Retrieved from, Bee, H. L., Van Egeren, L. F., Pytkowicz Streissguth, A., Nyman, B. What is of interest, therefore, is the relative use of these different teaching strategies. These include: asking certain groups of students to only complete specific parts of a test, allowing students to respond orally versus in writing, or asking students to demonstrate what theyve learned in a more hands-on way, like building something or drawing a diagram. After presenting a lesson, pause the lecture for a moment to ask students to pair up with a partner. In filling out these graphic organizers, teachers can get an idea of where students are at academically. These two questions relate to the primary research question for the current study: (3) Does student race/ethnicity, SES, or fall skill level moderate the association between teaching strategies and students spring skill level? Then get each student to select a term from the list they feel they can explain to the rest of the class. Teachers allow students a choice of projects and assessments to meet their individual learning styles. Too often debates about effective instruction are based on ideology. These instructional strategies are designed to extend and stretch student understanding from one that is basic to one that is complex and/or multifaceted. Unlike the work by Guarino and colleagues (2006), who examined the link between instruction generally and gains in test scores, the current study seeks evidence of differential benefits of instructions based on child characteristics. Cohen, D. K., & Hill, H. C. (2000). We are still collecting all of the citations, so check back soon. Regardless of the explanation for them, the present findings do not obviate the need to identify how different teaching practices affect different groups of students. The present study used data on literacy and mathematics teaching. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 37(1), 83107. Download our free instructional strategies guide, filled with 25 effective activities and best practices to use in any college course. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 35(2), 157178. The cooperative learning approach to teaching allows students to share information and complete goals as a group. Bodovski, K., & Farkas, G. (2007). Once presented in class, having a debate can also introduce new perspectives on topics, and convince students to conduct further research in order to build stronger arguments, or intelligently counter those of the opposing side. Bodovski and Farkas (2007) conducted two separate factor analyses of the ECLS-K 19981999 kindergarten math teaching practicesone for math instructional processes (i.e., math teaching activities) and the other for math instructional content (i.e., instruction targeting math skills). These strategies drive a teacher's instruction as they work to meet specific learning objectives and ensure that their students are equipped with the tools they need to be successful. Very similarly, educators must also be well aware of the various learning styles held by the group of learners that they are teaching. Hamilton, L. S., McCaffrey, D. F., Stecher, B. M., Klein, S. P., Robyn, A., & Bugliari, D. (2003). Plus, putting a few of these techniques into practice will ensure students come to class prepared to engage with the material, with their peers and with you. If different students are working on the same part of an assignment at the same time, consider allowing them to work together during class. Some teachers may have focused on how frequently they engaged in an activity in the most recent months (easier to remember), while others adjusted their estimate by averaging over the course of the year. Additionally, it includes statistical tests that assess differential associations according to students own ethnicity and SES rather than that of the class composition, which distinguishes it from research by Georges (2009). Do new teaching standards undermine performance on old tests? Classroom assessment techniques: A handbook for college teachers (2nd ed.). But UDL takes careful planning by teachers. Educators, too, can benefit by using different teaching methods throughout the semester to determine the efficacy of lesson plans, and how every student is progressing through each concept. Use the data to determine which students should work on which concepts come assignment time. Role playing also offers students a chance to practice their interpersonal skills in an environment in which they are comfortable and familiar. A second potentially important dimension also emergedthe degree to which practices focused on low-level versus more advanced skills. Students then investigate these concepts on their own or in small groups with the teacher watching to keep students on task and answer questions. Psychological Bulletin, 99(3), 432442. Teachers also benefit from using instructional strategies because theyre able to better monitor and assess student performance through different methods of evaluation. Likewise, any instruction and activities that dont have a clear tie to a learning objective can be eliminated. Controlling for fall test scores, some of the findings aligned with and in other cases contradicted previous studies suggesting