apart and there is 900 mm (35-1/2 in.) 4.2.3 Toilets
Normal maintenance, painting or wallpapering, or changes to mechanical or electrical systems are not alterations, unless they affect the usability of the building. above the floor or ground. from any inside corner; where the door opens towards the user, the controls shall be located not less than 600 mm (23-5/8 in.) Shallower slopes are preferred. Where bathing facilities are provided on a site, in conjunction with or in addition to toilet facilities, each such public or common use bathing facility shall comply with this section in addition to 4.2.8, 4.2.9, and other applicable sections of this standard. Figure Private Accessible Dressing Room. high and of a contrasting colour around the edge of the outlook area; and, if benches are provided they shall comply with. located without infringing on egress from any row of seating or aisle; equipped with moveable or removeable arm rest on the side of the seat adjoining the barrier-free. Small and uneven changes in floor level represent a further barrier to using a wheelchair but also present a tripping hazard to ambulatory persons. 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors
are provided in a toilet or bathing facility, they shall comply with this section. (Mississauga Official Plan). It is preferable to have all aisles accessible. Usability. The minimum number of receivers shall be 4% of the room occupant load, but not less than two receivers. 4.1.6 Doors
); and, intermediate doorways across primary circulation routes within a, be not more than 13 mm (1/2 in.) An audit examines every element in your experience and gives you a comprehensive list of issues to fix. Where lids or openings are provided on waste receptacles and recycling bins, they shall be mounted no higher than 1060 mm (42 in.) Viewing areas need to provide adequate space to manoeuvre a mobility device as large as a scooter and should not be limited to one location. But when you start to look at color through the lens of accessibility, a potential palette becomes a bit more refined Window controls and operating devices should also respect the limitations of hand strength or dexterity encountered with different types of disabilities, including arthritis. Ensure your app responds correctly and looks good when people enable bold text. wide access aisle is technically infeasible, the access aisle width may be reduced to 2000 mm (78-3/4 in.). Text shall not be lower than 750 mm (29-1/2 in.) 4.4.8 Detectable Warning Surfaces
4.4.13 Lighting
The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (O. Reg. ); be at least 1500 mm (59 in.) Accessible drinking fountains shall comply with 4.3.1. from the centre line of the toilet; and. Figure Locker Room Clear Floor Space Requirements, Figure Locker Room Sample Layout, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements
Systems used to control glare and excessive reflected light shall comply with this section. incorporate even illumination throughout of at least 200 lux (20 ft-candles). from the floor; and, have a minimum mirror height of 1000 mm (39-3.8 in. from the ground or floor. Design guidance Contacts. CNIB - Clearing our Path, Universal design recommendations for people with vision loss. Edge protection that guards a change in level is an important safety feature for all users. or shall be protected by suitable. Figure Inclined Platform Stair-Lift, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements
4.4.7 Signage
4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms
At least 2%, but not less than one, of the total number of cells shall comply with this section. 4.4.15 Texture and Colour. The emergency call (where applicable) shall also. The same texture shall be used consistently throughout any one site to identify the same type of hazard. Polished granolithic should not be used for stiar treads. For best practices refer to CNIB: Clearing our Path, Universal design recommendations for people with vision loss. complying with 4.1.1 that allows either forward or parallel approach by a person using a wheelchair or a scooter shall be provided at accessible storage facilities. 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes
The minimum distance between the walls or between wall and door, excluding return panels, shall not be less than 1725 x 1525 mm (68 in. Indoor parking facilities shall incorporate a sign at the vehicle entrance indicating the minimum overhead clearance at the parking space and along the vehicle access and egress routes. it should not be installed where water level exceeds 1220 mm (48 in.) Where permanently installed telephones are provided within cells, they shall have volume controls. It's easy to set the font size from any percentage between 75% and 200% in your player settings. 4.5.12 Training and Teaching Spaces
For accessibility purposes, provide controls that enable users to play, pause, and stop the media as needed. Where beach access is constructed (not natural): Where surface is not constructed, the MAX cross slope must be the minimum cross slope for drainage. Consideration should be given to the width and maneuverability of mobility devices, such as wheelchairs and scooters. Wayfinding is a term that describes the spatial problem-solving process that a person uses to reach a destination. The same issues related to the slopes of ramps apply equally to slopes of curb ramps. and 1220 mm (48 in.) Armrests may also provide assistance in sitting and rising. and 920 mm (36 in.) (whether entrace includes gate, offset gates, bollard, or other entrance design). 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects
Although many persons with disabilities use toilet facilities independently, some may require assistance. that complies with. For City of Mississauga facilities, on a go forward basis, LU/LA's shall not be installed in new buildings or major renovations. Design issues related to washroom accessories include the hand strength and dexterity required to operate mechanisms. Consider beginning lists with a descriptive identifier and the number of items so the users will have an idea of what the list represents and the total length of the list. in width and 920 mm (36 in.) When font size increases, inline items and container boundaries can crowd text, making it less readable. Accessible seating shall be provided in compliance with 4.3.2. wide and 7400 mm (24 ft 3 in.) Proximity, alignment, and other contextual cues can help sighted people perceive the relationships among onscreen elements, but these cues dont work well for VoiceOver users. When you use SF Symbols, you get icons that scale automatically with Dynamic Type size changes. Tables, counters and work surfaces should accommodate the needs of a range of users. 4.1.14 Elevators
Microsoft DirectX content that's hosted in a XAML UI (using SwapChainPanel or SurfaceImageSource) is not accessible by default. x 60 in.). If used as part of a signage band located on walls at eye level, this band is easier to follow than monolithic wall colouring, and can be the visual cue for other essential signs.). 4.1.10 Curb Ramps
wide with a minimum 250 mm (9-7/8 in. have uniform riser heights (rise) and uniform tread depths (run); have a rise not more than 180 mm (7 in.) 4.3.4 Change/Dressing Rooms
