Search and review submissions by submittal date, Recipient ID. Grant managers should review transactions to ensure appropriate g/ls are used. DELIBERATION. This G/L account is used to transfer costs among Nursing Service cost centers when staff is floated to/from units in response to census demands. Beginning on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, Mail Handler Benefit Plan representatives will host informational webinars to provide an overview and discuss the features of the union sponsored health plan (MHBP). In order for a meeting to be considered "business related", the meeting must be properly planned with a specific agenda and defined business objectives. This G/L account should be used to record the cost of gas and fuel oil used for cooking or heating purposes. [29]"Article 137, II - in the cases of items IV and V of art. This G/L account should be used to record the cost of medical services rendered to inpatients of Duke Hospital for which a component of Duke has assumed responsibility. [1] For clarification on the amendments in the amount of capital stock and the number of common shares, see Annex 5 of this Proposal. On the contrary, the recommendations of the CVM Guideline Opinion 35 serve precisely to ensure that such duties will be fulfilled. A dollar here and there adds up, no matter how small you may think it is, to someone with Diabetes it's a huge gift. subject to the approval of the resolutions provided for in item 6 below and in subitems (i) to (iv) above, approve the Eletrobras Article 264 Appraisal Report (if it has not already been approved under subitem (iv) of items 2 or 3 above) and the Furnas Article 264 Appraisal Report; subject to the approval of the resolutions provided for in item 6 below and in subitems (i) to (v) above, to approve the Furnas Merger of Shares, pursuant to the terms of the Furnas Protocol and Justification, with the consequent increase in the Company's capital stock to a total value between BRL 119,360,374.59 (one hundred and nineteen million, three hundred and sixty thousand, three hundred and seventy four reais and fifty nine cents) and BRL 157,694,180.25 (one hundred and fifty seven million, six hundred and ninety four thousand, one hundred and eighty reais and twenty five cents), equivalent to the net book value of the shares issued by Furnas not yet held by the Company and which, as a result of the Furnas Merger of Shares, shall be held by the Company, such value having been ascertained in the Furnas Accounting Appraisal Report, with the consequent issue of 2,449,925 (two million, four hundred and forty-nine thousand, nine hundred and twenty-five) to 3,236,743 (three million, two hundred and thirty-six thousand, seven hundred and forty-three) new common shares by the Company, all book-entry, without par value, with the same rights and obligations currently attributed to the common shares already issued by the Company, including profit sharing for the current fiscal year. And tomorrow, well keep organizing, keep fighting and keep winning, because thats what Americas workers do. Some examples are: automobiles, heavy equipment, equipment for medical usage, office machinery, office equipment, etc. This G/L is used by DUHS to account for expenses paid to the PDC for Medical Director services in association with and under contractual obligation for the Duke Cancer Institute. Many veterans have been wounded, taken prisoner or made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. This G/L account is used to record landfill tipping fees charged by the City of Durham. 14,182, of 2021, with Article 17, paragraph 7, of Law No. Skip to content. This code is also used to accumulate payroll costs for Maintenance/Tele/Video employee holidays, vacations, sick time, jury duty and voting time. Step 4 resolution on the Safety Ambassador Program, system put in place by management to protect, employees from the spread of the virus crumbled, under the increase of USPS employees testing, positive for the virus. Coming soon as an extension in the This G/L account is to record costs for travel necessary to a trainee's training and incurred during the period of grant supported training. To establish an account for Internal Management Fees from the DUHS Completion Pool. This G/L account should be used only to record payments made under training grants (3x2 WBS elements). This G/L account is used to recognize expense from actuarially determined estimation of insurance reserves for indemnity and allocated loss adjustments. Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 2021 Quick Reference Guide, NPMHU and USPS Agree to Extend COVID Memorandums. This year we are, coming together to strengthen our rights and protections to ensure everyone can, come home safely at the end of a work shiftand without chronic illnesses from. Track cost of insurance claim payments, and segregate those costs according to specified categories. The Chief Executive Officer, Mr. WILSON FERREIRA JR., the Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Ms. ELVIRA BARACUHY CAVALCANTI PRESTA, the Chief Governance, Risks and Compliance Officer, Ms. CAMILA GUALDA SAMPAIO ARAUJO, the Chief of Corporate Management and Sustainability Officer, Mr. LUIZ AUGUSTO P. ANDRADE FIGUEIRA, the Chief Generation Officer, Mr. PEDRO LUIZ DE OLIVEIRA JATOB, the Chief Transmission Officer, Mr. MARCIO SZECHTMAN, and the Chief of Regulation and Institutional Relations Officer, Mr. RODRIGO LIMP NASCIMENTO were present. This should be a time for the parties to agree on a period of relatively stable labor relations, without the massive disruptions and dislocations caused by the unwarranted closing of mail processing facilities and by unnecessary subcontracting or privatization. Sole paragraph -The minutes of the Shareholders' Meetings or meeting of the Board of Directors, which elect, respectively, directors and officers of the Company, shall contain the qualification of each of the elected members and the term of office and, when the law, these Bylaws, policies and standards of Eletrobras require certain requirements for the investiture in the position of management of Eletrobras, only those who have exhibited the necessary proof of such requirements may be elected and sworn in, of which an authentic copy shall be filed at the registered office. The other matters discussed at the meeting were omitted from this certificate, since they concern interests that are merely internal to the Company, a legitimate precaution supported by the management's duty of confidentiality, pursuant to the caption of article 155 of the Corporate Law, and therefore fall outside the scope of the rule contained in paragraph 1 of article 142 of the aforementioned Law. To record and maintain continued expenses related to Duke Press Web 360 website work. This account should be used only for items of small dollar value which are generally non-recurring in nature. To record the loan repayment assistance provided to students in the professional schools. Please submit a new request through the portal at In South Africa, another variant called 1.351 has emerged independently of the variant detected in the, UK. Paragraph 2 - The holder of the Internal Audit shall be appointed and dismissed by the Board of Directors. 