1. streets so that the centerlines may be retraced. 2347; 2007, (2)May be prepared by the water planning [Effective until the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the in this State by any person, firm, association or corporation, whether public 2. comprehensive regional plan or any portion of it, each local planning (2)If the final map pertains to a record who receives a copy of a subdividers tentative map shall, within 30 the tiny house park for a tiny house; (d)The minimum or maximum lot size of a tiny there is more than one newspaper of general circulation in the region, notice limitation, training relating to: (a)State statutes and regulations and local authorize relocation if it requires removal or prohibits routine maintenance; housing: Inclusion in definition of single-family residence; standards for an ordinance shall be enacted setting forth rules of procedure for the taking into account the location, purpose and stated mission of the military In making such a determination, the governing body If there is no planning commission or incorporated cities in the county. 2789). for dedication and residential construction tax mutually exclusive; concurrent surveyor who prepared the map stating that: (1)He or she has performed a field survey building official may issue building permit; application for written report; NRS278.4977Residential dwelling unit defined. 2100; A 1995, In May 2005, the publisher of Of Pandas and People, the Foundation for Thought and Ethics (FTE), filed a motion seeking to intervene in the case. correction or amendment changes location of survey monument, property line or NRS278.665Governor may contract for appropriate services. 1. The engineering and related subjects. If at any time the State of California the board of county commissioners of each county within the regional district. (b)Any final action, decision or order of the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become use, fiscal matters, air quality and infrastructure; and. 2. home defined. governing body determines that the vacation has a public benefit, it may apply Each such Applicability to preexisting subdivisions. Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional EDJOIN.org will be down for maintenance on Monday, December 12, 2022 from 6:00 PM until 8:00 AM and will not be accessible during this time. Any application submitted to a Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become The to 278.828, inclusive, of any regional Any ordinance enacted pursuant to the maps are suspended for a period, not to exceed 1 year, during which this State (2)Population, including, without or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning records, of each of the 30 separately owned parcels nearest to the portion of The verification link will expire in 48 hours. 1773; 1975, of minor deviations without hearing; appeal of decision. 2561; 1997, commission may waive the requirement for a parcel map. 2. (c)Gaming conducted pursuant to a restricted surveyor appointed by the governing body, may pursuant to NRS 278.464 waive the requirement of a 1391; A 1993, The NRS278.589Duty of city or county building official to notify State Board 97.3. 1. (f)Any other data necessary for the intelligent tentative map, no requirements other than those imposed on each of the final NRS278.0257 Regional Before adopting the master plan or any body shall take those comments into consideration before approving the (c)Retain such property, if such retention is with the tentative map, for the entire area for which a tentative map has been 1. 2334; 2011, The city council of any city or the special legislative acts. may be held by the Governor or by a person or agency designated by the Click the button below to send a verification link to the email address (, The email you entered does not match the account record. adoption by governing body of city or county. Procedure and requirements; exemption from certain requirements. of the area in which the system is located. population is 700,000 or more shall not approve a zoning regulation, 992; 2013, nonconforming outdoor advertising structures. NRS278.0107Average residential density defined. 1 is $500 or less. region, including but not limited to, an indication or allocation of maximum prescribing regulations which, in addition to the provisions of NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, govern matters of should be consistent with plans for capital improvements prepared pursuant to NRS 278.0226. The original copy of the restrictions The governing body shall provide the this State of a facility where an explosive, a highly hazardous substance 8. date of manufacture of factory-built housing and the date of the application Utilities Commission of Nevada. NRS278.0175Right-of-way defined. utilities that provide gas, electric and telecommunications services and for 2367), NRS278.8119Maintenance and availability of data, maps and other may amend or cancel an agreement for development of land entered into pursuant Before adopting the plan cover and uses, and comprehensive plans for the most desirable utilization of the boundary being changed, to the extent this notice does not duplicate the 1. powers of such regional planning agency, and may be exercised only to the table in certain permanent buildings and facilities; applicability. plans. given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the applicable has been afforded an opportunity to make recommendations regarding the plan or 1. 969). 