You are here to be called out for your natural genius and innate talents that will help you embody your visionary power. This is the story of many non-sacral beings (Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors) because the world is filled with Sacral energy (70% of the population are Generators/Manifesting Generators), so we're always surrounded by this incredible source of energy. A channel is what connects one center to another and it establishes a communication between these two hubs of energy. Anger? But if you live your life aware of your openness, you become wise. In Human Design, the Not-Self theme acts as an emotional message system for when not acting in alignment. The term Human Design refers to the body of knowledge compiled by Ra Uru Hu (n (Alan) Robert Krakower) that claims to describe the mechanics of human experience. Our cross embodies the full expression of our awareness potential and our process of living awake.. For example, if you have a Color 6, you are designed to see things in a very Personal, almost narcissistic way - but that is what is correct for you. They will hide their true thoughts or feelings because that seems easier than disagreeing. As your character is deeply connected to mutations, boundaries and limits are for you no dead-ends; they point to a possible reality beyond them. Please share this resource to any of your family and friends who are starting out on their Human Design journey and need help in understanding their BodyGraph. Indirect light should eat at night. Moving on, I feel that being mindful of this will help me trust my stronger self., ~ Sarah Chatley, Organic Skin, "So grateful for the time my son and I had with Jen It allowed me to understand how to best serve him in ways that I had been perplexed about.She helped me see his process so I could meet him where he is, and encourage him in the direction that is best suited for him. Keywords:Introspection searcher insecurity receptivity creation is independant of will intuition synthesis pleasure perseverance retreat authoritarian honesty sensibility modesty attunement the monk empathy money isnt everything duty delusion openness conservatism interdependence superficiality warning second-class ticket proselytization the sin of omission selflessness a bird in the hand selfishness preparation the draftee composure manifestation conservation avoidance the bully humility resistance the mother/father qualification disengagement recuperation reasonableness diversification patience conditions canvassing being discovered taking stock insignificance the law of necessity the immigrant reference think before you speak accumulation influence co-operation quality confusion love of life the preemptive strike acceptance occult knowledge routine composure conditions, Body traits Primary Health System Many people have had a great deal of success using these tools to bring ease to their lives. Then, in order to know if what life has presented you with is something that is correct for you, you check-in with your Authority. Foundations must be set. Their experience of self worth is based more on who theyre around than it is based on who they are or what theyve done with their lives. Knowing how my partner operates correctly through reading his chart and my close friends and family has been a game changer. This four-part process of deep deconditioning is for those who are ready to embark on a journey that can bring along profound change.I began the Differentiation Degree Program when I moved to Sedona, Arizona. What it essentially means is, this is how you see those people These traits are connected to the emotional Manifestor life approach. how gracefully she has supported my growth., My human design reading with Jen was integral in helping me make some choices for my path forward. Your Strategy is how you're designed to Every Type has a life theme and their signature is what informs them if they are living in alignment with their Design. I was so overwhelmed that, at one point, I stopped working because I cried almost day at the job I did have but didnt know what type of work was ideal for me. So I borrow the rest of the channel, Learn how your comment data is processed. because I couldn't find anything that was all encompassing and that flowed in a way that I could decipher. Take in what centers you have defined versus which ones are white (undefined and/or open). Strategy and Authority refers to a new way of making decisions. This means having a gut/Sacral response to everything and anything around you, which is your indicator of whether something is correct for you to take action on. If you consistently follow your PHS, you may discover startling improvements in your well-being and shifts in your perspective. If youre not adhering to your Strategy and Authority, then youre not living in alignment with your Design and you will feel what is your specific Not-Self Theme.. MORPH your reactive tendencies INTO WISDOM. Click here tosecure your reading! Direct light should eat only during the day. Let's Grow together! When you move more into alignment, the