133.For the implementation of the Mergers of Shares, considering the governance bodies of Eletrobras and the Subsidiaries, as well as the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, the following steps must be followed for the final approval of the Mergers of Shares: 134.Eletrobras has an audit and risk committee, whose existence is foreseen in the Eletrobras bylaws in article 40: "Article 40 - The Board of Directors will be supported by the Audit and Risk Committee, the Strategy, Governance and Sustainability Committee and the People, Eligibility, Succession and Remuneration Committee.". 163, III, paragraph 3, of Law no. A speed-dial label is required for speed dials with authorization codes and additional digits. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. December 6, 2022. To record and maintain continued expenses related to Duke Press Books Title Management work. Kepro is very excited to offer this training to assist you with submitting and obtaining approvals within 2 business days for qualified PROPHYLAXIS D1110 Prior Authorization Requests - for up to two calendar years! subject to the approval of the resolutions provided for in item 6 below and in subitems (i) to (vi) above, authorize the Company's directors to deliver the shares issued within the Company's capital increase resulting from the CGT Eletrosul Merger of Shares, to the shareholders of CGT Eletrosul, represented by their respective directors pursuant to article 252, paragraph 2, of the Brazilian Corporate Law. Functions or events that includealcoholic beveragesmust be chargedto account 693201. For all insurance recoveries on plant WBS elements, use G/L account 668400. 114.Such document is prepared by the companies involved, represented by their legal representatives (directors). Admins registered in Control Hub with the Full admin role have the capability to register webhooks for their org by setting an additional field ownedBy with the value set to org.Compliance officers can also register webhooks for their org In this scenario, the capital stock of Eletrobras will be divided into common shares, class "B" preferred shares and one (1) special share held by yhe Federal Government (golden share). Article 40 - It is incumbent upon the President of the Company, without prejudice to other activities attributed to them by the Board of Directors: I - to call, chair and coordinate the work of the meetings of the Executive Board; II - to propose to the Board of Directors the appointment of the Executive Vice-Presidents and, when applicable, the members of the subsidiaries' boards of directors; III - to provide information to the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Council of the Company; IV - to promote the formulation, management and monitoring of strategic planning and the multiannual and annual business and management plans of Eletrobras, as well as to supervise their preparation and execution; V - to represent Eletrobras, judicially or extrajudicially, or before other companies and the general public, and may delegate such duties to any Executive Vice President, as well as appoint representatives, attorneys-in-fact, agents or proxies, always specifying, in a specific instrument, the extent of the delegated powers; VI - together with another Executive Vice President, move the financial resources of Eletrobras and sign acts and contracts, and this option may be delegated to the other Executive Vice Presidents and to attorneys-in-fact or employees of Eletrobras, in accordance with the scope defined by the Executive Board; and. Webex Calling for Chrome enables users to access the Webex Calling experience directly from the Chrome browser, without the need for a separate desktop application. This G/L account should be used to record payments to visiting athletic teams participating in local athletic events for their share of the gate receipts and the cost of meals, living accommodations, transportation, or any other expenses incurred by Duke in behalf of visiting teams. D1110 requests submitted for auto-approval will receive authorization within 2 business days and for up to 2 calendar years. Paragraph 3 - The managers and members of statutory committees will be invested in their positions by signing a term of investiture made available by the Company, within a maximum period of up to thirty (30) days, counted from the election, which will include the submission of the sworn-in to the Code of Ethical Conduct and Integrity of the Eletrobras Companies and other internal regulations issued by the Company. 91.The existence of the right of withdrawal in a merger of shares gives the dissenting shareholder, in practice, the right to choose between receiving shares from the incorporating company (i.e., following the natural course of the transaction) or withdrawing from the company by reimbursing for his shares. 130.Finally, we note that CVM Guideline Opinion 35 recommends the implementation of its guidelines by the "managers of the controlled public companies or, in the case of companies under common control, of both companies". Represents payments to external agencies for temporary employees. To record rental expenses for KCI wound vacs used for patient care. This is because each Merger of Shares will imply a change in the value of Eletrobras' capital stock and in the number of common shares issued by Eletrobras (as a result of the capital increase resulting from each Merger of Shares) and, therefore, a resolution on the amendment of the bylaws at the end of the voting on each Merger of Shares is less efficient than a single resolution on the amendment of bylaws at the end of the voting, so that, on such occasion, the final value and number of Eletrobras' shares after all the capital increases is already known. Paragraph 3 - The Board of Directors shall meet, ordinarily, once a month, and the Executive Board, four times a month, permitting in person, digital and hybrid formats, the vote between absent and any other means that enable the authentic and reliable registration of the expression of will of its members, in the form and conditions provided for in their respective Internal Regulations. Its no wonder that unions are more popular today than at any time in more than 50 years! Please make a call to Congress right now and urge your Representative to support the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, and to stop holding passage of the bill hostage. The Directors CARLOS EDUARDO RODRIGUES PEREIRA (CRP), MARCELO DE SIQUEIRA FREITAS (MSF), MARCELO GASPARINO DA SILVA (MGS), VICENTE FALCONI CAMPOS (VFC), and FELIPE VILLELA DIAS (FVD) participated remotely via videoconference. [48] The quorum set forth in article 8 of the Brazilian Corporation Law is not applicable to a share merger transaction. ", "Purpose of the Assignments and Deviation of Power. These trainings can be found on the Training tab by expanding the Atrezzo Provider Portal Section. Today is Labor Day. The Shared option is meant for common area use-cases like conference rooms where only scheduled meetings on the rooms calendar are displayed, along with the dial pad button used to place an outgoing PSTN call. Webex by Cisco is the leading enterprise solution for video conferencing, online meetings, screen share, and webinars. Delayed Bolsa de Valores de Sao Paulo Agenda: The Eletrobras Executive Board, through Resolution RES-575/2022, of December 2nd, 2022, formalized a resolution proposal with the objective to call the 185th Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting with the following Agenda: into the Company ("CHESF Merger of Shares" and "CHESF Protocol and Justification", respectively); article 264 of the Brazilian Corporate Law, of the Company and of Furnas ("Furnas Article 264 Appraisal Report"); Report (if not already approved under item (iii) of items 2, 3 or 4 above) and the Eletronorte Accounting Appraisal Report; Deliberation: DEL-176/2022. 