At the Whitney, a Biennial That's Eager to Please. The New York Times, 19 April 1991. Hendricks, James. New York: The Pace Gallery, 1991: illustrated. Cerca, Demasiado. Trebay, Guy. The Museum of Secrets has been robbed! Chuck Close and Crown Point Press: Prints and Processes, M.H. 2 (Spring 2009): 8084, illustrated. Barette, G.W. Albrecht Drer to Claes Oldenburg: Collecting at the Cornell, 19902010 (exhibition catalogue). Traveled to: PaceWildenstein, 142 Greene Street, New York, December 2, 1995January 6, 1996. Ico Parisi: Ipotesi per una Casa Esistenziale Spazio Dedicato a Charles Close (exhibition catalogue). Whatever you call it, Super Realism Comes on with a Flash. Washington Post, 25 November 1975: B1. Chuck Close: Working with Portraits. Scholastic Art 25, no. MacAdam, Barbara. Under Pressure: Prints from Two Palms (organized by Alexandra Muse, Seattle and Pamela Auchincloss/Arts Management, New York), Lyman Allyn Museum of Art at Connecticut College, New London, February 2April 1, 2001. The Return of the Nude. Newsweek, 1 September 1986: 7879. Johnson, Una E. American Prints and Printmakers. Of Dealers and Players. The New Yorker, 2 October 1995: 3637. 50/50: Audience and Experts Curate the Paper Collection, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, December 16, 2010July 17, 2011. Stratford, Ontario: Rothmans of Pall Mall Canada, Ltd., 1976: illustrated. 144 (January/February 1989): 119. (Catalogue), Kunst um 1970Art Around 1970, Neue Galerie, Aachen, West Germany, June 1972. 42 (June 1974): 29. The Indomitable Spirit, Blum Hellman Gallery, Santa Monica, May 19June 9, 1989. Critics Choice, Lowe Art Gallery, Syracuse University, New York, November 12December 11, 1977. (Catalogue). Traveled to: Frankfurter Kunstverein, West Germany, January 6February 18, 1973; Kunst und Museumverein Wuppertal, West Germany, February 25April 8, 1973. Cohen, Ronny. Chuck Close: I'm Some Kind of a Slow Motion Cornball. Art News 79, no. It's got a b Suspecting your neighbor is a spy, you and your friends sneak into his home to find out what he is up to. Call ahead if you can, it can get quite busy at peak hours! Chuck Close: Works on Paper from the Collection of Sherry Hope Mallin, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut, October 29, 1989February 25, 1990. Tanaka, Kojin. Becker, Wolfgang. Chuck Close to Get a Show at the Modern. The New York Times, 31 January 1996: C11. Janis, Sydney. (Catalogue), Structured Vision: Collage and Sequential Photography, Boise Gallery of Art, Idaho, November 25, 1986January 4, 1987. 5 (OctoberNovember 1994): 150155. Washington, D.C.: Friends of Art and Preservation in Embassies, 2001. Ridgefield, Connecticut: The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, 1982: 15, illustrated. Wonderful ParadoxReynolda House Displays Chuck Close: The Keith Series (exhibition review). The Contemporary Art Masters. An American Odyssey 1945/1980, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, April 13May 30, 2004. Photorealism in the 1970s: An Album. Deutsche Guggenheim Magazine, no. OK! Buck, Louisa. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Basel: Fondation Beyeler, 1999: 105, no. Chuck Close, The Big Picture: The Artists New Perspective After the Event of a Lifetime. Washington Post, 22 February 1998: G1, G8. Redefining Portraiture. Sag Harbor Express, 13 July 1995: 10. Guequierre, Nathan. Houston: Chuck Close Prints (Blaffer Gallery exhibition review). In the United States, prohibition was a nationwide constitutional law that strictly prohibited the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages from 1920 to 1933.. Prohibitionists first attempted to end the trade in alcoholic drinks during the 19th century. The Morton G. Neumann Family Collection (exhibition catalogue). 8 (March 1996): 2526. Close Encounters. Time, 13 April 1998: 209210. A glorious, giant Ferris Wheel with an amazing view of downtown Minneapolis. Projects: Chuck Close/Lilliana Porter, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, January 11February 25, 1973. Taylor, John Russell. Russell, John. Art Previews: New Ventures. Bazaar (September 1995): 31. 5 (May 2008): 122131. Cookie Cutters Haircuts for Kids. The Modern Gets a Trove From Corporate Collection. The New York Times, 11 April 2002: E1, E3. The New York Times, 24 August 2012: C26. Still Life and Kicking, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, May 10June 8, 2007. This Week: Close Encounter. Time Out New York, 27 October2 November 2005: 57, illustrated. Doswald, Chrisoph. Worcester, Massachusetts: Publications Inc., 1977. Expect to wait. 129 (Fall 1992): 2425. (Catalogue). Chuck Close and Franz Gertsch (exhibition review). Landis, Ellen. Aachen, West Germany: Neue Galerie, 1972: illustrated. The Neutral Style. Art and Artists 10, no. Developing the Collection: Acquisitions 19971999 (exhibition catalogue). Contact us and show it to thousands of potential players! Yates, Sam. Braff, Phyllis. (Catalogue), Chuck Close: Red Yellow Blue, Pace Gallery, 534 West 25th Street, New York, September 11October 17, 2015. Feaver, William. Group exhibition, The Pace Gallery, 32 East 57th Street, New York, May 8September 20, 1981. American Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Decorative Arts, Photography. Shinn, Susan. Gibson, Robin. Play wit A race to escape the attic room of Echoes Hill Manor with your inheritance. MPR News, 15 October 2014., Pope, Nessia. Les Hyperrealistes americains. A Pianist Turns the Tables On a Portrait Painter. The New York Times, 27 April 2005: E5. The Monumental Image, Sonoma University, California, 1987. Eye View. Women's Wear Daily, 22 September 1972. (Catalogue). The 20th Century Art Book (exhibition catalogue). Imports: An Exhibition of Contemporary Art from across the Country (exhibition catalogue). Double Take: Photorealism from the 1960s and 70s, The Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, May 19July 31, 2005. Perreault, John. Painters and Sculptors at Crown Point Press. Hogrefe, Jeffrey. Strand, Claudia. The Permanent Collection Featuring Recent Acquisitions, The Johnson Gallery, Middlebury College, Vermont, February 11March 11, 1978. The UBS Art Collection: Drawings. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. 19 (September/October 1991). Text by Susan L. Butler. Fractured Fairy Tales: Art in the Age of Categorical Disintegration (exhibition catalogue). New York: Thomas Crowell, 1977. Stoodley, Shelia Gibson. Art Museum Exhibit Embraces Pluralism. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 10 September 1995: 1, 12. Hauptman, Jodi. Documenta 5. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, no. (Catalogue), New York New York: Fifty Years of Art, Architecture, Cinema, Performance, Photography and Video, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco, July 14September 10, 2006. The Seattle Times, 31 October 2016., Upchurch, Michael. New York: Phaidon Press Ltd., 1979. Spoon and Stable, 211 N 1st St, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA. They have passed from the idea of being useful and beneficial, to being something businesses feel they have to offer in order to be seen as still having the finger on the zeitgeist. The Brooklyn Rail (June 2008): 3033, illustrated. Best of the Northwest: Selected Works from Tacoma Art Museum. Aspects of Realisme/Aspects du Realisme (exhibition catalogue). A Concise History of Modern Painting. Combattimento Per Un'immagine, Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, Turin, Italy, 1973. 1964, Yale University School of Art and Architecture, New Haven, M.F.A. 6 (June 1991): 4449, 51. 6, 15 June 1975: 67. Labaco, Ronald T. Out of Hand: Materializing the Postdigital (exhibition catalogue). (Catalogue). Remote Escape Room is a great way to stay connected with your friend and have fun with your loved ones or strengthen your business relationships. Skin Close. Time Out New York, 1623 March 2000: 84, illustrated. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012: 17, illustrated. Accent on Paper: 15 Years at Dieu Donn Papermill, Lintas: Worldwide, New York, October 2, 1991January 10, 1992. ), The Bad Waitress, 2 E 26th St, Minneapolis, MN 55404, USA. Godfrey, Tony. Meisel, Louis K. Fifteen Years of Photo-Realism. Horizon 23, no. Chuck Close: Die Nahe des rechtigen Moments. Kleine Zeitlung (Austria) (July 1994). Paris: La Fondation Cartier pour lart Contemporain, 1992: illustrated. Sketchbook with Voices. Vanity Fair (August 1986): 24. Lew, Henry R. Imaging the World. 1 (March 1976): 11, 20. Explorations: The Visual Arts Since 1945. (Catalogue). Chuck Close: Prints 19781997, Georg Kargl Gallery, Vienna, September 11October 10, 1998. Traveled to: Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, October 18November 13, 1983. Clair, Jean and Manlio Brusatin, eds. Chuck Close, Pace Gallery, 12/F, H Queens, 80 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong, January 10February 22 (extended through March 7), 2020. Marmor, Jon. Conceptual Realism, Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, November 3December 23, 2000. Johnson, Ellen. The American Dream: Pop to the Present, British Museum, London, March 9June 18, 2017. Cecily Brown: The Aura of an Expanded Painter. Flash Art 41, no. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1981: illustrated. New York: The Free Press, 1985. Looking Forward: Gifts of Contemporary Art from the Patricia A. Tansey, Richard G. and Fred S. Kleiner, eds. 2. OPB, 15 October 2013. 5 (August 1975): 615. Grids. Arts Magazine 53, no. The Making of Men: Persona at the Museum of Photographic Arts. Artweek, 26 March 1992: 1213. Richer, Francesca and Matthew Rosenzweig, eds. (Catalogue), Twentieth Century American Art from Friends' Collections, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, July 27September 27, 1977. Hudson, Andrew. Maber, Marie. Close to the Edge. New York 24, no. Keats, Jonathan. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 2014: 48, 126127, illustrated. Paris: Galerie desQuatre Mouvements, 1972: illustrated. 252 (December 2013): 30, illustrated. Eighteenth National Print Exhibition (exhibition catalogue). London: Scala Publishers, 2011: 96, illustrated. 15, 17 April 1982: 11. Text by Octavio Zaya, Donald Kuspit, and Adrian Dannatt. The Royalty Treatment. Gallerist, 2 April 2014., Hanley, Sarah Kirk. Readings in American Art: 1900-1975. New Haven: Connecticut: Yale University Art Gallery, 2007: 326331, plates 312316, illustrated. London Evening Standard, 7 March 2013. In the Galleries. Arts Magazine 46, no. Mnchner Kunstsommer ist besser als sein Ruf. TZ, 7 July 1979: 6. (Catalogue). 8 (Summer 1972): 3043. Portait by Pontus Hulten. It By Bit. London: Phaidon, 2017: 380, illustrated. Artphaire, 4 March 2014., Close, Chuck. Traveled to: Palais van Schone Kunst, Brussels, SeptemberOctober, 1974. Speak Art! Art News (November 2015): 92, illustrated. Sposato, Bree. Murphy, Dominic. Where can I find the best burgers in Minneapolis? Anderson, Maxwell L. Preserving the Perishable Art of the Digital Age. The New York Times, 24 September 2000: AR 33. The Newest Realism: A Synthetic Slice of Life. Opus International, no. Artforum 32, no. An International Legacy: Selections from Carnegie Museum of Art (exhibition catalogue). Paris: Galerie des Quatre Mouvements, 1973: illustrated. 3 (December 1972/January 1973): 73. Three Realists: Close, Estes, Raffael. Connoisseur 186 (June 1974): 142143. Prove your worth and raise money for Tenovus Cancer Care at the same time. A View of a Decade (exhibition catalogue). Great Lakes Colleges Association artist sponsored exhibition, Great Lakes Colleges Association members, 19811983. Drawing Now (exhibition catalogue). Artists in Collaboration with Art Resources Transfer, New York, The Vedanta Gallery, Chicago, September 4October 9, 1998. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2009: illustrated. (Catalogue), American Realism: The Precise Image, Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo, July 25August 19, 1985. (Catalogue; curated by Shaquille ONeal). Traveled as Chuck Close: Polaroid Photographs to: California Museum of Photography, University of California, Riverside, May 14July 31, 1982. Serota, Nicholas, Sandy Nairne and Adam Weinberg. Kohen, Helen. Nouvel Observateur (Paris), 6 November 1972. Traveled to: Akron Art Museum, Ohio, March 24May 6, 1979. 18 (March 1972): 5461. Big City art jurors took Hartford too lightly. Hartford Times, 17 June 1973: 15A. Multiplicity, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., November 11, 2011March 11, 2012. Chuck Close: Drawings of the 1970s, Craig F. Starr Gallery, New York, October 15December 18, 2010. After studying at the Akademie der Bildenden Knste in Vienna (1964) on a Fulbright grant, Close returned to the United States in 1965. Chuck Close Ritratti, American Academy in Rome, February 22April 21, 2002. Signify What? Christian Science Monitor, 29 April 1981. The Collections of Artists. T: The New York Times Style Magazine, 8 December 2013: 52, 160161, 166167, illustrated. 46th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, June 13October 10, 1993. Gamwell, Lynn and Victoria Kogan. Portraits of the Artist. Washington Post, 16 December 1982. Lyon, France: ELAC, 1993: illustrated. Drawing Now (and Then). Artforum 24, no. Warrum, Richard L. Painting and Sculpture Today, 1972 (exhibition catalogue). (Joint catalogue with Chuck Close: Recent Works, 2003. Annandale, Australia: Piper Press, 1989. San Diego: Museum of Photographic Arts, 1992: illustrated. New York: Chuck Close. Art International: The Art Spectrum 19, no. Lessons in Life: Photographic Works from the Boardroom Collection (exhibition catalogue). Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2008: 5657, illustrated. A Personal Portrait, Works and Papers. The New York Times, 1 November 1996: C32. New York: SoHo Partnership, 1996: illustrated. You and your team mates follow and even control all her/his steps and movements. Chuck Close: Daguerreotype to Digital, Texas Gallery, Houston, September 13October 11, 2003. Photographer as Printmaker: 140 Years of Photographic Printmaking (exhibition catalogue). Syracuse, New York: Everson Museum of Art, 1979. Financial Times, 19 October 2005: 12+, discussed. Edited by Dieter Honisch and Jens Christian Jensen. Exploring different modes of representation, Close began in the late 1970s to make explicit use of a grid system or an irregular grid based on a physical relationship to his support. 9 (9 March 1998): 1, 26. Wolmer, Denise. Facial disfigurement. Independent, 21 July 1992: 14. Everything about Galactic Pizza is endearing, from the delicious pizza to the extra friendly staff to the fantasy world created inside. Contemporary Voices, Museum of Modern Art (exhibition review). Chase, Linda. Berkeley and Los Angeles: The University of California Press, Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, 1997. Sultan, Terrie. 2 & 3 (Autumn & Spring 19931994): 4449. Portrait of the Artist. W (November 2007): 194196, illustrated. The New York Times, 5 November 1993: C31. Princeton, New Jersey: The Princeton University Art Museum, 2013: 399, illustrated. Bui, Phong. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, Close used art as a means of navigating a learning disability. Pasquariello, Lisa. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1971. Schneckenburger, Martin. Johnson, Lincoln. Watrous, James. Art: Chuck Close overcomes problems and creates them. Seattle Weekly 22, no. TwentiethCentury Painting and Sculpture: Selections for the Tenth Anniversary of the East Building, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1989. New York: Rizzoli, 1987; New York: Hudson Hills Press in association with Buffalo: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1999: 280281, illustrated. Artist Famed for Portraits of Brad Pitt, Bill Clinton, Kate Moss has a Big Photo Show at PAFA. Interview with A.D. Amorosi. Ruiz, Cristina. Leigh, Christian. Schjeldahl, Peter. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1999. Representations of America (organized by Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), Ministry of Culture, Moscow; The Hermitage, Leningrad; Palace of Art, Minsk, 19771978. New York: The Drawing Center, 1993: illustrated. East Hampton, New York: Guild Hall Museum, 2013. MinneapolisSaint Paul is a metropolitan area in the Upper Midwestern United States centered around the confluence of the Mississippi, Minnesota and St. Croix rivers in the U.S. state of Minnesota.It is commonly known as the Twin Cities after the area's two largest cities, Minneapolis and Saint Paul.Minnesotans often refer to the two together (or the seven-county metro area Portrayals Seeks Measure of Truth by Revealing Little Lies. The Indianapolis Star, 6 December 1987: E12. Is It Art? Performance and Modernity: Enacting Change on the Globalizing Stage. Whitney Museum of American Art: Handbook of the Collection. The Hand Was Collossal But Small. The Village Voice, 23 March 1972: 72. Chuck Close: Face to Face, Jerald Melberg Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 23May 28, 2005. The 1991 Whitney Biennial. Flash Art (September 1991): 161. Seattle: Before and After, Center for Contemporary Art, Seattle, October 5November 27, 1989. (Catalogue). Henry, Gerrit. Blume, Peter F. The Ball State University Museum of Art at 75: The Museum and a History of Its Collection. Munich, London, New York: Prestel Verlag, 2015: 226229, illustrated. Salvador Dal: The Late Work (exhibition catalogue). 25 Artists: A Show of Quality by 20th Century Masters. Washington Times, 31 December 1982: 1B, 2B. Matrix/Berkeley: A Changing Exhibition of Contemporary Art. CBC, 4 March 2014. The Wall Street Journal, 6 May 2013. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1979. Bountiful Harvest for U.S. Museums. Art Newsletter 21, no. Geneva: Skira, 1975. Interviews on Art. Logical Conclusions: 40 Years of Rule Based Art, PaceWildenstein, 534 West 25th Street, New York, February 18March 26, 2005. Bauer, Anna. Artner, Alan G., Work Ethic: Linking Chuck Close and Tom Friedman on the basis of effort. Chicago Tribune, 3 May 1996: Section 7: 58. Davidson Collects: 100 Writers Respond to Art. Travels to: Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, January 9April 4, 2004; Mobile Museum of Art, Alabama, January 7April 3, 2005. Project Painting. The New York Times, 26 September 1997: E37. Hirsch, Faye. In Los Angeles, The Makings of a Better Mood. The New York Times, 14 January 1996: H37. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Walker Art Center, 2005: 25, 161163. 4445 (June 1973): 4041. Summer Academy 2, PaceWildenstein, 32 East 57th Street, New York, June 28September 23, 1995. Stein, Deidre. Schwartz, Ellen. (Catalogue), American Prints: Process and Proofs, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 25, 1981January 24, 1982. 3 (March 1989): cover, 112119, 161. An Interview with Chuck Close. Interview by Jane Cottingham. Fotografiet som Sandhed. Louisiana Revy (Humlebk) 13, no. Photoplay, Works from the Chase Manhattan Collection, Center for the Arts, Miami, January09March 1, 1993. But how is it formed? Looking Back at the Future. The New York Times, 11 November 1979: 25. Close to Home. Seattle Weekly, 14 October 1992: 29. Japan: The Tokushima Modern Art Museum, 2010: 64, illustrated. Chuck Close, celebrated creator of pixelated portraits, dies at 81. The Washington Post, 19 August 2021., Greenberger, Alex. Text by Mary Rozell. The Altered Photograph (24 Walls24 Curators), P.S. Light, Canvas, Action! Boca Raton, Florida: Boca Raton Museum of Art, 2008: pp. Time Means Nothing to a Realist. The Village Voice 21, no. Poughkeepsie, New York: The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, 2019: 109, illustrated. Seattle: Seattle Art Museum, 1973: illustrated. Contemporary Works on Paper, Vivian Horan Fine Art, New York, 1987. J. In Sharp Focus: Super-Realism (exhibition catalogue). A Curators Curiosity. The New York Times, 3 June 1979: 27, 30. Prints: History of an Art. ParisNew York (exhibition catalogue). Sutinen, Paul. Domestic Globalism at the Carnegie. Art in America (February 1996): 3237. 3 (Fall 1987): 2. Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag CmbH, 2016: 65, illustrated. Metro, 7 March 2013., Salsbury, Britany. Athineos, Doris. Amerikanische kunst von 1945 bis heute (exhibition catalogue). Everything from the awe-inspiring ambiance to the superbly crafted dishes that are seeped in glamour. Kino, Carol. Coming to Life is Mostly Lifeless. Seattle Times, 16 March 1999: E6. Valentin, Beate. (Two-part exhibition), Photo-Realism: Paintings, Sculpture and Prints from the Ludwig Collection, Serpentine Gallery, London, April 4May 6, 1973. Of course, the restaurants like The Bad Waitress and Als Breakfast mentioned above are worth a double feature, but one hidden gem restaurant in Minneapolis thats worth seeking out is The News Room. "Chuck Close." Tully, Judd. Fortenberry, Diane and Rebecca Morrill ed. Text by Clifford S. Ackley, Thomas Krens, and Deborah Menaker. Traveled to: Salon International, Basel, June 2025, 1973. Thats how its supposed to be. Material World, Denver Art Museum, May 19September 22, 2013. Nestled along the beautiful Lake Minnetonka, you can arrive by car or even dock your boat right outside of this Maynards and head on in. Thank you for making Chowhound a vibrant and passionate community of food trailblazers for 25 years. Year After Year, Lavori Su Carta Dalla UBS Collection, Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano (GAM), Villa Reale Milan, March 21June 21, 2014. Close to You (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). Califorever. Brooklyn, New York: The Brooklyn Museum, 1986: illustrated. 5 (January 1976): 5254. Kramer, Hilton. 10, 9 January 1996: 12. Gravura: histria, tcnicas e contemporaneidada. Naylor, Colin, and Genesis P. Orridge. Chuck Close: Translations, Akus Gallery, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, Connecticut, January 22February 27, 1998. (Catalogue), Art at Work: Forty Years of The Chase Manhattan Collection, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, March 3 May 2, 1999. Das Fremde Gesicht: Chuck Close Malt Robert Rauschenberg. Frankfuter Allgemeine Magazin, 13 March 1998: 3033. 10 (June 1978): 146149 and cover. (Catalogue). Kohen, Helen L. FIU Exhibition Comes Face to Face with the Portrait. The Miami Herald, 10 May 1987: 4K. Aldo Crommelyncks Workshop (exhibition catalogue). An American TrilogyPart Three: Realism, Chuck Close. Interview by Morgan Falconer. Grundberg, Andy. Choices: Art. The Village Voice, 12 February 1991: 96. Simms, Patterson. Traveled to: Harrowgate Gallery, United Kingdom, 1983. Close Up. New Haven Advocate, 3 February 1982: 1315, cover. Sol LeWitt: 100 Views (exhibition catalogue). Art Newspaper, no. Aspects of the 70's: Directions in Realism (exhibition catalogue). Photo-Realisme. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1985: illustrated. The Year in the Arts: Art & Photography/1991. The New York Times, 29 December 1991: H31. Indianapolis: Indianapolis Museum of Art, 1986. Everson Museum of Art Bulletin (exhibition catalogue). 16 (15 April 1994). Traveled to: Herron Gallery, Indianapolis Center for Contemporary Art, November 21December 19, 1987. Danoff, Michael I. When Worlds Collide. Art in America 78, no. 3 (March 2009): 52+, illustrated. He was working as an informant for the organize A Cold War era retaliatory missile defense program has suddenly activated and you are in the only facility capable of stopping it. For centuries the Lashbrook family has collected artifacts that represent the worlds fears. The shared adventure builds trust and strengthens the bond between the players, and as such can bring together groups of colleagues and friends. Plus vrai que Nature. Le Nouvel Observateur, 25 February3 March 1974: 59. Perspectives: Eric Fischl's Provocative Images Lack Substance. Southampton Press, 18 July 1991: B6. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979. Sticking Close to Chuck New York Observer (1991): 27. Closes Purged Portraits. Hartford Courant, 20 November 1977: 2G. Sculptor, painter among National Medal of Arts Winner. (December 2000). Muchnic, Suzanne. Gruen, John. New York: Phaidon Press, 1995: illustrated. Pace Hosts Show to Benefit APJ. Artinfo, 8 October 2014., Frost, Andrew. Kramer, Hilton. Tokyo: BBS Ltd., 1996. Traveled to: McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, January 28May 17, 2015. Self-Reflection. New York Sun, 1315 April 2007: 12, illustrated. Drawings by Contemporary American Figurative Artists, Meyerhoff Gallery, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, September 26November 4, 1984. Seventy-second American Exhibition (exhibition catalogue). Brussels: Galerie Isy Brachot, 1990. Philbrick, Jane, ed. (Catalogue). Houk, Pamela. After the Wake, An Essay on the Contemporary Avant-Garde. 7 Bonus $3000 PLAY NOW 8 Bonus $2500 + 100 Free Spins PLAY NOW IGT Triple Diamond slot machine is a payout jackpot-contained, classic 3 reel slot machine from IGT. Realist Space (exhibition catalogue). Hyperralistes Amricains. LHumanit (Paris), 16 January 1973. 2) (exhibition catalogue). Schwendener, Martha. 490 (May 1983): 6267, 102105. We Knew Them WhenExpatriates Art Returns Home for COCA Show. Seattle Weekly, 5 October 1988: C1, C3. Seeking to break from the gestural style that had characterised his student work, Close shifted toward Pop-inflected figuration before embracing the tools of commercial art and illustration. Critics Picks: Chuck Close: Photo Maquettes. Time Out New York, 25 April1 May 2013: 44, illustrated. Artist and the Face; A Modern American Sampling. Art in America 63, no. 1: First Works by 362 Artists. Retrospective: Talking Pictures. New York Magazine, 2 March 1998: 78. Meijas, Jordan with photographs by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders. Helsinki: The Ateneum, Fine Arts Academy of Finland, 1974: illustrated. Chuck Close Editions: A Catalogue Raisonn and Exhibition, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio, September 17November 26, 1989. Lyons, Lisa and Robert Storr. Traveled to: Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, December 2, 1989January 21, 1990; Baltimore Museum of Art, February 25April 2; Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, June 27September 23, 1990. Westerbeck, Colin and Joy L. Gordon. System/Repetition, Russell Bowman Art Advisory, Chicago, September 6October 26, 2013. Max Headroom: Specialising inSuperreal Portraits of Giant Heads, American Painter Chuck Close is Set to Stun Viewers This Summer With His Fanatical Exactitude of Detail. Harpers & Queen (August 1999): 46. 2 (February 2008): 112115, 164. Bode, Peter. The Monopoly of Appearances. Flash Art (February/March 1987): 98100. Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, 2011: 249, illustrated. New York Letter. Art International 21, no. 323334 (MayJuly 1972): 5052. London: Wildenstein & Co. and New York: Pace Gallery, 1980: illustrated. 4 (December 1976): 100103. Famous author Daniel McKenna and his son, Stewart, traveled the world for many years. Portraits: The Last Headline, Galerie Bergamin, So Paulo, March 25April 30, 2015. (Catalogue). Figuratively Speaking: A Survey of the Human Form, Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art, Las Vegas, May 1, 2010March 27, 2011. Face to Face to Cyberspace, Fondation Beyeler, Basel, May 30September 12, 1999. Utrecht: Hedenaaglse Kunst, 1974: illustrated. Zahnburste im Raum, eine Eule, Giesichter zum Spazierengehem Kulturspiegel, 12 April 1994. London: Thames and Hudson, Ltd., 1994. Ward, John L. American Realist Painting 1945-1980. 