduled for. Take the surgery seriously and devote 100% of your attention to the patient. : Very likely that your procedure will be performed under general anesthesia. In the video below, the sneeze came suddenly and the patient was not able to notify me in advance.As soon as you detect the sneeze or cough happening, pull out of the eye. Everything has gone well so far, and you feel like everything will in fact, you know it will, thanks to being in the hands of a reassuring expert who knows the treatment like the back of their hand. And if there is any doubt, just re-scrub and put on a new pair of gloves and a new gown. Aspiration often occurs in people undergoing emergency surgery who have recently eaten, people who are obese or pregnant, or those under deep anesthesia, Gisele de Azevedo Prazeres, M.D. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. Find Us You will need to avoid straining your eyes after cataract surgery. Other cold-like symptoms include: Runny nose: If no other symptoms exist, it shouldn't interfere with anesthesia or recovery. A simple remedy to help suppress coughing during cataract surgery under local anaesthesia Anaesth Intensive Care. Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency. The point is, movement is something that comes much more naturally to us and our eyes than keeping still. But an open heart surgery requires general anesthesia and hours of surgery. Put down the surgical instruments, step away from the patient, and go ahead. With an elective procedure like cataract surgery, there is no harm done by delaying the surgery by a week or two until the upper respirator infection has cleared. Patients often ask us, What happens if I have to sneeze or cough during cataract surgery? And its a valid question because a sudden movement of the patients head while we are inside the eye can cause significant damage to the delicate ocular structures. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Absolutely. | Protecting Sight. Is it bad to sneeze after cataract surgery? A patient with mild bronchitis may have a chronic, nonproductive cough but can be safely managed in an outpatient setting so long as there is no evidence of infection. Do not ever place tape over the eyebrows since they could be partially removed and they tend not to grow back so well in our elderly cataract patients. With an elective procedure like cataract surgery, there is no harm done by delaying the surgery by a week or two until the upper respirator infection has cleared.Tape the patient's head to the operating room table before starting the surgery. And how do you detect any damage and then proceed with the remainder of the surgery? You experience the 'surgery' which is like having your hair cut in a sterile environment. Pull straight out immediately and then take your time examining the eye to determine if any damage has occurred. If you're highly alert during the surgery, you will be able to react very quickly and a fraction of a second can certainly make a difference in the visual outcome.Have the anesthesiologist administer appropriate intra-venous medications. Can I have an operation if I have a cold? My surgery was october 19, 2010 and ri was done nov 30. Coronavirus Guidance What happens if you have to sneeze during LASIK? Bending over to pick something up is perfectly safe. *What if the surgeon has to sneeze or cough? Place it over the forehead and use a tape that is gentle and will not damage delicate skin. Most good anesthesiologists will also try to minimize coughing/straining even when patients are waking up ( i call this no . Just be sure not to contaminate yourself. Before that I have really never burped in my life and ever since I started eating after the surgery I burp after everyting I eat. MedStudents: Pulmonary Aspiration; Gisele de Azevedo Prazeres, MD, Merck Manual for Healthcare Professionals: Aspiration Pneumonitis and Pneumonia, Merck Manual for Healthcare Professionals: Lung Abscess. How soon after a 7 day course of provera (medroxyprogesterone) can a total thyroidectomy be performed? Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other commonly abused medications. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Affiliation 1 . Is it ok to sneeze after thyroidectomy? Look at how much mucous. Still, coughing when you have a surgical wound can be painful. Dr. Tom Pousti answered Specializes in Plastic Surgery Not Good. Its the day of your treatment and after a nice shoulder massage and a run through the final pre-procedure safety checks, the time youve been waiting has finally come. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Bursts of cataract surgery brilliance in-between advanced shaking movements. Coughing after surgery can cause bleeding, disruption of stitches and by that increased pain. All you have to do, then, is lay back in the chair, follow the surgeons instructions, and, above all, dont do anything stupid that could mess it all up. This can be as simple as the patient saying, Im going to sneeze or simply, sneeze! The surgeon can then quickly withdraw the instruments from the eye before the sneeze occurs. Symptoms of lung abscess are similar to those of pneumonia. I've numbed my leg up and dug our pieces of wood. As a surgeon, how do you minimize this risk and if a sudden sneeze or cough does happen, what is the best reaction for the surgeon? Cough suppressants and medicines to dry out mucous membranes can be given in the pre-op area before bringing the patient into the operating room. What happens if you cough during cataract surgery? If there is a complication, deal with it carefully. By coupling your hands to the patients head, any movement of the head will also move your hands and hopefully keep the instruments relatively immobile in relation to the eye. If signs of penumonitis appear within two hours of surgery, 75 percent will require one of these two treatments, Dr. Prazeres states. Eye-tracking technology compensates for any eye movement during the treatment and ensures the laser pulses are only directed exactly in the right place. : Very likely that your procedure will be performed under general anesthesia. Also ask the patient to get the coughing or sneezing process finished before resuming surgery.Proceed carefully and assume that there was some damage. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water and minimizing alcohol consumption is important to maintaining your health. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It clears the lungs of any mucus that has built up and helps prevent pneumonia and other lung complications. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Read More But the fact is, as the treatment is grounded in the latest technology and is also one of the safest elective procedures in the world, the worry about being able to do anything voluntary or involuntary that could mess with its results, is completely unfounded. Often the patient will know when the urge to cough or sneeze is building and can notify you a second or two before the event. Treating Presbyopia Also ask the patient to get the coughing or sneezing process finished before resuming surgery. A simple remedy to help suppress coughing during cataract surgery under local anaesthesia. Content on HealthTap (including answers) should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and interactions on HealthTap do not create a doctor-patient relationship. We move to cortex removal when it becomes clear that we fortunately did not have any damage occur during the sneeze. If there is a complication, deal with it carefully. This is at least how many people envisage the process. Recovery & Post-Operative Care Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. We move to cortex removal when it becomes clear that we fortunately did not have any damage occur during the sneeze. Common misconceptions During surgical anesthesia, respiratory reflexes such as gag reflexes that normally prevent vomited food or gastric juices from entering the lungs are suppressed. Take a moment to re-focus and then continue the surgery. I do not play music in my operating room and I do not talk about anything other than issues directly pertaining to the surgery being performed. Tell the patient to alert you if possible. Authors C M Kumar 1 , L Gopal. Food, stomach juices, blood or saliva can enter the trachea, the tube that leads to the lungs. Take the surgery seriously and devote 100% of your attention to the patient.