I exercise or stretch my legs, hands and feet several times a day. The main symptoms are: pain, often in the entire toe or even the area around it. I started with Gabapentin, which did almost nothing for my pain, then Cymbalta , which caused severe memory issues. Muscles can strengthen, even though they can become damaged due to the neuropathy. Big toe joint replacement ("Helal's Spacer") 1983. All of what you are describing are typical, for very bad foot neuropathy. NOTE: Please do not submit any Protected Health Information (PHI). For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. Wear comfortable socks and shoes to help with foot swelling. Midfoot: This contains the cuboid, navicular and cuneiform bones that join to form the arch of the foot. Complete your request online or contact us by phone. 1998-2022 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Resreach. There are too many variables for swollen. The result is a stiff toe, or hallux rigidus, for the user. Nemet Podiatry in Twinsburg, E.J. If it has been present for months, it probably won't change. Swollen Toes: If you have not had any trauma ( injury / accident ), you really should see a podiatrist. Advice - cant bend broken toe after 8 weeks1. swelling. Overgrown toes can cause the toe to bend as much as it needs to when walking. Bruising or discoloration. Just my experience. Is this joint failing? Around the 6 week mark I finally got back to the point where I could walk with my foot flat again and felt like it was finally getting better. Not sure what the next steps are though if any. Bones hurt. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. How To Treat Joint Pain During Pregnancy? 24/7 visits - just $39! When I got my nerve conduction test done at the beginning of the year I could at least sorta move one of my big toes a bit but now I can't move either. Only when I bend down and touch my toes. TLDR : This is really the beginning and give it some time. Just curious as I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy in the beginning of this year but have yet to see a neurologist about it (postponed till end of June due to COVID19). But as bony block has been ruled out by an x ray, you may need to strengthen the flexors of toes and intrinsics.A good exercise for doing this is to make a small square My second and middle toe is swollen and red, especially the middle one, on my right foot. Forefoot: This contains five long bones called metatarsal bones and 14 toe bones, called phalanges. After u maintain good UA level long enough, those nasty crystal inside the joint will be gone. Some of the most commonly employed techniques to alleviate a patient's symptoms include application of splints, small cushions, pads for corns and even straps and orthotics. Swollen foot. There are some diseases that do not present until late, . Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Since I was a little girl, I have been obsessed with fashion and business. If you are having difficulty moving your toes after an injury, it is important to consult with a medical professional to determine the cause and get appropriate treatment. While under tension I felt a pop low in my calf, but above my achilies tendon. Try to keep the UA level under 6 or some recommend 5. As for the second type, the more inflexible one in nature, the person in question is completely unable tostraightenthe toe. Broken toes and sprained toes often have similar causes and symptoms. Right foot swollen don't know why? Big toe hurts after running, what is the cause? Mild pain can be treated with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. The Worlds Ultimate Source for 3D Foot Data. You need a neurological examination. Yes. There are a few potential reasons why you may not be able to move your toes. Other also effective remedies that can aid you in overcoming this pain are moisturizing creams that aid in maintaining the softness and tenderness of the toe skin, as well as the employment of the roomier shoes. To learn more, please visit our, ), you really should see a podiatrist. These most commonly include a severe bunion deformity, a second toe longer than the big toe, an arch that is structurally unstable and a tight calf muscle. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. Wear properly fitted shoes that have stiffer soles and a wide toe box. As a result of my experiences working at one of the biggest fashion retailers in America, I was inspired to start Sweet & Spark in order to share my love for vintage jewelry and fashion with the world. 'Sweet & Spark' is all about jewelry. Cant Bend Ringworm: The Fungal Infection Thats Not As Much Fun As It Sounds, DIY: How To Make A Bead Seed Stretchy Bracelet, Exploring The Potential Health Risks Of Rainbow Loom Bracelets, Make Your Own Scoubidou Bracelet: Step-By-Step Instructions And Tips, Craft Your Bond: How To Make A Wrap-Around Friendship Bracelet, Ensuring Your Medical Wishes Are Known: A Guide To Do Not Resuscitate Bracelets In Canada, DIY Guide: How To Create A Stylish Leather Wrap Bracelet With Beads, Creating Sturdy And Durable Bracelets With The Right Gage Wire, Making The Perfect Stretchy Bracelet With Beads: Factors And Tips For Choosing The Right Size. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). A crush injury will damage nerves, tendons, ligaments, etc. If you cant bend your big toe, you may have a condition called hallux rigidus that is caused when degenerative arthritis increases deterioration of the big toe joint. The muscle contracts and wont relax, causing your toe to curl up. How has your podiatrist helped you? Suggest you see someone soon because the list of possible causes would fill a page. Get answers from Allergist and Immunologists and top U.S. doctors, Our doctors evaluate, diagnose, prescribe, order lab tests, and recommend follow-up care. . Toe pain can be caused by a variety of factors, and different treatments are required depending on the cause. Its not a big boot. I still have seen no reason to return to neurologist. Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional. If you are experiencing severe stiffness in your big toe, see your foot doctor for the proper diagnosis and treatment. Nemet, DPM, treats a variety of foot and ankle conditions, including sports injuries, pediatric foot problems, diabetic foot complications, nerve disorders, and toenail and skin conditions. Rest your feet and give your toes some time to heal. Exercises for stiff joint in Big Toe after Bunionectomy. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use linked below. I was just wondering if I'd fractured it or something. what can it be, Why do i keep getting cramp in toes and feet at night? My other toes are also being increasingly difficult to move as well. At this point, I am accepting being down for the worst days and getting around as well as possible for the better ones. By subscribing you agree to our privacy policy. I still had pain where my metatarsal connects to my atrial bones on big toe, arthritis in big toe and fusion correction, Big toe joint pain and subchondral cyst in fibular sesamoid. If you cant bend your big toe, you may have hallux rigidus, which is caused by a deterioration of the big toe joint over time. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Twice a day I get out my pinky ball or tennis and stand each foot on it for a minute or two. 39 years experience. Changing your footwear and wearing shoe inserts may help relieve the pain and pressure caused by hammertoe and mallet toe. Flat feet, gout, and other arthritic conditions are two of the risk factors for developing hallux rigidus. Talk to a doctor now. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. I start with it under the ball of my foot, move it side to side, scrunch my toes over it, Then just generally look for places that seem stuck. It can be painful in places but that could mean that you found a spot that needs a little attention. Allow your feet to rest for a few days before beginning to heal. My foot gets swollen and extremely painful from top middle to my toes so bad i can barely walk/bend my toes. They include scrunching a towel and picking things up off the floor with your toes. Wearing roomy shoes can also help. They should be at least a half-inch longer than the big toe. Your doctor may recommend wearing shoe inserts or pads to relieve some of the pressure. Over time, the bend in your toe may become permanent and rigid. Best to have an exam to determine the cause. Here are the different types of curled toes: Hammertoe when the toe bends at the middle joint, which forces the joint upward and the end of the toe downward, resembling a hammer. Can't bend toes foot tingling also pain in hip.Knee swollen and pain? It is not necessary to be concerned if you have numb or tingling toes. If you have toe pain, you should consult a doctor. Male 37 years old 210lbs 6ft No current medication Do not smoke Relatively active. You don't state if you take diuretics or not whic Magnesium supplements you may have a magnesium deficiency. Can't bend toes tingling, burnWorse upon standing and is swollen. I have constant pins and needles, numbness, pain in both my feet. HI I have a slight pinch pain in my back, its located in the middle of my back just slightly more to the left from the center probably like 20 to 30mm to the right. Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency. Try to pick up rubberbands with your toes. I have only known of my neuropathy for about 8 years. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. This usually indicates peripheral nerve damage, which can affect any part of the body, in addition to peripheral nerve damage. To contact us or to schedule an appointment, please call (234) 212-9940. Close. and i can't bend my toes. 5 Things Arthritis Patients Should Know About Joint Deformity, Bunionette Pain Relief: How To Treat Painful Little Toe, Bunionette Pain Relief At Home: Can These 8 Lifestyle Changes Cure Your Painful Little Toe, Bunion Removal (Bunionectomy): Preparing For Surgery and post OP recovery. Many people live with a condition formally known as hallux rigidus - a disorder of the joint located at the base of the big toe. We finally, tried Lyrica, which helped greatly with lesser side effectsslight dizziness. bilateral bunion and hammer toe surgery yesterday morning. It's hard for me to bend my toes. Discomfort or inability to bear weight. Twisted ankle 10 times in 2 months xray neg.toes r numb and twisted ankle 10 times in 2 months xray neg.toes r numb and cant move them unless i squeeze top and bottom of foot just behind toes. Foot or toe bruise causes Foot anatomy. All Rights Reserved. If you are concerned about your inability to move your toes, you should speak to a doctor to determine the cause and get proper treatment. Go to you In what ways better then drs. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. If you cant bend your big toe, you may have a condition called hallux rigidus that is caused when degenerative arthritis increases deterioration of the big toe joint. I still cannot walk far or fast, but am able to do light workouts and ride a stationary bike several times a week. To find out more about hallux rigidus or to get a no obligation assessment done, please contact Paul Mkinen, a certified pedorthist here: https://www.lifemark.ca/therapists/Paul/Makinen/1031. Rolled my ankle in tall heels. Cant bend the joint in my left big toe. Can't bend toes or walk on the balls. Stubbed toe now can't bend it. 1) Wear the right shoes with custom orthotic insertsCustom orthotics that are specially designed to precisely fit your feet can be properly placed to redistribute the pressure on the toes. There could also be a build-up of fluid in the area, which can make it difficult to move the toes. Actually he and family doctor collaborated. Regarding the hammer toes, my toes aren't curled up but my big toes I can no longer move at all. If you have pain in your toes, here are some tips to help you relieve it: You can also use over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen in place of medication. If the raw bones in the joint rub together after it has been damaged or worn out by wear and tear or injury, it is called rubonosis. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Symptoms of Capsulitis of the Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other commonly abused medications. First is if there is nerve damage. It's gotten worse over the years (been dealing with it for ~10 years and never went to a doctor about it due to lack of insurance) and now I can no longer even bend my big toes at all and even bending any other toes are rather difficult. https://www.lifemark.ca/therapists/Paul/Makinen/1031, Pain/stiffness in big toe during use (walking, standing, bending), Swelling and inflammation around the joint, Orthotics can help encourage normal pronation in the toe-off phase of the gait cycle, Shoe modifications - forefoot racker soled shoes with wider toe boxes (a wider, stiffer shoe with a curled-up toe)reducesthe amount of toe bend when walking, Surgery this is a last resort only if orthotics or shoe modifications dont work. muscle weakness. To start, stand on tiptoe, and go up and down on your feet. "[Gout is] a type of painful inflammatory arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the blood," Neville explains. It is also possible that you have a medical condition that is affecting your ability to move your toes. If you frequently feel cramping in your feet and toes, you may be wondering why. You can do this every day by bathing your feet in a warm water bath three or four times a day. If you are having difficulty moving your toes after an injury, it is important to consult with a medical professional to determine the cause and get appropriate treatment. Hello @plbelanger, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @!lorirenee1 and other members. With the flexible type of middle toe pain,the person in question is able to bring his or her toe toa straight position in a manual manner. Mallet toe. Interested in more discussions like this? The one thing I do suggest is exercising your feet at least 5 days a week. Even if you are wearing proper shoes, you are more likely to experience this when you are injured, overworked, or wearing shoes that arent properly fitted. there's a large bump under my ankle.massive pain even slightly up my leg. difficulty seeing out of one or both eyes. It could be due to an injury or accident that has caused damage to the nerves or muscles in your feet. Swelling. Walk across the floor on tiptoe. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Since other big toe conditions like bunions can have similar symptoms to hallux rigidus, you need to see your podiatrist for the right diagnosis and treatment. General creams, soaking and cold don't work to heal. In some cases, the injury could have caused damage to the nerves, which can make it difficult to move the toes. Instead, a toe The foot is divided into three parts: the forefoot, the midfoot and the hindfoot. Overgrowth of the bone on the top of the bone can occur. "Tophiwhich are uric acid crystal deposits that look like lumps under the skincommonly develop [in the Pains in toes, possible hammer toe surgery? can't bend my toes and bear weight,what to do? Not sure what precisely you mean by small. There are many reasons why someone might have difficulty moving their toe. This causes your toe to rise up instead of lying flat. Both my feet have swollen with pain for 4 days. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. Never disregard or delay professional medical advice in person because of anything on HealthTap. Shoes and socks that are comfortable for your feet will help to cushion the pain. Make A Statement With Love This Life Bracelets: Express Your Individuality With Charms, Create Your Own Stylish Knot Bracelet A Step-by-Step Guide. If your toe is stuck, you may require the assistance of a doctor to free it. Scott Neville, DPM, a podiatrist in Mooresville, Indiana, says that for some people, pain and swelling in the foot can be a sign of gout. 50% off with $15/month membership. This could be checked with blood work but make sure to evaluate the magnesium levels in red Hello: Weakness of the tendons to the toes has two main factors that must be assessed by a foot specialist. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Not red/bruised. I hit my foot in March&hurt my big toe Its been swollen&I can't bend it since then should I see my doctor?Or go to urgent care?Could it be dislocated. Place a warm towel or heating pad on top of the toe to help it relax. i been having pain and swelling i can't bend my toe. I can't bend my toe could it be small tissue damage? It is a despicable, incapacitating illness. Important notification about information and brand names, www.nhs.uk/Tools/Documents/foot_problems_a_visual_guide.html, www.flickr.com/photos/16634670@N00/477562630, Don't Suffer With Painful Ugly Corns On Your Feet. Top of foot hurts when I walk or bend my toes. A toe cramp is a sudden, involuntary contraction of one or more of the muscles in your foot. There are numerous reasons why people cant wear nice shoes that arent a good fit, such as not drinking enough water, not exercising, or wearing clothes that arent comfortable. Hammer toes and mallet toes are the two types of toes that most people have in their left, right, and center feet. I now cannot hardly bend it at all, and it hurts if I try. You can restore feeling to your toes in a variety of ways. bruising. At E.J. The top of my foot hurts when i walk, so i end up limping, it hurts to sleep, i can't bend my toes without it hurting, i'm wondering if its broken? Toe cramps can be painful and can make it difficult to walk. Should I need a bunion surgery for my hammertoes? There are several things you can do to reduce the foot drop you are experiencing. You still have mobility, but the hard sole doesnt bend. Ant bit top of middle toe.now the toe and the top of my foot has swollen where sore to walk or bend used benedryl (cream n oral) and not helped. If youre diagnosed with a foot fracture. 2 days pain in left foot. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help reduce pain and inflammation . Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support and answers. My pt acted as though there could be something other than just nerve damage as to why i can't bend my toes except big toe? Best of luck to you. 1 day ago. 2) Reduce swelling and painIcing the toe several times a day is helpful and taking anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen can help relieve pain and swelling. Go to you tube and find foot exercises for neuropathy, and that might help. loss of balance. If you are experiencing toe pain, you should consult with your doctor. It hurts when I bend it. When your toe won't bend. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Posted by. I finally decided at that time that Lyrica/tramadol left me with a lot of pain and discomfort, but it was very manageable. I just got over vertigo and pretty sure i have a right ear infection, now my right leg is weak and i can't bend my toes. and neurologist? Whether you're looking for information on how to choose the right piece of jewelry for you, or you're just curious about the different types of jewelry out there, we're here to help. Mallet toes when the toes bend down at the joint closest to the tip of the toe. You can unsubscribe at any time. I just started Lyrica 75mg 2x daily this week but that doesn't seem to do anything either. As the condition advances, the toe's range of motion gradually decreases until it eventually reaches the end stage of "rigidus" where the big toe becomes stiff, or what is sometimes called a "frozen joint.". Just wondering is this commonanyone else have this? Should you have been suffering from joint pain in a toe for a while, and these home remedies or other the counter solutions have made no difference, strongly consider seeking medical attention and proper diagnosis. In addition to soaking your feet in warm water, you can do this for your shoes. My podiatrist started me on Tramadol and eventually elevated the dosage to this pointslightly over normal dose. He is the one that started treatment for severe plantar fasciitis that has lasted 20 years and began trying to several meds for neuropathy. 