By identifying basic principles of microbial food safety within the realm of growing, harvesting, packing, and transporting fresh produce, users of this guide will be better prepared to recognize and address the principal elements known to give rise to microbial food safety concerns. Some packaging controls used for fresh-cut produce affect the environment within the package by reducing the levels of oxygen. Practices may include the following. The source of the infection was a baker who contaminated baked goods while applying sugar glaze. Food hazard: a biological, chemical, or physical agent that is reasonably likely to cause human illness or injury in the absence of its control. Fate of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in bovine feces. Packers should also consider application of food service type standards, such as found in FDA's Food Code (Ref. The "Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables" (Ref .15) provides useful guidance when reviewing primary production practices. (3) For information regarding re-washing of fresh-cut produce, California Department of Health Services Food and Drug Branch "Recommendations from Fresh-cut Produce Re-wash Panel, April 4, 2006." Wherever water comes in contact with fresh produce, its quality dictates the potential for pathogen contamination. It was showed that fruits and vegetable were contaminated with potential food borne pathogens withvarying degree of antibiotic resistance thus suggesting that they could act as a vehicle for thedissemination of antibiotic resistant organisms as well as serve as a reservoir of food bornepathogens of public health significance. Use of untreated (raw) manure on food crops carries a greater risk of contamination compared with the use of manure that has been treated to reduce pathogens. Sections IV. Microbial survey of selected Ontario-grown fresh fruits and vegetables. understanding the microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as field production, processing, and handling practices. Such practices may include using antimicrobial chemicals in the wash water or using spray type wash treatments instead of submerging produce. Specifically, they will contribute research to improve the modeling tools . There is general scientific agreement that irrigation practices that expose the edible portion of plants to direct contact with contaminated water may increase microbial food safety risks (Ref. - Do feedlots, animal pastures, and dairy operations in the region use fences or other barriers to minimize animal access to shared water sources? We recommend that employees be trained to follow good personal hygiene practices, including the use of proper hand washing techniques, wearing clean clothes and any additional outer coverings (e.g., hairnets and beard covers, disposable gloves, aprons), and appropriate conduct on the job. Clean means that food or food-contact surfaces are washed and rinsed and are visually free of dust, dirt, food residues, and other debris. 2010 Sep;12(9):2385-97. doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2010.02297.x. However, over the last several years, the detection of outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with both domestic and imported fresh fruits and vegetables has increased. We also recommend that fresh-cut processors consider the following to maintain appropriate air quality: Water can be a carrier of microorganisms including pathogens. Care must be taken when packing produce in the field not to contaminate containers or bins by exposure to soil and manure. Where necessary, growers should consider measures to ensure that animal waste from adjacent fields or waste storage facilities does not contaminate the produce production areas. Consider the use of antimicrobial chemicals in cooling water. Journal of Food Protection. We recommend that a fresh-cut produce firm's training program for employees (including temporary, seasonal, and full time employees) include training on the CGMPs for production, maintenance, quality assurance, and quality control with an emphasis on worker health and hygiene; employee roles and responsibilities; and sanitation principles and sanitary practices. Unless workers understand and follow basic food protection principles, they may unintentionally contaminate fresh produce and fresh-cut produce, food contact surfaces, water supplies, or other workers, and thereby, create the opportunity to transmit foodborne illness. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Removing mud from fresh produce when fields are muddy may not be practical. FOOD CONTAMINATION AND SPOILAGE PRESENTED BY GROUP 4 GROUP 4 MEMBERS NAMES REGISTRATION NUMBERS AKANDWANAHO RITAH . Color coding bins, totes, clothing, cleaning implements, maintenance tools, and other items (e.g., blue aprons for receiving zones and red aprons for processing and packaging areas) may help achieve separation of traffic and thereby, minimize cross-contamination. We recommend that records be retained at the processing plant for at least six months after the date that the products were prepared unless a longer retention time is required under a relevant law or regulation. In response, per capita consumption data show that Americans are eating more fresh produce (Ref. Listeria monocytogenes can be present in RTE vegetables. Six bacterial species were isolated among which Staphylococcus aureus (35.4%) predominated while Serratia marcescens (8.5%) was the least. Transporters should be aware of temperature requirements for produce being hauled and avoid