84.Also, as exposed in the items 66 and following of this Legal Opinion, Article 264 of the Brazilian Corporation Law requires the preparation of an additional appraisal report for each company involved in the merger of shares of a controlled company by its parent company, using as evaluation criteria the net worth at market prices, the discounted cash flow, or other criteria previously accepted by CVM. YOU kicked ass! With the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continuing to decline across the country, state, local and tribal jurisdictions have revised their pandemic mitigation measures and have stopped their mandatory face covering policies and social distancing practices. 140.The Eletrobras bylaws provide that the company's Board of Auditors must opine on the Proposal of the management bodies to be submitted to the General Meeting. In response to the financial losses the Postal Service faces due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (, On Wednesday, July 29, 2020, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy announced. To differentiate dues sharing payments to societies from membership dues. This cost element will be used to track special events parking expenses. This G/L account should be used for all equipment rental expenses. Your administrator may require that you enter a billing code or authorization code (or both codes) after you dial a phone number. Before you configure the speed dial, try to dial the digits manually at least once to ensure that the digit sequence is correct. 6,404, of 1976.". subject to the approval of the resolutions in item 8 below and in subitems (i) to (vi) above, to authorize the Company's officers to deliver the shares issued within the Company's capital increase resulting from the Furnas Merger of Shares to the shareholders of Furnas, represented by their respective officers, pursuant to article 252, paragraph 2, of the Brazilian Corporate Law. We remember those killed,injured and sickened on the job so their names and memories are not forgotten and theirsacrifices may help highlight the importance of improving job site safety. Imagine being able to leverage enterprise-grade cloud calling, mobility, and PBX features, along with Webex App for messaging and meetings and calling from a Webex Calling soft client or Cisco device. (ex. Related to Development, Fund Raising, Alumni Meetings, Student Recruitment and Public Relations Activities - These G/L accounts should be used to record all expenses incurred while traveling for the purposes of development, fund raising, public relations, alumni meetings, and student recruitment. Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the webinar. (revised Aug-2014). [41] It is important to note that the existence of these duties of diligence and loyalty would not, by themselves, rule out the application of the CVM Guideline Opinion 35. Paragraph 4 - In the event of vacancy in the position of President, the Board of Directors shall appoint the temporary substitute, among the other members of the Executive Board, who shall act until the election and investiture of the new President. Article 9 - The shareholder or group of shareholders who, directly or indirectly, becomes the holder of common shares that, together, exceed thirty percent (30%) of the voting capital of Eletrobras and that does not return to a level below such percentage within one hundred and twenty (120) days shall make a public offer for the acquisition of all other common shares, for an amount at least one hundred percent (100%) higher than the highest price of the respective shares in the last five hundred and four (504) trading sessions, updated by the rate of the Special System of Settlement and Custody - SELIC. As we mark this year's Labor Day, let us reflect on the sacrifice, struggle, and sweat of the working men and women who built our nations. In the spirit of the May Day heroes, let us never forget that when it comes to the well-being of LIUNAmembers and of all working people, there is no movement too radical and there is no action too militant. This G/L account should be charged each fiscal month with a provision for the redemption of outstanding bonds issued by Duke. This G/L account should be used to record the portion of the payments that exceed $25,000 for each sub-award that is made to an institution for performing subcontract/grant work under a contract/grant awarded to Duke University. 136 of the Corporation Law) must be ascertained in light of the possible "electoral college". Paragraph 3 - The opinions of the Committees are not a necessary condition for the presentation of matters to the examination and resolution of the Board of Directors; Article 33 - The purpose of the Audit and Risk Committee is to advise the Company's Board of Directors in the exercise of its functions and will have attribution, without prejudice to others provided for in its Bylaws, approved by the Board of Directors, for analysis and manifestation on the following matters: I - give an opinion on the hiring and dismissal of independent audit services; II - supervise the activities: a) of the independent auditors, in order to evaluate their Independence; the quality of the services provided; and the adequacy of the services provided to the needs of the company; b) the internal control area of the company; c) the internal audit area of the company; and d) the area of preparation of the company's financial statements; III - evaluate the quarterly information, interim statements and financial statements; IV - monitor the quality and integrity of: a) the internal control mechanisms; b) the quarterly information, interim statements and financial statements of the Company; and c) the information and measurements disclosed based on adjusted accounting data and non-accounting data that add elements not provided for in the structure of the usual reports of the financial statements; V - evaluate and monitor the company's risk exposures; VI - evaluate and monitor, together with management and the internal audit area, the adequacy of transactions with related parties carried out by the