9630 Ravenna RoadSuite 300Twinsburg, OH 44087, Mon 8am-12pm & 1pm-4:30pmTue 8am-12pm & 1pm-4:30pmWed 8am-1pmThu 8am-12pm & 1pm-4:30pmFri 8am-1pmClosed Sat & Sun, Please feel free to contact us using the form below, 2020 All Rights Reserved, Reproduced with PermissionPrivacy Policy. In fact my neurologist said "hammer toes" are common in most peripheral neuropathy patients. Other causes of toe pain include arthritis (including rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and other forms of arthritis), infections, and trauma. If it is recent, then give it time for swelling to reduce. Drinks containing sports drinks or other fluids that help you stay hydrated can help you stay healthy. I tried to neurologists and a pain management team, but my podiatrist has helped the most. There are some diseases that do not present until late teens Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in a minute. it also have bump in the middle of my toe. Answer (1 of 2): The toes are controlled mostly by the same muscle (for a given function) with a divided tendon. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen should be used to treat mild pain. Hindfoot: This contains the heel, also If you did have trauma, you still might want to get an xray to evaluate for, A doctor as it can be one of a number of things including but not limited to a, , tumor etc. I had a crush foot injury 6 months ago with no diagnosed tears or breaks but i still can't bend my toes and my foot often gets pins and needles. It could be due to an injury, arthritis, or simply because the toe is too tightly bound by a ring. Wearing tight shoes or exercising too much is frequently to blame for sore toes. It could be that the injury has caused inflammation or swelling in the area, which is making it difficult to move the toes. So finally got to see a neuro and both my blood test and brain MRI came back normal today. This could indicate your second toe isnt getting enough blood flow. Content on HealthTap (including answers) should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and interactions on HealthTap do not create a doctor-patient relationship. My big toe hurts when I bend it. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. or can be related to issues with tendon.Which toe? Knuckle hurts to bend and touch. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. It causes pain and stiffness in the big toe, and with time it gets increasingly harder to bend the toe until it becomes fused and no longer bends at all. tenderness. Exercise How To Treat Bunions: Home Remedies And Surgery, Mortons Neuroma: Symptoms and Treatment of Plantar Neuroma, Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment, Bunionette pain relief: Rehabilitation exercises you should try to relieve your painful little toe. 2. Toe pain is caused by a variety of conditions, including ingrown toenails, cuts or scrape, other injuries, blisters, and corns and calluses. Subscribe to receive the latest health and wellness news and information in your inbox every month. If youre diagnosed with a foot fracture, you may be able to avoid surgery if you take steps to help the bones heal. I've thought about having the surgery to straighten them but I'm so old now I don't think it makes much difference. To learn more, please visit our. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. Dr. Lee Wittenberg answered. Why Cant I Bend My Big Toe? If you cant bend your big toe, you may have a condition called hallux rigidus that is caused when degenerative arthritis increases deterioration of the big toe joint. Risk factors for developing hallux rigidus include having poorly treated flat feet, gout, and other arthritic conditions. A second neurologist gave me the worst medical experience that I had ever hadhe was only interested in surgery. Was in excruciating pain over 5 min. Even when sitting, I wiggle my toes (even if they dont actually move, its the intention that helps). Why Does Diabetes Cause So Many Problems With Feet? When it comes to categorization of the occurring pain, one important thing to know is that there are different kinds of middle toe joint pain. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. With much research and consultations, it was clear, my current doctors were just as up to date on treatments as these specialists. Pain doctor tried Nucynta, which worked very well for painbut of course the numbness was much more bothersome and very expensive. Try gently taping a broken toe to a nearby toe. It is possible that you fractured the outside of your ankle and that could be the cause for the pain or you could have torn the ligaments supporting t and your lower extremity symptoms. Fortunately, there are treatment options available that can help ease your pain and improve mobility. Many causes: Could be one of many things like tendon ruptures, nerve damage. There are many possible explanations for why someone might have difficulty moving their toes after an injury. X-rays would be required to rule out a, Dr. Jeffrey Cohen and another doctor agree. As it progresses, I have been losing muscle, but with no exercises, it advances more quickly. 3) Steroid treatmentsCorticosteroid injections will help restore movement, but they could have side effects. facial drooping. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. The type of pain you will have when your middle toe hurts is also commonly referred to as the hammer toe, and it comes about once the joint situated in the middle toe Why can't I bend all my toes? Among the most frequent underlying factors that can bring about the occurrence of the pain in the middle joint of a toe are arthritis, family history of the condition in question, prolonged wearing of high heels or other footwear that does not fit properly, and also corns, bunions, and calluses. It causes pain and stiffness in the big toe, and with time it gets increasingly harder to bend the toe until it Even Celebrities Get Them - What Can Be Done About Ugly Bunions? Suggest you see someone soon because the list of possible causes would fill a page. You should remove any sweaty socks as soon as possible after putting on your shoes. joint instability. So to (finally!) I have a swollen foot and I can not bend my second toe,at all what can I do? It allows you to walk around without putting pressure on your toes, explains Dr. King. Now I am slightly numb and have fiery pain all the way to my thighs and fingers. Because hallux rigidus is a progressive condition, the toe's motion decreases as time goes on. Tight muscles can be relaxed when exposed to heat. I broke my middle toe 8.5 weeks ago and its been a lengthy recovery. In the early stages of the condition the toe is limited in its range of motion. However, a broken toe does not involve overstretching or damaging ligaments. A doctor as it can be one of a number of things including but not limited to a. Cramps can be as simple as being dehydrated as well as more complicated like electrolyte imbalance. Many people live with a condition formally known as hallux rigidus - a disorder of the joint located at the base of the big toe. "Hello @plbelanger, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @!lorirenee1 and other", "@plbelanger I have foot neuropathy very badly, with lots of excruciating pain, and toes that feel", "I have only known of my neuropathy for about 8 years. The middle joint of your toe bends downwards. @plbelanger I have foot neuropathy very badly, with lots of excruciating pain, and toes that feel stuck together, pulled from their sockets, or twisted as tight as they will go. The most effective treatment techniques for alleviating and warding off this joint pain of the toe are solely dependentupon the seriousness of the problem itself. DIY Leather Bracelet: Create A Stylish Piece Of Jewelry With Two Strings! It usually occurs in your second, third, and fourth toes. I actually did the exact same thing a couple years back. Muscles can strengthen, even though they can become damaged due to the neuropathy. Nonsurgical treatment options such as properly fitting shoes are frequently used to alleviate pain. My toes, most of my foot and my ankles are terribly numb and painful. Among the most frequently occurring symptoms of this particular type of toepain we find signs such as ulcers, various toe infections, cramping of the toe, and shooting pain not only in the toe in question, but also at the toe base and in the ball of the foot. Other fairly common manifestations include the redness and the swelling of the joints, occurrence of ache when this particular joint is used for certain actions, uneasiness, appearance of corns at the tip of the toes, as well as calluses underneath the toes and on the soles. Thanks, I will look up these videos and see if they help any. It sounds to me like your toe muscles are becoming effected. Patients with arthritis will benefit from a timely diagnosis, allowing them access to treatment methods that can include exercises and medications. Early intervention can help prevent chronic complications from developing in the future. Thanks, Terry. Mayo Clinic Connect brings together 2 women with leukemia, 46 years apart. If numbness or tingling persists for more than a few days, consult a doctor. To alleviate your pain, you may be able to ease it on your own. The pain doctor had suggested implantsbut my disease has developed quickly and spread to hands so I elected not to do thatFrom other disease and bad joints, I have had one major surgery per years for my entire retirement, so not interested to additional ones. Can't bend big toe! Shutterstock. If your hammertoe or mallet toe is more severe, surgery may be required to alleviate the pain. This is a broad question and could be caused by many factors. bone spur surgery on top of big toe: recovery time. I was Running up the stairs a coupe weeks back and stubbed my toe on a stair, it kinda hurt after but not in any excruciating pain. inability to think or speak clearly. When your toes lock up, it is called a toe cramp. Cannot bend big toe (down) Around 12-18 months ago now I was performing barefoot deadlifts in the gym. is this all connected? This video contains only general exercises that are not intended to be used to treat specific conditions or pain. In the secondscenario, the accompanying toe pain is also much greater in intensity and thus more difficult to bear. Risk factors for developing hallux rigidus include having poorly treated flat feet, gout, and other arthritic