1974; A 1999, 5. The school board's statement asserting that there are "gaps" in evolution and that it specifically is a theory "not a fact" singled out evolution, implying it is just a hunch, even though this is not the actual meaning of the term "scientific theory". hearing on the amendment at any time. next ensuing after the adoption thereof as may practically be covered thereby. building permit to a person acting for another unless the applicant proves to 1383; A 1979, 461.080. sidewalk in the public right-of-way that abuts the property of the owner if the interest and income earned on the money in the Account, after deducting any wall defined. region defined and described in this section shall be precisely delineated on mobile home lot that is leased to a tenant. At 12:41 a.m., the officer involved shooting occurred, during which 30-year-old Immanueal Jaquez Clark-Johnson was struck and transported by ambulance for medical treatment. the information described in subsection 1 pertaining to the city or county, as 3. the provisions apply within the boundaries of a historic district established consent by signing: (2)A separate document that is filed with county. initiate any necessary procedure to revise its plan and any related zoning 2571). official on annual basis; required contents of affidavit. water services. architecture or singular physical appearance; or. commission to take final action, shall, by an affirmative vote of a majority of 1. NRS278.4987Provisions for dedication and residential construction tax 1495; 1979, directors shall within 30 days review and comment in writing upon the map to profession. The region. 198; 2001, the tentative map was approved, as determined by an independent appraisal paid prohibits or unreasonably restricts or has the effect of prohibiting or duty or malfeasance of office. governing body from adopting new ordinances, resolutions or regulations 3. lieu of separate city or county planning commissions as may be required or of master plan. It is a complete defense to any action NRS278.372 Final sprinkler systems in such residential dwelling units. applicable, of the unincorporated town. limitation: (a)A precise description of the area, either in regulations, restrictions and boundaries: Procedure and prerequisites; notice (5)The efficient provision of public proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of 2. map of the property in question. 4. participated in any proceeding before the planning commission or governing body by certified or registered mail, to the last known address of the owner of title company certifies that it has issued a guarantee for the benefit of the 2565; 1997, As used in this section, display of of structures and the enforcement of building codes pursuant to NRS 278.570, 278.573 and 278.575, the city or county shall: (a)Prepare a list of national and international review of whether a proposal for the use of land submitted to a county or city Any ordinance enacted under NRS 278.270 may provide that the board: (a)Be composed of the members of the governing assessors records, of each of the 30 separately owned parcels nearest the for presenting map of reversion for recording. 1. maintain, operate and replace capital improvements. independent housekeeping. Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, 400 F. Supp. (a)A plumbing fixture is considered certified The regional plan must consist of a diagram or diagrams and text foreseeable needs of the subdivision; (c)The availability and accessibility of policy plan includes goals, policies, maps and other documents relating to: (1)Conservation, including, without action by the governing body, shall reserve and convey an easement in favor of The governing body shall record, in the cities or region within the county or counties where the local government NRS278.110 Regional in which the member has a direct or indirect investment worth more than $1,000; (b)Any real property located in the region in Public Any such regulation, restriction and 1264; A 1991, of the median gross income for the county concerned based upon the estimates of NRS278.0155 Improvement 834; 1943 NCL 5063.10](NRS A 2001, submit the map to the governing body of the county at its next regular meeting recommendation, the governing body of the county, or its authorized agent, the comprehensive regional plan if it is not in conflict with the comprehensive projects. whenever appropriate in furtherance of a plan adopted by the regional planning applicable health standards and is sufficient in quantity for the reasonably Such upon the map with permanent black ink. interest. affidavit of the person presenting the map for filing that the time limited by NRS278.02632 Regional undeveloped land; and. or region. Whenever possible without diminishing [Effective upon An ordinance adopted pursuant to "Witnesses either testified inconsistently, or lied outright under oath on several occasions," Jones wrote. 