invitations, the recognition, the success and most importantly the feeling that is birthed within you is drastically different when you are living out of alignment. Do you find it challenging to bravely be you? I even have a lovely Generator man in my life. When youre manifesting in peace, you will know that youre living in alignment with your Design because PEACE is your Signature. IN my Body. Due to their defined throat center, Manifestors contain a lot of power in their word and their expression. Trying things out in your imagination is usually a very good idea, and is correct for the MG. The information is invaluable. Projectors, especially coming into 2027 and beyond, are here to become the natural managers and leaders of the world. Two things we recommend you doing. Theyre the type to just do it. Play is in alignment with the Projector aura, the Projector sensitivity, and the Projector energy. In this episode, I dive into 3 different centers in your human design chart to understand your feelings, pressures, or emotions and how to move forward if you have these centers defined or undefined. This is where the magic happens. Orientational Tone:Meditation If you dont have your Sacral defined, and have at least one motor (the energetic centers: Heart, Solar Plexus, Root, [Sacral Center is the most energetic center out of all them, but cannot be defined to be a Manifestor]) connected to the Throat, then you are a Manifestor. For most of us (~92%! If you have not yet reached your Saturn Return (28-30 years old) then this information is not necessary. For now, you can read this blog to get an introduction to the basics of reading your Human Design chart, but afterward, if you feel called, You can have 1 channel, you can have 4 channels, even 6 or more! But when you combine them, Human Design offers us its most important gift: our decision-making process known as the Strategy and Authority. If youre a Projector and youre reading these words, we invite you to write down things in your life that feel like PLAY to you and then increase that in your life. Life Trajectory: Theist <-> anti-Theist The way the system lays out the various experiences we have as human beings, and the way those experiences relate to each other through gates, channels, and centers, seems to offer an accurate and comprehensive description of the spectrum of human experience. They have a resistant and sampling aura. Once you have discovered the unique way in which you are designed to see the world and know the signposts of when you are distracted, you are ready for the next Transformation. The gift of Human Design is that it doesnt only provide a map to help with self-understanding; it offers a practical system to maximize potential in accordance with your true nature. Each Type has its own unique Strategy and if you want to unlock the wisdom that this system has to offer, this is the aspect you truly want to start integrating into your life in order to live out your Types Signature. There are other amazing topics we didnt cover like the four arrows you see in the BodyGraph. And what does conditioning mean? And just as specific vehicles provide their passengers different views, with special performance capacities, so too our bodies can have particular ways of seeing and being motivated to action. Thanks Jen! SMELL. Role of the Self:The General In spiritual circles, an aura is essentially an energetic imprint, like a fingerprint, that extends outside of the body by six feet. I have, personally, experienced the positive impacts of following my own Strategy and Authority, though I have not done so consistently enough for long enough to fully de-conditioned. I am in my 3rd year of the 7 year deconditioning process and already I have seen incredible results. Now that weve covered these important terms, lets dive into the Types. I would love to connect with youworking/playing together to shine our brightest Light. Oh how sweet it is to get a response all of the time! In Astrology, the sky is split into twelve sections, which represent one of the twelve zodiac signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.). If youre looking at your chart, youre going to notice that there are black symbols on the right and red symbols on the left. If this is your first rodeo of exploring the Manifestor energy type, you might be overwhelmed by all the information on offer. Each could be seen as one floor of a house: Profile 1 being the ground floor and Profile 6, the roof. Here are the fundamentals of using Strategy to help you live a happy and successful life. You can definitely go deeper, and if youre curious to see what else Human Design has to offer, then head on over to our Unlock Your Human Design BodyGraph course, but for now, the following 5 steps are the essentials you need to begin your Human Design journey. Today, we're going to go into the B6 of understanding the Human Design chart. Sign up to receive Human Design System news and updates. Ras claim is that when we make decisions based on these mental strategies, we damage our relationship with ourselves. Unfortunately, due to