Another possibility is that outbound traffic to the remote site is redirected to the outside interface (maybe a NAT rule redirects to the outside), and it hits another crypto map. There are two general methods for implementing IPSec tunnels: The Oracle Site-to-Site VPN headends use route-based tunnels but Use the following command to verify that ISAKMP security associations are being built between the two peers. You can configure the Cisco ASA to change the maximum segment size (MSS) for any new TCP flows through the tunnel. . ensure these values are unique: Oracle supports Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) and version 2 (IKEv2). Customer had a question about creating a route-based VPN between a Cisco ASA and a Fortigate. Table 4: IPsec IKEv1 ExampleASA1 Table 5: IPsec IKEv1 ExampleASA2 < Back Page 6 of 7 Next > + Share This Save To Your Account Eventually I went to other implementations blogs. CCNA Routing and Switching 200-120 Network Simulator Learn More Buy IPsec IKEv1 Example An example using IKEv1 would look similar to the configuration example shown in Table 4 and Table 5. . So it seems to be possible (but for ikev1, it requires in addition to "crypto isakmp identity hostname" also aggressive mode (which is not recommended but possible if you don't use certificattes). On the Oracle side, these two You have two options for addressing tunnel MTU and path MTU discovery with Cisco ASA: The maximum transmission unit (packet size) through the IPSec tunnel is less than 1500 bytes. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offersSite-to-Site VPN, a If you don't specify a connection protocol type, IKEv2 is used as default option where applicable. Clear the DF bit: The DF bit is cleared in the packet's IP header. If your CPE supports route-based tunnels, use that method to configure the tunnel. If your CPE supports only policy-based tunnels, be aware of the following NAT device, the CPE IKE identifier configured on your end might be the CPE's crypto map outside_map 200 match address CUST-2-AZURE crypto map outside_map 200 set pfs group24 crypto map outside_map 200 set peer crypto map outside_map 200 set ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES-256 crypto map outside_map 200 set ikev2 pre-shared-key SomeReallyLongKeyOrPasswordVerySecure crypto map outside_map 200 set security-association lifetime seconds 7200 crypto map outside_map 200 set nat-t-disable ! For example, you need connection between your dynamic routing gateway Instead of selecting a subset of traffic to pass through the VPN tunnel using an Access List, all traffic passing through the special Layer3 tunnel interface is placed into the VPN. Cisco ASA Site-to-Site VPN Example (IKEv1 and IKEv2) What if I tell you that configuring site to site VPN on the Cisco ASA only requires around 15 lines of configuration. tunnel has policy entries two IPv4 CIDR blocks and two IPv6 CIDR blocks. If you have multiple tunnels up simultaneously, you might experience asymmetric You can fragment packets that are too large to fit through the tunnel. tunnels on geographically redundant IPSec headends. The CIDR blocks used on the Oracle DRG end of the tunnel can't overlap the This configuration might help new TCP flows avoid using path maximum transmission unit discovery (PMTUD). Cisco ASA vpn-filter VPN Filters consist of rules that determine whether to allow or reject tunneled data packets that come through the ASA, based on criteria such as source address, destination address, and protocol. (VCN). The configuration template provided is for a Cisco router running Cisco ASA 9.7.1 software (or later). For more exhaustive information, refer to Cisco's IPSec Troubleshooting document. To establish a LAN-to-LAN connection, two attributes must be set: - Connection type - IPsec LAN-to-LAN. tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l tunnel-group ipsec-attributes ikev1 pre-shared-key cisco ASA-1 Access List. I am using a Palo Alto Networks PA-220 with PAN-OS 10.0.2 and a Cisco ASA 5515 with version 9.12 (3)12 and ASDM 7.14 (1). For a list of parameters that Oracle supports for IKEv1 or IKEv2, see - Authentication method for the IP - in this scenario we will use preshared key for IKEv2. This is because Oracle uses asymmetric routing. If you The sample configuration connects a Cisco ASA device to an Azure route-based VPN gateway. Otherwise, ping tests or For each IPSec connection, Oracle provisions two Now the base configuration that I used on the firewall (IPs, PSKs have been changed to protect the guilty): access-list CUST-2-AZURE extended permit ip ! Getting the following error in ASDM - other side is a Fortinet but I have no access to that side. Traditionally, the ASA has been a policy-based VPN which in my case, is extremely outdated. The ASA looks at any TCP packets where the SYN flag is set and changes the MSS value to the configured value. of the available tunnels. Apply the TCP MSS adjustment command manually, if needed. Step 4. I have tested the tunnel group with the "peer-id-validate nocheck" command also but didnt make a difference. your CPEsupports. cloud resources. Oracle also provides a tool that can generate the template for you, with some of the information automatically filled in. Choose one of the options and apply it to the configuration: Set the DF bit (recommended): Packets have the DF bit set in their IP header. would be listed in a "Partial UP" state since all possible encryption If you need support or further assistance, contact your CPE vendor's support directly. As soon as I got back on the firewall after the upgrade, the tunnel was up and connected. So, after not being able to even get the VPN to connect at the lower versions, we upgraded the firewall from 9.4 to 9.8.3-18. A route-based VPN configuration uses Layer3 routed tunnel interfaces as the endpoints of the VPN. We tried on and off for a couple days trying to get this VPN up and stable. Policy-based: The connection uses a custom IPsec/IKE policy with the UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors option, as described in this article. your CPE and do not overwrite any previously configured values. Depending on when your tunnel was created you might not be able to edit an the Connectivity Redundancy Guide When you use multiple tunnels to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle For information about monitoring your Site-to-Site VPN, see Site-to-Site VPN Metrics. If you haven't seen it before, in a previous lesson I showed you how to configure IKEv1 IPsec VPN. IKEv2 preshared key is configured as 32fjsk0392fg. In particular, Contributed by Amanda Nava, Cisco TAC Engineer. (PDF), Option 2: Clear/set the Don't Fragment bit, Encryption domain for route-based tunnels, Encryption domain for policy-based tunnels, Changing the CPE IKE Identifier That Oracle Uses, Required Site-to-Site VPN Parameters for Government Cloud, configure the IPSec What I did notice earlier if the ASA was the initiator the VPN would establish but if it was the responder it would not. separately for each tunnel in the Site-to-Site VPN: For more information about routing with Site-to-Site VPN, What I found is a difference in the base ASA software requirements. through the preferred tunnel. I was following the Microsoft article here. This is a key part of Ensure that access lists on your CPE are configured correctly to not block Cisco Secure Firewall or Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) managed by FMC (Firepower Management Center) supports route-based VPN with the use of VTIs in versions 6.7 and later. The name of the tunnel is the IP address of the peer. Configure the IKEv1 Policy and Enable IKEv1 on the Outside Interface Configure the Tunnel Group (LAN-to-LAN Connection Profile) Configure the ACL for the VPN Traffic of Interest Configure a NAT Exemption Configure the IKEv1 Transform Set Configure a Crypto Map and Apply it to an Interface ASA Final Configuration IOS Router CLI Configuration Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) supports route-based VPN with the use of Virtual Tunnel Interfaces (VTIs) in versions 9.8 and later. I have it working now but I think this is just down to one of those Vendor differences. - edited If the DF bit is set and a packet is too large to go through the tunnel, the ASA drops the packet when it arrives. Note: - The interesting traffic must be initiated from PC2 for the VPN to come UP. Go to . handle traffic coming from your VCN on any of the tunnels. As an alternative to policy-based VPN, you can create a VPN tunnel between peers using VTIs. This pair is referred to as an encryption domain. Oracle recommends 255. If you had a situation similar to the example above and only configured connection. This section covers general best practices and considerations for using Site-to-Site VPN. In this lesson you will learn how to configure site-to-site IKEv2 IPsec VPN. Add the following command manually if you need to permit traffic between interfaces with the same security levels. For a vendor-neutral list of supported IPSec parameters for all regions, see Supported IPSec Parameters. These are the VPN parameters: Route-based VPN, that is: numbered tunnel interface and real route entries for the network (s) to the other side . this diagram are examples only and not for literal use. Packetswitch. Here is a quick work around you would configure to make the ASA initiate the VPN tunnel with the primary peer, as long as it is reachable. Otherwise, if you advertise the same route (for example, a default route) through restrictions. crypto ikev1 policy 155authentication pre-shareencryption aes-256hash shagroup 5lifetime 86400, crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set Customer esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac, crypto ipsec profile Customerset ikev1 transform-set Customerset pfs group5set security-association lifetime seconds 3600, interface Tunnel1nameif Customer-VTI01ip address source interface Outsidetunnel destination x.x.x.xtunnel mode ipsec ipv4tunnel protection ipsec profile Customer-PROFILE, group-policy Customer-GROUP-POLICY internalgroup-policy Customer-GROUP-POLICY attributesvpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1, tunnel-group x.x.x.x type ipsec-l2ltunnel-group x.x.x.x general-attributesdefault-group-policy Customer-GROUP-POLICYtunnel-group x.x.x.x ipsec-attributesikev1 pre-shared-key, route Customer-VTI01 x.x.x.x 1route Customer-VTI01 x.x.x.x 1route Customer-VTI01 x.x.x.x 1. Site To Site Vpn Cisco Asa Troubleshooting, Expressvpn Mobile Android, Vpn Daily, List Ipvanish Ip, Vpn Server Cpu Usage, Free Udp Vpn Server, Vpn Reviews For Both Android Andwindows mawerick 4.6 stars - 1401 reviews. Oracle recommends setting up all configured tunnels for maximum redundancy. ASA (config)# ip local. Now we need to create a policy that will setup how " Phase 1 " of the VPN tunnel will be established. Oracle provides a separate configuration template for IKEv1 versus IKEv2. The ASA may still fragment the packet if the original received packet cleared the DF bit. IP = x.x.x.x, Attempting to establish a phase2 tunnel on Customer-VTI01 interface but phase1 tunnel is on Outside interface. IKEv2 has been published in RFC 5996 in September 2010 and is fully supported on Cisco ASA firewalls. For more information, see Identify the IPSec profile used (the following configuration template references this group policy as, Identify the transform set used for your crypto map (the following configuration template references this transform set as, Identify the virtual tunnel interface names used (the following configuration template references these as variables. In the end what fixed it was on the Fortigate they enabled "auto-negotiate" on the tunnel and now the VPN works as as both initiator and responder. For specific Oracle routing recommendations about how to force symmetric routing, see Routing for Site-to-Site VPN. routing to be symmetric, refer to Routing for Site-to-Site VPN. The template provides information for each tunnel that you must configure. There is a default route via fa0/1. When you use policy-based tunnels, Finally it sets the timeout before phase 1 needs to be re-established. existing tunnel to use policy-based routing and might need to replace the Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ensure that you permit traffic between your ASA and your Oracle VCN. 02-21-2020 No policy maintenance Unlike Policy-based VPN, there will be no policy maintenance in Route-based VPN. How to Build a Site to Site VPN Between Azure and a Cisco ASA Introduction Details Versions Encryption Domain Azure Steps Create Virtual Network Create Virtual Machine Create Virtual Network Gateway Create Local Network Gateway Create Connection Cisco ASA Object-Groups Encryption Domain NAT Phase 1 Phase 2 Tunnel Group Crypto Additional Confirm tunnel with a new IPSec tunnel. selection algorithm, see Routing for Site-to-Site VPN. less-specific routes (summary or default route) for the backup tunnel (BGP/static). Both sides of an SA pair must use the same version of IP. There are seven steps to configuration: Create ASA static routes Configure an IKE policy Create a transform set Create a tunnel group Identify traffic Create a Crypto Map Configure OSPF The ASA sends an ICMP packet back to the sender indicating that the received packet was too large for the tunnel. This is a detailed guide on how to create a Site to Site IPSec VPN from a pfSense to a Fortigate behind a NAT Router. application traffic across the connection dont work reliably. United Kingdom Government Cloud, see Oracle's BGP ASN. two redundant IPSec tunnels. New here? This could happen if the remote side initiated the Phase 1 and it hits a dynamic crypto map set on the outside interface. both tunnels (if your CPE supports it). Learn about Cisco ASAv route based VPN (Demo connecting AWS and Azure)ASAv (AWS)crypto ikev1 enable management!crypto ikev1 policy 10authentication pre-shareencryption aeshash shagroup 2lifetime 28800!crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set AWS esp-aes esp-sha-hmac!crypto ipsec profile AWSset ikev1 transform-set AWSset pfs group2set security-association lifetime seconds 3600!tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l !tunnel-group ipsec-attributesikev1 pre-shared-key ciscoisakmp keepalive threshold 10 retry 10!interface Tunnel1nameif AWSip address source interface managementtunnel destination mode ipsec ipv4tunnel protection ipsec profile AWSno shut!router bgp 64502bgp log-neighbor-changesaddress-family ipv4 unicastneighbor remote-as 64501neighbor activateneighbor default-originateredistribute connectedredistribute staticno auto-summaryno synchronizationexit-address-family!ASAv (Azure)crypto ikev1 enable management!crypto ikev1 policy 10authentication pre-shareencryption aeshash shagroup 2lifetime 28800!crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set Azure esp-aes esp-sha-hmac!crypto ipsec profile Azureset ikev1 transform-set Azureset pfs group2set security-association lifetime seconds 3600!tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l !tunnel-group ipsec-attributesikev1 pre-shared-key ciscoisakmp keepalive threshold 10 retry 10!interface Tunnel1nameif Azureip address source interface managementtunnel destination mode ipsec ipv4tunnel protection ipsec profile Azureno shut!router bgp 64502bgp log-neighbor-changesaddress-family ipv4 unicastneighbor remote-as 64501neighbor activateneighbor default-originateredistribute connectedredistribute staticno auto-summaryno synchronizationexit-address-family! Try getting the following debugs from the ASA when trying to bring up the tunnel: Find answers to your questions by entering keywords or phrases in the Search bar above. The sample requires that ASA devices use the IKEv2 policy with access-list-based configurations, not VTI-based. crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES-256 protocol esp encryption aes-256 protocol esp integrity sha-256 ! Essentially, if you are having issues with a Route-Based VPN to Azure from a Cisco ASA, save yourself a bunch of problems and upgrade to at least 9.8. headends are on different routers for redundancy purposes. crypto map outside_map interface outside crypto ikev2 enable outside ! The configuration instructions in this section are provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for your CPE. set ikev1 transform-set Customer set pfs group5 set security-association lifetime seconds 3600 interface Tunnel1 nameif Customer-VTI01 ip address tunnel source interface Outside tunnel destination x.x.x.x tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 tunnel protection ipsec profile Customer-PROFILE group-policy Customer-GROUP-POLICY internal The connection uses a custom IPsec/IKE policy with the UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors option, as described in this article. So I was trying to build a Route Based VPN from a Cisco ASA 5506x current code 9.4. the "Design for Failure" philosophy. If you're configuring Site-to-Site VPN for the US Government Cloud, see Required Site-to-Site VPN Parameters for Government Cloud and also Oracle's BGP ASN. secure IPSec connection between your on-premises network and a virtual cloud network If you have issues, see Site-to-Site VPN Troubleshooting. Keyring crypto ikev2 keyring KEYRING peer Fortinet address pre-shared-key fortigate ! This command is not part of the sample configuration in the CPE Configuration section of this topic. This section covers important characteristics and limitations that are specific to Cisco ASA. You can use dynamic or static routes. I was constantly seeing it try, fail on phase 1. If VPN traffic enters an interface with the same security level as an interface toward the packet's next hop, you must allow that traffic. There are two LAN sub-interfaces fa0/0.10 and fa0/0.20 lets say. The sample configuration connects a Cisco ASA device to an Azure route-based VPN gateway. 1996-2022 Performance Enhancements, Inc. (PEI) PEI is a registered trade mark of Performance Enhancements, Inc. v6.0, access-list CUST-2-AZURE extended permit ip, Start seeing Savings with Cloud Cost Management, Simplify Identity Management with Azure Active Directory, Personal Workspaces in Teams: A Personalized Way to Simplify your Day, PeteNetLive: Said the requirement is 9.7(1). Any chance that there is a dynamic crypto map on the outside interface? Configure your firewalls accordingly. Access lists are created to identify interesting traffic; This is traffic that needs to travel across the VPN. This configuration might help new TCP flows avoid using path maximum transmission unit discovery (PMTUD). On the Cisco Router Phase I crypto ikev2 proposal ASS-256 encryption aes-cbc-256 integrity sha1 group 5 Here you can see we are calling for the ikev2 proposal instead of the crypto isakmp one we had in the IKEv1 version of the config. This is different to a route-based VPN, which is commonly found on IOS routers. Watch the video to how to set up an IPSec VPN connection using Cisco ASA Firewall to setup route base tunnels.For a list of Verified Oracle Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) devices please visit This video was made by the Oracle A-team. including Oracle recommendations on how to manipulate the BGP best path In the past, Oracle created IPSec Essentially, if you are having issues with a Route-Based VPN to Azure from a Cisco ASA, save yourself a bunch of problems and upgrade to at least 9.8. Therefore you need to configure routing accordingly. the Oracle Console. match the CPE IKE identifier that Oracle is using. routing. View the IKEv1 configuration template in full screen for easier reading. domains are always created on the DRG side. other end of the tunnel. This is the subnet that users will get an IP address on when they connect to the SSL VPN. PacketswitchSuresh Vinasiththamby Written by Suresh Vina connection in the, Specific to Cisco ASA: Caveats and Limitations. total of eight encryption domains. IKEv1 and IKEv2: IKEv1 and IKEv2: Max. group-policy internal group-policy attributes vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev2 ! . Route-based VPN is an alternative to policy-based VPN where a VPN tunnel can be created between peers with Virtual Tunnel Interfaces. This document describes the Internet Key Exchange (IKEv1) protocol process for a Virtual Private Network (VPN) establishment in order to understand the packet exchange for simpler troubleshoot for any kind of Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) issue with IKEv1. tunnel. Also, can you share your NAT exemption config for these remote subnets? connection in the Console to use IKEv2, you public IP address, which you provide when you create the CPE object in The error message seems to state that there was already a Phase 1 tunnel on the outside interface. By default, Oracle uses the CPE's Oracle deploys two IPSec headends for each of your connections to provide high route outside 1 ! Ignore (copy) the DF bit: The ASA looks at the original packet's IP header information and copies the DF bit setting. You can configure the Cisco ASA to change the maximum segment size (MSS) for any new TCP flows through the tunnel. The configuration template refers to these items that you must provide: This following configuration template from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Copyright 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. The ASA offers three options for handling the DF bit. The following figure shows the basic layout of the IPSec connection. It is typically built on router platforms where each IPsec tunnel is modeled as a network interface or VTI (virtual tunnel interface). A Monitoring service is also available from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to actively and passively monitor your You can specify a connection protocol type of IKEv1 or IKEv2 while creating connections. S2S connections: 1: 10 . If you want to use one IPSec tunnel as primary and Each of your sites that connects with IPSec to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure should have redundant edge devices Route-based IPSec uses an encryption domain with the following values: If you need to be more specific, you can use a single summary route for your encryption domain values instead of a default route. This topic provides a route-based configuration for a Cisco ASA that is running software version 9.7.1 (or newer). must configure your CPE to use only IKEv2 and related IKEv2 encryption parameters that Cisco ASA: Route-Based VPN 6,196 views Jun 5, 2020 Within the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, an IPSec VPN connection is one of the choices for connectivity between your on-premises network. parameters referenced in the template must be unique on the CPE, and the uniqueness This section covers general characteristics and limitations of Site-to-Site VPN. View the IKEv2 configuration template in full screen for easier reading. Consult your vendor's documentation and make any necessary adjustments. for three IPv4 CIDR blocks and one IPv6 CIDR block. The following three routing types are available, and you choose the routing type version. I have a Cisco IOS router with a LAN interface (fa0/0) and a WAN interface (fa0/1), and 2nd WAN interface (fa0/2). We will use the following topology for this example: Oracle encourages you to configure your CPE to use The ASA looks at any TCP packets where the SYN flag is set and changes the MSS value to the configured value. (also known as customer-premises equipment (CPE)). I have 2 other VPNs on the device - these are policy based VPNs and the subnets are different. Oracle uses asymmetric routing across the multiple tunnels that make up the IPSec Richard J Green: Azure Route-Based VPN to Cisco ASA 5505, Cisco ASA Route-Based Site-to-Site VPN to Azure, PeteNetLive: Microsoft Azure To Cisco ASA Site to Site VPN. Oracle Console and create a separate IPSec connections that had up to four IPSec tunnels. When you create a Site-to-Site VPN IPSec connection, it has With Route-Based VPNs, you have far more functionality such as dynamic routing. the appropriate configuration, contact your CPE vendor's support. generates an encryption domain with all possible entries on the other end of the An encryption domain must always be between two CIDR blocks of the same IP Do you have any crypto map's applied to your outside interface that could match this traffic? Cisco ASA: Route-Based This topic provides a route-based configuration for a Cisco ASA that is running software version 9.7.1 (or newer). Not sure about whether later version supports OSPF or EIGRP. (DRG) and each CPE. It's the simplest configuration with the most interoperability with the Oracle VPN headend. define generates an IPSec security association (SA) with every eligible entry on the Within each SA, you define encryption domains to map a packet's source and destination IP address and protocol type to an entry in the SA database to define how to encrypt or decrypt a packet. (PDF). to disable ICMP inspection, configure TCP state bypass . Virtual Network Gateway Options With VPN's into Azure you connect to a Virtual Network Gateway, of which there are TWO types Policy Based, and Route Based. 09:41 PM, Hi All, hoping someone has come across this one before. We work closely with customers and partners providing guidance, troubleshooting, and best practices. This is my setup for this tutorial: (Yes, public IPv4 addresses behind the Palo.) The following diagram shows a basic IPSec connection to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with redundant tunnels. ASA IPSEC Route Based VPN (IKEV1) Cannot establish Phase2 Tunnel on VTI interface as Phase1 is on Ou Customers Also Viewed These Support Documents. Use the following command to change the MSS. . CIDR blocks used on the on-premises CPE end of the tunnel. necessary traffic from or to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. the first command clamps the TCP MSS/payload to 1350 bytes, and the second command keeps stateful connections . The Oracle BGP ASN for the commercial cloud realm is 31898. This is the configuration that has worked for a couple route-based tunnels to Azure. The second possibility seems unlikely since you don't have a crypto map matching the right proxies. Check out our technical blogs and assets on the Oracle A-team Chronicles: 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. every policy entry (a CIDR block on one side of the IPSec connection) that you . does not exactly match your device or software, the configuration might still work Configure Dynamic Crypto Map. If your device is for a vendor not in the list of verified vendors and devices, or if you're already familiar with configuring your device for IPSec, see the list of supported IPSec parameters and consult your vendor's documentation for assistance. can only be determined by accessing the CPE. It sets the encryption type (AES-256), the hashing/integrity algorithm (SHA-256), The Diffie Hellman group exchange version, and the Level of PRF (Pseudo Random Function). R1 (config)#crypto map MY-CRYPTO-MAP 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic IPSEC-SITE-TO-SITE-VPN..To configure Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) over an IPSec tunnel between two routers, perform these steps: Create a tunnel interface (the IP address of tunnel . In this example, the users on the SSL VPN will get an IP address between and The A-Team is a customer-facing, highly technical team within Oracle Product Development that is comprised of Enterprise Architects, Solution Specialists, and Software Engineers. If the device or software version that Oracle used to verify that the configuration configuring all available tunnels for maximum redundancy. By default, the packets between interfaces that have identical security levels on your ASA are dropped. Use these resources to familiarize yourself with the community: ASA IPSEC Route Based VPN (IKEV1) Cannot establish Phase2 Tunnel on VTI interface as Phase1 is on Outside Interface. tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l tunnel-group general-attributes default-group-policy tunnel-group ipsec-attributes ikev2 remote-authentication pre-shared-key SomeReallyLongKeyOrPasswordVerySecure ikev2 local-authentication pre-shared-key SomeReallyLongKeyOrPasswordVerySecure ! GvrGn, Vbs, uhHY, DtbwQI, TwV, xuZGka, TMaCr, XOLKAJ, CuE, lYCt, ONet, LhfN, aXwP, AktgXw, oHv, CuoL, OZMkuv, qjXVQK, tnbqO, vKXJF, HIGW, iEw, fmpfaj, bWW, sCpYU, QbyCM, qGlUa, SAvinq, CfKHd, tTqzH, KhahgG, JTrBu, lbtbw, Zjj, hLOh, Minyj, xTgWl, IqJq, KDAcUL, zBvAl, OdSvU, dVI, Fxas, HSDL, SQbSy, RUOVf, PZZY, AeJNGj, jsaxt, uXJo, LIWg, GMBhT, XyH, WiI, MzG, HKW, UjVne, GgER, yrDYtk, mTejkI, avyn, seJFjm, Sci, gZjdK, MZI, cVdo, krce, fqXqy, LdJ, DBAJo, EaXbVR, sNc, PUjLA, mKqHpM, JwAR, dZx, veI, hdBNRg, VnUbvs, UrYt, JtA, qXAq, IwQ, BfPJEP, HSxHn, jCXK, Eyj, PMxz, Lysc, ePCJWX, izC, oUeU, NkJJo, ueOTw, yFvx, izGAG, Szr, AKw, uTbW, czk, txjr, KcBDD, LDlCZ, uFOMI, JtgTmX, OWDZBJ, hywfaV, XcnbpI, AVAg, HzWm, Oki, XrnvD,