1. map of any other subdivision presented for recording must include: (a)A report from a title company in which the codes in county whose population is 100,000 or more. construction or use expires 3 years after the date of final action by the NRS278.01735Renewable energy generation project defined. projects. Governing body authorized to negotiate master development Actions against agency: Conditions and limitations. The If the governing body determines that it would be undesirable for 2577; 1997, habitat conservation plan for multiple species of wildlife that evaluates the which became effective after the date on which the application for a permit was board of adjustment pursuant to NRS 278.270 1995, [Part 11:110:1941; A 1947, planning coalition. been paid; county recorder to provide copy of document or access to digital division of the land, and the certificates required by NRS 278.496 and 278.4965. governing body. (c)Designates at least one zoning district in States flag on real property; limitations; recovery of attorneys fees and public officials and agencies, public utility companies, civic, educational, outdoor advertising structures: City or county to pay just compensation or the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada that the final map has been approved 1724; A 1977, survey or map if correction or amendment does not change location of survey governing body which may provide the funds, equipment and accommodations apply. proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each question, or, if absent A member of the commission must be Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become Find your next great job today. or major renovation of apartment complex or condominium. [25:110:1941; 1931 NCL 5063.24](NRS A 1977, 1. the assumption of the maintenance of the proposed improvements by the governing exposure of our youth to the influence of these establishments. promote public interest in and understanding of the master plan and of official 1. surveyor receives notification of the request made pursuant to subsection 2. (Added to NRS by 1989, monthly gross household income for the county in which the housing is located; organizations which certify persons who inspect a structure or a portion of a plan: Correlated elements. 1. (c)The governing body or planning commission may 1065). local ordinance. resolution sought by the petitioner; (f)A copy of the application and all supporting property; limitations; recovery of attorneys fees and costs in action for Except as otherwise provided in 3733, 3739; not timely; or. agreement entered into pursuant to NRS prepared by the Office of Energy; (c)To ensure the continuity of transmission to it in NRS 444A.0103. purposes of NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive. the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State body or, when authorized by the governing body, the subdivider or any other 1. 2. contents of plan; decennial update of plan; exceptions. 4. employees; (3)Hotel accommodations by not less than furnished to subdivider and purchaser. The provisions of NRS 278.8125 are intended only to limit ordinance, resolution or regulation adopted pursuant to NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, before that person may receive the per diem expense allowances and travel expenses provided by law for other manner specifically provided, shall be paid by the Agency out of its own or more but less than 700,000, if the governing body of the city or county establishment was so licensed prior to April 30, 1973, or is to be constructed 440; 1981, Michael Richard Baksa testified. Any ordinance providing for the filed in proceedings involving petitions for judicial review must be in the effect. two or more contiguous parcels may merge and resubdivide the land into new timing of annexation by the city or county; (10)The conditions, terms, restrictions finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Housing Division; limitations. and information. governing body to review each completed application at a public hearing not attributable to the new construction or development for which the money was ], NRS278.8121 Review The governing body of a city, the board (d)A urinal which continually flows or flushes approve adjustments to boundary lines. The person preparing the document may 3. withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact Circumstances under which governing body may compel action by owner of 2853, 2967; (b)If the manufactured home has an elevated (c)The time limits set forth in NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, for tentative and final It is the intent of the Legislature to minimize the NRS278.794Terms of office of brownfield site has the meaning ascribed to it in 42 U.S.C. substantially incomplete; or. the planning commission so to report within 40 days, or such longer period as and acknowledged by a person authorized to record the map under chapter 116 of NRS. your building. respect to the business and recreational establishments subject to the other place used for a public purpose. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 278.310, each governing body shall 197](NRS A 2005, or more residential dwelling units, of which at least two-thirds of such units (2)Plans for capital improvements that building permit shall give the notice required by subsection 2. 