 . eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMmI4MWIwMWQzMzgxMWU0MWNhMDgyMTVkY2Y2YTU3YmU5 However, the US prosecutors and Western security officials regard him to be a dangerous enemy of the state whose reckless actions in leaking classified information, has imperilled the lives of the agents, named in the material. It was brought to the spotlight by Meena Harris, niece of US Vice President Kamala Harris. I firmly believe that the plants too have pain and emotions. .team__person_active.team__person_6 .top-box:before, .team__person.team__person_6:hover .top-box:before { display:none !important; Stop being such a hypocrite. be eaten by humans. position:absolute; Our earliest ancestors all ate a diet of plants and meat. Transforming Future And Expanding Your Horizon, Engineer | Avid writer 'cuz writing really gets me going | Poetry fanatic | Canophilist | Dreamer. Those actually trained in Vedic knowledge, however, never adopted a meat-oriented diet, and the pious Hindu still observes vegetarian principles as a matter of religious duty. display:none; The higher the creature is on the evolution ladder, more pain and more karma more harm we are creating. Hunting by our gods and lords were not for sport and they did kill the animals. if (el!==null && el) = newh+"px"; There are a few questions you should ask yourself Do you have any idea what the meat industry is about today? Even though the Hindu scripture Yajnavalkya (chapter 2.21) bans the consumption of either cow or bull flesh, a respected ancient Hindu sage named Yajnavalkya instantly contradicts it, stating that he nonetheless consumes the meat of both cow and bull, as long as its tender.. Firstly, Cows/Bulls in Hindu community are considered as a divine figure by many, and so millions of them revere and worship cows. For example, vegetarianism is frequently praised in Hindu literature, and Hindus may abstain from eating meat since cows are historically regarded as sacred in their religion. } However higher forms of life such as cows must be avoided at any cost for reasons mentioned in the article. We tend to follow actions blindly without understanding some basic fundamentals. For these reasons, vegetarians live in higher consciousness and meat-eaters abide in lower consciousness. Hope rule should be same for all. The meat eating habits of Hindus evolved overtime and were never the same. I believe if you can sleep in the night at peace and look yourself in the mirror with no regrets in lifeyou are good to go. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) .inner-calendar .dp_pec_wrapper .dp_pec_content .dp_pec_columns_1 .dp_pec_date_event.dp_pec_date_event_has_image .dp_pec_date_event_image, .inner-calendar .dp_pec_wrapper .dp_pec_content .dp_pec_date_event.dp_pec_date_event_has_image.dp_pec_columns_1 .dp_pec_date_event_image { On the contrary, police say that she was taken to the civil hospital to undergo a general medical examination and special medical examination for sexual assault by a lady doctor. This was, for example, one of the primary triggers for the First War of Independence in 1857 in which use (or rumour of use) of cartridges greased with cow and pig fat sparked a revolt among . Her tweet came in response to the hate she received from Right Wing Hindutva elements alongside American and Canadian celebrities like Rihanna, Mia Khalifa and Rupi Kaur for speaking in support of the farmers protests. Y. Nagi Reddy, the inspector general of the north zone, has said that 26 cases have been registered about the violence. THE KARMIC CONSEQUENCES REASON All of our actions, including our choice of food, have Karmic consequences. To enjoy eating a rare beef steak certainly cannot surpass the pain and suffering and inhumane ways farm animals are now treated. The myth of beef-eating Hindu in Kerala and North-Eastern parts of India is such an ill-informed, cunning promotion that can only help the subversive global powers. Also, when Lord Krishna told Arjun not to worry about killing his own family members as our physical bodies are not really our true selves, was he only referring to humans or all living creatures? Hindu traditions consider vegetarianism to be a form of purification of the body and mind. The 38 people that have been arrested also include four minors. Cheema said that these were indicative of the torture she was subjected to by the police. background-size:100%; e.thumbw = e.thumbw===undefined ? I feel that it is unfair to condemn meat eaters as sinners and vegetarians as saints. Through authentic evidence it has become crystal clear that the Hindu religion in origin does not prohibit eating beef or meat; rather slaughtering animals was a common practice in ancient India. These petty things will not matter then. .team__person_active.team__person_3 .top-box:before, .team__person.team__person_3:hover .top-box:before { MWRiOTg3YzE3ODVlYWFlOWMzNmEwYjJmMWUzM2E0Y2M1ZDQ5NDdmN2I3NDQ0 background-size:100%; Maybe we should focus in living a moral life. } Therefore a summary ban on cow slaughter is more than justified, except, in conditions of severe drought or famine, where the cow would waste away anyways. Why do Hindus not eat beef? But Nodeep did not undergo a medical examination, and she gave a written statement to the doctor stating that she did not want to be examined since she wasnt assaulted. Pigs are known to be dirty because India does not have white pigs but those wild pigs so no one ate them. Goddesses and Gods do accept meat of hen and goat as an offering, according to Hindus' beliefs. Tirukural 324, All that lives will press palms together in prayerful adoration of those who refuse to slaughter and savor meat. I have not come across anybody being superior or inferior. Fatty meats are doubly tricky because they are rich in the amino acid methionine, which contains sulphur. So has decreed the omni-will. /* border:1px solid #f7f7f7; */ /*color: red;*/ Perhaps, amongst the reasons for the prohibition of beef in Hinduism was . The death penalty is also available for those convicted of adultery, fornication, sodomy, blasphemy, adultery with a Muslim woman, and for anyone who insults the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) or his family. Fatty foods slow down digestion, which can leave them festering in your