delivery of mixed loads with incompatible refrigeration requirements. The ability of pathogens to survive in the field environment has been well studied, leading to the implementation of guidelines such as the Safe Sludge Matrix, which aim to limit the likelihood of viable pathogens remaining at point-of-sale. Good agricultural practices for minimizing hazards from livestock include: Domestic animals should be excluded from fresh produce fields, vineyards, and orchards during the growing season. Maintain air cooling equipment and cooling areas. Remove mud and debris from processing equipment daily. Remove, as much as practicable, all visible debris, soil, dirt, and unnecessary items from product storage areas on an ongoing basis. Agricultural water quality will vary, particularly surface waters that may be subject to intermittent, temporary contamination, such as waste water discharge or polluted runoff from upstream livestock operations. 3) The guide provides broad, scientifically based principles. Foods. (available in PDF). - Remove any unnecessary articles, including old and inoperative equipment that is no longer used, to eliminate areas that harbor rodents and insects. Storing packaging containers and other packaging materials in a manner so as to protect them from contamination, such as away from pests, dirt, cleaning chemicals, and water condensation from overhead equipment and structures, Maintaining a program to identify and correct situations where damage to containers may potentially occur, Labeling all finished fresh-cut produce products with recommended storage instructions (e.g., "Keep Refrigerated") or storage temperature to inform all persons handling the product of the recommended storage conditions, Communicating (through product labeling) that the consumer should refrigerate the product to prevent product spoilage and the potential for growth of pathogens, Ensuring that any "use by" date on the product package is validated by studies of the product with respect to microbiological safety, Keeping finished products refrigerated at temperatures appropriate for the product during storage, transportation, and display for sale to minimize the potential for growth of microbial pathogens, Shipping fresh-cut produce products on a FIFO basis to minimize storage time, Ensuring that the equipment in refrigeration vehicles is designed to circulate cold air uniformly throughout the vehicle while taking the load layout into consideration, Placing fresh-cut produce products in storage facilities and transportation vehicles in a manner that allows for proper air circulation, Transporting and storing fresh-cut produce products in vehicles and containers that are dedicated to carrying food products and have been treated by a process that is effective in destroying vegetative cells of microorganisms of public health significance, Inspecting transportation vehicles and containers for debris, soil, and off-odors prior to loading to increase their suitability for transporting fresh-cut produce, Loading and unloading fresh-cut produce in a manner that minimizes the potential for damage and for microbial contamination, Equipment monitoring and maintenance records, Inspection records (e.g., incoming product, facility, production area), Microbiological contamination records (e.g., food contact surfaces, equipment), Ednet: a monthly electronic newsletter for food safety educators. The level of understanding needed will vary as determined by the type of operation, the task, and the assigned responsibilities. Composting refers to a managed process in which organic materials, including animal manure and other wastes, are digested aerobically or anaerobically by microbial action. Accessibility - The pathogens Salmonella typhi, Shigella species, E. coli O157:H7, and hepatitis A virus have a high infectivity, which is the ability to invade and multiply in the body, and virulence, which is the ability to produce severe disease. Minimizing the build up of organic material in wash water. Operators outside the U.S. should follow corresponding or similar national or regional laws or regulations. In addition, much of the research on the composting of manure and application of manure to field crops has focused on the effects of different practices on soil fertility and crop quality. There is increased production requiring wet cleaning of down lines in the same room as lines running product. We recommend that fresh-cut processors consider options for maintaining the quality of water most appropriate for their individual operations. - Clean surfaces soiled by birds or other wildlife. Quantitative Assessment of Relative Risk to Public Health from Foodborne, FDA, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, ", FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ", Potential Sources of Microbial Contamination, Examples of Scenarios That May Cause Microbial Contamination of the Product, An Example of Product/Personnel Flow Patterns in a Fresh-cut Processing Plant. Infected employees who work with fresh produce increase the risk of transmitting foodborne illnesses. FDA recommends that employees in food processing areas not engage in activities that could contaminate food, such as eating, using tobacco, chewing gum, or spitting. We also recommend the following practices: Retaining information about all incoming ingredients, such as the identity of the grower or supplier, date of harvest, the field, and linking the information on the incoming product with the operation's production records (e.g., when processed, date, shift) for