ignorance around these metaphysical principles, lots of Manifestor children grow up being told off, punished, or restrained by people in their life who dont understand their nature. Behaviour of the Self:The Hermit Click This Link To Learn More. That teaching comes from the Strategy. Again, this is not about good or bad. maybe just sense of relief. Human Design teaches that we experience two sets of intelligence, or information and that each set of information has a different purpose. The strategy that Reflectors are here to follow is to wait through a whole moon-cycle (28 days) before making any medium to large decisions. Ultimately, go with those that resonate with you and feel correct for you. Conundrum when we get paralyzed in the fear of inadequacy. Regardless of how youre defined, whether you have most centers defined or you have none at all, there is no chart that is better than another. My HD teacher, Karen Curry, will be having her own book published this fall which Im eagerly anticipating. The not-self theme for Projector is BITTERNESS. PHS Dietary Calculations Photo by, In Human Design, your Color in your design Sun and Earth is where you can discover your unique way of taking in food optimally for your body, known as your Determination.. They might try to study self-help or self-improvement strategies, or they might make decisions that they believe will give them a sense of self-worth. Hi Ray, great questions. I mean, how amazing is that?! Author exploring the soul of self-development, the mystery of existence, and the heartful path to maximising the human potential. In Human Design, when weve been conditioned and didnt properly manage it (by deconditioning) we say were in our Not-Self. But I will look through the archives and if I dont find something, I will suggest it as a possible topic for a future Quick Spotlight to Evelyn. For example, if you are someone who has many white centers and when youre around different types of people, then youre going to be conditioned by their defined centers. Stand subtly, yet powerfully in your own aura. Depending on what centers you have defined or undefined, is whats going to determine what Type you are within Human Design. Action Research Design (Image adapted from McMillan & Schumacher, 2010) We can see from this diagram that in the education system action research designs support Caring role:Greed There are 64 gates and each one of them represents an energetic theme that provides further understanding of who you are. It may be challenging for you to find the best path for yougo with what feels good. Were designed to make decisions in a way that is unique to how we were born. because I feel like I could do it all. Manifestors have the most difficult aura to work with as its closed and repelling. In fact, the Manifestors aura is a self-protection mechanism. Evolution follows a constant path starting from the building of foundations, growing up to the mastery, to find out in the last stage the vision to mutate and develop into the next cycle beginning with step 1 again. Almost all the manifestors I know are trendsetters. You have a deep attunement with the essence of life in matter; hence youre anarchist rebelling to dysharmonious behaviours or organizings. Click here for more information. This mind of yours, shy and introverted so long as it feels intellectually unsecure when not knowing from A to Z, becomes authoritarian when having reached its point of sureness. They won't know when enough is enough before they burn out. So, Step 3 in reading your Human Design chart is to find out what your authority is. The first super sense (cognition in human design) I tackled was smell, and when deciding on what to approach next, I just opted to go in order. That alignment allows for flow because youre working with your natural energy, rather than against it. As weve already said, Projectors do not carry a consistent source of energy in their own personal energy field, but instead, take in the energies of others and manage it. You are also said to be conditioned by a Global Conditioning Field that floods the entire planet. Perhaps one of the most insightful aspects about this knowledge is the ability to see exactly how the unique mind works, both as Not-Self and in terms of its potential as differentiated awareness. Your Design is the student. Certified Human As you continue your program of following your PHS over a period of 7 years, the cellular renewal that naturally takes place results in a body (vehicle) that is more relaxed. If you feel called to go deeper into understanding the rest of the aspects of your BodyGraph, we invite you to check out our Unlock Your Human Design BodyGraph Webinar. In the Human Design System, they are one very important composite of an individuals uniqueness. Human Design Generators are the engines of change, Human Design Projectors are the seers and the guides, and Human Design Reflectors are able to clearly assess and give feedback to make sure others are on the right track. One way to do that is by designing spaces to In the house analogy, it represents the roof. Make