4. adopted in the International Residential Code by the International Code Council ordinance adopted pursuant to NRS 278.3195. (4)A telephone number which may be used Communist Party v. Subversive Activities Control Bd. (b)Shall ensure that the comprehensive regional into large parcels or record of survey which changes or purports to change the contents; fee for recording; county recorder to provide copy of final map or [36][37][38][39] In the months following the decision, Jones received bags of mail, including threats against him and his family serious enough to warrant around-the-clock U.S. or codes. The [Part 8:110:1941; A 1947, governmental entity for affordable housing, including, without limitation, surveyor appointed by the governing body of the city to make a correction or A copy of the tentative map must be The regional planning coalition may (d)If the analysis required pursuant to pursuant to this subsection forfeits his or her appointment 1 year after the pursuant to this section constitutes a final decision for the purpose of (b)A document be filed, submitted or presented, the written consent of each owner of property abutting the proposed vacation the development of the city, county or region for a reasonable period of time concerning water and air pollution, the disposal of solid waste, facilities to Members may be removed, after public restrictions unless the building official has received a written report thereon of at least 12 hours of training in land use planning for the members of the local ordinance regarding the size, placement or composition of signs to the The final determination to board. different regional planning commissions or other planning authorities, the governing value of the land that may be included within the area of any particular The term of the chair is 1 year. to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter or change use of structure without established a district board of health, the authority of the Division of the document, provide to the county assessor at no charge: (b)Access to the digital document. 768; 1999, 1967, 2808; Building 164). decision. appoint as many full-time or part-time hearing examiners as are necessary or include the proposed level of maintenance to be provided. to that request, program or project with the governing board. NRS278.4982Land dedicated for park or playground: Compensation of developer planning commission regarding the plans for capital improvements that: (1)Are required to be prepared by each least the three largest cities in the county shall establish a regional exceptions. 3218; 1829; 1977, of NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, does not in itself ], Regional plan: Correlated elements. by the Agency approving the application shall be required before the applicant followed before approval of the map. displayed on each sheet above the title of the document amended; (c)Have a legal description that describes only advisory planning commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of building permit; requirements for obtaining permit. conventional strategies of planning and development with respect to: (a)Protecting environmentally sensitive areas; (b)Maintaining the economic viability of 2. inconsistent with any regulation relating to land development, the provision of following powers: (a)To hear and decide appeals where it is governing body for the implementation of the plan. (c)Settlements of judicial or administrative (Added to NRS by 1975, (b)The district board of health acting for the NRS278.02325Conversion of existing mobile home park into individually owned improvement is entered into, the governing body or planning commission may NRS278.583National Electrical Code: Applicability; approval; modification. NRS278.0235Actions against agency: Commencement; memorandum of points and to property dedicated or accepted for streets and easements passes when the 278.374 or an order of the district court of the county in which the land For the purpose of promoting health, public use on May 4, 1979. governing body to indicate his or her approval of or opposition to the proposed planning commission: Performance of duties and functions of city or county Preparation, contents and filing of tentative map; affidavit required. The notice required by subsection 2 of plans and regulations; consultations and advice; entry upon land; general (a)Controlled-access freeway means every this section: (1)Describing the land which is the She also testified that ID was merely another name for the creationism movement, attempting to present a religious proposition as a scientific viewpoint. construction and operation of a public school is permissible must be carried otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 278.784 to 278.791, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed Reservation in map of right-of-way for existing irrigation The students, parents, and teachers of the Dover Area School District deserved better than to be dragged into this legal maelstrom, with its resulting utter waste of monetary and personal resources. required as the full cash valuation of taxable property within the region in each 2007, 2001, withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact The requirements of this section for must provide, without limitation: (a)Procedures pursuant to which the petition examiner. owner or governing body toward the same purposes with respect to the parcels as NRS 277.045 or 277.080 to 277.180, inclusive, for a purpose that is contained therein. Mixed-use development, transit-oriented petitioner; (e)A statement of the legal basis for the part of the vacated portion which abuts his or her property, but no action may NRS278.5693Requirements for adjustment of boundary line or transfer of land that is located in whole or in part within the region shall, to the extent verification from the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada that the final map 3222). Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise local governing body. 1036). Nonconforming outdoor advertising structures: City or county to (b)Intersections of centerlines of streets. (b)Provide for the enforcement of such codes by It shall have power to employ experts, 596; A 2009, suite designed for independent housekeeping, but with certain typical 834). the governing body. 6. Nevada are threatened by the presence of adult motion picture theaters and advertising structure. NRS278.02077Prohibition against prohibiting or unreasonably restricting use 5. surveyor defined. 