Boarding and stepping off of an escalator can be challenging for many persons who could have difficulty with the timing or agility. You can prevent text truncation in a label by configuring it to use as many lines as needed to display a useful amount of text; for developer guidance, see numberOfLines. No additional considerations for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, or watchOS. The physical location of the controls can help identify specific directional paths, and auditory signals will enable user with low vision to locate the controls quickly. Where signals intended for the public to indicate the operation of a building security system are provided, they shall consist of both audible alarms and visual signals. Equivalent facilitation proposals shall be referred to the Division Manager of the Facilities Design and Construction Division of the City of Mississauga for review and approval on an individual basis. Approximately one in seven people have a disability that affects the way they interact with the world and their devices. 7d. A person with vision loss/no vision would also benefit from accessible signage. Service animal relief areas should be provided near large public facilities, such as community centres, arenas, sports fields, parks and outdoor recreation areas, any building where a service animal owner is employed, and in buildings of assembly occupancy which incorporate a meeting space for 50 or more people. Aisle configurations shall incorporate a clear floor space allowing a person in a wheelchair to make a 180-degree turn in compliance with 4.1.1. Artichokes come from a variety of a species of thistle. 4.4.5 Public Telephones
Where a universal washroom is provided primarily for the use of persons of both genders with physical disabilities, in lieu of facilities for persons with physical disabilities in washrooms used by the general public, the individual washroom shall be provided on the same floor level within 45 m (147 ft. 8 in.) Let us show you how! Provide effective prompting and feedback during and after task completion. File and pay taxes online and find required forms. Baggage racks or carousels for suitcases, etc. http://www.cos-mag.com/Human-Resources/HR-Columns/way-finding-takes-accessibility-to-the-next-level.html. wide, one or more intermediate handrails which are continuous between landings must be provided and located so that there is 900 mm (35-1/2 in.) In iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS, for example, you can use the visually prominent filled style for the button that performs the most likely action in a view, using less prominent styles such as gray or plain for buttons that enable less important actions. Assistive Device: See Mobility Assistive Device. 4.1.9 Ramps
have joints that are no greater than 6 mm (1/4 in.) Exception: Where the call buttons are mechanical, the raised markings may be on the buttons. 4.2.8 Bathtubs
Mysa Skincare. located to be accessible to persons who use wheelchairs or scooters (i.e., not having to reach over the lavatory to access the devices) located so that the dispensing height is between 900 - 1100 mm (35-1/2 - 43-1/4 in.) Non-compliance issues will be documented in the project file. Enclosures for shower stalls shall not obstruct controls or obstruct transfer from a mobility device onto the shower seat. 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors
"There is a difference between a home that claims to be accessible and one that truly is. from the floor; and. controls equipped with a pressure-equalizing or thermostatic-mixing valve, operable from the seated position and in compliance with. Manoeuvring space at the top and bottom are also important factors in a ramps usability. 4.2.4 Lavatories
Therapeutic pools are generally smaller, shallower pools that include a ramp access and provide submerged bench seating in addition to open exercise space. Elevator doors shall incorporate pronounced colour contrast, to differentiate them from the surrounding environment. Accessibility recommendations that were originally made for web content define standards for contrast that can avoid these problems in apps as well. To design for UX accessibility requires paying attention to the various checkpoints along the design process. (1) Where only 1 accessible parking space is required, a Type A accessible parking space shall be provided. Selecting subtitles and alternative audio tracks, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Tighten springs to reduce bounce effects or track 1:1 with the users finger, Avoid animating depth changes in z-axis layers, Replace a slide with a fade to avoid motion. Designated public sector organizations must consult with the public and persons with disabilities; Municipalities must also consult with their municipal accessibility advisory committees, in accordance with AODA, IASR, Design of Public Spaces Standards, Section 80.39. at least 2440 mm (96 in.) Test your web pages with a variety of web browsers; including graphical browsers with the images turned off and a text based browser, if possible. Arrange information consistent with its importance. Where viewing windows or vision panels are provided, In facilities with operable windows, window opening hardware shall, 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements
)If documents are provided in a specialized format (e.g. They are also difficult for persons using canes or crutches, or persons with poor balance. 30 to 90 m (98 ft. - 5 in. 4.2.4 Lavatories
These areas may be privately or publicly owned and are generally left in a natural state and not programmed for active recreation. That support is provided through base classes and the built-in behavior of the class implementation for control types, and an interface representation of the UI Automation provider API. be mounted between 400 mm (15-3/4 in.) Parents and caregivers with small children and strollers may also benefit from a large, individual washroom with toilet and change facilities contained within the same space. A handle mounted part way along the door makes it easier for someone to close the door behind them. A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided via "alt" (alternative text attribute), "longdesc" (long description tag), or in element content. You only need to add alt text to objects that convey meaning or context to the learner. to 19-5/8 in.) Support personalization. The inclusion of colour-contrast strips across the glass, mounted at eye level, as well as colour-contrasting door frames and door hardware, will increase the safety and visibility of a glazed door for a person with vision loss/no vision. and 500 mm (19-5/8 in.) 4.1.8 Windows, Glazed Screens and Sidelights
Simple, repetitive, non-directional patterns that feature monochromatic or low-colour contrast are preferred. Accessible route: A continuous unobstructed path connecting accessible elements and spaces of a facility. Prefer simplified gestures for common interactions. A multi-use trail shall be designed, constructed and maintained to minimize impacts on the natural environment and may include mitigative structures, such as raised boardwalks and footbridges (Mississauga Zoning ByLaw). Discover all the Green Mountain state has to offer for visitors and residents alike. Where bathtubs are provided, all bathtubs shall comply with this section. The illumination at the car controls and landing sill shall be not less than 100 lux (10 ft-candles). Snow accumulation at curb ramps should be removed completely after each snow fall. An accessible path of travel in compliance with 4.1.4 shall be provided from accessible public entrances to all spaces that are accessible to the public or intended for access/viewing by visitors. 4.1.11 Stairs