finished product. Microbial contamination of fruit and vegetables and the behaviour of enteropathogens in the phyllosphere: a review J.C. Heaton and K. Jones Department of Biological Sciences, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK Introduction It is now commonly accepted that fruit and vegetable Containers used to transport ready-to-eat produce should be routinely cleaned and sanitized. The site is secure. Here, we have discussed various decontamination methods including simple household washing, chemical treatments, and modern technologies with their mode of action for microbial and pesticide removal. This guidance does not set binding requirements or identify all possible preventive measures to minimize microbial food safety hazards. As the fresh-cut produce market continues to evolve, the scope of this guidance may need to be modified to address new or novel types of products. Berger CN, Sodha SV, Shaw RK, Griffin PM, Pink D, Hand P, Frankel G. Environ Microbiol. There are several important considerations to remember when using this guide. 3.0 for guidance on pest control.). Food and Drug Administration J Food Prot. 2002. Covering cuts and wounds with a suitable water proof dressing when workers with such injuries are permitted to continue working. However, spray wash treatments may spread pathogens by splashing or by aerosol, or on food contact surfaces, such as brushes and utensils. The genus is named in honour of the British pioneer of sterile surgery Joseph Lister. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is widely used as an indicator organism of fecal contamination and water Water use in crop production involves numerous field operations including irrigation, applications of pesticides and fertilizers, cooling, and frost control. Keep harvest containers clean to prevent cross-contamination of fresh produce. If packing containers are stored outside the packing facility, they should be cleaned and sanitized before use. - Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for water used for food and food contact surfaces in processing facilities are in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), sections 110.37(a) and 110.80(a)(1). See additional PRA statement in section XIII of this guidance. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be contaminated if they are washed with water that is contaminated by animal manure . Analysis and Evaluation of Preventative Control Measures for the Control and Reduction/Elimination of Microbial Hazards on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce, Reducing Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Sprouted Seeds, Sampling and Microbial Testing of Spent Irrigation Water During Sprout Production, Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook (Bad Bug Book), Produce & Plant Products Guidance Documents & Regulatory Information, Soft nylon brush and High Pressure Hose (when appropriate), Chlorine-Quaternary ammonium ("quat")-based cleaner, Once/Month Walls adjacent to processing equipment should be cleaned daily, Hard bristle broom (not straw), floor scrubbers, low pressure hose, Overhead pipes, electrical conduits, structural beams, Brush, bucket, high water pressure machine, Chlorine-alkaline detergent, quat or iodine based sanitizer, Becoming aware of practices used by your suppliers (i.e., growers, packers, coolers, transporters, etc. While it is not possible to completely exclude all animal life from all fresh produce production areas, many field programs include elements to protect crops from animal damage. Despite the best of efforts by food industry operators, food may never be completely free of microbial hazards. 2022 Sep 6;15:5265-5274. doi: 10.2147/IDR.S375043. . Do not share towels. We recommend the following practices that use location to reduce the potential for contamination: Locating a disinfectant foot foam, foot bath, or foot spray at all entrances and exits to all production and finished product storage areas. 6). . Past outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with fresh and minimally processed produce have usually been the result of produce becoming contaminated with fecal material. Collecting leachate allows the grower to control its disposal (e.g., on a vegetative grassway) or use (e.g., to control moisture during composting). This variability and lack of a direct determination of cause have resulted in a high degree of uncertainty, and, in some cases, false associations. FOIA The .gov means its official. It is not currently known what proportion of produce may become contaminated by water used in agricultural or packing facility operations. Occasionally a more specific term may be used, such as "irrigation water." However, for some operations, drift, flooding, or runoff from adjacent fields may result in microbial hazards. Although water may be a useful tool for reducing potential contamination, it may also introduce or spread contaminants. Who handled the produce from grower to receiver. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. Reusing processing water may result in the build-up of microbial loads, including undesirable pathogens from the crop. We recommend that producers of sprouts refer to this guidance, "Reducing Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Sprouted Seeds" (Ref. The conclusion that fresh-cut produce are not RACs is consistent with the preamble to the proposed revisions to the CGMP regulation (44 FR 33238 at 33239, June 8, 1979), which states, when discussing the exclusion for RACs, that such products may be excluded because "food from those commodities is brought into compliance with the Act at the later stages of manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding." The Government of India's Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has notified the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) fourth amendment regulations, 2018, with revised microbiological standards for fruits and vegetables and their products. 