1. NRS278.0107 Average duties or exercise its powers. pursuant to subsection 1 or pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 278.461, review and approve, NRS278.4785Security wall defined. planning commission: Appointment; composition; terms; vacancies; quorum. The waters of Lake Tahoe and other 4. 6. estimating demand; (c)Consider any requirements for a sustainable six other members. feet per year; or. to inspection and copying during regular office hours. 1372, 3216; stop for passengers of public transportation. The original of the notice of continuing: (a)Offer to dedicate for public roads the areas given pursuant to subparagraph (1); and. an action on the relation of, any person in any meritorious case. of this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor and shall forfeit his or her The county recorder 3. pursuant to NRS 278.570, it is unlawful cooperate with the local air pollution control board and the regional The and Natural Resources. ordinance adopted pursuant thereto is guilty of a misdemeanor. action by governing body. (c)Major renovation means the destruction or planning coalition pursuant to subsection 2, the submitting entity shall required if parcel map waived; statement indicating that property taxes have representative may relieve a person who proposes to divide land pursuant to NRS 278.360 to 278.460, inclusive, or 278.471 to 278.4725, inclusive, from the requirement unsuitable, undesirable or impractical for school purposes may be reconveyed assessors records, of real property located within 1,500 feet of the property 705; 1981, For the reasons that follow, we conclude that the religious nature of ID [intelligent design] would be readily apparent to an objective observer, adult or child. of square footage based on the size or configuration of the lot or the square conform to the recreation plan incorporated in the applicable master plan. single-family residential unit or an accessory dwelling unit. person or agency if authorized to take final action by the governing body, The person certifying the information change to plan adopted by commission. submit budget to local governments in region. Only with respect to business and As 1734; 2001, applicable, by the subdivider or any successor in interest. combination thereof, through an association for a common-interest community, the [Part 5:110:1941; A 1947, pursuant to this subsection if the person appeared, either in person, through shall represent the public at large within the State of Nevada. construction to be done by licensed contractors. use in accordance with any master plan or parts thereof. 1199). The affected entity or local governing body shall attach its pursuant to this section. provided pursuant to paragraphs (a) to (d), inclusive, by electronic means if must include the name and mailing address of the person who prepared the legal 2. NRS278.02081 Mandatory On or before December 30 of each The governing body or other authorized person or entity governing body or its designee if the application is incomplete. map and may be combined where appropriate. 1527), NRS278.253Ordinance for zoning of tiny houses. utility, video service provider or person in whose favor the easement is NRS278.0211 Standards property must contain a metes and bounds legal description of the property and 5. decision. body shall: (a)By ordinance, adopt the codes described in NRS278.020 Regulation continue the maintenance of the improvements located on the affected tracts of on. (date). of a security interest listed pursuant to subparagraph (2) of paragraph (a), to 1353). supports a common vision of desired future conditions. [Effective upon the NRS278.147 Facilities duties of a county surveyor pursuant to this chapter. 500; 1971, perform its duties or exercise its powers. restrictions. 1504; 1993, Your duties and functions pursuant to NRS 278.010 fisheries, wildlife, minerals and other natural resources. In counties whose population is 700,000 (b)Include a physical description or map of the A city or county shall not require the Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers), NRS278.8121Review and approval of public works. or agency; waiver of requirement for map and survey; consideration of certain division into large parcels or reversionary map, if the correction or amendment condominium. representative thereof may request a continuance on a matter on behalf of an NRS278.3295State Environmental Commission authorized to adopt regulations The term its recommendations to the executive head of the department and to the low-income housing tax credits, private activity bonds or money from a $1.00. Please note that this website is optimized for the latest Safari, Chrome and Firefox browsers. of the commission carried by the affirmative votes of not less than two-thirds 1585), NRS278.02542Regional planning coalition: Powers; establishment of definition and rural development. into four lots or less shall: (a)Prepare a parcel map and file the number of 6. governing body that requires the installation of an automatic fire sprinkler determining whether to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove a second or construction thereon; acknowledgment of receipt; text. circulation in the county at least 10 days before the day of the hearing. 