2 (February 1990): 120127, 189, 191. Soho, Akademie der Kunst, West Berlin, 1976. Chuck Close: Self-Portrait, 2007, Pace Prints, New York, November 1, 2007January 10, 2008. Saint Louis, Missouri: Saint Louis Art Museum, 2013: 36, illustrated. American Art of the 20th21st Centuries. Triumph Der Malerei. Ausstellungen, 13 May 1994: 14. Close Encounters. Where New York (April 1998): 2829. The Hamptons, A Playground for Creativity (Parrish Art Museum exhibition review). 6 (February 1979): 17. Large Scale Self-Portraits, Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, October 15November 28, 1987. Malerei und Photographie im Dialog von 1840 bis Heute. Grynsztejn, Madeleine. (Brochure). Carr, Carolyn. Texts by Mikhail Piotrovsky, Dimitri Ozerkov and Diarmuid Costello. Selected Prints from Spring Street Workshop, Tomasulo Gallery, Union County College, Cranford, New Jersey, March 828, 1991. Nemser, Cindy. Close, Zucker, Artschwager. Artweek 7, no. Hanson, Bernard. There are hundreds of fantastic restaurants in Minneapolis, but some just go above and beyond when it comes to creating an experience that will stick with you long after that happy food-coma-nap you need after an epic meal. Vibration und Standpunktsuche. Badisches Tagblatt (Germany), 9 April 1994. Close Encounters of an Incredible Kind. Interview (November 1995): 8083. Drawing Today in New York, Tulane University, New Orleans, September 223, 1976. American Art (exhibition catalogue). George and the Dragon, 813 W 50th St, Minneapolis, MN 55419, USA. Past Perfect. The Village Voice, 22 January 1991. Public and Private: American Prints Today. Donohue, Marlena. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1983: illustrated. American Realism: Twentieth Century Drawings and Watercolors, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, November 7, 1985January 12, 1986. 3 (February 1973): 3033. 347 (January 1981): 12. (Catalogue), Surveying the Seventies: Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, Fairfield County Branch, Stamford, Connecticut, February 12March 31, 1982. An Exhibit of Realism and Its Amazing Forms. Chicago Sun Times, 13 February 1972. Personal Imagery, Chicago/New York, Phyllis Kind Gallery, New York, September 18October 30, 1993. Group exhibition, Palazzo Reale, Milan, Italy, 1974. An Artists Work Blurs Lines Between Art and Science. The New York Times, 10 August 1999: F5. Texts by Beatriz Gonzlez and Benjamn Villegas. (Catalogue), Prospekt 71, Stdtische Kunsthalle, Dsseldorf, 1971. Iperrealismo trapop e informale. Rinascita (Rome), no. Chuck Close: Philip Glass, 40 Years (exhibition brochure). Calamita per talenti di tutto il mondo. Il Giornale dellArte (April 1987). New York: Craig F. Starr Gallery, 2016. Faces Since the 50's: A Generation of American Portraiture (exhibition catalogue). Escape rooms offer an adventure worth embarking on. 3 (March 1996): 106109. New in the 90's, Katonah Museum of Art, New York, March 31April 21, 1996. 5 (May 1979): 8. Appearance and Beyond. Los Angeles Times, 12 January 1976: 1, 9. Baker, Kenneth. New London, Connecticut: Lyman Allyn Museum of Art, Connecticut College, 2001. Boston, New York and other cities: Pearson, 2016: 108109, illustrated. Chuck Close at Pace (exhibition review). Youre Looking at Me. (Catalogue; curated by Chuck Close), All for Art! Obama Recruits Chuck Close and Yo-Yo Ma for Arts Education Initiative Aimed at Struggling Schools., 26 April 2012. Donovan, Molly. Between Camera and Brush. The New York Times, 16 October 1988: 35, 43. Kinsella, Eileen. Web version:, Kazanjian, Dodie. File a patent application online with EFS-web San Diego: Point Loma Nazarene University, 2018: 219220, illustrated. Sonna, Birgit. London: Thames & Hudson, 2015: 1819, illustrated. Art News 112, no. The county of El Dorado hides the country's richest secrets just beneath the surface. Wilson, Bruce. Levin, Kim. Chuck Close at Pace Gallery. The New York Times, 7 October 1988: C30. Slonim, Jeffrey. Retrospective Chuck Close. Artis (April/May 1994): 60. Close, Chuck. Subjective Vision. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980. Pleasures of Collecting, Part III: Contemporary and Cutting Edge (exhibition catalogue). Traveled to: Foam, Amsterdam, March 22May 31, 2012; Palao Robert, Barcelona, September 20December 2, 2012; Pontifica Universidad Catlica de Chile, Santiago, April 15May 31, 2013; Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville, Florida, April 26August 24, 2014; Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tennessee, November 24March 29, 2015. Santiago, Chile: Arte Al Lmite, 2013: 3137, illustrated. Chalumeau, Jean-Luc. Top it all off with a decadent dessert and service that makes you feel like a celebrity making this a magical experience that wont soon be forgotten. Leval, Susanna Torruella. Rome: Romana Libri Alfabeto, 1974. Portrait Show at Whitney Downtown. The New York Times, 30 November 1974. London: National Portrait Gallery, 2012: 44, illustrated. 255 (March 2014): illustrated. (Catalogue). Ewing, John. Boulder: CU Art Museum, University of Colorado, 2007: 36, 37, 39, illustrated. Harshman, Barbara. Art of Our Time, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, January 23March 7, 1982. Westfield, Massachusetts: Westfield State College Gallery, 1987. Steinbach, Alice. Twentieth-Century Painting and Sculpture: Selections for the Tenth Anniversary of the East Building (exhibition catalogue). One Stop Arts, 8 March 2013., Taylor, Trey. New York in Review. Arts Magazine 66, no. Chuck Close. Newhall, Edith. Laberge, Fred. Kelly, Brian., 11 March 2013. There are no menus here. Texts by Peter Pakesch, Alexander Marzahn, Anne Krauter, Ingo Niermann, Sissi Tax, Georg Simmel, Antonin Artaud, Samuel Beckett, Benjamin H.D. Paper Chase. Portfolio 5, no. A Conversation between Simon Watson, Dennis Kardon, and Chuck Close. Balcon (1991): 156160. New York: Abbeville Press, 1981. Big & Bold! Steiner, Wendy. (Catalogue), Photo-realist Printmaking, Louis K. Meisel Gallery, New York, 1978. New York: Doubleday and Co., 1980. Text by Robert Storr. (Catalogue), 1979 Biennial Exhibition, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, February 14April 1, 1979. The Face (exhibition catalogue). 5, 31 July 1975: 26. 2 (1996): 9699. Taylor, Robert. North Fork/South Fork: East End Art Now (Part 2), The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York, July 25September 12, 2004. Rose, Barbara. Interview with Martin Friedman. The Boss needs a favor Landi, Ann. 1 (February/ March 1993): 98107. 