Traditional Christian and Jewish writings, however, initially provided much of the source material, as did classical literature, these being later joined by non-western religious texts and field studies,[91] then eventually by ethnological studies of folk religions. "[114] There may be some danger for Christians to study the spiritual truths of other religions, but it is found in scripture. Here are three decisions that came down recently. [84] Chapters, in whole or part, on Zoroastrianism appeared in a few of his other books: At Sundry Times (1958), aka The Comparison of Religions (1962);[85] The Convergent Spirit, aka Matter and Spirit (1963);[86] and Concordant Discord (1970). T. O'Callaghan, an official in the Eastern Sector of the North East Frontier, relocated all these markers to a location slightly south of the McMahon Line, and then visited Rima to confirm with Tibetan officials that there was no Chinese influence in the area. Indian troops were withdrawn in order to consolidate and regroup in the event that China probed south of their claim line. At several private meetings with Menon, Chen avoided any discussion of the dispute and Menon surmised that the Chinese wanted him to broach the matter first. Wool-Ease Family. As indicated, Zaehner offers a comparison of these Ancient Greek philosophers to the Vedic wisdom of ancient India, especially the mythopoetic element in the Upanishads (e.g., p.133-138). He remained an excellent linguist all his life. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'July 2007'); { archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'June 2006'); Beginning from 21 November 1962, the Chinese frontier guards will cease fire along the entire Sino-Indian border. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'June 2018'); ", Comparing the marks, the Board observed that "while the terms WINS and WIN are highly similar, the terms SMALL and BIG appear and sound different." Fire was not exchanged, but Nehru told the media that the Indian Army had instructions to "free our territory" and the troops had been given discretion to use force. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'October 2021'); 79). Over the centuries Ahura Mazda and his "messenger" the good Spenta Mainyu became conflated and identified; hence, the creator Ahura Mazda began to be seen as the twin of the evil Angra Mainyu. "Of the books I have written some are intended to be objective; others, quite frankly, are not." Au contraire the Samkhya dualist understands that in his transcendent meditation he will begin to perceive his own emergent Self as an isolated purusa, in process of being purified from enmeshment in a nonetheless existing 'objective' prakrti. There is no merger of the two such that the 'Dana' in DANA DESIGN refers interchangeably to either entity." As its title indicates, the book addresses a range of contemporary issues. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'August 2011'); archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'October 2018'); At its western end is the Aksai Chin region, an area the size of Switzerland, that sits between the Chinese autonomous region of Xinjiang and Tibet (which China declared as an autonomous region in 1965). Later the Chinese extended their influence by building a road in 195667[18] and placing border posts in Aksai Chin. [33] They also erected a boundary pillar at the Karakoram pass by about 1892. of India, 1992. sfn error: no target: CITEREFChakravorty1995 (, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Sino-Nepalese Treaty of Peace and Friendship, 2017 the two countries once again were involved in a military standoff, Noorani, IndiaChina Boundary Problem (2010), India lost war with China but won Arunachal's heart Times of India, "It Is Time to Accept How Badly India Misread Chinese Intentions in 1962 and 2020", "China's Decision for War with India in 1962", "PLA Operational Principles and Limited War", Warikoo, India's gateway to Central Asia 2009, Van Eekelen, Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute 2013, Fisher, Rose & Huttenback, Himalayan Battleground 1963, Noorani, IndiaChina Boundary Problem 2010, Van Eekelen, Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute (2013), Fisher, Rose & Huttenback, Himalayan Battleground (1963), "Sino-Indian Border Dispute at Aksai Chin A Middle Path For Resolution", "562 V.K. Instead of attacking by road as expected, PLA forces approached via a mountain trail, and their attack cut off a main road and isolated 10,000 Indian troops. The relative merits of Monism verses Theism, and vice versa, are discussed (pp. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'July 2021'); January-March 2018 ;Pattern Size Options One Size Dimensions Detail. Thus the Maharaja's claim was uncontested. This signalled the end of the war in Aksai Chin as China had reached their claim line many Indian troops were ordered to withdraw from the area. [207][208][209] and writings of Richard Jeffries and of Richard Maurice Bucke,[210][211] The Hindu Upanishads were viewed by Zaehner as "a genuine bridge" between nature mysticism and theistic mysticism. Tasting the forbidden fruit, however, of the tree of knowledge, offered by the serpent, opens their eyes. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'December 2016'); archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'February 2019'); archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'June 2014'); [18][43] In addition to this, each man had to carry 35 kilograms (77lb) over the long trek and this severely slowed down the reaction. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'January 2009'); archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'March 2016'); Each of its ten chapters contains Zaehner's descriptive commentaries, illustrated by his translations from historic texts. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'February 2007'); October-December 2014 Karbonz Fixed Circular Needles 40". Like Aldous Huxley[196] he had taken mescalin, but Zaehner came to a different conclusion. Whereas a common choice for photos for high resolution has normally been .jpeg, it appears that PNG is becoming the industry standard for image sharing software applications due to its special feature of reducing the size without compromising the image quality. The Sixty-Fourth Year of Administration of the U.S. It was difficult and dangerous work. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'September 2013'); April-June 2013 153197). Also, here (e.g., pp. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'October 2013'); Under Section 14(3), genericness claims are not time-barred and can be brought "any time if the mark becomes the generic name for the goods. [82] The Chinese gave the Indian troops a respectful military funeral. WebEvery single one of us can play a role in making Opportunity Zones a success for our nation, so please use this website to stay updated on important information and follow the work of the Council. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'June 2010'); What Leary calls the "timeless energy process around you" (pp. for "Collectible trading cards; Sports trading cards," in view of the registered marks KABOOM COMICS & COLLECTIBLES & Design for "Retail store services featuring comic books," and KABOOM! [62][63] Zoroastrian cosmology understood that "finite Time comes into existence out of Infinite Time". Geeks refer to this quality as lossless compression. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'December 2004'); At Oxford University his first writings were on the Zoroastrian religion and its texts. Lion Brand Homespun. Sale. The Chinese Army had possession of one of the highest ridges in the regions. "A straight line seems to lead from Lenin's [notions] to Stalin's personal dictatorship--a road on which 'scientific determinism' gives way (in practice if not in ideology) to decisions on the ground of shifting political and even personal objectives and interests. [238][239] Accordingly, in Zaehner's terms, such experience may be either (1) a dualistic Samkhya atheism, or (2) a monistic type of Advaita Vedanta. 2223), personality and death (pp. July-September 2012 [21] On 22 July, the Forward Policy was extended to allow Indian troops to push back Chinese troops already established in disputed territory. As the Upanishads states to the seeker, "thou art that", Tat Tvam Asi, i.e., the personal atma is the divine Atma. 2009 Touch of Luxe. Ten meetings of a Sino-Indian Joint Working Group (SIJWG) and five of an expert group have taken place to determine where the LoAC lies, but little progress has occurred. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'January 2005'); In later discussing Georges Bernanos,[426] Zaehner opines that "sex without love" would constitute an abandonment of the virtues (pp. Waiting for Godot is Beckett's translation of his own original French-language play, En attendant Godot, and is 2012-2013 Decisions of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and the Federal Circuit on Registrability Issues [Results in first comment]. [18], During the conflict, Nehru wrote two letters on 19 November 1962 to U.S. President Kennedy, asking for 12 squadrons of fighter jets and a modern radar system. According to P.R. 2011 The Board agreed with the applicant that IFG, by itself, is not the entire varietal name for applicant's identified goods. Although admittedly it repeats some material from his prior books, it is "aimed at a wider audience" (p.9). As Zaehner proposed: the same or similar mystical experience may result in very different theological interpretations. "[374][375][376][377][378], The physical potential in inorganic matter, according to Teilhard, 'spontaneously' develops into life organisms that reproduce, then such living matter eventually evolves consciousness, until eons hence a Christological collective Omega Point will be reached. [citation needed], Border incidents continued through this period. The subtle shades of this yarn suggest landmarks like the Redwood Forest, the Everglades, and Yosemite National Park. [49], The operation to occupy Thagla Ridge was flawed in that Nehru's directives were unclear and it got underway very slowly because of this. [40][41] The "Peking University Atlas", published in 1925, also put the Aksai Chin in India. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'December 2010'); archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'May 2005'); Brand New. Turning to the first DuPont factor, the Board deemed the word DIAMOND to be the dominant element of the cited mark. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'March 2017'); That measureless Love which is God Himself, dwells in the pure deeps of our spirit, like a burning brazier of coal. 2012 posted by John L. Welch @ 12/09/2022 Zaehner interpreted them not as new substitutes for the excluded old gods, "but as part of the divine personality itself" which may also serve "as mediating functions between God and man". Commentaries by others found in traditional spiritual literature (spanning centuries) were also referenced. India had only two divisions of troops in the region of the conflict. [138][139][140][141], Abrahamic religions traditionally identify the gender of the supreme Being as male. TTAB Year in Review (2008) The useful Appendix is organized by main subject, and under each entry the relevant passages are "quoted in full", giving chapter and verse. 