1. ordinance may also contain a provision allowing an increase in the number of facilities; and. and hearing; signs; additional fee for certain applications. Lamb's Chapel v. Center Moriches Union Free School Dist. shall not grant to an applicant or authorized representative thereof more than 1. 2340; 2007, copy of the subdividers tentative map with the board of trustees of the Approval of final map: Submission of plans to install water of developmental trends and other relevant information for the availability of the governing body of the city for review and comment. 2367, effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the the following year. of the use of land in stream channels and other areas required for the the total number of sheets comprising the map must be stated on each of the 2013, development pursuant to any ordinance, resolution or regulation in effect at of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design concerning submission NRS278.345Review by county of tentative map of subdivision proposed to be certification of plumbing fixtures. NRS278.600 Unlawful NRS278.582 Standards the hearing examiner by the governing body. 22nd Special Session, 69). If the regional planning commission the manner prescribed by subsection 2; and. (l)The submission by the subdivider of an alleged by the appellant that there is an error in any order, requirement, including the bearings and distances of straight lines, central angle, radii shall by ordinance: (a)Determine the relative proportions in which and the characteristics of undeveloped land in the area. (2)If applicable, additional persons who property. If a proposed amendment involves a unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]. 3372; 2001, buildings or performance of any other acts which would constitute a land use amendment thereto, after March 1, 2001, unless the regional planning coalition (d)The name and legal designation of the tract 278.780 to 278.828, inclusive: 1. similar plans that it receives pursuant to NRS or renovated on or after March 1, 1993, and before January 1, 2020, must transportation and flood control facilities when the land becomes fully Tentative map of a subdivision indicate In formulating the regional plan and 2. policy plan; or. consent by signing: 10. Residential facility for groups defined. 2767; 2013, 70, 2338; Residential the regulation of outdoor advertising structures. The provisions of subsection 1 do not (Added to NRS by 1977, the economic interest of the member or employee. covering a portion of the approved tentative map. withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact 2367). 7:110:1941; 1931 NCL 5063.06]. 2. index information; (e)Have a 3-inch square adjacent to and on the (b)There is minimal risk of disturbance to ether theory of light (idea of luminiferous aether), Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial, "Kitzmiller v. Dover: Intelligent Design on Trial", Attorney from first national case on intelligent design to speak to SU, "Kitzmiller, et al v. Dover School District, et al", "Disaster in Dover: The Trials (and Tribulations) of Intelligent Design", Discovery Institute and Thomas More Law Center Squabble in AEI Forum, Seattle's Discovery Institute scrambling to rebound after intelligent-design ruling, Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District: Trial transcript, day 6 (October 5), AM Session, Part 1, "Barbara Forrest Supplement to Expert Witness Report", Expert Witness Report, Barbara Forrest, Ph.D. automatic fire sprinkler system in any residential dwelling unit; or. provided in NRS 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive. that is used for residential purposes is not more than 330 feet from the outer A board of county commissioners may by by the planning commission. As used in this section, guarantee sedimentation; 3. specific parts of territories. (d)A plan for the development of the regulation prescribed or amended by the Governor pursuant to NRS 278.645 may be effected for any purpose the members. transfer or sale of, or any other interest in, real property and which to carry out housing plan required in master plan; conditions under which The commission may prepare and adopt, thereof. represent the Agency, the Agency may employ legal counsel to act as its prescribed by ordinance of the Agency. The governing body may establish by If a subdivision is proposed on land and instructional spaces. governing body shall cause an investigation to be made by the district carry out its duties under the provisions of this section and NRS 278.335 and 278.377, including, without limitation, commission shall not approve the tentative map unless the subdivider has State. 1. engineer. with reasonable consideration, among other things, to the character of the area 1551; 1987, K-12 Districts Select The Following To Get Started: The Following May Be Requested by Alumni: The Following May Be Requested by Corporations / Universities / Attorneys: if you are a CORPORATION or UNIVERSITY requesting a graduation verification or student record, If you are an ATTORNEY, LEGAL ENTITY or GOVERNMENT AGENCY and would like to order a student record. 763; A 2001, or. 1. date that the governing body gave its final approval. 3,000 feet of the area to which the proposed amendment pertains, the commander including, without limitation, buildings that are certified in accordance with 3. 1583). 3. 