50 Modern Artists You Should Know. Make Detroit restaurant reservations & find the perfect spot for any occasion. MacAdam, Barbara A. Mendelowitz, Daniel. Cookie Cutters Haircuts for Kids. Ratcliff, Carter. Chicago: The Museum of Contemporary Art, 1988. Hanson, Doug. 1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, New York, February 11April 16, 2007. Life Work. The New Yorker 71, no. When it comes to teams and their individual members, then it's important that we are able to celebrate the differences. Encounters, Pace Beijing, August 3September 21, 2008. Unlikely Alliance Creates Largest Art Dealership. The Wall Street Journal, 28 October 1993: C1, 24. Hegeman, William. Feldman, Edmund Burke. Print Publishing in America (exhibition catalogue). Artner, Alan. Matrix is 201 Birthday Bash!, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut, 1995. Art Reviews: Chuck Close. Arts Magazine 49, no. Do you have an escape room in the United States? New York: The Pace Gallery, 1979: illustrated. Wien, Austria: Wien Verlag fur moderne Kunst, 2020: 34, illustrated. Vaizey, Marina. Arte Americana 19301970 (exhibition catalogue). Jacobs, Joseph. Text by Michael E. Coblyn. Art World, no. America: Now and Here, Leedy Voulkos Art Center, Kansas City, Missouri, May 628, 2011. Russell, John. New York: Dominique Lvy, 2016: 1501, illustrated. Pfeifer, Kristell. Plight of Realism Today: Exhibition at the Whitney Museum. National Review, 5 May 1970: 474475. Perl, Jed. "Sinc The Adamson Connection. Digital Fine Art (Winter 1999): 2231. Ament, Deloris Tarzan. Text by Kathryn A. Huss. View Location Get Directions. Obscenity: What the Supreme Court Says. Art News (October 1989): 144145. Chuck Close: Fingerprint Paintings and Drawings, 197886 (exhibition catalogue). Close Encounters. Art + Auction 18, no. Art for Baby: Faces. Rewind: Chuck Close. Chicago Tribune, 28 June 1998: 4. AIDS Benefit exhibition: A Selection of Works on Paper, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, November 930, 1985. Wallach, Amei. Paris: dition Arola, 2018: 21, illustrated. Armstrong, Richard, Lisa Phillips and John G.Hamberdt. 4 (August/September 1982): 27. Look Close: Works on Paper by Chuck Close, Louis K. Meisel, New York, January 22March 1, 2010. American Realism & Figurative Art: 19501990 (exhibition catalogue). Vogel, Carol. Kino, Carol. Houston: Contemporary Arts Museum, 1985. Close, Chuck. Chuck Close and Tom Friedman. Frieze (1996): 7677. Hypnotized by Mug Shots That Stare Back: Are They Windows or Mirrors? The New York Times, 27 August 1997: C9, 12. Chuck Close: Innovation Through Process. On Paper (MarchApril 1998): 1826. Hartman, Darrell. Art and Art Attempts. Carnegie International Curator, Richard Armstrong Atelier, no. Kunst Bleibt Kunst Projekt '74 (exhibition catalogue). (Catalogue), Drawn From the Artists Collections, The Drawing Center, New York, April 24June 12, 1999. Chase, Linda. Meeting of Artistic Minds Draws Boston Ballet Close to Chuck. Boston Globe, 15 February 2014., Garisto, Julie. New York: New York Graphic Society, 1981: illustrated. He Takes Art to New Heights: Artist Extends Himself with 9-Foot High Works. Sentinel (Winston-Salem, North Carolina), 7 May 1982: 28. MP4 video, 44:40. The Roosevelt also offers plenty of food and drink options, from The Spare Room a 1920s speakeasy with a two-lane bowling alley to the Library, where there are no menus, only a wall full of drink ingredients that guests can choose from. Hess, Elizabeth. Lewallen, Constance. Newman, Amy. 1 (January 1996): 8081. Rockmore, Dan. Haenlein, Carl. Those Eyes The Village Voice, 5 February 1991: 85. For the Arts and Good Causes. Photographs by Bill Cunningham. Selz, Peter. Walker, Barry. Here and Abroad. Interview. 7 (February 1996): 8689, 112113. 11106 Detroit Ave 216 521 100, 4491 Pearl Rd 216-661-KUTZ.This Detroit barber is keeping the Pistons' hair game on point Jason gets crispy In his hands, the straight razor is a Stradivarius, the clippers a Chris Craft ski boat, the scissors a surgeon'sLive Tour - Celeste Barber The Australian Queen of Comedy CELESTE BARBER FINE, THANKS. Perreault, John. Know before you go: its not bad service. Milwaukee: Petullo Publishing, 2007: 50, illustrated. Best Barbershop (Suburbs) Gentlemen First Barbershop Sep 30, 2020. Logical Conclusions: 40 Years of Rule Based Art (exhibition catalogue). Prints of the Eighties, Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York, January 13February 17, 1990. A Curatorial Collaboration. Sag Harbor Express, 26 August 2021: B1, B6, illustrated. Two Contemporary acquisitions for Minneapolis. Minneapolis Institute Bulletin 58 (1969): 8283. Fifty-Second National Midyear Exhibition (exhibition catalogue). Chuck Close: Portrits sind seine Romane. Arte das Kunstmagazin (Germany), no. Chuck Close: Painting as Performing Art. Graphis, no. 25 (November 1971): 47. Close Readings. Museums New York (Winter 1998): 14. Sultan, Terrie Chuck Close Prints: Process and Collaboration (exhibition catalogue). OPB, 13 April 2017. Berlin: Galerie Haas & Fuchs, 2005. Karmel, Pepe. Reviews: Chuck Close (The Pace Gallery exhibition review). 5 (May/June 1982): 2530. Kimmelman, Michael. Chuck Close: New Etchings, Pace Editions, New York, February 21March 22, 1986. Ganz Sale Dominates Fall Auctions. Art in America (January 1998): 31. (Catalogue). Carter, Foster E. Drawing Modern. Decker, Andrew. Contemporary Art: Floor to Ceiling, Wall to Wall, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut, October 31, 2004April 24, 2005. Celebrating Modern Art: Highlights of the Anderson Collection (exhibition catalogue). Krisel, Brendan. Mason, Brook. Habit-Forming Close-ups; Playpen-Style Post-structuralism. The New York Observer, 22 November 1993: 24. Berkley, California: Fliptomania, Inc., 2005. Hayt-Atkins, Elizabeth. Unclothed Figures Stripped of Meaning. Boston Globe, 12 January 1986: B2. (Catalogue). 5% of all bookings donated Talk on the street was that Paulie had it coming to him. Return of the Real. The Village Voice, 23 February 1970. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. Los Angeles Gallery Dynamic Changes with Bicoastal Art Merger. Christian Science Monitor, 15 November 1995: 13. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1988. Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London, June 10August 18, 2013. Davis, Douglas. The The New Yorker, 2330 December 2002: 38. Cohen, David. Text by Carlo Lamagna. The Resurgence of Portraiture. International Herald Tribune, 31 December 1994: 6. Hamilton, New York: Picker Art Gallery, Colgate University, 2007. Chuck Close: Recent Editions, Pace Editions, New York, February 26March 26, 1983. Text by Adam D. Weinberg. Ravenal, John B. Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, February 14May 11, 1997. Making it in the Art World: A Climber's Guide. New York Magazine 2, no. Grundberg, Andy. Blurring the line. Digital Fine Art Magazine (Summer 2001): 3237. Your mathematics teacher Dr. Ford, an expert puzzle solver, has been missing for quite some time. How Art Puts the Brain Into a Fresh Perspective. Financial Times, 6 August 1999: 12. Momentbuild: Knstlerphotographie (exhibition catalogue). Hin zum inneren Gesicht der Malerei. Badisches Tagblatt (Germany), 11 April 1994. North Sidney, Australia: Australian Gallery Directors Council, 1977: illustrated. Jensen, Knud W., ed. When you select your local bookstore on the map above and visit their Bookshop page, we place a cookie in your browser that identifies you as that store's customer, and the store will get the full profit from all your Bookshop purchases (30% of the book's list price). (Catalogue), Documents, Drawings and Collages: Fifty American Works on Paper from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Paine, Williams College Art Museum, Williamstown, Massachusetts, 1979. Williamstown, Massachusetts: Williams College Museum of Art in collaboration with the Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1984. Close, Fischl Attract Flock. Southampton Press, 20 June 1991: B1, B6. Self-Portrait Today, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, Japan, 1985. (Catalogue), 1969 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Paintings, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, December 16, 1969February 1, 1970. (Brochure). Vaizey, Marina. The New York Times, 7 April 2000: 40. Chuck Close Ritratti in pixel. Firma (Italy) (October 2001): 4957. Gateways to Art. Artists Hand Rivals Cameras Eye in His Portraits of Friends. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 12 December 1980: B1, B3. Van Gelder, Lawrence. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. Landau, Terry. 36290 Hidden Springs Rd Suite E Wildomar, CA 92595. Faces, Crown Point Press, San Francisco, March 19May 9, 1987. Traveled to: Japan, April 9October 5, 1992. 7 (September 1981): 120126. Van Gogh Face to Face: The Portraits, The Detroit Institute of Arts, March 12June 4, 2000. Huffington Post, 20 February 2014. Gorgoni, Gianfranco. L'Autoportrait a l'age de la photographie, Musee Cantoral de BeauxArts, Lausanne, January 18March 24, 1985. Schama, Simon. Doss, Erika. (Catalogue). We wish you all the best on your future culinary endeavors. New York: The Pace Gallery, 1983: illustrated. 2 (March/April 1982): 3438. Squared Up to Friends. Financial Times (1999): 9. Art Talk: Getting Close to Clinton. Art News (Summer 2009): 33, illustrated. A Concise History of American Painting and Sculpture. Gardner, Paul. 2 Chicago Museums Hit Art Jackpot. Chicago Tribune, 26 February 1997: C1, 18. Selected Portraits, 19851995 (exhibition catalogue). Flash Art, no. Alloway, Lawrence. King, Mary. Printmaking in America: Collaborative Prints and Presses, 1960-1990 (exhibition catalogue). Photo. The Village Voice, 25 July 1995: 10. Chuck Close's Break with Photography. The New York Times, 19 April 1981: D29, D32. Freeway Frenzy. Art News (November 1995): 6970. Attention to Detail: Curated by Chuck Close (exhibition catalogue). Chuck Close: Maquettes and Multi-Part Work (19662009), Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, May 7June 6, 2009. Chuck Close: Prints, Virginia Lynch Gallery, Tiverton, Rhode Island, September 27October 25, 1998. Chuck Close, Thomas Nozkowski, Fabian Marcaccio and Alex Brown, BravinLee Programs, New York, June 7July 28, 2011. New York: The Pace Gallery, 1978: illustrated. Nemser, Cindy. 3rd ed. Tokushima, Japan: The Tokushima Modern Art Museum, 2005: 29, illustrated. London: Chester Music Limited, 2010: cover, illustrated. (Catalogue). Allen, Jane Addams. Text by Andrew Brighton and Peter Wollen. (Catalogue), Portrait Painting 1970-1975: A Survey of Informal Portraiture in the USA, Allan Frumkin Gallery, New York, 1975. New York: New York University Press, 1975: illustrated. Art in the Seventies. Neff, Terry Ann R. The Fisher Collection: AK. (Catalogue) Three Decades of American Art Selected by the Whitney Museum of American Art, Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo, June 18July 20, 1976. Can I Interest You in a Schnabel, Mr. Ovitz? The New York Times Magazine, 3 October 1993: 3033, 42, 44, 50. London: Hyperrealismes USA, 19651975 (exhibition catalogue). White Cube Companion. Finger, Brad. That's because it's the work styles, the way of thinking, different personality traits and a whole spectrum of skills that add to the mix which ensures that teams are able to achieve results through innovation. American Drawing 1927-1977 (exhibition catalogue). Glueck, Grace. (Catalogue). (Catalogue). Uxbridge, Middlesex, England: The Hillingdon Press, 1983. Fantasies, Fables and Fabrications: PhotoWorks from the 1980s (exhibition catalogue). Prints, Monotypes, Works on Paper, Stanford University, California, September 29, 1987January 3, 1988. Chuck Close: Recent Paintings, PaceWildenstein, 142 Greene Street, New York, March 16April 29 (extended through May 6), 2000. Gianfranco Gorgoni: Altered Images (exhibition catalogue). 11 (December 2013): 129. There Was a Whole Collection Made: Photography from Lester and Betty Guttman (exhibition catalogue). New Galleries to Brighten Los Angeles Scene. Art Newsletter 21, no. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975. In Camera: Artists KO Camera Color. American Photographer 2, no. Worcester, Massachusetts: Davis Publications, Inc., 2007: 570571, illustrated. Beginning in 1991, he continued his examinations of portraiture through productions of silk tapestries and, since 2003, has furthered this investigation, producing editions of large-scale Jacquard tapestry portraits. Meier-Grolman, Burkhard. Definitely dont miss the cawfee its simply divine (and bottomless! 1 (Spring 1979): 3945. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1972: illustrated. Thomas, Karin and Gerd de Vries. Text by Catherine Kord. Laberge, Fred. After they arrive, During a violent storm you and your fellow landlubbers have capsized your vessel near an outcropping of small islands. The Chuck Close I Knew and Loved. The New York Times, 27 December 2021: SR-9. Hyperralistes Amricains (exhibition catalogue). Feeney, Mark. Pervin, Lawrence and Dan Cervone. Schjeldahl, Peter. Printmaking: History and Process. Face to Face to Cyberspace (exhibition catalogue). View Location Get Directions. Brunner, Jessie. Hamann, Brad. Reviews: Chuck Close-Pace (exhibition review). The Art of the Dealer: Keeping Pace with Arne Glimcher. New York Magazine, 10 October 1988: 5662. Chuck Close. Flash Art, no. 2 vols. Traveled to: The Fondation Beyeler, Basel, November 27, 2005February 26, 2006. Garver, Thomas H., Warrinton Colescott, and Gordon Scott. Yale Celebrates Its Artists and Its Collectors Since 1950. The New York Times, 27 June 1993: 14. Westerbeck, Colin. Dictionary of Contemporary Artists. (Catalogue). Return to major publishers by decade.. 