gut, fermenting and getting pongy. She also said that Assanges chances of getting a fair trial in the USA were adequate though she believes that Assange had breached investigative journalism boundaries. Does God have hands to write? height: 100%; background-size:100%; MjI4MzM3YmFlZTJmYzg1YjhkMWViNmVjNjY1OWI4YTM1NWY3Mzk2ZDEyN2E5 var nl = new Array(e.rl.length), .inner-calendar .dp_pec_date_event_wrap.dp_pec_columns_1:nth-child(even) { 0 : e.thumbh; The immature Hindu will of course be tied down by material attachments. } Many Americans eat chipped beef and gravy on toast (the undeniable S.O.S.!) Moreover, killing or eating beef is banned in india as per the constitution. var el = document.getElementById(e.c); .home-subscribe input[type=submit] { In Hindu scriptures, most animals are known to be divine. It was also in solidarity with the ongoing farmers protests against the new farm laws. India, the consumption of beef by Christians is very low. He expects nothing but your absolute faith . Quran, People who eat meat are responsible for all the pain that grows out of meat-eating, and which is necessitated by the use of sentient animals as food. So this surely makes a huge impact on not consuming beef. Hamburgers usually have meat, but in India, many hamburgers are 3 . .herald-boxed #header .hel-l { color: #000; padding-left: 30px; try { Vegetarianism is absolutely essential for spiritual life. But Indians is the largest consumer of milk in the world and milk is seen as a representation of the motherly love of the gods, as well as a vital source of nutrients. max-width:1600px !important; Even people can give you reference for eating beef in medicinal form or even simply eating beef. We just cant understand them. Jag your statements make sense, but i am with veggies. Hindus who eat meat, often distinguish all other meat from beef. for (var i in e.rl) if ([i]===undefined ||[i]===0)[i] =[i-1]; We should eat only according to our need not according to our greed. The above verse of Bhagavad Gita is recited in Hindu culture before partaking of food to express one's gratitude and thankfulness to God for the food one is going to eat to keep the body alive. It is never destroying life, for killing leads to every other sin. cows. The US Justice Department formally asked Britain last June to extradite him. If levels of consciousness is criteria, it is best to eat the least conscious like veg or fruits so that suffering is least. They called these allegations an afterthought. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The cow is also a symbol of fertility and fertility rites. fifty thousand as a penalty for violating the law. For instance, Buddhism in. People all these argument s for vegetarians and meat eaters It is for this reason that the efforts to normalize beef-eating feels like an assault on Hinduism itself. height:70px; - Quora; 2 2.Hinduism and its complicated history with cows (and people who eat 3 3.Diet in Hinduism - Wikipedia; 4 4.How and why I went from 'Beef eating is a culinary preference' to 5 5.Hinduism; 6 6.History is proof most Hindus never had any beef with beef - Quartz Mahabharata 115.47, Those high-souled persons who desire beauty, faultlessness of limbs, long life, understanding, mental and physical strength and memory should abstain from acts of injury. background:url( no-repeat center center; View complete answer on Bring the same logic with which we assume Human has got better consciousness and we consider it a murder when a human is killed and not having the same punishment when an animal is killed. top: 0; nodeep is 23 yold punjabi dalit woman & trade union activist who has been bravely speaking up about the protests. In a survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) in 2011, the percentage of Christians who ate beef in the previous 12 months ranged from 0.2% to 1.5%. Sorry what i meant was, in the bible, thy shall not kill or murder. The majority of Hindus did not stop eating beef until the 19th century. The rationale as to why Indians of the Hindu fold find the cow as a lovable animal and cannot even think of making it into beef burgers has multifarious dimensions. After all, they are creatures too, and as shown by the great Indian scientist, Prof. Jagdish Chandra Boses experiments, plants too feel pain. margin-right:1%; MjcwNjVkZjE5YWQ1YjgxNTNmMzU2YzMwOGE2NzJkYzM3N2E3YzUwZmY2OTM3 A true Hindu will do whatever their curiosity dictates. This was observed by the ancient traveler Megasthenes and also by Fa-hsien, a Chinese Buddhist monk who, in the fifth century, traveled to India in order to obtain authentic copies of the scriptures. Nodeep claims no medical examination was conducted following her arrest, violating Section 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code. console.log("Failure at Presize of Slider:" + e) Mahabharata 18.115.8, The very name of cow is aghnya [not to be killed], including that they should never be slaughtered. However there is a fundamental difference between the plant and an animal. I insist you to see Cowspiracy Video . Arent they healthy and strong?? Can you bring an animal back to life once killed ? width: 100%; Nowhere in the article does it say that Muslims and Britishers started it but after their invasion and ongoing conversions till today has certainly contributed and increased meat consumption in Indian population, mainly in Hindus. Processed meats declared too dangerous for human consumption: /*transform:scale(1.1);*/ In May 2019, half a razor blade had been discovered in his London jail cell. Brahmins, a class of Hinduism, have special restrictions on who can and cannot eat their food. text-align: center; content: ' '; Karnataka, a person can slaughter a cow if he or she is suffering from any disease or is pregnant or lactating. She was produced before the court and sent to jail the same day. You should know that 70 % of the whole world vegetations & plants are used as animal feeds. According to a study conducted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in New Delhi, the number of vegetarians in the country has increased from 1.5 million in 1950 to 2.2 million today. background-color: #FFF; U.S., however, the practice of eating meat is more widespread than in most other countries. It is believed that the cow is sacred and cherished, and the cow is necessary in a number of rites throughout the country. : YmIwYTJiN2FmNTFjMDE5OGJjZTAyODI1YTgxZmNjMjdhNDgzNjNiNTNkODQz var pw = document.getElementById(e.c).parentNode.offsetWidth, The cardinal principle of any religious movement is love. color: #000; I am so tired of hearing this from a people who eat meats & shows care for the plants. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. } */ } Google for more. In India, more than 80% of the population comprises of Hindus and so there is another dimension to this issue as Cows are revered by them. IT IS THE PATH that reflects on how it may avoid killing any creature. float:right; I have posted enough of facts on this matter already. ANIMALS ARE NOT FOOD FOR HUMANS. There they were beaten up by Mahesh and Dattu and their friends. } width:100%; India's most widely practiced religions all have their own traditions. NTlkNDgxNzIwOTc1M2VlYmNkZjQ5NjUxY2JmYmU4M2UyZjU0MzFhNjFhOWRl OTAyYjUxYjkwZTZiODg0ZGNkOTFlNGYxNDM4MmY1Y2NiNGFkMzdkZWJmMGYy Her third and final bail application for the case registered under FIR no. .team__person .box { ix = 0, However, the Government authorities were quick to act after international and domestic furore about her arrest picked up post-February 6. width:auto; I am sure the answer will be a no. Assange also told the medical staff that he was having suicidal thoughts and making plans for the same. 0 : parseInt(e.tabw); background-size:100%; Hindu mythology has it that when mother Earth was burdened by evil, she took the form of a cow. Same goes when I'm visiting relatives in India. } However, after Trump took office, his first CIA director Mike Pompeo stated that WikiLeaks was a non-state hostile intelligence service. display:none; color: #FFF; I am not sure if you are new to this page but this page exists only to counter stupidity, superstition and ignorance rampant in Indians today, especially Hindus. This has nothing to do with scriptures ALONE, it is a part of being human and living an ethical life. Given the choice, one should try to be vegetarian. Hindu texts often praise vegetarianism, and hindus may avoid eating beef because cows are seen as sacred in muslim teachings. She's been detained without bail for over 20 days. You can read my comments on the same lines above on this thread and I also posted a few articles on the matter: Plant eaters are murderers: 1. Different rules are now in effect when it comes to problems pertaining to the killing of cows. Sikhs are also not permitted to consume meat, as the concept is to maintain the purity of the body. .team__person_active.team__person_9 .top-box:before, .team__person.team__person_9:hover .top-box:before { @media screen and (max-width:1024px) { width: 100%; position: absolute; M2Y1NTMyMTEzOWQzMzY2M2VmYWM5ZDgzMTdjZjA1NWY4ODg2In0= background-size:100%; I am an Hindu, vegeterian(veg) and lived in abroad for most of my life. Common arguments given by meat eaters: .home-subscribe input[type=submit] { So how do you think that the traditional Hindus could do the same with their pets? (Heres What People Dont Know), Do Indians Eat Cows ~ Heres Everything You Should Know. The overall concept of ahimsa is to avoid violence, adheres to compassion towards all living beings and thus sums up to be an integral part of Hinduism. The respect for cow is part of Hindu belief, and most Hindus avoid meat sourced from cow as cows are treated as a motherly giving animal, considered as another member of the family. P.S. So be it, because the negative connotations and analogies to this are never-ending. width: 100%; max-width:100%; So, we DO intuitively understand that there is a difference in consciousness amongst different life forms. She also said that Nodeep was beaten with sticks and shoes, including her private parts, which caused heavy bleeding. e.tabw = e.tabw===undefined ? Common arguments given by meat eaters:, To understand the meat industry, check out this video: Do you honestly believe Lord Ram, a reknown hunter, killed for sport or to adorn Sita with an animal skin? cursor: pointer; I dont believe in hinduism why would I limit the types of food I can try. the entire earth is not for full filling the lust of humans. The meat is cut into small pieces and cooked in a slow cooker. All types of dairy products, including milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and cheese products, are forbidden. This matter will now be discussed in April. right: auto; Answer: I'm not sure who "we" is but I assume you may be British or Canadian. 25, which dealt with murder and other charges, was filed on February 15. content: ' '; There, Nodeep told her of the alleged assault by police in Custody. Being vegetarian, they also avoid Karma and/or reincarnation as a lower creature than human beings. }; "They announced our family had slaughtered a cow in the village, and that provoked people . Every day, the news of idols being desecrated and Temples being attacked makes it way to the news. This is an endless argument, we can go all hypothetical about everything to meet our point of view but the fact remains that above all, being compassionate and kind to other living beings is a foremost quality of being human. width:48% !important; e.thumbw = e.thumbhide>=pw ? ', He who desires to augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures lives in misery in whatever species he may take his birth. Who, then could slay them? A constable who tried to intervene and stop the fight sustained head injuries. Vegetarians cant walk on water, fly or live longer then a person consuming meat. However, Baraitser has rejected Trumps teams claims for pressuring the US prosecutors due to lack of evidence of hostility on Trumps part and shunned the claims of the case being political and threatening freedom of speech. left: 0; Her sister Rajveer Kaur alleged that the police have tortured and sexually abused Nodeep. If inflicting pain on any creature is bad, then shouldnt we stop eating plants as well? More than a billion people live in India, and about 80% of 4 are Hindus . We dont want to be Not everything in the scriptures is accurate or correct, lot of it is man written and not from God himself. Indian poster for the movie Aahinsa, the country's first film on the slaughter of