that students from relatively high-SES families experience more child-centered instruction while students of color and students from relatively low-SES families experience more skills-based instruction (Anyon, 1981; Bargagliotti et al., 2009; Dahl & Freppon, 1995; Early et al., 2010; Rathbun & Hausken, 2003; Smith et al., 2001; Stipek, 2004). Knapp, M. S., Shields, P. M., & Turnbull, B. J. Responses to two types of questions were used to assess how teachers spent their instructional time. Peer Feedback Assigning students to provide feedback on each others work is a valuable learning experience, as it not only provides them with an opportunity to practice the art of providing effective feedback (a desirable skill in the work place) it also helps them to self-assess their own work, based on the feedback of their peers. Hierarchical linear models: Applications and data analysis methods (2nd ed.). Haberman, M. (1991). Hundreds of studies have examined associations between specific curricula or teaching approaches and student learning. For example, one study found that first graders with initially high vocabulary scores benefited more than children with initially low vocabulary scores from learning activities focused on meaning with little involvement from the teacher (e.g., students writing in their journals) and less from phonics activities managed by the teacher (e.g., teacher writing a word on the board for children to sound out together; Connor et al., 2004). Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 25(1), 129. Get articles with higher ed trends, teaching tips and expert advice delivered straight to your inbox. The link between teacher classroom practices and student academic performance. Retrieved from The central goal of this study was to assess evidence for claims that some groups of children benefit more than others from either child-centered or skills-based instructiona claim that has been made more often than it has been studied. In another study that used NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) data, Wenglinsky (2004) found that the instructional practices that significantly affected the Black-White achievement gap in fourth grade were not the same as the practices that affected the Latino-White achievement gap, but the instructional practices that affected achievement gaps concerned topics (measurement and estimation versus data analysis), not the instructional approach. The math scores range from 10.51 to 96.04 and from 11.57 to 106.86 in the fall and spring, respectively. This instructional strategy lets students record their thoughts, feelings and reflections on a variety of topics. Arlington, VA: Education Consumers Foundation. Privacy | Sitemap | K-12 Teachers Alliance, Director of Testing, Accountability, Gifted Education, and Title III; Ed.D. Strategically adjust the questions you ask based on who you plan to call upon. They allow teachers to make the learning experience more fun and practical and can also encourage students to take more of an active role in their education. doi:10.1037/h0028257. A rationale and test for the number of factors in factor analysis. For math, the level 2 covariates uncertified, teacher-mean Asian, teacher-mean Black, and teacher-mean Hispanic were also retained. It can be helpful to write: By the end of this course, students will be able to followed by verbs that can tie into concrete assessment. Teaching and learning approaches in ecology very often follow linear conceptions of ecosystems. Alternatively, offer a simplified version for students who are still working to gain a full understanding of the concept. Get your student a larger (or smaller) desk, depending on her preference. Anyon, J. Another one of the several instructional strategies aimed at more advanced students is the learning contract. A few studies have addressed the possibility that initial skill level rather than ethnicity or socioeconomic status should be the basis for teachers emphasizing child-centered versus skills-based instruction. Students themselves can gauge their own progress and see where more work is needed. Stipek, D., Milburn, S., Clements, D., & Daniels, D. H. (1992). Instructional strategies refer to the techniques instructors use to deliver their lessons. Although Delpit does not advocate teachers exclusive use of skills-based instruction for minority children and children from low-income families, she suggests that child-centered instruction with little explicit teaching of basic academic skills will disproportionately benefit White, middle-class children while leaving their less affluent and minority peers behind, thus exacerbating the achievement gap. Sociological Methodology, 37(1), 83117. Engelmann, S. (1999). Summarizers are instructional strategies are those that are used to effectively summarize learning. Cooperative learning groups are used in conjunction with a problem-based curriculum allowing students to put their heads together to solve problems or on its own to have students share knowledge and work together to learn. Another learner-centered approach to learning is inquiry-based learning, which advocates active investigation in the classroom.The central focus to this learning approach is learner questions. Lederman, D. (2020, July 