As an integral feature of a facility, washroom facilities should accommodate the range of people that will use the space. VoiceOver gives audible descriptions of onscreen content, helping people get information and navigate when they cant see the screen. Such assembly areas shall have a permanently installed listening system in compliance with this section where:
These surfaces alert all pedestrians to potential hazards, such as crosswalks or stairs. 4.1.7 Gates, Turnstiles and Openings
4.2.3 Toilets
Provisions for privacy, security, and safety should be equally available to all users. Signage should be simple, uncluttered and incorporate plain language. Pedestrian walk-up and/or vehicular drop-in requests for assistance/emergency services. Where emergency warning systems are provided, they shall include both audible alarms and visible alarms. Induction loops, infrared systems and FM radio frequency systems shall be considered acceptable types of assistive listening systems for persons who are hard of hearing. 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements
Recreational trails need flexibility in locations of rest areas (i.e. Throughout the system, an ellipsis trailing the title is the standard way for a button to communicate that it opens another window or view in which people can complete the action. The height of the lower shower head to be 1400 mm (55-1/8 in.). 4.2.6 Washroom Accessories
Lighting levels at all boarding platforms shall be at least 100 lux (10 ft-candles) at the platform or boarding-surface edge. Design for alternative UI. The minimum handset cord length of accessible telephones shall be 1000 mm (39-3/8 in.). In addition to the design requirements specified in 4.1 to 4.4, cafeterias shall comply with this section. Service counters and study carrels should accommodate the knee-space and armrest requirements of a person using a wheelchair. 4.2.10 Grab Bars
4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms
To make accessibility more approachable by both designers and developers alike, an organization for the advancement of accessibility called a11y was founded in 2013. However, you can address most requirements by following the guidelines offered here. You can easily switch to another language or a different set of custom text labels. 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors. above the finished floor; have a trench-style drain system across the entry to the shower that is colour contrasted to surrounding elements, or other measures to contain water within the shower area; a water-resistant wall-mounted folding seat that is not spring-loaded; or. Verify that your design can scale and that both text and glyphs are legible at all font sizes. Accessible dressing rooms, and accessible elements within accessible dressing rooms, shall be located on an accessible route complying with 4.1.4. long, and shall incorporate door-locking mechanisms in compliance with this section. The curbed edge shall be at least 75 mm (3 in.) 4.4.13 Lighting
16 February 2012. be provided with a D-type contrasting-coloured door pull at least 140 mm (5-1/2 in.) Accessible means of egress shall comply with 4.1.4. 4.2.9 - Showers
Building: A structure occupying an area greater than ten square metres, consisting of a wall, roof and floor or any of them, or a structural system serving the function thereof, including all plumbing, fixtures and service systems appurtenant thereto; or a structure occupying an area of ten square metres or less that contains plumbing, including the plumbing appurtenant thereto; or structures designated in the Ontario Building Code. Allow persons with disabilities to access the primary presentation area. At smaller text sizes, Mail displays the date inline with the senders name. Note:
wide with a, access from the pool deck into the water, provided by a. a clear width of at least 1100 mm (43-1/4 in. Playground surfaces shall be firm and stable. Plus, closed captioning isn't just for learners with hearing impairments. Detectable warning surfaces at walkways, curb ramps, stairs, elevated platforms and potential hazards shall comply with this section. 4.4.16 Acoustics. operable with a closed fist). Textured surfaces, edge protection and handrails all provide important safety features. Space in front of vending machines allows for manoeuvrability of mobility aids. 4.1.14 Elevators
If you do use a custom font, make sure its easy to read, even at small sizes. 4.4.4 - Visual Alarms
lighting levels of at least 100 lux (9.3 ft-candles) at the work surface. between the door and any adjacent, be sloped to ensure removal of water; and, be designed to allow clear vision below the rail for persons seated in a wheelchair or scooter; and, incorporate pronounced colour contrast between the, be provided within 30m (98 ft. 5 in.) have water depth at the bottom of the ramp of 600 - 900 mm (23-5/8 - 35-1/2 in. Skip Navigation 1194.22 (o) A method shall be provided that permits users to skip repetitive navigation links. Secured areas are those areas used only by detainees or inmates and security personnel. When you use standard components to implement your interface, text and controls automatically adapt to several accessibility settings, such as Bold Text, Larger Text, Invert Colors, and Increase Contrast. For example, some screen readers read the entire app UI when the user starts or switches to the app being viewed, which enables the user to receive all of the available informational content before attempting to navigate it. 4.3.17 Streetscapes
The accessible text in Storyline 360 lets learners personalize the size and style of text by using custom stylesheets or browser extensions, making it more readable and accessible than ever. Where the showerhead is mounted on a vertical bar, the bar shall be installed so as not to obstruct the use of the grab bar. at the loading zone and along the vehicle access route to such areas to and from the site entrances. apart. This enables users to orient themselves as they navigate among the input controls of an application. of knee clearance and at least 470 mm (18 in.) Where required exits from a floor level are not accessible, areas of rescue assistance shall be provided on the floor level in a number equal to that of the required exits. 4.4.10 Information Systems
A minimum 1500 mm x 1500 mm (60 in. clear space directly in front of the sign as well as the clearances needed around such, is required for it's approach and use. Figure Side Reach over an Obstruction. Together let us create this possibility for you. The checklist provides a quick reference for numerous design issues. There are over 1,000,000 members eager to help. One full, unobstructed side of the clear floor space or ground space for a wheelchair or scooter shall adjoin or overlap an accessible route or adjoin another wheelchair clear floor space. File and pay individual and business taxes online. Public Heritage Facility: A facility or portions thereof designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, or identified in the inventory of heritage resources for the City of Mississauga and that is open and accessible to the public. Public address systems shall be zoned so that information can be directed to key locations only, minimizing background noise in other areas. Voice-recognition software, which converts spoken words into typed text. 4.4.8 Detectable Warning Surfaces