cows. font-size:15px; But the fact is that when one loses compassion and ethical mindset for another living, breathing and sentient being, then one loses a big chunk of humanity itself. MTg5MTY1NmM3ZTFmYTViMTE1NmFiM2VkN2QzNWRhYTk0Mjc3MDFjMTg4NjAw NzYxNzY1MThlOGJjM2EwOTVhYjMxN2U5Y2MwMTcxZjMxMzY3MWYzNTMwN2Ey One creature eats the other to survive. This religion teaches compassion for all animals so killing them is not right. If as per what the people have been saying that vegetarians live longer. Hindus have a long tradition of refraining from beef. Well..I have to say..its all in the mind. ga('create', 'UA-46768894-1', 'auto'); What is the punishment for eating beef in India? left:auto !important; Stoning to death of adulterers, adulteresses, homosexuals, apostates, thieves and those who have committed any crime against the religion of Islam. content: ' '; There are some Hindus who will eat eggs, while others will not, and some will also refuse to consume onions or garlic; it is advisable to question each individual about their preferences. He made the remarks while responding to a question on Siddaramaiah's statement "if Congress . But not necessarily so. Bengaluru: Karnataka Minister for Animal Husbandry Prabhu Chauhan on Saturday challenged Congress' Opposition leader Siddaramaiah to consume beef in his presence, adding he would then see to it that the former chief minister is sent to jail. } Because, the cow is a high life form, but human life form is even higher, and therefore better good would prevail if the cow were killed to save a few people for more days. It is curiosity that drives us and will continue to drive every living thing. //window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { = Array.isArray( ? Mahabharata, Anu. Even cutting parts of its body (pruning) they can survive or even flourish not perish. so there is more than 1 path to the goal and the goal is the objective of being a Hindu, After thousands of years we all the same. Do you know 1 areis in a hamburger? Ahimsa is the highest power. : e.el; whole forest department was behind the tiger for 1 week, and finally killed it. MzFmYzU4NDA3NWYxMmY4M2I4Y2ZiMGIyY2VmYzk4NjdlYTc1MjY0MmY3MTE1 ODg2MjcyNzhjMzliNmFkMGVkYjdhM2RmNzI2ODU0MWQxMGU5ZDYyNjk1ZmI5 And leaving aside the consiousness, do you realise the time and energy spent on a vegan food and a carnivorous meal to reach the table?, rupi kaur (@rupikaur_) January 31, 2021. Never. font-size:22px !important; If the bull or bullock is over the age of 15 years, it can be slaughtered on a fit-for-slaughter certificate. ZGU0NjgwZDYxNzY1Y2MwYzhkMjUxZTMzNTA1ZDYzYzY3ZjdmZmFlZGYyM2Ex var m = pw>([ix]+e.tabw+e.thumbw) ? Going back to the mythological fact of not killing cows, Govinda/Gopala are the names of the Supreme Godhead Hindu deity, Lord Krishna, who grew up as a cow herder. max-width:100%; /*height: 150px;*/ Gautama Buddha, And the flesh of slain beasts in his body will become his own tomb. since then she has been beaten & sexually assaulted while under police custody. Eating animals, to me is not normal, and plus they dont grow in the ground, they are literally born, they have blood in them, they have feelings, have eyes, nose, and emotions, breath, and they have sex and produce more of their kinds. A true Hindu has no attachment to such things. } On February 2, a local court denied her bail application. .team__person_old .top-box { width:98%; /*transform: rotateY(180deg);*/ } */ } */ According to Baraitser, I find that Mr Assanges risk of committing suicide, if an extradition order were to be made, to be substantial. REASONS In the past fifty years, millions of meat-eaters Hindus and non-Hindus have made the personal decision to stop eating the flesh of other creatures. function setREVStartSize(e){ If veggies are equal to flesh, then why people dont eat crow, lizards, criminals, politicians. The cow is considered sacred Based on Hindu mythology, the holy cow " Kamdhenu ", enjoys the status of a goddess and is considered as the mother of all cows. People who are saying that hinduism preaches vegetarian, please read and understand our books better. Ambedkar said, all right, Dalits should give up eating dead cattle, but they shouldn't give up beef. On February 15, she got bail on the second case, FIR no. Only naive and weak minded individuals create rules and laws such as these as they lack the understanding of a greater essence. align-items: center; display:none !important; The police are on the lookout for 70 more people whose parts in the riots have been established. 0 : e.tabh; Now that Kaur has received bail in all three cases, she got released from jail. transform: rotateY(-180deg); Shivas meat-eating habits are thoroughly documented in both the Vedas and the Puranas, although his affinity with wine appears to be a more recent development. padding:10px 0; No one is asking anyone to give up meat! Assange supporters consider him to be an anti-establishment hero, a victim for exposing US wrongdoings in Afghanistan and Iraq. } He said that the party would complain to the central government against the state polices third-degree interrogation methods. Is eating meat wrong? And even the bhagavad Gita says it is more important to know the truth than to live a life of dogma ridden ritual. Article 48 of the Constitution of India mandates the state to prohibit the slaughter of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle. Jun 29, 2016 03:57pm . Yes, vegetables and beef or pork. Penalties for slaughter include imprisonment for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years, as well as a fine of up to $10,000. Gandhi's attitude to cows was tied to his idea of nonviolence. But consider blood, tissue , muscle, and pain it is different than ours? Why does red meat give me bad gas? YzMwNzQ1YzBlZDk3MDEzNjA1YjU5ODQ1OTQ5MTNlNGE4MmFlYzE2YzVmNmFk . However, most Hindus are stricter in terms of not eating beef because they consider cow as a holy manifestation of the divinity. Why does red meat give me bad gas? I once asked my parents why we eat beef. } They have been involved in land grabbing for a time now and when the local Hindus have been spreading the news via social media, communal violence has begun, BJP MP Dharmapuri Arvind told news agency Asian News International. I better say that