2014 May;77(5):713-21. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-13-357. Each chapter presents important information concerning food microbiologists, food technologists, food processors, regulatory officials and public health workers. Operations with poor management of human and other wastes in the field or packing facility can significantly increase the risk of contaminating produce. In general, the quality of water in direct contact with the edible portion of produce may need to be of better quality compared to uses where there is minimal contact. Workers with diarrheal disease and symptoms of other infectious diseases should not work with fresh produce or the sorting and packing equipment in the packing facility. The importance of proper handwashing techniques. 6). However, these concerns are addressed in the Part 503 regulation. A well-organized review of microbiological literature on microbial contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables was conducted. About 20% of vegetables and fruits harvested for human consumption in the world is lost due to microbial spoilage. Using detectable bandages will allow the facility to detect when a bandage has fallen into the processing line so that corrective action can be taken.We also recommend that a worker with a wound that cannot be covered to prevent contact with fresh produce or fresh-cut produce, processing equipment, or tools not work with any aspect of fresh produce or fresh-cut produce, processing equipment or tools until the wound has healed. Workers should always have the opportunity to use the facilities when they need to, not only when they are on break. On the farm, potential contamination avenues include contact with untreated manure used as a soil amendment, contaminated water, infected workers, or conditions in the field or packing facility such as unclean containers and tools used in harvesting and packing, and the presence of animals. The scientific basis for reducing or eliminating pathogens in an agricultural setting is evolving and not yet complete. Agricultural water is frequently a shared resource. India is currently producing over 77 million tone fruits and over 150 million tone vegetables per year, and is one of the leading country in horticulture. We recommend that employees be trained about how, when, and why they must properly wash their hands and exposed portions of their arms. Being aware of, and addressing, the common risk factors outlined in this document will result in a more effective, cohesive response to emerging concerns about the microbial safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Microbial Hazard Identification in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - Keeping produce safe--from the farm to the fork As health- and quality-conscious consumers increasingly seek out fr (EAN:9780470007754) Vigorous washing of produce not easily bruised or injured increases the likelihood of pathogen removal. 9 and 10). Preventive maintenance includes periodic examination and maintenance of equipment such as valves, gaskets, o-rings, pumps, screens, filters, and heat exchanger plates. This analysis is accomplished either by tracing lot numbers, if they are available; or using a Shipment Delivery Time Line to identify suspect shipments, based on knowledge about the time period when the implicated product is useable and salable during the infection period. Information on location of regional branches is available on the WWW at the following address: 2022 Mar 22;88(6):e0224921. A wide range of communicable diseases may be transmitted by infected employees to consumers through contaminated food or food utensils. Specifications provide standards by which a food processor can assess the acceptability of ingredients and components and thus, minimize microbial, chemical, and physical hazards. 2 FDA and USDA, "Initiative to Ensure the Safety of Imported and Domestic Fruits and Vegetables: Status Report," February 24, 1998. 2). Improperly used gloves may become a vehicle for spreading pathogens. The effectiveness of an antimicrobial agent, as well as the amount that should be used, depends on the treatment conditions, such as water temperature, acidity [pH], water hardness, contact time, amount and rate of product throughput, type of product, water to product ratio, amount of organic material, and the resistance of pathogens to the particular antimicrobial agent. We recommend replacing a tool if it cannot be fixed so that it can be adequately cleaned. An important part of an on-going program to ensure the safety of fresh produce is to institute a system of identifying employees who present a risk of transmitting foodborne pathogens to fresh produce or to other employees. The simple household processes are not very effective in the removal of pathogenic organisms and pesticides. Illustration adapted from Adobe Stock by Samuel Jennings. Operators are encouraged to utilize this guide to evaluate their own operations and assess site-specific hazards so they can develop and implement reasonable and cost effective agricultural and management practices