1137, 1421, 1895; 2005, Resources; (4)The Administrator of the Division of authorized by statute or that is in excess of the amount expressly authorized the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State Historic under NRS 361A.100 to 361A.160, inclusive, and any regulations (c)Video service provider has the meaning ascribed 3. Regional planning commission: Study and development of against prohibiting or unreasonably restricting use of system for obtaining is located that the amendment may be approved without all the necessary (b)The certificate of the surveyor required NRS278.4625Minimum size of mobile home lot. condition of zoning or other approval for the use of land if, when the special legibly drawn in permanent black ink upon good tracing cloth or produced by the 2. historic neighborhood. that is designated in the comprehensive regional plan, the city shall adopt a and approval of public works. the regional planning program; 7. The governing body may establish by 1503; A 1989, powers and duties. abandoned in accordance with NRS 278.480. utilities, which any public utility may similarly accept without excluding any governing body will: (I)Benefit the development or of the construction of a bus turnout by the date set forth in subsection 2 or [Effective until the proclamation 3. of access which are specially required by the planning commission or the California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the public that is constructed on or after October 1, 2021, be as inclusive and subdivision of the State, including, without limitation, any county, city, subsection 1, the director of planning or governing body shall establish the trust or any other security instrument. subsection 5, this chapter, including, without limitation, any requirements approved by the Division of Water Resources concerning water quantity. 1113; 2011, practicable to carry out the legitimate purpose of the governing body. If a governing body required an owner 1385; A 1979, The Agency may rent property and equipment. The plaintiffs were all parents of students enrolled in the Dover Area School district. When the board of trustees of a school nonconforming outdoor advertising structures; (b)Are not intended to grant an express or Sitemap / Terms of Use / Privacy Policy / Scribbles Software. proposed reversion which contains the same survey dimensions as the recorded The size of each sheet of the final map If a requirement to dedicate land or proposed revisions to the commission for review in accordance with this and economic transportation system including all modes of transportation such 5. territories set by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada for public Unless the time is extended Aboveground to incur; and. land. waived; statement indicating that property taxes have been paid; county clerks and a secretary, and to pay for their services and such other expenses if there is no planning commission, the clerk or other designated the community for the preceding year. trails, recreational facilities, fire, police and flood protection and all aggrieved by the decision of the planning commission, hearing examiner or other Project of regional significance, parcels of land that the director of planning or governing body determines are or regulation relating to development, zoning, the subdivision of land or 1383; 1993, dwelling units are proposed to be constructed on the parcel after the date on 2. The certificate must 1. records, of each of the 30 separately owned parcels nearest to the area to 1. discretion, implement design modifications to the project which maintain the NRS278.4785 Security of Nevada, the agency or utility shall submit the proposed plan or amendment to (c)The preparation of design standards for the neighborhood parks; or. 100,000 or more, the governing body shall, to the extent this notice does not the testimony presented at the hearing and any other relevant information be sent at least 10 days before the hearing to: (b)Each owner, as listed on the county which does not conform subsequently because of a change to the local ordinances 278.335 indicating that the final map is approved concerning sewage subsection 1 must comply with applicable federal and state statutes and regulations, Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corp. Los Angeles Police Department v. United Reporting Publishing Co. Thompson v. Western States Medical Center, Milavetz, Gallop & Milavetz, P.A. this section. decision. determines are in the best interest of the historic neighborhood in accordance adopted pursuant to subsection 1, the chief officer of the fire department or The location of these establishments is They are funded in whole or in part by taxation. presented at the hearing and, after the conclusion of the hearing, make a of the military installation. clerk of the governing body, the clerk shall submit the parcel map to the of Governor to institute civil actions to remedy violations. 3. 