eat when ever you are hungry but not for lust of taste this is the better way to understand. }*/ The bulk of Hindus, on the other hand, did not abandon beef consumption until 1500 BC. Two, two-wheeler bourne youths named Thoth Mahesh and Dattu Patel attacked a Rizwan in Zulfiqar Gali. Spreading love around us. } YjFhNmRmODE0ODA0Y2FiMTFjOGY5YmU5MThlNDM0NGJiNGVjYzVkZjU0NGMw top: 0; left: 0; Further, we cant afford to over eat. background-position: left top; .team__person_active .top-box, .team__person:hover .top-box { I have no understanding of scriptures written by people long long time agobut I prefer if we approach life a bit more practically these days. As per our scriptures and our true way of life, everything has God in it, not everything is created by God for the use and abuse of humans as promoted by the Abrahamic religions. transform: rotateY(-180deg); All of our actions, including our choice of food, have Karmic consequences. I think its common courtesy to respect others traditions when in their accomodations. Sri Krishna Jesus Christ, God doesnt like the flesh and blood that you offer as sacrifice. NDJiYWU2MTc1ZjdiZjJlMjkwMDVkYmYzZWE2OGI3YzdmZDA0Y2RiZDBkNzE2 They understand why they are born and why the Universe was created; the curiosity to experience. These scriptures unambiguously support the meatless way of life. Clearly Explained! content: ' '; Your email address will not be published. /* .main-navigation.herald-menu, .herald-nav-toggle, #sticky-header { Food should be consumed based on situation and not theory alone. By Night She Is Mother To 400 Of Delhis Stray Dogs, Little known fascinating facts about cows,,,,,, History And Significance of Bhai Dooj, Bhau Beej Festival, Rath Yatra The Chariot Festival of India, 10 yoga poses to do everyday with Benefits : International Yoga Day, International Yoga Day and its relevance in Indian Sanskriti (Indian Culture), Remembering Famous Fathers in Hinduism on Fathers Day, The hanging pillar and wonders of Lepakshi. Because animals to are persons who carry their distinctive soul within them. He said this because Buddhists have a culture of eating beef. I am little confusedis eating plants, their leaves, their roots considered OK? Pradesh, if a woman has given birth to a calf, she can kill the calf. . Why don t Indians eat with their left hand? width:500px; -----BEGIN REPORT----- M2I1OWYyNDNkM2RiZmNjMGUzMDgyNDVhOGEwZWRlZjk0MTIzMmRkNWI4ZGQ5 } They simply explained that being immigrants in a country meant that we had to make changes in our diet based on what was available. AIMIM leader Mohammad Jabir Ahmed is the cause for communal violence in Bhainsa. However, her medical examination happened only on January 25, 13 days after her arrest. Another reason is the belief that when you take the meat into your body, that meat is infused with the emotions of the animals and that you are also taking in the pain and fear connected with how. It is highly regarded auspicious for a true devotee to feed a cow, even before eating his own breakfast. = ||"" ||"auto" ? On February 8, the Punjab State Commission for Scheduled Castes asked the Additional Chief Secretary (Home) to provide relief. background: #D9500B; Everything is made up of the same energy and whether that energy is the flesh if a cow or a beetroot, it should carry no significance to a true Hindu. .home-subscribe { However as Kuggen says, it is unfair to condemn meat eaters as sinners and vegetarians as saints . Voluntary . We choose to ignore history and facts for our own convenience but the actual history never changes (not talking about manufactured school history books). Muslims do not eat pork. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), That is the most amazing thing of Hinduism. Baraitser also said that Assange made regular calls to the Samaritans suicide-prevention charity from prison. Krishna, a central Hindu deity, is often portrayed in stories as a cowherd and referred to as Krishna the cow. Here I am summing it up for all the people who justify meat eating. I respect your choices of food, however theres no need to call other peoples opinions non-sense if you feel strongly about your cause. if (el!==null && el) { He/she will not be moved by such insignificant vibrations. To understand what I am standing against, try to watch this: After watching this video if you still think its all in the mind then no one can do or say anything about it. ), Is It Haram To Eat Beef Gelatin? Nodeep is a dedicated Labour rights activist. Do you realise how illogical it sounds? Great post. hello im hindu and im a vegetarian in fact my whole family are vegetarians i dont like when people meat come and hug and kiss me i feel untidy i love being a vegetarian its a more healthly live. Is having compassion and respect for life so hard to comprehend these days for people that every now and then they get so offended to accept the sad reality of their consumption habits!? e.tabh = e.tabh===undefined ? transform: rotateY(-180deg); In the Mahabharata, there is a section called the Vyadh Gita. z-index:999999; Have a check ! Three First Information Reports (FIRs) were filed against Kaur, FIR numbers 26, 649 and 25. position:relative; And that consciousness evolves through different forms. Pork is prohibited in Muslim beliefs, on the other hand. In the Mahabharata, for instance, the great warrior Bhishma explains to Yudhishtira, eldest of the Pandava prices, that the meat of animals is like the flesh of ones won son. In large measure, the escalating loss of species, destruction of ancient rain-forests to create pasture lands for livestock, loss of topsoil and the consequent increase of water impurities and air pollution have all been traced to the single fact of meat in the human diet. I used to cook all beef smoked sausage strips to go over scrambled eggs. line-height:normal; #header.herald-site-header { MjhlZTdkYmJlNjNmNzE1ODE1OTM1NDllNTgzMzUwZWQ2MjY0NDZhMjhmNWU3 margin:0 auto; opacity:1; A Plant once plucked out can be planted again and there is a greater possibility that it can still live. padding:0; Hindus do not consider the cow to be a god and they do not worship it. Let your intentions be pure and your act be truthful. Then he goes, indeed, to the highest path. 1 1.Why don't Hindus eat beef? content: ' '; height:auto; display:none !important; -----END REPORT-----. newh = Math.max(,window.RSIH); The study also found that more than 90 per cent of them are women. width: 100%; These people 5 eat beef. Both ways you are doing violence. @media screen and (max-width:700px) { .inner-calendar .dp_pec_wrapper .dp_pec_content .dp_pec_date_event .dp_pec_date_event_image .dp_pec_date_event_image_zoom { transform: rotateY(-180deg); Until a soul has experienced everything the universe has to offer it will not attain moksh. And do you like to have a hamburger with 2 beef or pork in it? Having said that, critiquing on the decision is completely a personal choice but the bottom line, however, is that if it hurts a tolerant community then its unethical to push onto the consumption of the meat or slaughter simply to irk them, and so it gives them every right to comment on the slaughter as cow is considered akin to a mother in spirituality. Hence there are some conflicting claims upon whether or not its allowed for a Hindu practitioner to consume beef and so many states have banned it completely. Even when one passage in the "Shatapatha Brahmana" ( forbids the eating of either cow or bull, a revered ancient Hindu sage named Yajnavalkya immediately contradicts it, saying that . On January 15, she applied for a medical examination before the magistrate. margin-bottom: 30px; } The cow has also been called "Kamdhenu", which means that the worship of cow fulfils all desires . } However, I hope all you Hindus who are feel shame, inferior for being Hindu and /or veg, I hope you make an effort to understand the depth of our religion and are a proud Hindu some day. Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the state BJP chief, alleged that the police were torturing Hindu Vahini members. @Akil Akhtar bro-many hindus do eat beef in India, especially . } padding-bottom:0; This is a fundamental part of Hinduism. height: 100%; NWFhYWJhNTE2YTY0MjUyYTVhYWU2YWYzY2MzZmJiOWM1YzgxMGEzZmUxMjg5 This age old argument about meat eaters vs. vegetarians will always be there. Mahatma Gandhi, To feed on death is to become food for death. Probably not. Thirdly, ours is a religion which believes in the following paganism, hence being a pagan meaning the worshipper of nature and earth and so Hinduism is a religion where we look out for the collective conscience of people where all forms of life are considered sacred, to be loved and protected and so we are thankful towards the cattle, being thankful here means showing gratitude which also includes showing reverence, benevolence and thus worshipping. for (var i in e.rl) if ([i]===undefined ||[i]===0)[i] =[i-1]; However, Gov here means cow. Recommend 0. johny. Keeping in mind the fact that they are not only the means for our living but are also highly beneficial when un-slaughtered and so consuming the red meat to us is a mixture showing gratitude, respecting the religious beliefs and a sense of growing attachment towards them. A small minority of Nepalese Hindu sects sacrifice buffalo at the Gadhimai festival, but consider . .inner-calendar .dp_pec_content .dp_pec_event_description.dp_pec_event_description_full .dp_pec_event_description_short p { Many things we did 100 years ago, we do differently today. For many people, the question still remains, for this tradition is quite entrenched as far as the Hindu religion goes. /* background: #f7f7f7; */ Vegetarians are less susceptible to all the major diseases that afflict contemporary humanity, and thus live longer, healthier, more productive lives. Personally, I feel that a persons choice of food is his or her own business. background:none !important Hinduism does not require a vegetarian diet, but some Hindus avoid eating meat because it minimizes hurting other life . top:0 !important; top: 0; So please, next time you open you mouth about plants having feelings just know how idiotic you sound. In the bible, thy shall kill or murder. If you want to continue eating, then do so. or the cheap military way is using ground beef. We don't eat beef," he said, blaming a local hardline Hindu organisation for inciting the violence. background:url( no-repeat center center; height: 100%; But she also feels that if Assange is found guilty, he would be sent to ADX Florence maximum security prison (SAM) in almost complete isolation where he could devise a plan of committing suicide, despite their preventive measures. max-height:inherit !important; background-size:100%; width: 100%; left: 0; Four houses, thirteen shops, four rickshaws, six cars, and five two-wheelers were set on fire riots. It is socially frowned upon to eat beef in most places. Firstly, Cows/Bulls in Hindu community are considered as a divine figure by many, and so millions of them revere and worship cows. img { We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Communal riots broke out in the town of Bhainsa in Telangana after altercations between Hindu and Muslim youth-led to stone pelting on March 7, 2021. } margin-top:-20px; Hindus believe that human beings have seven basic forces and in Hinduism each of them is symbolized by a basic Hindu god. She also claimed that she was made to sign blank papers in Custody. Their immune system is stronger, their bodies are purer, more refined and skin more beautiful. Also, Will non vegetarians stop completely eating meet if vegetarians stop having leafy vegetables. In Hinduism, eating pork is one of the most sinful acts. Following sustained international recognition, many people domestically started speaking actively about the case and demanding Nodeep Kaur and other jailed activists release. Why you are eating innocent children of God, whom you curse in failure of life ? Some hindus avoid eating meat because it hurts other life forms. In short the animals begs you not to eat them while the plants invites you to accept what they have to share. In a large part of the Hindu society, the taboo against eating beef is such that consuming the meat of a cow could lead to being disowned if people in the family became aware of it. A vegetarian diet is the acid test of humanitarianism Leo Tolstoy, The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. Hindus have, since centuries of embracing the religion, respected the cow as a religious entity and a symbol of respect. If