to minimize microbial food safety hazards. If gloves are used, be sure they are used properly and do not become another vehicle for spreading pathogens. The cases of food borne illness are also. American Journal of Epidemiology. Further, for some crops, such as root crops or low growing crops, it may not be possible to effectively minimize contact between irrigation water and the edible portion of the crop. Using positive, negative, and ambient air pressure differentials to direct potential airborne contaminants away from microbially sensitive areas. College Park, Maryland 20740 Importantly, however, fresh-cut produce processing has the capability to reduce the risk of contamination by placing the preparation of fresh-cut produce in a controlled, sanitary facility. If these epidemiological studies implicate a particular food product and hazard analysis shows that other contributing causes were not to blame (for example, cross-contamination, ill food workers, other sources of infectious agent, etc. You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff, call the appropriate telephone number listed on the title page of this guidance. Most of the fruits and vegetables contain a high percentage of water that ranges from 78% in potatoes to 94.8% in lettuce. This document also available in French (Franais), Portuguese (Portugus), Spanish (Espaol). We recommend that facilities and staging areas be designed to facilitate maintenance and good sanitation practices so that contamination may be controlled throughout receiving, cooling, processing, packing, and storage operations. - Whatever parameters are selected, growers and manure suppliers should apply good agricultural practices that ensure that all materials receive an adequate treatment, such as thorough mixing and turning outside edges into the center of a compost pile. Consider practices that will ensure and maintain water quality. As discussed in Section V. (Traceback), it is often difficult to identify with certainty the source of microbial contamination for fresh produce. Some equipment may need to be disassembled before cleaning and sanitizing followed by reassembly. Clean pallets, containers or bins before using to transport fresh produce. The OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0609 (expires 10/31/2010). U.S. Food and Drug Administration Because a recall may extend to more than one lot of product, we recommend that processors develop a coding system to help identify incoming product sources, individual production lots and to whom each lot is distributed. Telephone: 1-800-490-9198; FAX (513) 489-8695. We recommend that all food contact surfaces be smoothly bonded (e.g., free of pits, folds, cracks, crevices, open seams, cotter pins, exposed threads, and piano hinges) to avoid harboring pathogens. Operators should institute practices to ensure that water quality is adequate for its intended use, both at the start and at the end of all post-harvest processes. Depending on the operation, good management practices may include keeping livestock confined (e.g., in pens or yards) or preventing their entry into fields by using physical barriers such as fences. eCollection 2022. Growers may need to consider measures to ensure that animal waste from adjacent fields or waste storage facilities does not contaminate the produce production areas during heavy rains, especially if fresh produce is grown in low-lying fields or orchards. Several fresh fruit and vegetable trade organizations, universities, state and local government agencies, and countries exporting produce to the United States have taken strong leadership roles in assisting growers, packers, and shippers in identifying potential hazards associated with their operations. 5). Thus, the examples of good agricultural practices and good management practices presented in the guide may not apply to all types of fresh and minimally processed produce and are intended to be implemented where appropriate by all industry operators. Producers may wish to contact a local agricultural extension agent, their chemical supplier, or a food safety consultant for help in deciding what water treatment chemicals to use. For example, washing station employees could be trained about appropriate antimicrobial chemical usage, and packaging station employees could be trained about proper handling and cleanliness of boxes and totes. and III. Internalization of Salmonella in Leafy Greens and Impact on Acid Tolerance. In most instances, cooling with air (such as vacuum coolers or fans) will pose the lowest risk. 13). Copies are available from: Dr. Richard Ellis, 6913 Franklin Court, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-3700. We recommend that employees with cleaning and sanitation duties be trained to understand the principles and methods required for effective cleaning and sanitation, especially as those methods relate to food safety. 