In e-learning, accessibility ensures that your content is designed for all learners, regardless of their abilities. In this section, "pedestrian crossover' means a pedestrian crossover as defined in subsection 1 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act. If the system uses a handset, then the length of the cord from the panel to the handset shall be at least 735 mm (29 in.). These published guidelines are maintained by professionals trained in the area of assistive and information technology. If the system uses a handset, then the length of the cord from the panel to the handset shall be minimum 735 mm (29 in.). In a retrofit situation where it is technically infeasible to make all washroom accessories comply with this section, at least one of each type of washroom accessory shall comply in all accessible toilet or bathing facilities. Colour shall be used consistently to visually identify distinctive objects (e.g., exit doors). Such materials shall. Be cautious when displaying moving or blinking elements. Municipal court facilities should accommodate persons with disabilities who may be members of the judiciary, court clerks or other officials, defendants, members of counsel and members of the public. Elevator doors should remain fully open for minimum 8 seconds. Essential print information shall be printed in large text on a highly contrasting background colour, and should also be available in other formats, such as audiotape. 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors
Vermont.gov has adopted Section 508 and W3C Web Accessibility Initiative standards and guidelines as the benchmark to meet the objectives of the Universal Accessibility for State Web sites policy. While a corridor may be wide enough for a person to drive a scooter in a straight line, it may not be possible to make a turn around a corner. b) Any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or other markings on the surface. at low range and 850 - 900 mm (33 - 35-1/2 in.) long, mounted vertically at both ends of the tub adjacent to the clear floor space, with the lower end 180 - 280 mm (7 - 11 in.) Unless all lockers are accessible, accessible lockers shall be identified with an International Symbol of Access or equivalent. 4.4.7 Signage
4.1.7 Gates, Turnstiles and Openings
4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements
In addition to the design requirements specified in 4.1 to 4.4, daycare centres and daycare facilities shall comply with this section. An accessible route complying with 4.1.4 shall lead to and around such fixed or built-in tables, counters and work surfaces. No part of the sign shall encroach on the path of travel. Visual impairments cover a broad spectrum, including low vision, color blindness, and total blindness. Refer to Figure Where a facility contains more than one use covered by a special application section, each portion shall comply with the requirements for that section in addition to all other general provisions. 4.4.15 Texture and Colour, 4.5.3 Swimming Pools, Therapeutic Pools/Public Spas and Spray Pads. Where frameless glass vision panels are used, exposed edges shall be identified with a vertical safety stripe, applied to cap the ends of each exposed glass panel. Where adjacent to water or a drop off in grade that is greater than 200 mm (7-7/8 in. is, where an outswinging door is used, shall have a minimum depth of 1100 mm (43-1/4 in.) 4.4.7 Signage
Text telephones can include, for example, devices known as TDDs (telecommunication display devices or telecommunication devices for deaf persons) or computers with special modems. Search and request certificates of birth, death, marriage, civil union, divorce and dissolution. Speech Transfer Intercom System with volume controls for both staff and customers - this can be in a counter system or speaking port; telephone system with voice/speech amplification. In response, your app should make all text bolder and give all glyphs an increased stroke weight. Escalator installations shall include high definition (colour contrast) of tread edges and nosing. The following grievance procedure is established to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and/or the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA). have a height clearance at the parking space and along the vehicle access and egress routes, of at least 2750 mm (108 in.) 4.5.9 Municipal Courts
Add alt text to the media, buttons, markers, and hotspot labels in 360 interactions so that all learners can have the same engaging experience. and in compliance with, incorporate a paved, firm, level surface, in compliance with local authority standards; and. 4.1.12 Handrails
Exception: Sanitary napkin disposal units may be installed within the transfer space provided they are recessed or protrude not more than 100 mm (4 in.) Consider using described images: provide a hyperlink (the capital letter D is being used at various sites) to a short paragraph describing the image. Designers must also incorporate other considerations, such as economic, engineering, cultural, gender, and environmental concerns, in their design processes. Spaces that may be used by community and public within fire stations shall comply with Section 4.3.5. Tactile identification shall comply with 4.4.15. 4.2.10 Grab Bars
- 54 in.) Where signs are required to be tactile, letters and numerals shall be, Figure 4.4.7 Sample of Serif and Sans-Serif Fonts. 4.4.15 Texture and Colour
dimensional changes to steps and landings are not required however all other design requirements must be met. The use of colour contrast between kitchen elements will assist persons with low vision locate surfaces, appliances and controls. between the outside face of the accessible stall and any wall-mounted fixture or obstruction, with a preferred clearance of 1525 mm (60 in.). The underside of stairways is a common overhead hazard. above the finished floor or ground; has a counter surface width of at least 920 mm (36 in. ), have a separate telephone directory shelf (, be equipped with an electrical outlet, within or adjacent to the telephone enclosure (, be equipped with a handset capable of being placed flush on the surface of the shelf (. Routes of travel through a facility should address the full range of individuals that may use them. Its no secret that accessibility is currently a hot topic. Support for user customization, such as font, zoom setting (magnification), color, and high-contrast settings. ); and. Appropriate placement of grab bars makes sitting and standing or transfers between the toilet and a mobility device safer. Spaces intended for general training, teaching and study shall feature a background noise level no higher than 30 dB(A). Kitchens/kitchenettes or Food preparation areas shall comply with 4.3.18. 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors
Where computer catalogues or workstations are provided, at least 50% shall be accessible and shall comply with this section. 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources
Mysa Skincare boasts an immersive and accessible website to promote and sell its products. 4.3.14 - Landscaping Materials and Plantings
4.2.2 Toilet Stalls
Cues to warn a person with vision loss/no vision of an upcoming set of stairs are vitally important. A marked accessible route should be provided, along with safety features to assist persons who are visually impaired. When people arrive on a screen, the title is the first piece of information they receive from an assistive technology. 4.3.5 Offices, Work Areas and Meeting Rooms