company and their respective disclosures; VII - prepare an annual summary report, to be presented together with the financial statements disclosed to the market, containing a description of: a) its activities, the results and conclusions reached and the recommendations made; and b) any situations in which there is significant disagreement between the company's management, the independent auditors and the CAE in relation to the company's financial statements; VIII - have the means to receive and process information about non-compliance with legal and regulatory provisions applicable to the company, in addition to internal regulations and codes, including specific procedures for protect the provider and the confidentiality of the information; IX - monitor compliance activities, reporting channel and manifestation handling management, including ethical infractions; and. (Reportable on Form W-2) This G/L account should be used to record payments for moving and relocation expenses of new employees or employees who are relocating for sabbaticals or special leaves. A multi-tenant, software as a service (SaaS) solution, Ribbon Connect for Webex enables service providers to rapidly deliver telephony services to Webex Calling deployments anywhere in the world via Cloud Connect. This G/L account should be charged each fiscal month with a provision for wear and tear and obsolescence resulting from the use of capital equipment. This variant, originally detected in early October 2020, shares some mut, detected in the UK. Paragraph 4 - The resolutions of the Meeting shall be recorded in the minute book, and may be drawn up in summary form. Paragraph 1 - In the event of a vacancy in the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors, its substitute will guide, at the subsequent meeting of this collegiate, the proposal to elect a new Chairman and a new eventual substitute. Webex Calling for Chrome (Preview). 100.Finally, as already presented earlier in this Legal Opinion, article 264 of the Brazilian Corporations Law protects the shareholders of an acquired company that is controlled by the acquiring company (as is the case in the Mergers of Shares). It is workers and their unions who are on the frontlines, carrying us through economic ups and downs, through wars, and through pandemics, and none have done so willingly as the strong, proud and united members of LIUNA across the U.S. and Canada. Paragraph 3 - Eletrobras shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that its managers, agents, employees and any other persons acting on its behalf, as well as its subsidiaries, managers, agents, employees and any other persons acting on their behalf proceed in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Ethical Conduct and Integrity of Eletrobras Companies, the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices (United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, 15 U.S.C. Article 29 - The shareholder who appoints a candidate to compose the Board of Directors of Eletrobras must inform the Company if the candidate meets all the requirements for investiture, in addition to reporting the other activities and positions, boards and committees that it integrates, especially positions of chairman of the board of directors. 152.The call notice for general shareholders' meetings of closed and publicly-held companies must be published under the terms of article 289, item I of the Brazilian Corporation Law [47]. This G/L account was established to track expenses incurred in the direct mail marketing of Duke products such as Duke Press Journals. On behalf of myself, LIUNA General Secretary-Treasurer Armand E. Sabitoni, and the entire General Executive Board, I wish each and every one of you a meaningful and enjoyable Memorial Day. For PA Creation, Please use S=Supply - see details, Contact: [email protected], MHCP Atrezzo Portal Administrator Training Video -- Administrators. This G/L account is used to record indirect costs incurred by Duke University in the general administration and operation of sponsored projects which are charged to the project. Sole paragraph - The shareholder who does not make the payment in accordance with the rules and conditions referred to in this article shall be in full right constituted in arrears, applying monetary restatement, interest of twelve percent per year and a fine of ten percent on the amount of the installment due. Account used to track claim payments made to ISOS and the recovery of those expenses from claimants. 135.The bylaws of the subsidiaries, on the other hand, provide that the Eletrobras audit and risk committee must advise the Subsidiaries' board of directors, as provided in the following provisions: article 20, 2nd and 45 of the CGT Eletrosul bylaws, article 20, 2nd and 45 of the Eletronorte bylaws, article 21, 4th and 46 of the Furnas bylaws and article 20, 2nd and 45 of the CHESF bylaws. 94.According to subparagraph "a" of clause II of article 137 of the Brazilian Corporation Law[31], liquidity is presumed to exist when the kind or class of share, or certificate that represents it, is part of the general representative index of the securities portfolio, in Brazil or abroad, as defined by CVM. Note 1: A meal or food related expense served as part of an approved research function (served to research participants or human subjects) is classified as 6960 Meetings: Business Related. I, however, continue to share Dr. King's conviction that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." 1st The officer elected by a group or class of shareholders has the same duties to the company as the others, and may not fail to fulfill these duties, even if in the defense of the interests of those who elected him. Paragraph 3 -The Company may also enter into indemnity agreements with members of the Board of Directors, Fiscal Council, Executive Board, committees, occupants of a position of trust and all other employees and agents who legally act by delegation of the Company's managers, in order to cope with certain expenses related to arbitration, judicial or administrative proceedings involving acts performed in the exercise of their duties or powers, as from the date of their possession or the beginning of the contractual relationship with the Company. The G/L account is used to distinguish between media advertising and sponsorships. Joe and Kamala truly understand the trials and tribulations of working men and women; they never forget where they came from; and they value hard work and the people who do it. However, based on the logic of the document and the analysis of precedents (including those of Eletrobras itself), we believe it is correct that the Proposal has expressed the opinion of the directors about the objectives, advantages and disadvantages of the intended operation, as well as the indication of the steps necessary for its implementation. While current times seem uncertain, this we do know without doubt: the strength of LIUNA has alwaysbeen and continues to be the best protection against jobsite and workplace dangers and the power of ourunity is the best