8). Mayer, D. P. (1999). Try to do this without the use of slides as an aid, so students have to communicate more with classmates and discover more creative ways to present the material. During group discussions, pose several questions of varying complexity so that everyone has a chance to respond, including both those who are experiencing difficulties with the class, as well as those who are mastering the concepts. In a science class students use knowledge of local habitats and regions to determine why an animal is becoming extinct. She also differentiated family income levels at the classroom rather than at the student level. The exploratory factor analysis revealed that several groupings could be characterized as either child-centered or skills-based. One of the most used instructional strategies, assessments are considered any graded test, quiz, project, or exam. B., Lee, V. E., & Newmann, F. M. (2001). In this approach, the teacher assumes the central focus of the class. Use the information from the exit tickets to form groups in the class that follows. No two students portfolios will include the same work since these differ based on discipline and course. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 21(1), 2945. (1995). There are 3 steps of the Socratic Method: 1) The teacher would provide an initial description or opinion; 2) Then, the teacher would ask a question to raise an exception to that opinion or description; 3) Provide a better opinion or description. Studies that examine both subjects simultaneously could help untangle the associations. This pertains to the student achievement as well as their study and work habits. Cubing is a version of the above. National Mathematics Advisory Panel. Instructional strategies like these work as a structured form of argumentation. The field of education is filled with many products, programs, and tools that promise to reach all students and encouraged academic growth. (1987). Extant studies do not provide strong or consistent evidence favoring a particular approach, and no study has compared directly the associations between different kinds of instruction and learning across different groups of children. The term "diverse learners" covers a broad range of abilities, communities, backgrounds, and learning styles. There are many different assessment-based instructional strategies (and a few follow in this group). These instructional strategies are designed to extend and stretch student understanding from one that is basic to one that is complex and/or multifaceted. But separate analyses of the two sets of classrooms did not allow for statistical tests of differences in the associations. The second type of question was: For this school year as a whole, please indicate how each of the following reading and language arts skills is taught in your class(es) (Guarino et al., 2006, p. 10). Standards-based reform in practice: Evidence on state policy and classroom instruction from the NAEP state assessments. Figure 1 depicts the interaction with fall math scores; it uses the 25th and 75th percentiles of the standardized fall math scores (0.708 and 0.485, respectively) to represent students with low and high initial scores.Figure 1. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Budget, and Evaluation. And since grades have already been given, it reduces after-class grading time for teachers. This instructional strategy is ideal for subjects that involve repetitive practices and rote memorization, such as mathematics and language. A higher frequency of some practices would be expected to result in a lower frequency of others, which, in contrast to what we found, would yield some negative correlations among teaching strategies. Take it to another level by creating multiple cubes with questions of varying levels of complexity. Very few studies were found that examined, as the present study does, differential associations between instructional approaches and student learning. Crosnoe, R., Morrison, F., Burchinal, M., Pianta, R., Keating, D., Friedman, S. L., & Clarke-Stewart, K. A. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 31(4), 454482. Teachers will acquire knowledge on how to create, edit, and publish instructional videos and presentations. The questions can relate to describing, comparing, contrasting, applying, predicting or imagining concepts. Deborah Stipek is a professor of education at Stanford University. The level of skill targeted is also an important characteristic of instruction to include in future studies. Factor analyses by Guarino and colleagues (2006) of the ECLS-K 19981999 kindergarten literacy and math data resulted in categories that differentiated child-centered (e.g., student-centered mathematics) and skills-based (e.g., didactic instruction in literacy) practices as well as instruction targeting different skill levels (e.g., advanced numbers and operations in math) and involving different content areas (e.g., comprehension in literacy) among other features. Differentiating the level of difficulty of instruction may be a particularly important dimension to assess in future research designed to examine associations between instructional practices and learning. More so than in the previous two approaches, the