65: 000 Publisher Unknown: 1: 007 Magazine and Archive: 5: 01 Comics: 4: 10 Ton Press Schipprack, Annette. New York: Thread Waxing Space, 1993. 9 (May 1985): 45, 48. Chuck Close. Trends (Japan) (January/February 1993): 3640. Chuck Close, Merchant House, Amsterdam, April 17July 12, 2015. Show Intrigues in New Museum Gracing Chicago. Capitol Times, 12 August 1998: 4. Chuck Close, Jim Dine, Louise Nevelson, Concordia College, Bronxville, New York, October 14November 17, 1996. Traveled to: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, November 19, 2005February 28, 2006; High Museum of Art, Atlanta, March 25July 9, 2006; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, July 22October 22, 2006. Derrington, Andrew. 44, 1 November 1973: 34. Emanuel, Muriel, et al, eds. 208 (January 1995): 76. Face Down Adversity: Chuck Close battled disability to make his mark in art world. Investors Business Daily, 18 August 2002. 155, 8 July 1972. Hartford, Connecticut: Wadsworth Athenaeum, 1977. The Commodore Bar & Restaurant, 79 Western Ave N, St Paul, MN 55102, USA. Raynor, Vivien. 3 (March 1994): 4247. Gassert, Siegmar. Texts by Madeleine Grynsztejn, Siri Engberg, and Douglas R. Nickel. Michael, Glover. A Celebration of the Guild Hall Academy of the Art, Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, New York, June 12August 1, 2004. Farr, Sheila. Chuck Close at Pace Gallery and Pace Prints. Artforum 27 (January 1989): 110. Chuck Close at PaceWildenstein (exhibition review). Lindey, Christine. New York: A.R.T. 29, 29 July 1991: 50. A Little Help From His Friends. Interview by Clare Henry. Close Up Close. Newsweek, 23 May 1977: 68. Speiser, Irene. Close, Chuck. Art in Review: Chuck Close (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 December 2014., Grishin, Sasha. Beamguard, Bud. Dyckes, William. At an escape room Youll have the opportunity to use your brain like never before. Chuck Close. Current Biography 44, no. Foreword by Adam D. Weinberg. Stevens, Nancy. New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1995: illustrated. Portrait of a Portrait Painter (book review). Badger, Gerry. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd., 2006: 302. Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1977: illustrated. Baden-Baden, Germany: NOMOS Verlagsgesellschaft, 2021: 63, illustrated. Landi, Ann. Traveled to: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 22, 1976January 23, 1977; Palace of the Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, February 19April 17, 1977. Chuck Close, Pace Prints, New York, February 20March 9, 2002. Chuck Close: People Who Matter to Me, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, July 10November 14, 2010. 7 Bonus $3000 PLAY NOW 8 Bonus $2500 + 100 Free Spins PLAY NOW IGT Triple Diamond slot machine is a payout jackpot-contained, classic 3 reel slot machine from IGT. Sadik, Marvin and Harold Francis Phister. Canberra, ACT: National Gallery of Australia, 1999: illustrated. 75 (Spring 1979): 107114. Text by Bruce Guenther. An artist down to his fingertips: William Packer on the career of the American painter, Chuck Close. Financial Times, 7 April 1998. Oxford, England: Phaidon Press Ltd, 1979: illustrated. Saltz, Jerry. Three Realists: Close, Estes, Raffael (exhibition catalogue). New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1977. Aspects of the Self: Portraits of Our Times, Center for the Arts at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, March 21April 27, 2014. Edited by Carina Evangelista. Late 20th Century Art, Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, September 10October 31, 1982. Dietz, Steve. We offer our customers a family-friendly atmosphere, great service and affordable haircuts. Le Thorel, Edward. Just outside of Minneapolis, theres a beautiful waterfront restaurant called Maynards. Finch, Christopher. Herrmanns, Ralf. Three Young Americans, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, April 17May 12, 1970. A Decade of American Drawings: 198089, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, July 15August 26, 1989. Your server isnt ignoring you. The Many Faces of Chuck Close: Photographer (Photos). The Daily Beast, 15 December 2014. A Cavalcade of Corporate Art. Art + Auction (October 1989): 226230. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2003. Tricks & Humor (exhibition catalogue). Changing Variables: Chuck Close & His Prints. The Print Collectors Newsletter 9, no. Matsumura, Toshio. (Catalogue), Contemporary Voices: Works from the UBS Art Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 4April 25, 2005. 7 (October 1981): 6877. Bandler, Michael. Text by Mahonri Sharp Young. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1995. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 1982: illustrated. Located in Miramar Beach, Florida. New York: Harper and Row, 1985: illustrated. Close-up. Interview with Tatijana Shoan. Morrin, Peter and Eric Zafran. McGill, Douglas C. Art People: A Life Saving Mtier. The New York Times, 23 October 1987: C40. Steele, Mike. Muller, Hans-Joachim. New York: Abrams, 2009: illustrated. 16391 Sierra Lakes Parkway Suite 120 Fontana, CA 92336. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Art Gallery, 2011: 332333, illustrated. 11 (Fall 2008): 7475, illustrated. Osaka: The Asahi Shimbun, 2013: 1423, illustrated. Burton, Jane. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1984: illustrated. Navigating the Self. Interview by Siri Engberg. Chuck Close: Drawings 19741986 (exhibition catalogue). Photo-Realism; Post-Modernist Illusionism. Art International 20, no. Worcester Art Museum Hosts Major Painting Exhibition. Enterprise-Sun (Marlboro, Massachusetts), 20 February 1974. Northampton: Belmont Press and London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1981: illustrated. London; Munich; New York: Prestel Verlag, 2020: 126127, illustrated. Chuck Close, Tom Friedman. New Art Examiner 24 (September 1996): 3738. New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2012. Groundbreaking Museum Retrospective (Henry Art Gallery exhibition review). Portraits, Linda Cathcart Gallery, Santa Monica, May 1991. Its delicious. Drawings from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel (exhibition catalogue). (Catalogue). Worcester, Massachusetts: Worcester Museum, 1974: illustrated. Kijken met het oog van een kunstenaar: Chuck Close over Erasmus van Rotterdam (1523). Kunst & Antiek Journaal Collect (December 2006): 6769, illustrated. Texts by Linda Chase, David M. Lubin and Valerie L. Hillings. An Interview with Chuck Close. Artforum, 8 January 1970: 5155. Chuck Close Keeps his Distance. Los Angeles Times, 15 June 1982. North Carolina: Mint Museum of Art, 2007: 3637, illustrated. Winter Park, Florida: Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Rollins College, 2013: 12, illustrated.