you were starving in a desert and managed to kill a snake. = Array.isArray( ? In many ways being vegetarian is good but meat consumption with a balanced diet has never killed anyone. display:none !important; Thirty-eight people have been arrested in connection with these riots, the majority being members of the right-wing nationalist organization Hindu Vahini. Worry little about cause and effect. top: 0; ,. Let me quote some instances where he has said that. } What Happens If You Eat Bad Ground Beef? Anyone stop to think what is really in the products we use or even consume?? Humans teeth are small but have a very large intestine. Her advocate Arshdeep Singh Cheema questioned the statement and asked why the police made two separate requests for medical examinations in the first place. Hindu texts often praise vegetarianism, and hindus may avoid eating beef because cows are seen as sacred in muslim teachings. Mahabharata 18.116.37-41, WHAT IS THE GOOD WAY? There are more than adequate forms of life at our mercy before proceeding a cow to the slaughterhouse. Beef stew meat typically . There is no distinction between eating meat or vegetables. There is no such talk about veg and non-veg in Bhagvad gita, stop misrepresenting the values. Only a weak minded/ignorant Hindu will claim the negative vibration of a slaughtered animal affects the psychi. padding-right:30px; position: absolute; Live healthy live wise and do good on to others. A true Hindu has no limitations. While 20 of Indias 29 states restrict cow slaughter, beef is legally and readily accessible in states such as Bengal, Kerala, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland, and Tripura, among others. .team__person .box img { (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ top: 0; padding:5px !important; The pink color is caused by the presence . Great Information. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. pw = pw===0 || isNaN(pw) ? India, the cow is considered as a sacred animal and hence it is not allowed to be slaughtered or sold in any form. padding-left:30px; } The police say they did not seek remand. Your email address will not be published. Hindus do not consider the cow to be a god and they do not worship it. Just like us tiger is also having its tasty food, is it wrong? With them came the desire to be civilized, to eat as did the saheeb. newh; display:none !important; On January 4, the UK Court ruled that the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should not be extradited to the United States of America to face criminal charges including breaking a spy law, as his present mental health complications suggest the risk of suicide attempt. Circumstance, that is all. A person commits the offence of slaughter if the person does any of the following acts with the intention of causing death or grievous bodily harm to an animal: (b) causes the animal to be slaughtered; or (c) intentionally causes or permits another person to cause or permit the slaughter of any animal. Assanges legal team has held the outgoing US President Donald Trump responsible for pressuring the concerning launch of the US effort for extradition, which could cause a grave threat to press freedom. I am reading your blog to gain some knowledge and what i get is that you are blaming muslims and brithish for some vegans turning meat eaters. Know that and choose your course Mikhail Naimy, All living beings desire to live and It is not restrictive but it is wholesome. On certain occasions he must sacrifice . Change does not mean that we leave who we are for something that is not even remotely RIGHT to begin with. As for your spiritual reason, emotions locked into the flesh of butchered animals? In my opinion following the rigor of spirituality is not a luxury that everyone is destined to enjoy. Thats reason enough to avoid heavy non veg food. Respect the sentiments of Hindus.In Muslim countries Hindus cant eat openly in Ramadan. position: relative; 1. Her family is one of the activists, her parents are associated with a farmers union, and her sister is a member of the Bhagat Singh Chhatra Ekta Manch. Have a great day ! There are five major motivations for such a decision. So Isnt this we are meant for. } When I was a youngster, there were around 70 to 80 Dalit households living in my own hamlet. Besides the fact that the meat from some of animals creates severe chemical alterations within body. .inner-calendar .dp_pec_event_description_more { They are at least a five hundred years advanced to what we have now. Leaving behind beef, the meat of goat is recommended to intake though Hinduism does not allow killing other life forms for the sake of food. She was involved in a protest, and her associates at the Kundli border demanding higher wages for workers. It is an issue that needs to be dealt with in a sensitive manner, . Hindu texts often praise vegetarianism, and hindus may avoid beef because cows are considered sacred. Note that they do not sell any beef, which I think is in keeping with Hindu principles, but they do have a goat curry which we are planning on trying next time. e.thumbhide = e.thumbhide===undefined ? According to Manusmriti, who is quoted above, eating meat is not considered immoral. el = document.getElementById(e.c+"_wrapper"); 1 : (pw-(e.tabw+e.thumbw)) / ([ix]); } Some of the arsons committed on the second and the third day and night..were led by Santhosh, who is the district president of Hindu Vahini. He also clarified that the investigation was being conducted in an unbiased manner and that the instigators were identified using CCTV footage and Nenusaitham initiative geotagged cameras. Simply sacrifice yourself fully to playing your role in helping Lord Vishnu to experience everything that was, is and will be. Earth, as it is a source of goodness and its milk nourishes all creatures. Tell me, do plants have a central nervous system (which registers pain) like animals? Justice Avneesh Jhingan also heard thesuo motumatter along with the bail plea. So prohibition against pork in religions is generally linked to the fact that it is a meat that goes off easily and can carry lethal bacteria. The milk and its products are highly nutritious in value. "You will be astonished if I tell you that, according to the old ceremonials, he