403-406 (the 'Buddha'). archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'October 2019'); [49] He later argued that Aksai Chin was already under Chinese jurisdiction and that the McCartney-MacDonald Line was the line China could accept. Kripal (2001), pp. 2008 (Mandala Bonus Bundles are twice the size of regular Mandala cakes.) [283][284][285], Even so, initially Yudhishthira with "holy indifference" tries to "defend traditional dharma" and like Job to "justify the ways of God in the eyes of men." Habit contended that is should not have to response to the requests until after the Rule 30(b)(6) deposition of Habit in order to "maintain the status quo," i.e., Habit noticed its deposition first. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'May 2018'); archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'October 2006'); archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'September 2018'); During 1949, however, he was relocated to Malta where he trained anti-Communist Albanians. Zaehner more than once quoted Marx and Engels. You can isolate each colour and control how transparent each one is relative to others. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'May 2006'); The Seventy-Second Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2020) archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'March 2006'); Radhakrishnan previously had been advancing a harmonizing viewpoint with regard to the study of comparative religions, and the academic Chair had a subtext of being "founded to propagate a kind of universalism". Six Potential Pitfalls in Trademark Prosecution [323] Accordingly, a complex dialectic involving class conflict provided a master key to these "natural" laws, however difficult to decipher. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'August 2010'); Featured Yarn Sale Color Theory Yarn $4.89 $6.99 (30% off) Sale Hue + Me Yarn $4.89 $6.99 (30% off) Sale 24/7 Cotton Yarn $3.49 $4.99 (30% off) Sale. Zaehner's proposals suffer from such endemic difficulties. The Chinese were then reinforced and launched a second assault. Decisions of the Federal Circuit and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Registrability Issues July 2020 to June 2021 Clip art captures the essence of what a person may be trying to convey. We must pay attention to the situation. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'December 2009'); 96125, George W. Patterson, Peking Versus Delhi, Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1963, The Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute, Foreign Language Press of the People's Republic of China, 1961. January-March 2013 TTAB Judges Roster archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'April 2017'); He doesn't forget Jung or Zoroaster, Marx or Teilhard. Nonetheless, a danger exists for the 'unwary soul' who in exploring other religions may pass beyond the fear of God. Yet he finds that tradition and custom, and the Lord Krishna, are ready to allow the usual killing and mayhem of warfare. Zaehner (1956), Chapter IV, pp. [68] In mid-October, the Communist organ Pravda encouraged peace between India and China. Zaehner thus sets the stage for a modern review of ancient traditions. Important Notice. [70] The Chinese troops opened fire on the Indians under their belief that they were north of the McMahon Line. In 1992, the company registered the mark DANA DESIGN and in 1997 it registered the silhouette design shown above. Quoted in D. Mackenzie Brown, Zaehner, "A new Buddha and a new Tao", per section "Marxian communism and dialectical materialism" at406-412; and his "Conclusion" 413-417, at415-416, 417, in his, Zaehner, "A New Budda and a new Tao", p.412 (quote), in his. . archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'October 2017'); Studies from China published in the 1990s confirmed that the root cause for China going to war with India was the perceived Indian aggression in Tibet, with the forward policy simply catalysing the Chinese reaction.[7]. Analyzing the strength of the cited mark, the Board noted the lack of evidence regarding commercial strength. Again in 19511952 he returned to Iran for government service. [94] As to value-neutral criteria, Zaehner situated himself roughly as follows: "Any man with any convictions at all is liable to be influenced by them even when he tries to adopt an entirely objective approach; but let him recognize this from the outset and guard against it. TTABlog comment: How did you do? [7], On 14 October, an editorial on People's Daily issued China's final warning to India: "So it seems that Mr. Nehru has made up his mind to attack the Chinese frontier guards on an even bigger scale. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'April 2022'); The Board therefore found that Dana Gleason "was in privity with Dana Design Ltd and is currently in privity with Mystery Ranch." archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'December 2018'); October-December 2018 In Nike, Inc. v. Palm Beach Crossfit, 116 USPQ2d 1025 (TTAB 2015), the Board held that an entity must prove a "privity relationship with the particular individual in order to demonstrate a cognizable right through its 'linkage or relationship' with the person.". The broad language of the act allowed for the arrest of any person simply for having a Chinese surname, Chinese ancestry or a Chinese spouse. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'June 2005'); Despite the exclusion, the goods are closely related, but what about the marks? "Cursed be the kshatriya code, cursed be physical strength, cursed be violence through which we have been brought to our present pass. Often he was stationed in the field among the mountain tribes of northern Iran. July-September 2013 archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'April 2010'); [67] For the dates of the prophet's life, Zaehner adopted the traditional 6th century BCE dates. TSDR When the Khotanese ruler was deposed by the Kashgaria strongman Yakub Beg, the Maharaja was forced to abandon his post in 1867. [144][145][146][147], Across centuries and continents, mystics have used erotic metaphors and sexual analogies in descriptions of Divine love. [21] Logistical inadequacy once again hurt the Indian troops. [3], Born on 8 April 1913 in Sevenoaks, Kent, he was the son of SwissGerman immigrants to England. OMS served its opposition on December 10, 2021 and claimed that the reply filed on December 31 was one day too late. The Sasanid state's ideological rationale was sourced in Zoroastrian cosmology and sense of virtue. 2 comments. [142][143] The Christian Church as a whole, as a community of souls, for millennia has been self-described as the Bride of Christ. In fact, he continued as an MI6 officer. Both registrant's disclaimer of the term CUSHION COMFORT and the appearance of DIAMOND as the first word in the cited mark supported that finding. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'April 2021'); October-December 2015 [43] Up until World War II, Tibetan officials were allowed to administer Tawang with complete authority. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'March 2007'); [68] The public saw the war as a political and military debacle. [24] The British boundary commissioners fixed the southern end of the boundary at Pangong Lake, but regarded the area north of it till the Karakoram Pass as terra incognita. [18], In the 1950s, India began patrolling the region. [18] Kaul decided to first secure Yumtso La, a strategically important position, before re-entering the lost Dhola Post. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'March 2010'); archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'June 2017'); [49] CIA documents created at the time revealed that Nehru had ignored Burmese premier Ba Swe when he warned Nehru to be cautious when dealing with Zhou. But Mao made a mistake in thinking we would agree to sacrifice our independence in foreign policy."[98]. The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2008 (Part I) He also taught himself a related language, Sanskrit, used to write the early Hindu sacred books. Baby Yarns. [7] China had been steadily spreading into those lands and India reacted with the Forward Policy to demonstrate that those lands were not unoccupied. The TTAB in 2003 [Part I] [245], What is called 'nature' (prakriti in Samkhya), philosophically, does not exist, according to the Advaita Vedanta of Sankara (c. 7th century). April - June 2021 archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'November 2011'); [7] However, this appeared to encourage the Indian forces to accelerate their Forward Policy even further. "[318], Zaehner used a comparative-religion approach in his several discussions of Communism, both as philosophical-religious theory (discussed below),[319] and here in its practical business running a sovereign state. Mon - Sat 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. [263][264], During the 1940s spent in Iran he returned to the Christian faith. As an objective scholar, he drew on his acquired insights from this source to further his understanding of others. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'October 2018'); Robert Charles Zaehner (19131974) was a British academic whose field of study was Eastern religions. [127][128], His critique challenged the thesis of Richard Bucke, developed in his 1901 book, Cosmic Consciousness. July - September 2019 [74] Dating to before the final parting of ways of the Indo-Iranians, the Hindus had two classes of gods, the asuras (e.g., Varuna) and the devas (e.g., Indra). 41-57. Small Business.. Zhou's 4 November reply repeated his 1959 offer to return to the McMahon Line in NEFA and the Chinese traditionally claimed MacDonald Line in Aksai Chin. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'September 2014'); JLW Articles [49] The Chinese expressed no concern at this statement,[49] and in 1961 and 1962, the government of China asserted that there were no frontier issues to be taken up with India. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'July 2015'); [372][373] Engendered is the mystical body of Christ as an active symbol of transformation, Christianity as a soul collective, which carries "the promise of sanctification to the material world re-created by man. Nor does he deny that by following a disciplined life sequence over time one may be led to mystical experience: withdrawal, purgation, illumination. Rig Veda, the oldest religious script of the world and it is more than 10,000 years old as defined by UNESCO bears the testimony of Shri Sakti Cult.Durga Puja In Bangladesh Jamison's main discussion centres on the Rig Veda, to demonstrate how the generally accepted models archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'November 2012'); "[303][304], Aurobindo foresaw that a Power of Consciousness will eventually work a collective transformation in each human being, inviting us as a specie then to actually be able to form and sustain societies of libert, galit, fraternit. [52], Another factor which might have affected China's decision for war with India was a perceived need to stop a Soviet-U.S.-India encirclement and isolation of China. [41], Since 1952, however, he had turned his primary attention further East. archives[archives.length] = new Array('', 'November 2009'); [59] The failure of these negotiations was compounded by successful Chinese border agreements with Nepal (Sino-Nepalese Treaty of Peace and Friendship) and Burma in the same year. In contesting against very cunning and clever players, he gambles "his kingdom and family away."