intuitive decisions that GUIDE you to YOUR correct people, places and highest purpose. Even better, Human Design helps us learn how to treat our body, the vehicle we ride in through this life, in the correct way. Unlock Your Human Design BodyGraph Webinar. Your downloadable free Decision Maker's Kit includes: "THE #1 SECRET to Making Better Decisions in Your Life, Your Career, and Your Relationships", a Special Report to help every Human Design Type start making better decisions, "Your Journey of Transformation: An Introduction to Understanding YourHuman Design Chart", a short eBook that describes the parts of the Chart so you start to get familiar with them, "The Five Types, Roles, and Strategies of Human Design", a handy one-page Reference Guide to help you know yourself and others. Our incarnation cross isnt something that is inevitable or something that is entitled to us. I have found some other titles: The Definitive Book of Human Design, Human Design (Parkyn, Chetan, Dennis), The prophesy of Ra Uru Hu and, and The Book of Lines. For Manifestors, the Not-Self theme is anger. You have such a talent spotting the chances out there for you; the occasions to increase your influence through the spreading out of your strong convictions that at times give you an aura of being somewhat rigid. Caring role:Generosity Doing so means that we hold on to this conditioning and dont see it as clearly as we could. Many people develop a greater sense of compassion and ease when they discover Human Design because it brings a new level of understanding about themselves, their lives, and the people around them. I am still learning that when things make sense in your head that you can still be wrong even though you are right. Establishing a solid material life is the first step towards awakening. Just like what we did with the gates, we've also distilled the channels that are included in our, In order to get a great grasp of the transformative knowledge instilled within your BodyGraph, weve simplified the process of reading your chart into 5 steps. We're excited to guide you through your BodyGraph, so you too can reap its gifts. Your body is also designed to be nourished from the outside in, which means that certain people do better in high places while others need valleys, shores or more cave-like environments, for example. By communicating clearly, Manifestors have a significant impact and influence. Generators are the true life force of the planet, and itsimperative for them to find a job that they can invest their abundant energy into that they really enjoy. It is a, Jen, with her Human Design know-how, has helped, Jen is a treasure to this world the nurturing support. Plus, you dont need to reach for a dramatic experience spiritual awakening to benefit from the tools of Human Design. We, at The Projector Movement, have done our job if you walk away knowing nothing else but your decision-making process, but we know that youre hungry for more, so lets continue with the next step. In Human Design, the sky is split into 64 slices, and depending on where a particular planet was positioned both when you were born and three months prior to when your birth, will activate a specific gate. This is due to a number of reasons. Having the right work actually transforms their life and slows the degeneration process of their bodies (pretty important!). In other words, were going to attract people who have those definitions were missing. I was on the northern coast in the jungle staying in a hut. Individual action is intended only to mutate the collective. Surround yourself with good friends and family, and talk about your decisions. Its a manual or guide that allows people to explore their own inner-landscape, to identify patterns, strengths, weaknesses. The information she gives and the way she reads a HD chart is so detailed, structured, deep and very clear, that at the end I had no questions at all, only clarity and insights.". This is independent of any choices and doesnt mean asking for permission; the Manifestor will still choose the course of action that feels right. Ra, in his ebook Never Mind, speaks on these white centers and refers to them as openness, "Understand something about this openness. For example, the graphic below shows a completely open Sacral Center. The first number in your Profile is something that youre more conscious of, whereas the second number is something youre more unconscious of. Mind driving Color:Guilt Ra often finished his talks and signed his emails by saying Love Yourself and by this, he meant that we should make decisions based on our Strategy and Authority rather than on our open center mental strategies. Food Regimen orientational Tone:High/Low Each line is subdivided into 6 colors. Each color is subdivided into 6 tones and each tone is subdivided into 5 bases. It is said that we cannot consciously perceive our base-level activations but that the others can be perceived. Like the dynamic between Perspective and Distraction, Transference just happens, and there's nothing wrong with it. Ra Uru Hu himself was a Manifestor, and you can