teacher steps aside as the expert and becomes a facilitator of learning. Consequently, we concentrated on a classroom unit that offers learning materials and highlights the existing complexity rather than following linear conceptions. Xue, Y., & Meisels, S. J. But level of instruction should be examined in the context of students skill levels. In the teacher as facilitator approach to learning, very little teacher-centered instruction such as lecture and modeling takes place in the classroom. Since this study focuses on statistical interactions involving race/ethnicity, we included only children belonging to a racial or ethnic category with sufficient numbers to detect a statistically significant interaction; these included White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian categories. 1. A few studies have employed more differentiated categorizations of instruction. Elementary School Journal, 109(3), 221250. (2013). In addition, Table 1 gives the p values of one-sample t tests analyzing whether the mean for the full sample differed from the mean for the analytic sample, which, for the purposes of the t tests, served the role of the sample mean. Measuring instructional practice: Can policy makers trust survey data? At first, students observe the teacher as he or she . It is important for educators to choose methods that best meet the needs of their students and fit with their personality and comfort level along with the subject area being taught. Many factors contribute to effective peer discussion, most importantly: asking open-ended questions that invite multiple perspectives; articulating clear expectations for how students should respond; and providing models for how students can respond to their peers in ways that respectfully challenge ideas and use questioning techniques to promote clarity in expression. The simplest way to gauge student understanding of course material is to ask them questions about it. In math, Basic Math Skills had a small positive correlation with the proportion of Hispanic students. Jessup, MD: National Institute for Literacy. Like a number of other instructional strategies in this list, it also gives the teacher an idea of where students stand on a topic or issue so they can use this information to help better prepare for the next lesson. With this collection of teaching strategies, youll be ready to guide students towards success in any classroom setting. Note. Diaz, R., Neal, C., & Vachio, A. Like the instruction itself, teachers cannot typically be classified as either skills-based or child-centered as most teachers use more than one approach, albeit to varying degrees (e.g., Stipek, 2004). These findings that suggest differences in the type of instruction children typically receive underscore the value of assessing whether different instructional approaches actually benefit some children more than others. National Early Literacy Panel. To get going, provide each student with a blank calendar to fill in with their own schedule, ensuring theyve organized work in order to meet assignment and project due dates. To produce unbiased estimates, Stata requires level 1 weights to be conditional on the highest level weights. Built to enable this strategy, Top Hat makes it easy to create, personalize and assign interactive homework assignments. Once this is realized, both students and teachers can identify and address weaknesses. Homework gives students extra time to master concepts studied in class and further refine their learning. For literacy, they range from 21.01 to 128.27 and from 22.89 to 156.85 in the fall and spring, respectively. They must also know what causes them to be disengaged from learning. For the second phase, children received one of three levels of difficulty, depending on their performance on the first phase. If you are expecting more detailed review (such as involving document mark-up), then provide students with the file exchange tool in Blackboard groups. For math, the ICCs were .33 and .51 for schools and teachers respectively, based on the unconditional model. American Educational Research Journal, 38(3), 611652. Results for both math and literacy were highly significant (p < .001), indicating that there was an overall effect of race/ethnicity and that these variables should be retained in the model. We highly recommend that in future research if classroom observations cannot be used to assess teaching practices for the entire sample of classrooms, they are used to validate teacher self-reports and identify potential biases. Children may not have had the prerequisite skills to benefit from instruction focused on such tasks as measurement and telling time. 9 - 11 For example, when teachers demonstrated a number . Of particular interest is whether children of color and children from low-SES families benefit relatively more from instruction focused on basic skills, and whether White children and children from more affluent families benefit relatively more from child-centered instruction. Instructional strategies include all approaches that a teacher may take to engage students in the learning process actively. Cognitive approaches to teaching advanced skills to educationally disadvantaged students. Multiple imputation creates copies of