conditions. Living with this is a bitch. Did your doctor prescribe any medication or treatment until you have your appointment with a neurologist? If your numbness or tingling lasts for more than a few days or if it becomes severe, see a doctor. Properly functioning big toes are essential for walking, climbing stairs, or just standing up, and we often dont realize how important they are until we can longer bend them properly. Sent a message to my neuro today via the patient portal but no idea how long it will take to get a response. While it may be tempting to try and force the toe to move, this can actually cause more harm than good. What could it be? sometimes can't bend my toes without getting cramp. The one thing I do suggest is exercising your feet at least 5 days a week. Toe cramps are common when your toes are dehydrated due to a lack of hydration. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. When my toe starts to improve and Seco Dr. Frank Amico Jr and another doctor agree, I would recommend evaluation by a physician. A coordinator will follow up to see if Mayo Clinic is right for you. Achilles Tendonitis, foot pain, heel pain, orthotics, exercises, ingrown toenail, toe, toe nail, fungas toenail, sports injuries. Im 27 and overweight. Learn how we can HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. answer your question: you can't control your toes because you haven't practiced, and therefore the "toe" area of your motor cortex is too small to allow fine control. dckuke, your symptoms and experiences are very similar to mine. The inflammation of the extensor tendons can cause you to curl your toes in a downward motion, which can stretch the inflamed tendons beyond their limits. toe numbness that occurs after recent head trauma. It causes pain and Toe pain can be caused by a variety of factors. You should consult a doctor if you experience severe pain. Many people live with a condition formally known as hallux rigidus - a disorder of the joint located at the base of the big toe. With advanced technologies and a dedicated staff, Dr. Nemet provides expert and compassionate care to patients in the Twinsburg and Beachwood areas. Even if bones are not broken - which is rare in a crush injury. Foot and toe pain can be caused by a variety of issues, but most of them can be avoided by getting diagnosed early. I don't have the pain with my neuropathy but I do share the issues with my toes. Feel sort of ball under toes no injury at all. Your toe bends down at the joint closest to the nail. Like hammertoe, it often happens in your second, third, and fourth toes. Claw toe. Like the name suggests, your toes make a claw shape. We love jewelry and we love sharing information about it with others. By seeing a doctor, you will be able to rule more serious underlying conditions in or out. Thetype of pain you will have when your middle toe hurts is also commonly referred to as the hammer toe, and it comes about once the joint situated in the middle toe gets dislocated, leaving the toe in question bent in the middle part. Pain or numbness in the first 24-48 hours after the injury. Small bump on second toe right foot (pics). Powered by Do I need to see a doc? Instead, it is important to consult with a doctor to determine the best course of action. After many tests and several appointments with my first neurologist, he only gave me a diagnosis and agreed with the prescriptions I was taking. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Certain medical conditions, or drugs prescribed to treat them, can also play a role in the problem. Period. Just like with the majority of similar conditions, there exists a great variety of culprits for the occurrence of middle toe joint pain. Tripped & all weight landed on bent rt knee. Contract the muscle and the toes move together. If your toe starts to become discolored especially blue or very pale seek immediate medical attention. Foot.com. Feet hurt to bend and move.this is the second time1st time went to Doc no answers? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group. Lori Renee. I was on Gabapentin 600mg 4x daily for a few months but it didn't seem to help much. why? does my toe require surgery. I have a planlax fracture. Numbness in the middle toe could not be regarded as a medical condition in itself, but a symptom of something else. Symptoms that may accompany it commonly include: The treatment is based on what is causing or has caused the condition. For instance, wearing tight fitting shoes commonly causes toe numbness, as it interferes with the blood supply. Both feet at toes swollen hurt, itch, and burn when scratched . Risk factors My toes, most of my". When you have big toe joint pain that is interfering with your daily life, hallux rigidus surgery may be the only option. It is comfortable and breathable. It is possible that the pain will not go away without visiting a doctor. trouble moving your toe. after can move them 3 times then cant.also pain in side and back of The most common causes of joint pain in the toe include injury to the toe, a high-arched foot, pressure caused by a bunion, and wearing shoes that do not fitproperly.