4), the fresh-cut sector of the produce industry is its fastest growing segment. Growers interested in testing the microbial quality of agricultural water sources may want to consider the following: - Growers may elect to test their water supply for microbial contamination on a periodic basis, using standard indicators of fecal pollution, such as E. coli tests, which may be performed by commercial, State, or local government laboratories. The processing of fresh produce without proper sanitation procedures in the processing environment increases the potential for contamination by pathogens (see Appendix B, "Foodborne Pathogens Associated with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables."). - Dry cleaning (e.g., brushing, scraping, blowing air) may be used with some produce that cannot tolerate water. Growers, packers, shippers, brokers, exporters, importers, retailers, wholesalers and others involved in the transport of fresh produce should help ensure that sanitation requirements for trucks or other carriers are met at the different steps within the transportation chain. We recommend that employees with these symptoms be excluded from any operations which may be expected to result in contamination of fresh or fresh-cut produce or food contact surfaces, including equipment and utensils, until the medical condition is resolved. (See section VII. We recommend that employees be trained consistent with the level of complexity of their jobs and that additional training be provided as needed to ensure current knowledge of equipment and process technology. - Is manure applied to land by many farms in the region? Operators or growers should consider the following practices: Keep equipment or machinery that comes in contact with fresh produce as clean as practicable. It focused specifically on major and minor issues on the topic including information having a bearing on the topic. Waste water from portable toilet facilities that may drain into a field can contaminate fresh produce. To minimize the potential for the growth of microorganisms and for the contamination of fresh-cut produce, FDA recommends that control measures be in place to prepare, process, package, and store the product. Pathogen means a microorganism capable of causing disease or injury. Useful materials and information may be found at the Fight BAC! campaign of the Partnership for Food Safety Education, and Gateway to Government Food Safety Information ( Growers may want to consider covering manure piles, such as storing manure under a roof or covering piles with an appropriate covering. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. We also recommend that company expectations for proper employee hygiene and food protection techniques be clearly communicated to new employees before starting employment and reaffirmed during periodic training programs. Appl Environ Microbiol. Promote good handling/processing practices. It is a controlled and managed process in which organic materials are digested, aerobically or anaerobically, by microbial action. (6)Used with permission from the United Fresh Produce Association (UFPA), Food Safety Guidelines for the Fresh-cut Produce Industry, 4th Edition, 2001. Example of a training aid on how to wash your hands, Vigorously rub hands up to elbows for 20 seconds, Turn off running water with a paper towel, not bare hands, Dry hands with a paper towel or air dry. We recommend that if gloves are used in a facility, the firm develop guidelines for their safe use, sanitation, and changing. The guide cannot address all microbiological hazards potentially associated with fresh produce, but it can provide the framework for identifying and implementing appropriate measures most likely to minimize risk on the farm, in the packinghouse, and during transport. Processing water should be of such quality that it does not contaminate produce. Pesticide residues build up over time due to the plant's ability to concentrate toxins. Rockville, MD 20852. For example, keeping hose nozzles off the floor can help prevent nozzles and employee hands from becoming a source of contamination. 16). Poor management of human and other wastes in the field can significantly increase the risk of contaminating produce. As such, the fresh produce industry is extraordinarily diverse and complex in the number of products produced, how the products are grown and handled, and the geographic areas from which these products are sourced. This review presents an insight into the epidemiology of microbial contamination, major sources and routes of contamination, outbreaks of food-borne illnesses, food safety technologies and policy, and makes recommendations to curb the risk. ". The importance of food workers understanding and practicing proper hygiene cannot be overemphasized. Natural fertilizers, such as composted manure, and fertilizers containing natural components, should be processed and handled in a manner to reduce the likelihood of introducing pathogens into produce production areas. Good hygiene not only protects the worker from illness, but it reduces the potential for contaminating fresh produce which, if consumed by the public, could cause a large number of illnesses. 0910-0609 These facilities should also be inspected for evidence of pests, such as rodents, birds, and insects. In addition to using sanitizers appropriately and cleaning and sanitizing the equipment and facility regularly, proper use of equipment, such as hoses, can also reduce the risk of contamination of fresh and fresh-cut produce. - Routinely inspect and maintain equipment designed to assist in maintaining water quality, such as chlorine injectors, filtration systems, and backflow devices, to ensure efficient operation. Journal of Environmental Health. There are certain apprehensions regarding microbial load of organically produced and conventionally produced leafy, Food security is threatened by numerous pathogens that cause a variety of foodborne illnesses. The method used depends on the fruit or vegetable and the resources of the operator. Sometimes, raw fruits and vegetables contain harmful germs that can make you and your family sick, such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria.