Don't know if you can import then into the dashboard. Use of this tool has grown exponentially in the last several months. Also, on the next page, you can choose to import "Developer Data", which are the Garmin ConnectIQ fields present in some files. Having the serial number in the file does not matter for Strava. Knowing this may help you prevent bad data in the future. Click Here if you are still getting the donation nag screen (this will make it go away). This tool can do that too! It really only shows on Garmin Connect, and does not apply to Strava. /butler merge REPO BRANCH For instance, to merge her feature-a branch in the android repository she runs /butler merge android feature-a. A positive example; if I record a swim (distance/gps/stroke rate) with a second device that does HR I would . Let's say you want to combine two rides with a ferry ride in the middle - but do not want the ferry ride distance to show on Strava. Each platform handles this differently. Built for go-getter athletes and everyday recreationists, Strava is king when it comes to creating and utilizing those coveted heatmaps to boost your workouts. (opens in a new window). **NOTE** This is only for trimming. You now have a combined trip of your Strava activities. Whenever you do multiple stops on your long trip, you toilet merge all of them together with this solvent. When I got back home, I wanted to combine those two rides into one. Garmin Connect has also adopted using these values. You can upload your activities to Strava using any of the following methods. *WARNING*You should not check this box unless you really need it. If you check this box, we will randomly move the time stamp back in time. GOTOES CSV FormatI've developed a simple CSV format for FIT Files exported from GOTOES|Strava Tools. Discarding every 5th trackpoint will be FINE. This means that the speed in the output file is actually the estimated average of the 10 seconds flanking that timestamp. For the, These days, we don't need the best camera to record videos, since today's smartphones, Top 15 Android Apps for Kids to Learn in 2022, 10 Ways To Fix Security Policy Prevents Camera Use On Samsung, FIX: Adaptive brightness not working on Android, 12 Best Meme Generator Apps for Android (2022), Fix: Google Update voice services waiting for network connection, Top 10 Cryptocurrency Apps to Use on Android (2022), 14 Methods To Fix Twisted Wonderland Crashing/Stick On Loading Screen, 8 Illegal Android Apps That Are Not In The Google Playstore. - This browser has not yet been connected to the newest forms of Strava Tokens.- You do not currently have an access token. Accepted Format could be like this May 05, 2020 13:01:06 or I can accept a format like this: 2020-05-09T13:01:06 Where 2020 is the 4 digit year, 05 is the month with leading zeros, 09 is the day with leading zeros, "T" is there to say that Time comes next. A negative example: If I record a workout on my phone & on an edge bike computer Strava gets two workouts: I would not want TR to double count. Therefore, you need to select FIT as your Output File Format before this checkbox can be selected. Follow these instructions from the Strava website to export the activity files in their original format. If you don't check this box, the time stamp will be the same one from the first file you uploaded. Rather than upload two short tracks, you can get credit for the full century (or longer!) : Aerobic and Anaerobic Training Effect Also, it opens up the possibility of you overriding the total calories when you export to Strava, total climbing, total distance, etc As time goes on, I hope to embed even more data in FIT file exports that cannot be expressed in GPX or TCX files. hi, you can try combining them by using Fit File Tools 's combiner. The tool's calc and Strava's calc tend to be higher than the number reported by the device. How To Fix Option 3:If all of the time stamps are bad, you may want to use my Add Timestamps Tool and select the "Time Shift" to fix this file. Inline Skating is "30". I have recently added FIT file export for my Donation Supporters. If you ever lose access to these features, please go back to the link you recieved when you signed up (or to the welcome message) and you can re-unlock the bonus features. The drawbacks to TCX are that the file size is bigger, and TCX doesn't allow temperature data. If you check this box, the tool will take the start time you selected and put it on the LAST track point as opposed to the first track point. All the way to the left, it averages 1 point, which technically is no averaging at all! Quick Tutorial to help you repair your corrupted GPS Tracks. Your CSV File can be either comma or tab delimted. Insert additional details if necessary before saving. If none of your files have embedded distance, it will be impossbile to use embedded distance and thus it will be grayed out. For example, Cycling is "2". The problem, though, with GPX and TCX is that Strava has been truncating the names. (opens in a new window). Finally, I recommend that you only select laps from ONE stream if you have overlapping files. After it is done, you should get a message showing how many points you have now. They will draw a route using Strava's Route Builder, then use my Add Timestamps to GPS Tracks Tool to add timestamps, making it as accurate as possible. Conclusion. The default setting for this tool is "Use Distance" and I suggest you use that setting unless you are having issues with your speed graph. You have to select the option to create random labels for Strava. I realize that this means that the start time of your reversed track will actually be the end time. If you leave this box checked, you give permission for my tool to put a link in your activity description back to this page. Trash any points that look wrong. 4. VeloNews: Layoffs affect about 15% of staff at Strava, Press J to jump to the feed. Assuming you were using a GPS device and not the Strava app on a phone, you could re-ride the first bit, then change the date and time on the file to match your original ride, then merge it onto the file you originally recorded. I strongly encourage you to check the 'Interpolate Track' checkbox for this merge. Also, export as GPX, which produces the fastest-reading file size. Unchecking this box can fix problems with your stopped time or your speed graph looking wonky. Now you can find it and change it. The scale is from 0 to 5 where a score of 5 is "Highly Impacting" and a score of 0 is "Not Impacting." Can anyone tell me how the TR calendar handles multiple activity recordings from the same workout? Click for more information about supported file types. Contribute to pjot/strava-merge development by creating an account on GitHub. If you check this box, my tool will create a track which is a 1 kilometer circle out in the South Pacific. Why won't all the data from the strava app or garmin connect app transfer over to the iWatch activity app? GPX files don't have anywhere to officially store the GPS name information, however, my tool does try to search the file for clues to auto-detect GPS names. If you leave this field blank, the tool will just assume 20 miles per hour. There is a slider that controls how many points are used to average the elevation. I'm still trying to figure out where Garmin puts the "performance condition" data, and "seated vs standing time" data: There's an app for everyone, from those that let you dive deep into the nerdiest of performance data, to an app that helps you make a friend in your neighborhood who runs the same pace as you. Note that your downhill speeds might be higher than is realistic for windy roads or off road rides. Head to "Applications, Services, and Devices," then select Health. they happened at the same time as opposed to end-to-end), you will want to select this option. If you decide to override the total distance, Select "Calculate Distance" ONLY if your file has trackpoints. Some files may overlap. To avoid surprises, you will probably want to check the ascent boxes. Because this feature is new, I need to know if you encounter any issues! Photo: Graham Bower/Cult of Mac How to start using HealthFit. If you leave the slider in the middle, it averages 10 GPS trackpoints. Please let me know if I got any of the codes wrong. I'm not familiar with the Sense but I would think it would be able to record speed and distance as well. But, The Android operating system is one of the best operating systems for smartphones and there are many reasons for that., Want to download and share downloaded Hotstar videos/movies with your friends but don't have any of those options? You will continually go around and around the circle, depending on how much distance you accumulated in your activity. They do an activity in real life and know their average heart rate for an activity from the heart rate monitor. At this time, the tool ONLY reads in Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Heart Rate, Calories, Power, Cadence and a few other supporting variables. If you upload a TCX file, it only has the Product ID - not the MFR ID. 1. Your browser will remember your previous settings so you do not need to enter this every time. As the grade increases, the tool will slow down the speed of the track. If you don't know what ConnectIQ fields are, you should leave this box unchecked. The tool accepts FIT, GPX, CSV and TCX files. For example, if you are trying to merge two files that occurred at the same time (often people will record heart rate on one device and position on another), then you need to choose just one stream from each file. Other information, such as sport (they type of sport you did), or the file_id (tells which GPS model you used) can be more useful. Think of Strava as the homebase of your movement. We are going to explain how to merge two activities on Strava. So this summer I had split up a bike ride into the outgoing then return trip and was wondering if could merge them somehow to get the maps and stats added together. This file can contain FIT, TCX, or GPX files. The tool looks for gaps > 30 seconds and inserts a stop/start any time there is a gap in timestamps that exceeds this timeframe. The GOTOES tool will provide multiple options to deselect flows like heart rate, distance, elevation, etc. The Strava app for iPhone and Android users has become one of the leading fitness trackers for runners and cyclists worldwide. Checking it will slow down processing of your file. If you check the Time Shift box and your GPX file has time stamps in it, the tool will set the very first point in your ride to the time stamp you supply in "Activity Start Time." Adjusting PowerThis number is entered as either a percent or number of watts. For more info on how to make your ZIP files, click here. Note that you can override the values if you see fit. Repeat for the second activity. : This means that if you leave the distance out, you will get a distance and speed of zero on sites like Garmin Connect. If you want to sync your workouts between your Apple Watch or iPhone and Strava, follow these steps: Open the latest version of the Strava app on your . Both devices record at the same time, but the user wants to merge the heart rate data with the ride data. If you select this option, "Desired Average Speed" and "Use Elevation in Calculating Speed" will be ignored (and grayed out). This means that the tool is going to ignore everything in your friend's file until it gets to the timestamp where your file ends. Select the "Connect with Garmin" button. It's not a perfect solution, but my goal is to make your activity as accurate as possible, but different enough so that Strava sees it as a unique activity. You may need to try both options to get what you want. But last time, my Apple Watch switched to standby power during my trip. If you select these options AND you select to include laps, you MIGHT lose some of your laps. If your file has GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude), then you can simply select "Let Tool Guess My Time Zone" (that option is at the top of this drop down). Range is from negative 100 percent to positive 100 percent (+100% will double your power). Strava will instead calculate your distance based on the GPS points in the file. If you don't enter anything, the tool will send Strava the total ascent from the boxes you have checked at the top in "Streams". The first line of your file MUST have the column headers. Certain features are only available in TCX or GPX. If you have ever used Zwift, you may notice that this application generates a fake map (sometimes in the South Pacific over a random island). Corrupt Time StampsIf your file has corrupted time stamps, the merge might not work. Privacy Policy. This option tries to allow you to upload a DUPLICATE ACTIVITY to Strava. There are lots of file tools out there to accomplish it. Also, as a bonus, if you leave this checked, you won't get a constant reminder to donate! Activity Type and TCX/GPXGarmin only embeds the Activity Type in the TCX and FIT files, however Garmin Connect will ONLY Accept Running, Biking, or Other as an activity type in a TCX file. **If you donated via Paypal before December 18, 2020, please use the contact link and write me with the PayPal email address you used to donate so I can send you a code for full-access to early-release features. GPX: TCX files: Unlike GPX files which are strictly position based (they were invented for tracking location), the TCX file format was designed more for workouts, allowing for Heart Rate, Cadence, Power WITHOUT position being required. Override Total Ascent Strava will instead calculate your ascent based on the elevation points in your file (if it is a "trusted" barometric GPX) or it will use the DEM to calculate your ascent. We are going to explicate how to merge two activities on Strava. For a small website, processing over a million files a year is a big ask (especially if you consider that some of the activities people are uploading have millions of data points in each file). DIRECT FROM STRAVA: If there are hills, and you specify 20mph, you will be climbing the hills at 20mph. FORM was enticed by the value of Strava's athlete community. For easy access, we recommend opening your Strava account on your PC. On the far right, the speed smoothing algorithm will look at the 20 flanking points. If you choose this option, make sure that you choose ONLY ONE distance stream in the table. with your consent we can combine your fit files with the use of Fit File Repair Tool (zip the files and drag & drop it on your post) Moreover, they only contain data if you have additional sensors connected such as power meter pedals (that can record left/right balance) or running devices that measure vertical oscillation. If you slide it all the way to the right, it averages 20 points. How it Works:If you check this box, the total ascent from this Stream will be added to the total ascent from any other checked streams that you have checked. A new file that looks like it has a zipper on it will appear in the same location, and you can upload that to my tool. Thank you for your generosity! If you leave calories unchecked, Strava will recalculate calories for you based on your weight, ride speed and total elevation. This button neatly trims your two activities so the start/stop time is the same for both. Export Directly. I will also need for you to tell me which Make and Model GPS you have. I found that some platforms have trouble with "missing data." This early-access feature is currently only for my Donation Supporters. If you are trying to ADJUST the timestamps in your GPS file, you probably want to use my timestamp tool (link). In FIT files, time is stored a bit differently, but Strava's detection methods are different as well. Once the files are selected, click with your right mouse button and select the option that says "compress." Cannot Time ShiftIt looks like the original file did not have any time stamps in it, but you tried to do a time-shift. If any of the FIT files you upload to the tool have information in these fields, these boxes will be pre-populated with the highest value from your files. This tool can read corrupted FIT files that some other tools cannot open. By default, we include all streams - but this is not always a good idea. You'll see that the merged file combined the total trip distance and kept all other values, such as a beat, elevation, etc., in the new file. Some of that information is probably not very interesting to you information like device_settings or field_capabilities. Enate: How to Sync Strava with Orchard apple tree Watch Good condition App & iPhone Wellness Otherwise, Strava will detect the duplicate activity and refuse to upload the new GPX file. Remember: Cheaters only cheat themselves.. Why Can't I Override Distance in TCX or GPX? This early-access feature is only available to my Donation Supporters. Instantly upload from the Strava iPhone or Android app Upload from a GPS device Sync data from other fitness sites to Strava Upload a file from your computer Add an activity manually Record GPS-based activities with the Strava app for iOS or Android It is difficult to say what is most accurate - my tool's calc, Strava's calc, or the number reported by your device. Maybe you're recording speed with a Garmin and heart rate with a Polar. To merge multiple Strava files into one, you will first need to export each of the files from Strava. **Important Note: If you are merging end-to-end files (as opposed to overlapping files), and not all of your end-to-end files have a distance stream, I recommend that you use the "Calculate Distance" option instead of "Use Embedded Distance." If the time in your file is wrong, you can use my Timestamp Tool to perform a time-shift on your GPS file.The remaining streams can be added to the final file by checking the boxes for each desired stream. (Training Peaks). Normalized Power, Training Stress Score, and Intensity Factor 10 Best Video Editing Apps for Android (2022), How to upgrade to Debian 11 Bullseye from Debian 10 Buster, How to find your next favorite subreddit: 6 tips, Here's how to take a screenshot on a Chromebook using the Snipping Tool. Here is an illustration of how things will look without (left) and with (right) the Serial Number embedded. I believe there will be no easy way to merge the activities, because both devices will write their own datapoints, with time and coordinates, and they will most likely differ often. If you select one of the Strava activity types and send to Garmin Connect, it will cause a TCX upload to Garmin Connect to Fail!. If you select the bike or run option, the tool uses a complicated formula that includes smoothing between points to try and produce an accurate speed between each individual point. Using this tool, you can set a maximum value - and anything above that value will be discarded. This is because the "developer data" fields seem to be filled out correctly. For the most part, you do NOT need these fields. Another application could be for a swimming activity - if you are trying to achieve a swim moving time that equals your swim elapsed time. can use the combine the activity files. There are two basic types of activities that you can upload to Strava: Indoor and Outdoor workouts. Your Power Meter is off by x wattsA user contacted me saying his power meter reads 20 watts too high all the time. You will be losing some data. If you are merging two overlapping files, you probably didn't hit the start button in the exact same second for both devices. From there, it will count backwards applying speed to every trackpoint. For more info on proper CSV format, click here. If you don't have the Strava app installed, you will be prompted to log in through the Strava web app. When you upload an indoor workout to Strava, Strava will use the location set in your profile to determine the time zone. Smart Trim 1. Once connected, make sure the "Send to Health" option is. Once you have uploaded a corrupted FIT file, you have the option to repair the file manually. Select Connect Strava and authorize the connection. The total ascent in your final Strava upload will be the sum of all the Ascent Streams that you have checked. SAFARI ISSUES Log into Strava. The seamless Starva Garmin integration means they work perfectly together with little or no user input. Merge GPS files from your Garmin Connect Account, Click Here. (opens in new window). I decided to make some of the heavy-hitting features available to a small group of users (i.e. This produces a step-like graph for distance, and a staccato-like graph for speed. 13 is the hour in 24 hour format, 01 is the minutes with a leading zeros, and 06 is the seconds with leading zeros. Tell your device that your cranks are 170mm. If your activity does not have position points (latitude / longitude), Strava automatically deems it as an indoor activity. and our It also happens more often on downhills because the wind can cause your jersey to flap quickly creating static electricity that interferes with the strap. Once each of the files has been exported, you can then upload them to a file-combining application like gpx-merge. Any of the above formats can be placed in a ZIP file to save yourself upload time. Fortunately, if I send to Strava as a FIT file, I can embed the MFR ID and the Product ID as discussed above. Rarely Used FieldsThere are some rarely used fields in SOME FIT files. Without one of these two distances to key off of, the override feature will not work. It will apply that time-shift to every point in the track. This will save you from having to download the file and then uploading it again.If you are having trouble uploading to Strava, please Reset Your Connection with Strava. The date picker helps you choose an appropriate Date-time range. If you check this box, you're going to slow down the processing of your data. This works very well for almost all files - but certain devices such as rowing machines or pool swims do not record distance with fine granularity. If that is the case, give this option a try. That calculation happens between each individual trackpoint. In TCX and GPX files, I just insert a textual name. It looks like you are getting a lot of use out of this tool! Combines Heart Rate, Power, Position, Cadence, Elevation, Distance, and Temperature. This field is only abailable for FIT exports; it will be grayed out if you selected GPX or TCX in the "Output File Format" field. How It Works: Your old authorization will stop working October 2019. 2. Or you can get an hr monitor to connect to your computer. This works by the tool taking each and every point and analyzing the distance between them. The accuracy of this output relies heavily on your track. Unzip any activity files that are zipped. Just 24 hours after switching off syncing with Apple Health and devices like the iPhone and Apple Watch, Strava says it has re-enabled the feature after listening to feedback from its community. If both of these conditions are true, you will be able to see the "Make a Fake Track" box. For more information, please see our What happens is you are riding along, and your GPS dies. Every single Strava field (power, cadence, temperature, etc.) Merge or Combine Activities Sharing your Strava Activities Activity Split Tool Virtual Trainer Activities on Strava Adding Videos and Photos to Your Activity Ride Activity Pages Run Activity Pages Strava Run Types Group Activities Elevation for Your Activity How to Delete an Activity Stationary, Indoor and Treadmill Activities Change Activity Type You tail end immix multiple activities with this answer. That tool lets you shift the time in your file - or create new timestamps from scratch with a designated speed. As reported by Pocket-Lint, Strava turned off the feature on Tuesday, disabling syncing of activities recorded through its app on third-party devices . Navigate to the menu, open Integrations, and select Strava. Let's say your MTB has 175mm cranks and your road bike has 170mm cranks. You can combine multiple activities with this solution. If you select the calculate distance option below, my tool ignores the distance stream in your file, and it re-calculates the distance by adding up the distance between every trackpoint. It also accepts ZIP files containing any of these file types. Ive succumbed to use my GPS bicycle computer, thus foregoing HR data, as the GPS data are so much better from the GPS than the wearable. As such, I recommend that you use TCX format if you will be uploading a position-less file to Strava. At GOTOES, we develop apps that help you have fun and work more efficiently. Insert Cadence into GPS File We house your entire active journey in one spot - and you get to share it with friends. and the bike computer the speed distance etc. If you uncheck the box, the tool will remember your preference in that browser. Cookie Notice If the time stamp is within a minute or two of an activity that you have already uploaded to Strava, the activity will be considered duplicate. Why would you want to do that? Hit "Applications . For the mountain bike, use this tool to increase the reported power by "1.029%" (I got that number because 175mm cranks are 1.029% longer than 170mm cranks). If you do not select to use the elevation when calculating speed, the tool just takes a simple distance over time calcuation to produce a speed. This option slows the tool and may result in your file merge crashing if you have a lot of data/files. Discover anywhere - our Routes tool uses de-identified Strava data . The time zone you supply is important - if you supply the wrong time zone, your track may be time-shifted by more (or less) than you expect. If you select "Do Not Embed Distance", this will make Strava re-calculate your distance from the distance between points. Here you tell the tool if the number you entered in the Desired Average Speed field is in Miles per hour or Kilometers per hour. For example, if your max heart rate is 180, enter that value and if you are flying downhill and your monitor records a heart rate of 255, then the tool will eliminate all of those bad values. Select the "Get Started" button under the Garmin logo. org. By getting the word out that this tool exists, more people can repair their tracks and we can have cleaner, less cluttered Strava feeds. The idea is that in the future, you will be able to make edits to various fields in your favorite spreadsheet program, re-upload the CSV to my tools - and export a FIT file that is ready for Strava or Garmin Connect. Often, these devices will only increment the distance traveled every 100 meters. If you upload to Strava without distance, Strava will recalculate your distance for outdoor workouts. Did you do an activity that was so big that Strava rejected it? or. Merge Strava activities. By donating to my tools, you have helped me make these tools better for everyone. If you enter any value in this field, then that will override any Ascent boxes you have checked in "Streams". If you are having trouble with smoothness of speed, maybe try the speed smothing option and/or "Interpolate Points" option in the next option field. That is because I've had the column number match up with the Garmin-Assinged ID for each field. With this box checked, GOTOES will try and insert stopped time into your file. We offer 3 options: Leave it out, Recalculate, and Use Embedded. Open the Strava app and select Settings. If there isn't a time stamp in your file, it will not work with this tool. Open the unzipped file and go into the "activities" folder. On a Mac:Highlight all of the files that you want to upload (to highlight multiple files, use the shift key while selecting, or use the command key and click on individual files). The purpose of the placeholder is to help you get an idea of the total distance that was in your original files; that is a starting place in case you need to massage the final output. If you want, you can always use the contact form and ask me for help repairing your files. (Zipped files will end in .gz). Time Shift Multiple Files Open the activity you want to crop. Inserting Missing GPS TracksRight now, this tool does NOT add new points - you can only move existing points. Here is an illustration of how things will look without (left) and with (right) the Software version embedded. **Important:Do not put the items in a folder, and then compress the folder. I have repaired many, but cannot guarantee that your files will be repairable. Sometimes, you will have to try more than once to "trick" Strava into accepting a duplicate file - EVEN IF YOU HAVE THIS BOX CHECKED. The, Does your Android phone show the Google Voice Services Waiting for network connection notification even when the phone, The cryptocurrency has shaken up the financial market, exerting a more significant impact since it was first introduced. If any of these are grayed out, it means your source files do not have either distance or position. You can mix-and-match meaning that you could select one file from your Strava by checking a box - and merge it with a file uploaded from your desktop computer. You can override this simply by changing the drop-down to not discard points (or discard fewer points) but the tool may time-out during the merge process. Unfortunately, I have received a couple of Stryd files that do not correctly follow the specified format, and therefore cannot be read by my tool. Note that this algorithm is tailored for moderate road cycling. Repeat the same process for Strava too. Note that you can override the values if you see fit. Maybe you're a bit daft like me and paused your watch for too long while sunbathing half way around a loop and the activity auto-ended so you had to start a new one. We are going to explain how to merge two activities in Strava. It allows you to insert the serial number of your device into the final file. Select the GPX Output format and random ID tag Now to download the combo gpx file to your computer. Repair Corrupted FIT Files: With Strava, you can do elevation corrections to fix all the elevation points, but what if you have one heart rate value that is too high? Even some people in my feed will post two truncated activities with a title like "Garmin Fail!#$@%$!" Contact me with feedback on what might work best for you Insert Power into GPS File **Important Note: If not all of your files have a distance stream, I recommend that you use the "Calculate Distance" option instead of the "Use Embedded Distance." The reason for this is because Strava believes that elevation computed by indoor machines cannot be trusted. Also, if you cannot afford to donate, don't worry - I still aim to keep these apps free; thankfully, people who are able to donate have helped keep me inspired. In this example, you would upload your ride and your friend's ride to the tool. Your elevation profile (graph) will not be affected - just the total ascent number. Time ZoneSetting the time zone is important for visualizing your files in my tool. Normally, browser based apps like Strava and Garmin Connect will smooth your data by only including every tenth point or so. The tool can . Other platforms may give you exceedingly high distance. You will end up with all the points at exactly the same time, which is going to be a corrupted file. Slide the orange dot on. Click on the gear icon to open up your settings. This is something we are working with Strava to improve. Laps may be problematic if you're trying to merge overlapping files (such as overlaying / interlacing heart rate data with position data). ride that you did. Make sure your combined activity is available on Strava. If your device didn't calculate the correct number of calories, you can enter a number in this field, and that is the number of calories burned that will show on your Strava feed. If you do not check any of the boxes, my tool will use the elevation profile to calculate a total ascent for your FIT files (GPX and TCX files, Strava will do the calculation). Another way to avoid surprises is to use the "Override Total Ascent" option down in the "Editing Data" field. Either way, we need to decide how to deal with the overlap. If it was a 30 day trip, you don't need to record every single second. In this scenario, the user uploads both ride files, and then combines them into one, single GPS file. Use this dropdown to select how often the tool should discard track points until the file is small enough to be accepted by Strava.