Non-text content needs alternative text (alt text) to describe its meaning to learners using assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Interior accessible routes may include corridors, floors, ramps, elevators, platform lifts and clear floor spaces at fixtures. 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), GAATES - Illustrated Technical Guide to the Accessibility Standard for the Design of Public Spaces, Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments (GAATES), Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), Transportation Association of Canada (TAC), Ontario Recreation Facilities Association, Inc. (ORFA), Re: City of Mississauga 2015 Facility Accessibility Design Standards. All areas intended for use by employees shall be designed and constructed to comply with this standard. The minimum number of receivers to be provided shall be equal to 4% of the total number of seats, but no less than two. Black lettering on white is also acceptable, although less readable than the reverse. If a clear floor space is located in an alcove or otherwise confined on all or part of three sides, additional manoeuvring clearances shall be provided as shown in Figures,, and 4.3.8 Information, Reception and Service Counters
Various techniques can be used to modify the surface of float glass, thus improving the wet potential for slip. The provision of additional electrical outlets throughout training and teaching spaces will better-accommodate the use of such equipment. Wherever practical, controls and operating mechanism associated with built-in elements and equipment shall be mounted on the front face of the built-in element or equipment, or in an equivalent location that is reachable by a user in a seated position. Streetscape elements such as newspaper boxes, trash bins, outdoor patios and bus shelters present a barrier to all pedestrians, especially those that require additional space for use of wheelchairs, scooters, strollers or delivery carts. In addition to accessibility keyboard shortcuts, the system defines a large number of other keyboard shortcuts that many people use all the time. from the front the lavatory to the wall; have hot water and drain pipes insulated if they abut the clearances noted above, limit the water temperature to a maximum of 43 degrees Celsius (100 degrees F), or use offset drain pipes so they do not enter into the kneespace below the lavatory; and. (from the Traffic By-law 555-2000). Bathtubs can present a slipping hazard. 4.4.11 Card Access, Safety and Security Systems
Parks accessibility shall encompass the development of routes, auxiliary services, planting and an overall environment which is accessible and provides a fulfilling recreational experience for all persons with a varying level of ability. 4.2.8 - Bathtubs
soap holder(s) which can be reached from the seated position, ideally fully recessed. 4.3.17 Streetscapes
1-9/16 in.) from the finished floor: or, floor-mounted, with the rim level at the finished floor, mounted with its bottom edge not more than 1000 mm (39-3/8 in.) FAD Standards = City of Mississauga Facility Accessibility Design Standards
4.1.5 Entrances
2c. Figure Detectable Warning Surfaces at Stairs, Figure Truncated Dome Detectable Warning Surface, 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects
Supporting the industry since 2012, through award winning guidance and examples of how to cater for gamers with disabilities and other impairments Color is an inherent part of design. Designated companion seating should also be provided. You can help control this determination by choosing the appropriate element for displaying the text or by adjusting properties of those text elements. People can turn on Reduce Motion if they tend to get distracted or experience dizziness or nausea when viewing animations that include effects such as zooming, scaling, spinning, or peripheral motion. At least 50% of shelf space in storage facilities shall comply with this section. and a minimum length of 5200 mm (17ft); incorporate pavement markings containing the International Symbol of Access in accordance with Figure Storey: The portion of a building, structure or part thereof, that is situated between the top of any floor and the top of the floor next above it, and if there is no floor above it, that portion between the top of the floor and the ceiling above it (Mississauga Zoning ByLaw). Pronounced colour contrast between walls and floor finishes may be helpful for persons with vision loss/no vision, as are changes in colour/texture where a change in level or function occurs. 4.4.6 Assistive Listening Systems
4.3.4 Change/Dressing Rooms
If you use a problematic animation to communicate important information, consider designing a non animated alternative or tightening the physics of the animation to reduce its motion. (See figure, Figure Manoeuvring Space at Doors in Series, Door hardware (operating devices such as handles, pulls, latches, and locks) shall. Mangoes come from trees that belong to the genus Mangifera. 4.3.5 Offices, Work Areas and Meeting Rooms
4.4.15 Texture and Colour. Some examples are: voice control, designed for users with physical impairments, has been more widely adopted as a great convenience by millions of others. is colour and brightness contrasted to the background of the door; is located across the width of the door at a height of 1350 to 1500 mm (53-1/8 to 59 in.) Information systems designed for direct access by the public, such as touch-screen video display, keyboard or keypad access, shall be mounted at a height suitable for use by a person using a wheelchair or scooter (Refer to 4.4.2). The interface is adorned with high-contrast colors, images with alternative text, ARIA markers, and elements utilizing the appropriate labels. Supporting the industry since 2012, through award winning guidance and examples of how to cater for gamers with disabilities and other impairments above the floor; and, Be located within 30 metres (98 ft. 5 in.) 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces
Protruding objects shall not reduce the clear width required for an accessible route or manoeuvring space. This standard is applicable to all new parking structures and surface parking lots. Note: An optional drop-down grab bar in compliance with this section may be provided on the transfer side of the toilet. 4.4.6 Assistive Listening Systems
Where food or drink is served at counters exceeding 865 mm (34 in.) Fixtures, fittings, furniture and equipment specified for training/teaching spaces, shall be flexible for use by students, teachers and staff with a wide range of abilities. back from the front edge to the wall; have a depth at the base of the fountain of at least 700 mm (28 in. Revolving turnstiles are a physical impossibility for a person in a wheelchair to negotiate. Three main aspects of text are relevant to accessibility: UI controls use a visual representation that is defined as part of a XAML resource dictionary of themes. Let learners skip repetitive navigation throughout your course. Controls and operating mechanisms shall comply with 4.4.2. Curb ramps complying with this section shall be provided wherever any path of travel crosses a curb. Signage complying with applicable provisions of 4.4.7 shall be provided. A proposed Change Order Form is included in Appendix B of this standard. Accessible built-in elements such as tables and benches shall. Push buttons or other controls for accessing public information systems should be clearly identifiable by colour and/or tone from the background colour, and should include raised numbers, numerals or symbols for easy identification by persons with a low or no vision. An accessible means of egress is one that complies with this standard and does not include stairs, steps or escalators. within portions of a floor area with fixed seats in an. 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors
These controls allow learners to change the zoom mode, turn accessible text on or off, and toggle keyboard shortcuts. measured vertically from the, be designed so that no member located 140 - 900 mm (5-1/2 - 35-1/2 in.) Seating areas and tables adjacent to vending machines offer convenience and should accommodate the spatial requirements of a wheelchair or scooter. wide, if clear floor space complying with section 4.1.1 renders the dressing room usable by a person in a wheelchair or scooter. Adequate manoeuvring space is required for users of mobility equipment to approach and use work surfaces, storage elements and appliances. 4.4.15 Texture and Colour
4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms
above the bathtub rim; and. 4.3.8 Information, Reception and Service Counters
wide), to allow free passage for persons who use a wheelchair or scooter. For public buildings, washrooms that open onto after hours public outdoor or indoor space is beneficial. 4.5.7 - Business, Mercantile and Civic
4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces
Spaces for vending machines, beverage dispensers and other equipment shall comply with 4.1.1 and shall be located on an accessible route in compliance with 4.1.4. Each door required by 4.4.1 (Emergency Exits, Fire Evacuation and Areas of Rescue Assistance) shall comply with this section. be equipped with a vertical grab bar on each end wall that, is mounted 80 - 120 mm (3-1/8 - 4-3/4 in.) The symbol shall be a minimum of 38 mm (1-1/2 in.) At Accessibility Design we know there is such a place. on all sides. changes to the Ontario Building Code 2012 (including 2015 accessibility updates); the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Acts (AODA) Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces (O. Reg. 4.4.14 Materials and Finishes
4.4.13 Lighting
on at least two sides of the table for persons who use wheelchairs or scooters and min. 4.4.6 Assitive Listening Systems
Inclusive design invokes a process of arriving at an accessible solution to the overall capabilities of a particular product, technology, or website before it goes to market. At pedestrian entrances, lighting levels should be minimum 100 lux (9.4 ft-candles) consistently over the entrance area, measured at the ground. Elevators shall be linked by an emergency call system to a monitored location within the facility with two-way communication ability. have top and bottom dimensions as shown in Table 4.4.8; and. The intent of the symbol must be evident, culturally universal and not counterintuitive. Signs shall incorporate pronounced glare-free colour contrast. (Some users change dpi values as an accessibility option. 4.1.11 Stairs
Where a forward approach is used to access a wheelchair seating space, a clear knee space of at least 810 mm (32 in.) 4.4.2 - Controls and Operating Mechanisms
deep and 920 - 940 mm (36 - 37 in.) Consider adding a transcript via the player notes panel for each slide or a downloadable attachment for the entire course. and should be flush. by 810 mm wide (32 in.). If you overlay text on a background image, reduce the brightness and contrast of the image to make the text easier to read. Access aisle: An accessible pedestrian space between elements, such as parking spaces, seating and desks, that provides clearances appropriate for the use of the elements. Accessible: Describes a site, building, facility or portion thereof that complies with this standard. And sometimes you need to provide a name that is explicitly intended as the accessible name for app accessibility. Where permitted and where feasible, entrances without doors are preferred. Use tables for tabular data, not for layout. be installed to resist a load of at least 1.3 kN (300 lb. will increase the accessibility of a library. 4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources
4.1.10 Curb Ramps
and 10 mm (3/8 in. above and parallel to the rim of the bathtub; with the vertical leg of the L being located 300 - 450 mm (11-3/4 - 17-3/4 in.) Trail width shall be at least 1000 mm (39-3/8 in.). 4.2.7 Universal Washrooms
But when you start to look at color through the lens of accessibility, a potential palette becomes a bit more refined Appendix E. Public address systems should be designed to best accommodate all users, especially those that may be hard of hearing. Accessibility. The maximum cross slope shall be no more than 1:50 (2%). 4.1.3 Protruding and Overhead Objects
Recruiting people with disabilities requires a bit more work. Persons with cognitive challenges may find counterintuitive controls or graphics difficult. 4.1.10 Curb Ramps
This lower counter may also serve children. stairs need not comply if they connect levels that are accessible by an elevator. x 54 in.) 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements
Detectable warning surfaces should be used consistently throughout a facility. one grab bar will have the toilet paper dispenser attached. at least 810 mm (32 in.) The characters shall be a minimum of 50 mm high (2 in.) indicator surface along each side. Find out what permits you need using the new Vermont Permit Navigator. Provide a clear line of sight to important elements for any seated or standing user. ); and. It is preferable to have all fixed tables accessible. Additional references are provided for those who wish to gain a broader understanding of disability and accessibility issues. For developer guidance, see shouldGroupAccessibilityChildren and accessibilityTitleUIElement. In a retrofit situation where it is technically infeasible to provide a clear width of 950 mm (37-1/2 in. The provision of knee space under the counter facilitates use by a person using a wheelchair or a scooter. 4.4.15 Texture and Colour. Classroom 'portables' shall comply with this section. above the, with a curb at least 75 mm (3 in.) Gangways which connect to vessels are not included. In areas used for transactions where counters have cash registers and are provided for sales and distribution of goods or services to the public, at least one of each type shall have a portion of the counter accessible and in compliance with this section. Accessibility by Design Accessibility by Design Inclusive Electronic and Information Technology. in width and 1830 mm (72 in.) When it makes sense to use a combination of colors to communicate states or values, include additional visual indicators so everyone can perceive the information. Medical conditions, such as arthritis or heart conditions, using crutches or the physical act of pushing a wheelchair, all make it difficult to travel long distances. In a retrofit situation where it is technically infeasible to provide the required level surface, the dimensions may be reduced to min. wide, which can be activated between 200 mm (7-7/8") and 900 mm (35-1/2 in.) In a retrofit situation where it is technically infeasible to provide this clearance, the minimum clear opening of doorways may be reduced to 860 mm (33-3/4 in.). 1. The app is treated as a top-level window by UI Automation, and through the UI Automation framework all the accessibility-relevant content within that app window is available to a UI Automation client. audio or digital applications. Descending a steep ramp can also be hazardous. high, measured vertically from a line drawn through the outer edges of the stair nosings or from the surface of a. have a circular section 30-40 mm (1-3/16 in. Exterior lighting shall be in compliance with Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Standards in all public thoroughfares, and at all pedestrian routes, to provide safe access for persons with disabilities from sidewalks, bus stops and parking areas to nearby facilities and site amenities. Where two accessible pedestrian signal assemblies are installed on the same corner, they must be a minimum of 3000mm (118 in.) Where provided, all fume hoods shall have base surface mounted no higher than 865 mm (34 in.) Programs or settings that adjust the display or areas of it, for example high contrast themes, dots per inch (dpi) settings of the display, or the Magnifier tool. 4.1.1 Space and Reach Requirements
at exterior routes). bench fixed to the wall along the longer dimension. In some cases, so long as you use the same peer class as was used by the base control class, the automation support for your derived class is adequate at a basic level. 5b. 4.4.13 Lighting
A well-designed curb ramp can be spoiled by an uneven or gapped transition between the road surface and curb ramp. When you design your apps, consider how they may be used by people with limited mobility, vision, and hearing. 4.2.10 Grab Bars, 4.3.1 Drinking Fountains
Dishwashers shall incorporate clear floor space adjacent to the dishwasher door. The Facilities and Property Management Division of the City of Mississauga, other City departments, as well as contracted consulting firms shall be responsible for the application of the 2015 Facilities Accessibility Design Standards when designing and administering all construction and renovation projects associated with new facilities, as well as the retrofit, alteration or addition to existing facilities, owned, leased or operated by the City of Mississauga. They might have learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, might not be strong readers, or might be in a busy environment where they can't focus on the screen. 4.5.6 Libraries
Ideally, it's best to work with someone who has color blindness so you can ensure the best possible experience. People use Apples accessibility features to personalize how they interact with their devices in ways that work for them. The provision of handrails along circulation routes from dressing rooms to pool, gymnasium and other activity areas, will be of benefit to many facility users. Ensure that text can always be clearly read at any location against the background. 4.3.13 Passenger-Loading Zones
Go to Navigation and select Move VoiceOver cursor from the Mouse pointer dropdown. 4.4.6 Assistive Listening Systems
Areas of rescue assistance shall comply with this section. Here are some best practices to lean into as you design your course. Clearly defined boundaries of materials like carpeting or floor tiles shall enhance wayfinding by defining such as the junction between walls and floors, doorway recesses and corridor intersections. 2b. The AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, Section 29) states: Duty of the committee:
4.4.12 Glare and Light Sources
An object protruding from a wall above the detection range of a cane is dangerous for persons with vision loss/no vision or a pedestrian distracted by a conversation. Such service animal relief areas need to be in an accessible location, feature good drainage and provide a garbage can for waste disposal. It includes documentation, guidelines, info on how to use components, and examples of tested use cases to promote best practices for inclusive design. A walkway or pedestrian bridge connecting two barrier-free storeys in different buildings shall form part of an accessible route and shall comply with this section. Use ARIA roles and landmarks (but only when necessary) Make dynamic content accessible. A mental map is formed of the overall setting and the desired destination. On iPhone or iPad, for example, turn on Larger Accessibility Text Sizes in Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Larger Text, and make sure your app remains comfortably readable. 4.1.12 Escalators
4.3.8 Information, Reception and Service Counters
Many factors affect the perception of color, including font size and weight, color brightness, screen resolution, and lighting conditions. where provided, have slots for posting mail located to be reachable from a seated position; where provided, have at least 10%, but no less than one, mailbox for collecting mail, located to be reachable from a seated position; have operating mechanisms in compliance with, where counters, appliances or cabinets are on two opposing sides, or when counters, appliances or cabinets are opposite a parallel wall, clearance between all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within a kitchen work area of 1100 mm (43-1/4 in.) high. Where floor slots or pockets are included to receive temporary or occasional supports, such slots or pockets shall be level with the floor finish and have an integral cover, so as not to cause a tripping hazard. Faucets and other controls shall be hand-operated or electronically controlled. The Shortcuts app lets you quickly perform everyday tasks in your most commonly used apps. NC State University, The Center for Universal Design. 4.3.1 Drinking Fountains
Figure L-Shpaed Kitchen with Island. Other controls may be located where it is convenient. 4.1.6 Doors
In addition, any lack of contrast on the edge of steps makes it difficult to determine the position of the steps or judge their speed. at exterior routes), Figure Turn Around an Obstacle less than 1200 wide
Dining areas, including raised or sunken dining areas, and outdoor seating areas shall be accessible. (Note: Hardware should be suitable for autonomous use, and any closing device should not be spring-loaded). All portions of an accessible route shall be equipped to provide a minimum level of illumination of 50 lux (4.6 ft-candles). The experience and knowledge Jane brought to the project was invaluable. by 1370 mm (54 in.). be located adjacent to a 2440 by 2440 mm (96 by 96 in.) The platform shall incorprate safety wheel-guards along all exposed edges. Todd Grugel ADA Program Engineer 651-366-3531 ; Joe Zilka ADA Design Engineer 651-366-3311; For designers. The Facilities and Property Management Division of the City of Mississauga shall review and/or update this standard as necessary, to reflect technological advancement and new construction practices, as well as changes to the barrier-free design requirements of various codes and standards such as the Ontario Building Code (OBC), Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and the CSA Standard B651 - Accessible Design for the Built Environment. Structures and equipment directly associated with the actual processes of construction, such as scaffolding, bridging, materials hoists, or construction trailers, are not included. When you enhance the accessibility of your content, everyone benefits. 4.4.15 Texture and Colour. away shall have at least 660 mm (26 in.) 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces
Wheelchair seating spaces shall be placed in close proximity to the room entrance. The minimum space between two hinged or pivoted doors in series shall be 1525 mm (60 in. Paths and trails shall incorporate rest areas and where appropriate, with seating. WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) ensure that content is accessible by everyone, regardless of disability or user device. Support the VoiceOver rotor when necessary. Where full accessibility standards are not achievable actions must be taken to consult with the Accessibility Coordinator. high; installed at a height of 1200 mm (47 in.) Where the provision of accessible features is technically infeasible, and the standard allows a reduction of manoeuvring space from the requirements for new construction, the reduced dimensions are minimums. 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces
Minimum requirements for non-accessible toilet stalls are included to ensure that persons who do not use wheelchairs or scooters can be adequately accommodated within any toilet stall. Lighting in elevator cabs shall be minimum 100 lux (9.2 ft-candles), measured at the floor level and at the same lighting level as the adjacent lobby space. Where decals are used, they shall be located at a maximum of 150 mm (5-7/8 in.) Element: An architectural or mechanical component of a building, facility, space or site (e.g., telephone, curb ramp, door, drinking fountain, seating or water closet). C - FADS Checklist
Individual staff with a disability may require additional accommodations beyond those identified within this section. Avoid the unnecessary use of icons, graphics and photographs. 4.4.2 Controls and Operating Mechanisms
Information should be accessible to all facility users. Wading pool access shall be safe and gradual so that a child with a disability can be assisted into the water easily and/or use a wheelchair to enter. Or, place a semi-transparent shape between the image and the text to increase the contrast ratio. Slip-resistance when wet and polished is Very Poor. Please note that the Principles of Universal Design address only universally usable design, while the practice of design involves more than consideration for usability. above the finished floor; be designed to carry a minimum load of 1.33 kN (300 lb.). After all, if your copy is too small, learners might have trouble reading it. Guard: A safety railing used as a barrier to prevent encroachment or accidental falling from heights. 4.1.2 Ground and Floor Surfaces
x 1370 mm (54 in. Boat Slip: That portion of a pier, main pier, finger pier, or float where a boat is moored for the purpose of berthing, embarking, or disembarking. 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors
shall be provided within the vestibule area, clear of any door swing. Multiple browser testing will be conducted on the current versions of all vendor-supported browsers composing at a minimum 3 percent of total usage on the site. Handrail: A component which is normally grasped by hand for support at stairways and other places where needed for the safety of pedestrians. 4.1.4 Accessible Routes, Paths and Corridors
It takes the guesswork out of designing for color blindness by showing you what people with common color vision impairments will see in real-time. Finishes such as vinyl, other composition materials, quarry tile, glazed tile or mosaics, used on horizontal surfaces, such as floors and work surfaces, shall be in matte or satin finishes. Figure Pictograms (Note: Must incorporate equivalent verbal description. The most important information that a screen reader or any other assistive technology needs in order to help users understand or navigate an app is an accessible name for the element parts of the app. A direct or unassisted solution eliminates an accessibility issue solely through design, for example when a designer uses both color and an icon to draw attention to an element, thus avoiding issues for colorblind users. from the curb edge; and. How to understand WCAG colour contrast ratio requirements and AAA levels. Additionally, the handset shall be equipped with a receiver that generates a magnetic field in the area of the receiver cap, and the handset shall have a volume control and shall comply with CSA Standard T515. 4.1.14 Elevators
* Note: In a retrofit situation where it is technically infeasible to provide the required access aisle width, the aisle width may be reduced to 2000 mm (78-3/4 in.). Consider providing a keyboard-accessible alternative if you use hover states to display text or images. ), in the event the car door is obstructed while closing. Ontario Building Code (OBC) stipulates that the minimum unobstructed height of a below grade parking structure is 2.1m. ); Use by members of the general public in an emergency situation; and. If you use color to provide important context or meaning, offer text, audio, or image equivalents for learners with color blindness. This standard addresses accessibility requirements for the design and construction of new facilities, as well as the retrofit, alteration or addition to existing facilities, owned, leased or operated by the City of Mississauga.This standard particularly addresses the needs of persons with disabilities, including, but not limited to, persons using a mobility aid, hearing loss, vision The slope of the bottom of any portion of a public spa shall not exceed 1:12 (8%). Make drag and drop accessible in your iOS or iPadOS app. 4.4.7 - Signage
In a retrofit situation where it is technically infeasible to have all dressing rooms comply with this section, 10% of dressing rooms, but never less than one, for each type of use in each cluster of dressing rooms shall be accessible and comply with this section. 4.1.13 Escalators
above the floor; designed to carry a minimum load of 1.33 kN (300 lbs. While it is not required to make all of these areas fully accessible, it is a requirement that they be easy to adapt, should the need arise in the future to accommodate a person with a mobility impairment. The specific facility types listed in Section 4.5 shall, in addition to all of the provisions specified in Section 4.1 to 4.4, comply with the additional design requirements specified in Section 4.5. Lighting fixtures shall comply with the relevant parts of 4.1.3 and 4.3.17. In order to be accessible to all individuals, emergency exits must include the same accessibility features as other doors specified in 4.1.6. from the floor. 4.1.5 Entrances
Avoid requiring animations unless theyre essential for your experience. 4.4.15 Texture and Colour. Where hard, monolithic materials are selected, they shall be non-slip and non-glare, complying with 4.4.12. At interior stairs, it is acceptable to provide detectable warning surfaces not more than 3mm above or below adjacent surfaces, however flat-topped domes or cones are preferable. 4.1.8 Windows, Glazed Screens and Sidelights
Tactile: Describes an object that can be perceived using the sense of touch. When you design your apps, consider how they may be used by people with limited mobility, vision, and hearing. and 1100 mm (43-1/4 in.) deep and 685 mm (27 in.) The space required for a wheelchair to make a 360-degree turn is a clear floor space of 2440 mm (96 in.) Accommodate right- or left-handed access and use.