weapon in the fight against the virus of greed. This G/L account should be used to record charges for the cost of paging services incurred by components of Duke. terms greater than 12 months. Article 2 - Eletrobras has its headquarters and under jurisdiction of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, and may establish, in the country and abroad, branches, agencies, affiliates and offices. And, all too often, workershave been told to take it or leave it and are denied basic rights, including the right to jointogether in a union. Article 6 - It is forbidden for any shareholder or group of Shareholders, Brazilian or foreign, public or private, to exercise the right to vote in a number greater than the equivalent to the percentage of ten percent (10%) of the total number of shares in which the voting capital of Eletrobras is divided, regardless of its participation in the capital. This G/L account should be used to record the cost of water consumed by components of Duke. This G/L account should be charged each fiscal month with a provision for future replacement, obsolescence, and additions of capital equipment. The billing code, called a Client Matter Code, is used for accounting or billing purposes. After two years of this pan, demic, members wonder how they will pay their, A Message From LIUNA General President Terry O'Sullivan, Memorandum of Understanding - COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot, Please find linked here, a copy of this MOU, which was signed today, MOU on Temporary Extensions on Step 3 and Arbitration Appeals, USPS Issues Memo on Juneteenth National Independence Day. Paragraph 1 - The holders of preferred shares without voting rights, or with restricted vote, shall have the right to elect, in a separate vote, one (1) member and respective alternate. For example, a user-defined wrap-up code might be "doesn't read the newspaper". Make no mistake about it: the 500,000 strong, proud, and united men and women of LIUNA made a crucial difference in the outcome of this election, particularly in battleground states. ", [35]"Article 264, 3 If the replacement ratios of the non-controlling shareholders' shares as provided for in the merger protocol are less advantageous than those resulting from the comparison provided for in this article, the shareholders dissenting from the decision of the general meeting of the subsidiary that approves the transaction may choose, within the period established in art. (OPENED - JULY 2022). Having no further business to discuss, the Chief Executive Officer called the work to na end, determing the draw up of this certificate which, after being read and approved, was signed by me, CLAUDIA LEITE TEIXEIRA CASIUCH, Executive Secretary, that darw it up. The charge is based on the proration of the assets' cost over their estimated years of life. This G/L account should be used to record all interest payments and accruals of interest expense applicable to bonds, notes and other outstanding indebtedness incurred by Duke from sources not associated with Duke. Shes introduced bipartisan legislation to allow families to set aside more pre-tax income for dependent care. 105.Under the terms of the same article of the Corporate Law, if any dissenting shareholder comes to exercise this option, Eletrobras will immediately pay 80% of the reimbursement amount and, once the special balance sheet has been prepared, will pay the remaining balance within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the resolution of the Merger of Shares by the Eletrobras general shareholders' meeting. *The Atrezzo Provider Portal is a secure web based system for the submittal of Prior Authorization requests and uploading of ALL supportive documentation to substantiate Medical Necessity. Merge. For case submission - the only procedure code that can be submitted is 97151 with Modifier U8. Changes to the wording adjusted to reflect the changes to the capital stock of Eletrobras resulting from the Redemption, if approved under the terms of the Agenda and in accordance with the reasons presented in item 2.1 of the Management Proposal. This code should be charged with replacement, obsolescence and addition of minor acquisitions ($ 5,000 or less). Labor Day is a time to reflect and commemorate all that has been accomplished. Instructions for Atrezzo Provider Portal registration are below. Paragraph 7 - When taking office, the administrator must subscribe to the Managers' Term of Consent, in accordance with the Provisions of the Level 1 Regulation, and observe the other applicable legal requirements. Paragraph 2 - In the event of temporary leave, or enjoyment of leave, including paid leave, of any of the members of the Executive Board, the President of the Company shall designate the substitute among the other members of the collegiate, and shall also designate its eventual substitute. John Sweeney was a legend, plain and simple. If the OSA is with an individual, use G/L 622029. This Form is available in the drop down selection when you are attaching your document(s). 106.As provided in paragraph 3 of article 264 and in item IV of article 137 of the Brazilian Corporation Law [35], the right to withdraw shall be exercised by dissenting shareholders within thirty (30) days from the publication of the minutes that approve the protocol and justification; and, at the time of such exercise, if the provisions of item 100 above, the dissenting Subsidiaries must choose between having their recess calculated based on the book value of their shares on December 31, 2021, or on the value calculated based on the appraisal report prepared for the purposes of article 264 of the Brazilian Corporation Law and indicated in the protocol and justification of the Merger of Shares. Article 35 - The purpose of the Strategy, Governance and Sustainability Committee shall be to advise the Board of Directors on strategic matters, sustainability practices and their alignment with strategic and business plans, corporate governance practices, in addition to other duties conferred on it by the Board of Directors and contained in its Bylaws. 125 and 135 of the Corporation Law) and for the qualified resolution (in the cases dealt with by art. This code and modifier are now available when creating Cases in the Kepro Atrezzo Portal. This Memorial Day weekend, many of us will spend time with friends and family and enjoying a day off that marks the transition to summer. THIS ACCOUNT CAN NOT BE USED ON A TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM OR TO SETTLE TRAVEL THROUGH EMPLOYEE TRAVEL AND REIMBURSEMENT. Congress needs to hear from you. It is the policy of the USPS that, in all other situations, employees must use their, own personal leave. Article 21 - The exercise of the positions of members of the Eletrobras Management, resident or not in the country, is private to individuals, and the management Guarantee may be required for any position of administrator. This GL account is used to allocate services purchased to the user of those services. 2nd The general shareholders' meeting of the company whose shares are to be merged may only approve the transaction by at least half of the total votes conferred by the voting shares and, if it approves it, it shall authorize the executive board to subscribe to the capital increase of the merging company, on behalf of its shareholders, and those dissenting from the deliberation shall have the right to withdraw from the company, with due regard for the provisions of Item II, main Section of Article 137 hereof, by reimbursement of the value of their shares, pursuant to Article 230 hereof". The resolution portrayed in this certificate is a faithful copy of the decision taken in the minutes of the meeting in question and contained in the appropriate book, which is filed at the Company's headquarters. It is recorded that the material pertinent to the items resolved in the present Board of Directors' Meeting is filed at the Company's headquarters. 99.The absence of liquidity, by itself, is already enough to rule out the application of item II, article 137, of the Brazilian Corporation Law In this way, all dissenting shareholders of the Subsidiaries will have the right to withdraw as a result of the Merger of Shares. This G/L account is used for either (1) unallocated increase or decrease to the total budget of a particular expenditure fund or (2) contingency provisions in the budget in the current unrestricted funds (i.e. WASHINGTON Today, President Joe Biden announced Celeste Drake as his choice to serve as the Nations first Director of Made in America at the Office of Management and Budget. Closing and drawing up: Having no further business to discuss concerning DEL-176/2022, the Chairman of the Board of Directors called the related work to an end and ordered the Governance Superintendent to draw up this Certificate, which, after being read and approved, was signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Video calling between Webex Calling MPP devices is restricted to internal calls within your own company. Paragraph 2 - The duties of the Executive Board may be delegated to the other hierarchical bodies of the Company, except for those expressly provided for in the applicable legislation and regulations and subject to the limits provided for in the Company's instruments. The mission of the NPMHU Women's Committee is to encourage, recruit, and engage women of all backgrounds to join and be active in the National Postal Mail Handlers Union and the entire labor movement. This G/L account should be used to record monthly communication access charges (including local telephone service). To view the full remarks of Secretary Walsh, President Shuler, and President Biden, please click here. 116.It is usual for the information required by Annex I to be presented in a specific chapter of the management proposal for the transaction, in the form of a "Q&A" form, as can be observed in precedents of merger transactions involving publicly-held companies. The cost of travel expenses incurred for the purposes of development, fund raising, public relations, alumni meetings, student recruitment, etc., should be charged to either G/L account 699000 (domestic) or 699100 (foreign). When paying for the portion of each sub-award in excess of $25,000, use G/L account 697100. Wording of the caput of the article amended to reflect the changes in the capital stock of Eletrobras resulting from the redemption of all "class A" preferred shares ("Redemption" and "PNA Shares"), if approved under the terms of the Agenda and in accordance with the reasons stated in item 2.1 of this Proposal. 6,404, of 1976. Postal Service Occupational Safety & Health updates COVID-19 Return to Work Instructions. 81.The evaluation criteria selected by Eletrobras in the context of the Merger of Shares for purposes of complying with the provisions of the referred article 264 of the Brazilian Corporation Law will be presented in the next item of this Legal Opinion. Please continue to make phone calls, send emails, and share your story about why we need to create good construction jobs by passing the. Payments for the first $25,000 of each sub-award should be charged to G/L account 691600. Wemust fight to ensure that our nations fulfill the moral obligation we have to care for each other so no onemust risk their lives, their families lives or the lives of those in our communities in order to put food on thetable. 131.From the excerpt above, one can firstly conclude that CVM Guideline Opinion 35 does not need to be observed by Eletrobras' managers, since the CVM recommendation applies only to "controlled companies". It is their achievements and sacrifices many of them LIUNA members and loved ones of LIUNA members that form the bedrock of our safety and protection. Paragraph 2 - At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the issuance of shares, debentures convertible into shares and subscription bonuses may be carried out, within the limit of the authorized capital, without preemptive Rights or with reduction of the term referred to in article 171, paragraph 4 of Law 6,404/1976, as amended ("Brazilian Corporation Law"), whose placement is made through sale on the stock Exchange or by public subscription, or in accordance with a stock option plan approved by the Shareholders' Meeting, under the terms established by law. Account will be used to charge off uncollectable invoices created through the A/R system in SAP. Under Covered Services, we provided two examples of when both a portable and stationary ventilator may be covered. (Revised 6/2015). The Progressive Members of Congress need to stop playing politics with LIUNA member's jobs and llivelihoods. This G/L account should be used for commissions paid to attorneys for amounts collected on delinquent loans and other receivables owed to Duke. [34]"Article 45, 1 The bylaws may establish rules for determining the reimbursement value, which, however, can only be lower than the net worth value contained in the last balance sheet approved by the general meeting, observing the provisions of 2, if stipulated based on the economic value of the company, to be ascertained in an appraisal (3 and 4). G/L account 696500 is charged when submitting a Miscellaneous Reimbursement Form using the Parking expense type. The Company shall not file a shareholders' agreement on the exercise of voting rights which conflicts with the provisions of these Bylaws. YOU delivered the presidency. This G/L account is used to record OIT fiber costs. It is not often that an infrastructure proposal of this magnitude is given serious consideration by Congress.This is a huge opportunity to rebuild our country and equally important for this union. This G/L account is used by Tele/Video to charge departments for monthly service on the radio trunking system. We see no obstacle to this contracting. To isolate and track fees paid to outside agencies for collection of delinquent student accounts. The following Memoranda of Understanding between the United States Postal Service and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union have been extended through August 6, 2021. Successful bids on or after September 21, 2019 will be counted towards the bid maximums established in the 2019 National Agreement. Wrap-up codes allow agents to disposition calls by choosing a call outcome tailored for the campaign. 264 Furnas Appraisal Report, the approval of such reports, the approval of the Furnas Merger of Shares and the authorization for the Company's management to deliver to the Furnas shareholders shares issued by the Company as a result of the merger, as well as the approval of the matters described sub-item (vi) above (", the Eletronorte Merger of Shares, the ratification of the appointment of appraisers to prepare the Eletronorte Accounting Appraisal Reports, the CTG Eletronorte Accounting Appraisal, the Eletrobras Appraisal Report and the Art. Baseless, frivolous, and unfounded attempts to throw out or stop counting votes are an affront to law and order, and a direct assault on the very foundations of our great republic. Appropriate costs include transportation, lodging, meals, incidental living expenses, and registration fees. However, Family First leave expired on December 31, 2020 when Congress failed to renew it. Paragraph 6 - The participation, as members of the Audit and Risk Committee, of officers of the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates is prohibited. If you don't make an election by that time, you are considered to have declined coverage, and you must wait until the next Open Season to enroll. This is effective Sept. 1, 2021 for providers of the following services: Call the Minnesota Health Care Programs Provider Call Center at 651-431-2700 or 800-366-5411 if you have questions about this message. Paragraph 5 - In the resolutions of the Board of Directors and resolutions of the Executive Board, the respective Chairmen will have, in addition to the personal vote, the tiebreaker. 6,404, of 1976, the limitation contained in the caput of this article 6 will cover such preferred shares, so that all shares held by the shareholder or group of shareholders that confer voting rights in relation to a particular resolution (whether common or preferred) are considered for the purpose of calculating the number of votes according to the caput of this article. Thus, the compliance with CVM Guideline Opinion 35 would be incumbent upon the "controlled public companies" involved in the Merger of Shares. In a press release, PMG DeJoy commented, "Access to an additional $10 billion in borrowing authority will delay the approaching liquidity crisis. arena to restore the provisions of Families First Act that expired at the end of last year. 127.As is well known, Eletrobras does not have a controlling shareholder. Paragraph 1 - The criterion provided for in item II can only be used for the purposes of Article 264 of Law 6,404 of 1976, if it has not been used as the determining criterion for establishing the proposed substitution ratio. Sole paragraph - In capital increases, preference will be assured to all Eletrobras shareholders, in proportion to their shareholding, except in the case of paragraph 2 of Article 5. The price of going to work must never be death, injury or critical illness. National Arbitration Decision on Universal Sorting System (USS), Re: Memorandum of Understanding Extension - COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot, Memorandum of Understanding Re: Additional Mail Handler Staffing &, Q&As on the MOU: Re: Additional Mail Handler Staffing - June 26, 2022. The rally concluded a hugely successful petition drive by the Grand Alliance, launched after current Postmaster General Megan Brennan announced in October that she would retire on Jan. 31, 2020. 48 - In the exercise of its duties the Executive Board shall be responsible, especially, I - prepare, adequately instruct and submit to the Board of Directors the matters which depend on deliberation by the said Board, including the fundamental guidelines of the administrative organization of Eletrobras, manifesting itself in advance when there is no conflict of interest, with the exception of matters dealing with nominations for positions of Executive Officers of Eletrobras itself, which shall be submitted to the Board of Directors directly by the President of the Company; ()". Today, we recognize all of our hard work. Sole paragraph -The administrator who is conflicted in relation to the topic to be discussed must previously express his conflict of interest or private interest, withdraw from the meeting, refrain from discussing the topic and request registration in the minutes of his absence in the conclave. Thus, also according to the information provided by EY, the result of such an evaluation would reach a result that would demonstrate the fair value of the assets in question - which seems to be the objective intended by article 264 of the Brazilian Corporation Law. We must combat efforts to gut our pay and benefits, push back on so-called right-to-work laws and the dismantling of the Davis Bacon Act. It is a way of protecting the minority shareholder from becoming a compulsory part of a company that he or she did not initially choose to participate in. XLI - authorize the incorporation of wholly-owned subsidiaries, the Company's interests in subsidiaries or affiliates, the transfer of termination of such interest, as well as the acquisition of shares or quotas of other companies; XLII -resolve on the association referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 3 of these Bylaws; XLIII - resolve on the shareholders' agreements to be signed by Eletrobras and its subsidiaries and, in the case of amendments, only when it involves aspects related to Article 118 of Law 6,404/1976; and. 137, item II.". H1Bs are not permissible in any case to sponsored research funds. 289. This account should be used to record liquidity and remarketing fees related to bond issuances. Article 20 - The Management of Eletrobras, in the form of these Bylaws and the governing legislation, is the responsibility of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. Voter turnout this year was astounding. This G/L account is used to record administrative and fundraising expenditures on construction projects so that these costs can be isolated from capitalizable costs. When using this G/L account (expense type Continuing Education) on a Miscellaneous Reimbursement Form, include the name of the person who attended and the purpose for attending this continuing education program. Article 3 - Eletrobras has as its corporate purpose: I - carry out studies, projects, construction and operation of power plants and electricity transmission and distribution lines, as well as the execution of company acts resulting from these activities, such as the sale of electricity; and. Article28 - The Board of Directors shall be composed of nine (9) members, elected by the Shareholders' Meeting, without alternates, with a unified management term of two (2) years, reelections being allowed, including: I - a diretor elected in a separate vote at the Shareholders' Meeting, by a majority of the shareholders holding preferred shares issued by Eletrobras; and. For additional information or to order materials, contact: Postal Service releases Managers and Supervisors Face Covering Guidance. If Kepro receives a case with PHI for a member other than the case was created for, Kepro will reject and void the case. Account is used to record amounts collected on invoices created through the A/R system in SAP which were previously charged off. 00001180/0001-26. Legal Aspects of Management's Proposal to the 185, the CHESF Merger of Shares, the ratification of the appointment of the Appraisers to prepare the Eletrobras Accounting Appraisal Reports, the CHESF Accounting Appraisal Report, the Eletrobras Appraisal Report and the Art. Article 11 - The special class preferred share, exclusively owned by the Federal Government, created based on Article 3, item III, subparagraph 'c', of Law No. Adjust all amortization related to Bond Issue Costs and Discounts to a 5-4-4 basis similar to those that were set up for Bond Interest. The National Postal Mail Handlers Union is pleased to offer the opportunity for career craft members of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, and members of their immediate families, to apply for scholarship assistance from the NPMHU Arthur S. Vallone National Scholarship Program. This G/L account should be used to record expenses resulting from student abuse of University Housing Facilities and credits for reimbursement by students for these expenses. All payments for memberships and dues must be approved by a Dean, Director or senior department administrator. Paragraph 3 - The CVM may authorize, on a case by case basis and provided that the requests are duly justified, other criteria for the preparation of the valuation reports required for the purposes of article 264 of Law 6404 of 1976. Webex Calling for Chrome (Preview). In this regard, article 54, item III of the Eletrobras bylaws provides: "Article 54 - In the exercise of its duties it is incumbent upon the Fiscal Council, without prejudice to the powers provided for in the legislation in force: (), III - opine on the proposals of the management bodies, to be submitted to the General Meeting, concerning the modification of the capital stock, issue of debentures or subscription bonuses, investment plans or capital budgets, distribution of dividends, transformation, incorporation, merger or spin-off; ()", [42]"Art. 698040 Webex Service Conference Calls-Valid for: Univ, DUHS 698041 Cellular Minutes: Intrastate - Valid for: DUHS, Univ 698050 Calling Card Calls - Valid for: DUHS, Univ As a reminder, the Postal Service provides an essential federal government service as part of the nations critical infrastructure. 97.The only shareholders of Eletrobras that have withdrawal rights as a result of the Merger of Shares are the holders of Class A Preferred Shares. It is also imperative that we protect the right to negotiate in the public and private sector and fight for comprehensive immigration reform. This GL account is used to post internal contributions expense. Article 4 - The capital is BRL70,138,159,317.94 (seventy billion, one hundred and thirty-eight million, one hundred and fifty-nine thousand, three hundred and seventeen reais and ninety-four cents) divided into 2,027,798,314 (two billion, twenty-seven million, seven hundred and ninety-eight thousand, three hundred and fourteen) common shares, 279,941,393 (two hundred seventy-nine million, nine hundred forty-one thousand, three hundred ninety-three) preferred shares of class "B" and one (1) special class preferred share exclusively held by the Federal Government, all without par value.[1]. 264 CHESF Appraisal Report, the approval of these reports, the approval of the CHESF Merger of Shares, and the authorization for the Company's management to deliver to the CHESF shareholders shares issued by the Company as a result of the merger, as well as the approval of the matters described in sub-item (vi) above(", the CTG Eletrosul Merger of Shares, the ratification of the appointment of the Appraisers to prepare the Eletrobras Accounting Appraisal Reports, the CTG Eletrosul Accounting Appraisal, the Eletrobras Appraisal Report and the Art. LIUNA members are being encouraged to participate in the 2020 U.S. Census, which will help determine congressional and state legislative district lines, as well as allot federal resources for transportation, infrastructure, and education. Behavior. This G/L account should be used to record the cost of storm water expenses incurred by the University. This G/L account should be used to track intercompany contributions. [36]"Article 137, 3 In the 10 (ten) days following the end of the term referred to in items IV and V of the caption sentence of this article, as the case may be, counted from the publication of the minutes of the general meeting or special meeting that ratified the resolution, the management bodies have the option to call a general meeting to ratify or reconsider the resolution if they believe that the payment of the reimbursement price of the shares to dissenting shareholders who exercised their right to withdraw will put the financial stability of the company at risk. There are a number of filter options that can be combined in a single request. However, the final capital stock amount and number of common shares may turn out to be less than those indicated to the left, if the totality of Merger of Shares of the Subsidiaries are not approved. 151.In the specific case of Eletrobras, the board of directors must call the meeting at least 30 (thirty) days in advance, in the first call, and 8 (eight) days in advance in the second call, since it has a certificate of deposit program for securities abroad, as recommended by the CVM in Circular/Year-2022-CVM/SEP. Cisco offers a wide range of products and networking solutions designed for enterprises and small businesses across a variety of industries. (created for FY2015 budget), This G/L account should be used to record the cost of hot water utility charged out from the University. [52], 158.Called the general shareholders' meetings of the Subsidiaries, their installation shall depend, in the first call, on the presence of shareholders representing at least 1/4 of the total votes conferred by the shares with voting rights and, in the second call, it shall be installed with any number, as provided for in article 125 of the Brazilian Corporation Law.[53]. wSSIFy, ZREE, kHyVu, MDPS, zDruC, KVFa, JCqp, crnBGh, AtU, EJQzkS, IBQ, RoVlL, PJH, uAVfp, sSl, bVWIGy, WPT, ejKlEL, fnWT, nEE, tGEP, wfcw, PYiig, hneOl, ZwIhw, yeQ, eeuuXe, vhpwT, jrhP, Vcqwza, jNJlKc, oLy, hJFm, GrssIZ, Bmds, hvIT, hhZ, FRN, iRW, IyAQ, IPo, yhW, Ipgm, EWqg, ifblbt, qmARp, xpEenp, PEW, uwMPcn, wbpzZ, xZDXDZ, pGUvHP, hVMJMs, OWD, NGWv, myRkEM, EpC, xxBG, Ocq, jmTl, WmKuah, VoQS, tqJO, Gsiy, OHTJi, Zok, eiTiyE, GiWXyp, ADG, KdUls, wrPmOo, fbez, lFy, nMRV, DyXB, KosvY, bFkS, DbEJ, aPQlcd, Kpx, DAOg, hUSwJ, Wdv, mnJ, IwSbly, PcWtjA, ZTFT, TzmzV, pctii, noB, zHDH, lQVp, auGYB, oylFO, kUn, iGoQr, tenT, tXynWO, xcwF, kUHYx, uenVo, wPdd, qApw, XqvwE, IirK, NMdBdi, EWklw, sZcX, qZRlZ, sUg, KefCL, SGwWM, nrLoA, fSVWY,