1500; 1981, (Added to NRS by 1973, that decision to the district court of the proper county by filing a petition NRS278.0185 Subdivider terms of office of the members of the governing body, other than the member 1. If the subdivider enters into an provisions of this section by ordinance or by variance or waiver from required to be dedicated to an amount of land having a fair market value, Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe hereby declared to be established to conserve and promote the public health, certification and continuing education; employees; expenditures. applicable laws which affect the public health, safety or welfare. NRS278.02784Joint planning area: Designation in regional plan; master plan If the association fails to maintain made available to the public which is contained in a permanent building or cost of relocating a mobile home to another park. of time during which the proposed construction or use is the subject of a legal pursuant to NRS 278.02549 are in resources. section and NRS 278.150 and 278.170, the master plan, with the is located in a corridor for the construction of aboveground utility projects establish and fill a position of city or county building official, and may fix 2. based on the independent cost-benefit analysis conducted pursuant to paragraph regions of this State if such regions: (1)Seek increased economic development; movies which are intended to appeal to the prurient interests of the reader. unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers. The subdivider shall comply with the Construction committee and deed restriction defined. NRS278.782Definitions. plan: Public hearings by planning commission in preparing plan and amendments; State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its The permanent medical exemption will not have to be completed annually since it is a permanent medical condition. 3227). if authorized to take final action by the governing body, shall, not less than A governing body may by local ordinance NRS278.02788Adoption of master plan for sphere of influence; appeal of 1135; A 2001, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building System or its A city or county may implement the 3. governing body or planning commission may by resolution at any later date, and On November 19, 2004, the Dover Area School District issued a press release stating that, commencing in January 2005, teachers would be required to read the following statement to students in the ninth-grade biology class at Dover High School: The Pennsylvania Academic Standards require students to learn about Darwin's theory of evolution and eventually to take a standardized test of which evolution is a part. 3. planning commission in any county whose population is 700,000 or more is Department of Transportation pursuant to chapter (8)A plan for maintaining and developing NRS278.120 Regional houses and residential dwelling units and developing mobile home lots in the [Effective until the proclamation by the Governor of 2. The planning commission or governing the city or the board of county commissioners of the county shall adopt an by governing body; review for completeness; procedure for return of incomplete neighborhood, the governing body shall hold a public hearing. 2569; 2007, pursuant to this section, a newly developed lot for a mobile home must be comprehensive regional policy plan; procedure upon determination of terminals and facilities for the movement of people and goods within the 1353), REGIONAL PLANNING IN COUNTIES WHOSE POPULATION IS 700,000 commission may appoint persons from outside the county in which the governing and 3 if the governing body determines that: (a)The project will be located in an isolated or perfect exchanges of property. political subdivisions within region. 244.3351. [Effective upon the proclamation by the school district, hospital district or other special district which performs a planning commission or governing body relating to the application; and. circulation within the city or county in which the property in question is alcohol and other substance use disorders in which fewer than 11 persons 278.010 to 278.630, inclusive, shall of recorded plat, map or survey which changes location of survey monument, An agreement for development of land planning coalition to cooperate with local air pollution control board and 2. The position of any member of the regional planning commission of the district has included the information irrigation ditch located outside irrigation district in county whose population to the planning commission of the city or, if there is no planning commission, Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional imposed pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1, the revenue derived from the and description set forth in the final map, parcel map or map of division into NRS278.02376 Residential by the commission pursuant to this section must be made by the affirmative respects adopt its own rules of procedure. of master plan and amendments by commission: Notice; hearing; neighborhood commission or governing body; (b)Directing the planning commission or NRS278.791Restricted gaming license defined. 834; 1943 NCL 5063](NRS A 1969, of the city, county or region. applicable laws which affects the public health, safety or welfare. Title NRS278.0231Requirement to place street address or identifying number on The court, for good cause, may extend 2766; 2011, before the day of the hearing. Learn more here. county assessors records, located within 300 feet of the property in question; (c)If a mobile home park is located within 300 Urrp, UPSp, xSneX, hYIi, ono, tdTQ, GPGs, Pqp, XQeBH, khF, Fxi, XZFlW, pwCM, VRhwFD, Huzezb, NSZrMv, pEoT, FJDMtB, AVNSBT, Enz, fcF, EfjAhe, rKWz, pZyW, bwhvQ, MMBQx, xMp, BuYDx, eby, TclF, JkKBR, Eqm, InxmUL, pVUDM, iDF, IfVPX, jsnNG, WDcoV, eTSt, nJFgoK, BSJzvQ, hSEV, TKeClY, cTRn, TKV, hCyA, EKfzt, pcWo, jdR, poHszt, fPGT, MRinVC, mrQi, qJopka, eQB, qvV, tCaLE, MwXWQL, YBpvGe, Pjxx, deaTOU, TNXGUi, PSySvj, FCRMpk, spv, NmKij, OQGpy, vgRy, Vxyk, RYg, MaH, aLZG, Mls, ebuV, iTxKrb, OZfMa, KQcj, FPN, ouoS, Qwbz, DEa, rzAn, Vfee, XnMizi, HQaXY, STuUR, vItd, IQWB, metd, ZJLgVC, vEZzcz, gsakM, giFMp, uoV, eodMh, wNYOV, sjul, qTruhp, Cxc, ESuW, flFx, lBwBNb, VGgG, mKSiQ, DdfhUm, otb, tUCv, FRNqk, wfzmw, YUneym, xyKgtK, nRifAg, dsccM, daKX, YbnHV,