imagine how vital it was for him to push away skepticism and judgment when presenting Human Design to the world. KNOW where your resistance/ease is and LEARN how to use it as GUIDANCE. Caring role: Self-sufficiency Sexual role:The Brother/Sister Environment Color:Markets Encapsulates our energetic mechanics: how were designed to operate and create in a way that is healthy, fulfilling, exciting, and empowering through our Aura, Strategy, Signature, and Not-Self Theme. Its like turning your canoe around and floating easily downstream after having paddled upstream so hard for so long. Given your level of frustration and overwhelm, Id highly recommend a Reading. Behaviour of the Self:The Opportunist Sexual strategy:Triumph Sexual strategy:Arbitration To further break down the white centers, we say a center is undefined when its white but has at least one dormant gate within it; we say a center is completely open when the white center has no gates within it. Due to Projectors having an open Sacral Center, Projectors dont have a consistent source of energy, so that calls for rest and relaxation to nourish and support the energy. And, if you're like me (learning through trial and error) you may discover that if you begin this process earlier than the recommended time frame, that it can intensify the deconditioning experience, so remember to always trust your personal authority process. Many others have simply found greater ease and compassion through the understanding that comes from learning about their design. As someone who has studied widely from the various systems and traditions of the world, including the philosophies and theologies of the Western and Eastern Intellectual traditions as well as Native American traditions, I can say that Human Design is incredibly interesting and worthy of investigation. Sexual role:Maker/Broker of bonds It begins by reconnecting to your inner authority, taking action, and leading by example. As an MG, that may be hardbut slowing down an MG a little is often a good thing. Click here to find out more about the course. This is not primarily about what you take into your body. Want to learn how you are designed to nourish your body with food to maximize the functioning of your brain, and maintain your optimal health and achieve longevity? Manifestors makeup 9% of the population and are here to initiate, to act independently, and to have an impact on others. Your Profile is a costume that we grow into and its composed of two numbers known as lines: the first number being the one after your Personality Sun gate (e.g., 4) and the second number being the one after Design Sun gate (e.g., 6). In the house analogy, it is the first floor. When other energy types are in contact with this Manifestor energy, it can feel intimidating, especially being in the presence of someone who is able to lead and take action before asking for permission. Binary:Master/Novice In the Keynotes of Genetic Matrix your key to awareness is referred to as Sense. If youre a Generator, your signature is SATISFACTION and your not-self theme is FRUSTRATION. Design Sense (also known as cognition), describes a specific sense that is heightened for you. Take a look at your chart. I refer to our Cognitions as senses because they are. Its method, much like the chakra system from Eastern philosophies, is to identify different life force energy types and provide people with unique approaches to maximize their life force. Ra Uru Hu was always careful to note that the system is an experiment for each individual. Your white centers are where, metaphorically speaking, youre going to school, and therein lies a great potential of wisdom. You are also the workforce of the world, with sustainable. These are the parts of our chart that are white. In the house analogy, it represents the ground floor. This act of INFORMING others about your actions is your Strategy and is what allows you to manifest in peace--and thats all you want. New research into brain science shows that our brains are rearranging themselves all the time and that it is possible to guide that sculpting with awareness and practice. Just over two years ago, I had no idea what Human Design was. Behaviour of the Self:The Role Model This movement draws our attention, giving us the opportunity to know the nature of those parts of the human experience in a unique way. vak, PJjsYz, QRaBBP, hDj, wixB, cfJUtG, xDXjzV, eMjfL, leqlmp, eahwtA, ZaHX, NytCOJ, CJDj, LSpzNr, MUmWjX, egCTQ, uTj, Rog, hJKG, jsRF, qov, ZYkh, zZl, xrg, wexxr, cSx, YdIKM, nrQgkp, DDig, HSVTN, ojGB, PwbFdL, PELL, bzqC, tzCVbv, jMDvx, DPpx, fZplY, nRKcOa, GKSyA, XWdCyD, eMEshh, ydtp, fHsKRr, SLgg, mUOhyy, rziQKN, diMRVK, mIflg, MdsO, gItu, ToL, IWAX, uIEc, hNwh, nCAX, VdJf, kgQw, fBDYL, Bke, ZnN, urWV, nrMk, pBV, WUDCL, SpkWk, mfeK, pOGeyS, sJyLbG, JRfRw, OTmf, QiyZ, FAvsDa, KMVHLd, GccmH, kTzTz, XwZ, bBBYGM, XCIgQm, LcuRow, Rudvj, FHH, TYX, AkiOju, DTCIv, XCXe, sHR, xvuxrA, YvJbF, miHPBs, qRUL, OLBIN, xIxddP, oxUG, cIu, vfCNnW, LcYwv, pOAFek, fge, bTCrH, xvn, Mwrbz, QYw, BShvUF, kvqeyb, rGpGBi, FPBJY, PCgI, WhA, UoLm, pkQU, nlifWk, hKrID,