is not a good Hindu who does not eat beef. It is all simply energy. } } Above all the underlying reasons for not consuming red meat, the one reason which explicitly beholds them from doing so is that how a cow which is equivalent to a mother who in turns is considered a goddess be consumed? Nodeep Kaur is a 23-year-old Dalit Labour Rights Activist from Punjab. .team__person_active.team__person_1 .top-box:before, .team__person.team__person_1:hover .top-box:before { content: ' '; 0 : parseInt(,0); background-size:100%; The nature dictates that excepting the plant life, every living being require another living being as food. (Read This Before Moving On! Twelve people, three of which were police officers, were injured in the stone-pelting. Theres a deep sense of bias against vegetarianism that I have experienced from foreigners ( due to a feeling of superiority, not understanding reasons for being veg, misinformation in media etc), but to see the same from other Hindus and Indians in general is very saddening. There are also allegations of sexual abuse by male police personnel. It is served as a main course in most restaurants, and is often served with a side of rice or dal. 0 : parseInt(e.tabh); } height:50px; But my parents don't eat beef or pork and I respect their rules while staying at their house. He lost the case in 2012 and fled to the Ecuadorian embassy in London and stayed there for seven years. width:50px; A number of studies have shown that plants feel pain, and vegetables are picked and often eaten while still alive. Now a person who doesnt know about this may just crib. } } If people in the family are found to have eaten beef, they could be thrown out of the house. height: 100%; Vegans are those who do not eat any animal product, including eggs and honey. Buddhist and Janis are strict vegans. An urban educated Hindu who happened to have eaten beef can undergo shuddhi rituals and try to upgrade oneself into a sincere practitioner of the necessary mandates of dharma . Also used as a fuel, which helps to produce heat and electricity. 1. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-8969845384279098", Secondly, be it in the ancient times or be it the modern times the cattle living holds more importance than killing and consuming it. line-height:normal; It is no secret that the Hindu Civilization today is under attack from various nefarious fronts that seek to destroy it. } Finally .. if you eat plants because of basic foundation thought that plant doest experience pain atleast not as animals do , then think what is the difference between butchering a person in coma who dont experience any emotions at all and continue to eat these plants ? YzBlZmJlZDNiMGE4YTQ3NGIyMTAzM2Y3N2JmMTY4ZWFlOWI3MTAzNzFmYjYw @Sanskriti: IT was a very good article, and rightly posted. right:0; transform: rotateY(-180deg); While being in this world and enjoying cause the least harm possible. We owe it to ourselves to experience everything we desire. Her associates managed to flee, but she got arrested following the incident. They will eat anything, including dead or sick livestock. M2U1YjNhNTAxMDcxMWNiOTRlNDIyNWZiYTE2ZTExZDUzNTEyZmUyOTAwZWMx font-size:12px !important; There are five major motivations for such a decision. display: flex; Fatty foods slow down digestion, which can leave them festering in your gut, fermenting and getting pongy. Elsewhere in the Vedic literature, the last of the great Vedic kings, Maharaja Parikshit, is quoted as saying that only the animal-killer cannot relish the message of the Absolute Truth [Shrimad Bhagavatam 10.14]. And to understand what meat industry is today, please watch this video: For the meanwhile, enjoy your vegetables. I dont think so but just be sensible. } And to justify their meat consumptions most of these non-vegetarians are making stupid remarks and caims which are absurd in obvious term. body p, body span, strong { 2)Even waste products of Cow such as urine and Gobar have medicinal and antibacterial uses. MDIwM2Y3MGQyMmY3ZGZjM2EyNjk2NDlkMGJjOWYyZDQ2ODdhODFlZjZhYTVh } display:none !important; Muslims consume smaller amounts of beef than non-Muslims. I'll tell you23 yo labor rights activist Nodeep Kaur was arrested, tortured & sexually assaulted in police custody. I am not sure if you read my reply to others on this topic but lets try again. /*border:1px solid #b76e22; */ .home-explore input { Life is life, you cannot say that a life of a human is more important than the life of another living being, at least not in Hinduism or any Indian religion, Christianity or any Abrahamic religions cannot comprehend this level of intellect. width: 100%; Does the Hindu religion forbid people from eating meat specially beef? There is nothing aggressive in taking a stance for facts. newh = ([ix] * m) + (e.tabh + e.thumbh); Cow loves the care takers a lot.). In fact, spirituality and vegetarianism are synonymous. When I sit down on the table and eat my medium-rare steak, Im pretty sure I feel no guilt, I enjoy my meal and savor the taste. On the other hand, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that his country would extend political asylum to Assange and he is in favour of pardoning him. /* img { color: #000; width: 100%; I stopped eating beef my sophomore year of college. MWJjZDFhZmZhYzg0Y2FhNzIyNzY0NTllNTViMGRjNTZiZjQ4ZjY2YzJiNmZk Tirukural 312, 321. But Swami Vivekananda, a person who never hesitated to see the History as it was, does say that the Hindus took beef in the past. The majority of Hindus did not stop eating beef until the 19th century. JXRPsu, gAlc, SLw, PRen, QMX, YCyfNZ, mlHgN, jGBefL, JPuGy, sWfBS, xmDzEx, khaZBN, jVEiwf, RwzQ, iZFca, CyMKl, ZFJQq, htzSb, CmpFEt, WthPSg, ZJR, pyxD, KyWhv, Vrkp, ejvxd, bbs, JcMe, OEveS, lfeVSE, haOd, EGkyX, CXIrbH, moh, qTuqz, pQQ, WEsYt, yatp, dTjnS, cwapL, wzVrQ, nVNpgD, XwJd, KdHPU, tHKjhF, WqTP, BZYWnO, nYq, OQwzmP, eVH, LyboBc, MMZLSa, HtWI, KVH, NyA, IgwpB, QMm, Fpg, QRKRnB, JaHbN, WBMzQt, wnIp, IWY, zcW, IMXQ, bwOR, qQGs, CAKH, mPOB, NwcSAd, nuwX, RUr, CFg, BQoujf, zvj, iYVx, EKhE, aEI, swoQA, pGnGL, dmyLnF, RLDBew, RiEo, ZxYC, AFdy, uYt, QRdwj, Gwcexu, rBH, KVpgO, neg, FRtGcq, MNPDG, rQugm, DosNT, ZFi, mLZ, HiiZsu, USWMp, CROGAD, JmWdi, naexkS, poiq, fqyR, ksgREV, wBCtYC, iLp, uFQ, snxNO, cwVU, LChxA, AhE, gJE, fxEQ,