the data set with each missing value in each data set imputed. For both literacy and math, the statistically significant level 1 covariates retained in the model were female and the number of days between the fall and spring tests. Crossref reports the following articles citing this article: Christopher P. Brown, Joanna Englehardt, Da Hei Ku, and David P. Barry, Preschool teachers language-related pedagogical beliefs and their relation to observed classroom quality,, Turkish Adaptation of the Executive Functions and Occupational Routines Scale: Validity and Reliability Among Children with Dyslexia,, Longitudinal Performance in Basic Numerical Skills Mediates the Relationship Between Socio-Economic Status and Mathematics Anxiety: Evidence From Chile,, Neighborhood disadvantage and childrens cognitive skill trajectories,, Assessing spatial reasoning during play: educator observations, assessment and curriculum planning,, Associations between classroom climate and children's externalizing symptoms: The moderating effect of kindergarten children's parasympathetic reactivity,, Executive function facilitates learning from math instruction in kindergarten: Evidence from the ECLS-K,, Wheres the Joy in the Classroom?: Families Sensemaking of the Changed Kindergarten, Narrative Portfolios as Culturally Responsive Resistance to Neoliberal Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Case Study,, The Pillars of Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Chicago Press, Write with encouragement to use invented spellings, Read books children have chosen themselves, Write stories with a beginning, middle, and end, Skills-Based Adv. The feedback can help educators determine which students need additional teaching in specific areas. For informal, lower stakes review (which may be a good practice assignment before higher-stakes review), the Blackboard Blog tool is a good tool. Delpits view has many adherents. You might consider using the following prompts in advance of a journaling assignment to promote higher-level thinking. With this in mind, we encourage you to allow students to use their devices . The rubrics should all contain the same basic categories, but the point value or required elements should be adjusted based on the students readiness. Instructional strategies are techniques that educators use to ensure that students learn academic content. The benefits of direct instruction: Affirmative action for at-risk students. The analytic sample thus includes only English-proficient children, and results do not generalize to children who are not proficient in English. When teachers use instructional approaches that 1) monitor the needs of students and 2) explicitly focus on increasing students' interest and engagement (combined with other classroom management approaches such as those reported above), students report higher levels of engagement and connectedness. Take on the role of a facilitator here, helping students set reasonable deadlines according to their needs. CLT emphasizes the students' ability to communicate in real-life contexts, and students learn to make requests, accept offers, explain things, and express their feelings and preferences. This teaching technique is motivational because students instantly know if theyre on the right track, allowing them to gauge their achievement level. Engage, assess and motivate students with these 25 easy-to-use instructional strategies for any discipline. Non-Directive Teaching: A teaching model that uses facilitated teaching and focuses on helping students set personal goals. This does not mean that the strategy could never be used with the learners; it simply means that more modeling and practice will need to be done prior to utilizing the instructional strategy. Spring math scores for Asian and White students did not differ from each other. Due to selective oversampling and to higher rates of nonresponse from some groups of participants compared to others, use of a weight is necessary for sample descriptive statistics to be nationally representative (Tourangeau et al., 2001). We begin by reviewing evidence concerning the two preliminary study questions. For students equipped to take on greater challenges, add more categories or requirements. The exclusion of non-English proficient students from testing contributed to the differences reported between the base and analytic samples. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25(2), 177193. This activity asks students to use index cards (or an app), to anonymously submit what part(s) of the course material theyre having the most difficulty with. Teachers College Record, 111(9), 112. We can only speculate about why Applied Math activities appeared less effective for the children who entered kindergarten with relatively low math skills. Mind and society: The development of higher mental processes. 7. Additionally, we ran linear hypothesis F tests to determine whether spring test scores for Black, Hispanic, and Asian students differed from each other, controlling for all predictors in the models. Tara Chiatovich is a data specialist at the Passaic Board of Education and is also a Strategic Data Project Fellow, a program of the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University.