Full width material-ui Button within a Badge? I saw the updated code above and tested it out. This example creates a button that will continually add new items to a list. I'm using HTML5 and Bootstrap 4 and cannot make the containing card clickable. If you only want a single card, add it in addItem(), then make sure to disable or remove the button when the card has been added. dom 171 Questions React Hooks: how to prevent re-rendering the whole component when only the props.children value changes? Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. index.js is my main file, it is where my App component is located. My recommendation would be wrap the card with an unstyled button, so you can take all the advantages of a button (click, tab, keyboard support). Just wrap the whole thing in the Material CardActionArea component. How to make a React component fade in on scroll using IntersectionObserver, but only once? node.js 1202 Questions Using flutter mobile packages in flutter web. Please use the following solution only if you are stuck with v1. How can I make the card component work with react-split-pane component? dom-events 202 Questions How would you create a standalone widget from this widget tree? This allows you to tell what state object you are looking at if you need to debug your app. Currently my buttons are stylized the following way. How can I update component in React after adding a new item into the database, using react hooks? Here is the solution that worked for us, thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/50444524/192092. express 206 Questions How do I make a Grid component clickable to check/uncheck checkbox? I couldn't figure out the reasoning for this and it has become a wall that I haven't been able to climb over yet. React, how to get size of element immediately after update the DOM. Why react CLI does not installing template as typescript? 11 Answers Sorted by: 52 Update for v3 29 of August 2018 A specific CardActionArea component has been added to cover specifically this case in version 3.0.0 of Material UI. You could add an onClick={clickFunction} to the containing div of the card that links to the same function as the button. jquery 1318 Questions ajax 215 Questions As stated on Charles Bamford's response, you'll have to use the useState method. Making whole card clickable in Reactstrap; Clickable url value in ag-grid with react; How do you make a map with clickable countries in Angular 2? The object in storage has a single key "items" with an array containing the items. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. What you probably want to achieve is a Card Action (see specification) on the top part of the card. Then inside Card component you can call the handleClick function. how to make material data grid width to fill the parent component in react js, How to make a 'Select' component as required in Material UI (React JS), How to make the GridList component in React Material-UI responsive. Why does the USA not have a constitutional court? The Material Components for Web library has this as its first usage example for the Card Component. How to make a link clickable in React.Js inside render? How to make a Column data clickable one in React table? There is no possible, to make onClick here. multiply(arr, n) == multiply(arr, n 1) * arr[n 1], Making whole card clickable in Reactstrap. The current card you see in the above image is hard coded at the moment. This.Props.History.Push Works but brings me back to Login page? What you probably want to achieve is a Card Action (see specification) on the top part of the card.. What you probably want to achieve is a Card Action (see specification) on the top part of the card.. How to make material ui icon clickable and redirect to url, How to make AppBar component from material-ui-next react to scroll events. The alert was removed, it is not currently present in the code I provided above. Previously I was doing the onClick functionality in my AddCard.js but for some reason the Alert I created was both being generated when the page was being reloaded as well as when the button was clicked. Instead, per my answer, wrap with <Link> element. I added my MainCard component in place of the Hello text. Why is my homepage being set to a specific url instead of the usual '/'? The Material Components for Web library has this as its first usage example . All rights reserved. This creates a persistant storage that you can set values into that remain between component rebuilds. We added one Button in this component. Is it cheating if the proctor gives a student the answer key by mistake and the student doesn't report it? arrays 773 Questions Can you explain what the removeCard function is? Making a react component clickable; How to make Card component clickable? I came here with a similar question. Why was USB 1.0 incredibly slow even for its time? You don't need to worry about the spread operator (). The button's onClick prop is what allows us to add a function which fires when the user clicks on the button. So now it creates the cards but it's creating within the button. This helps react monitor the state of elements in an array. I see people use a file named App.js, not sure why, but that's another question for later. The way that you so that is by passing it on your MainCard component, like this: <MainCard onRemove= { () => removeCard (index)} /> In your MainCard component you'll have to get it from the props, like this: const MainCard = ( { onRemove }) => { return ( And then you call it on your remove button: <Button onClick= { () => onRemove ()}> firebase 189 Questions react-hooks 211 Questions Yeah it's working how the code demo shows. I have a functional REACT component, code is as follows. The Material Components for Web library has this as its first usage example for the Card Component. If you're using react router, this also works. You need to call an onClick event inside the Card component. react-native 314 Questions You could add an onClick={clickFunction} to the containing div of the card that links to the same function as the button. Shipping with useful features for creating effective layouts: Built from three blocks: header, content & footer Fully supports typograpy elements & classes Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. How to set up AWS message queuing (SMS) in React & Java Spring, JavaScript/React sort by variable JSON key. ReactJS: How to make a component call a method only the very first it is rendered? How to make a link clickable in React.Js inside render? CardActions component is used to put the actions. I want to be able to click the Add Card button and then for it to create a new card in my card container. The addItem() callback will add a new item into the object in state. Material UI Paper component does not fit the parent component height, Can't remove scrollbar from Material UI Dialog, color change for the loading bar component of material ui. Can we keep alcoholic beverages indefinitely? I'm searching for solutions online but haven't been able to find one that solves the problem. json 322 Questions The Material Components for Web library has this as its first usage example . mongodb 136 Questions How to detect if String contains url and make url clickable using javascript react js More Query from same tag Div content should not push down div below Pass argument to reactjs click handler Material UI react missing action table header Pagination - creating a new document It's been very interesting and simplifies JavaScript, at least how I view it. How to set the color of the clock (timePicker) with material-ui? css - Make Bootstrap Card Entirely Clickable - Stack Overflow Make Bootstrap Card Entirely Clickable Ask Question Asked 3 years, 10 months ago Modified 2 years, 11 months ago Viewed 43k times 25 I'm having trouble making the entirety of my Bootstrap 4 Card clickable. In the above example, we define a function sayHello which alerts a message. Basic hello world with react-router and webpack not working, Countdown Timer using functional component in ReactJS doesn't work properly, React, NodeJS, Express and Heroku. How to make the API call and display it in React JS using React Table and Axios? How to make MobX update the component when observable is not used in the render method? For example: Copyright 2022 www.appsloveworld.com. The Material Components for Web library has this as its first usage example for the Card Component. html 2068 Questions What you probably want to achieve is a Card Action (see specification) on the top part of the card. Please use the following solution only if you are stuck with v1. vuejs2 203 Questions, React and jquery-ui/ui/widgets/sortable: Child component not reorder as expect, Why does it work? Here is the solution that worked for us, thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/50444524/192092. There is no possible, to make onClick here. No problem with passing to the function component though, Merge objects from the same array by two with different keys. Can several CRTs be wired in parallel to one oscilloscope circuit? Received a 'behavior reminder' from manager. You're amazing. It is convenient to put your state in an object with a key that describes the contents. How do I access the index of a selected item in list using React and Material UI? I saw that your cards have a remove button, so you'll have to pass it from your App component to your MainCard component. Add a new light switch in line with another switch? How do I make a React component editable? Are the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average securities? Can someone help me understand what I am doing wrong? How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript? There is no possible, to make onClick here. The React way to add a click and redirect is to use the Link to provided by the react-router- Inside the component import { Link } from 'react-router-dom; class Parent extends React.Component { render () { <div>< Link to= "/home" > Click here to go back to home page</ Link ></div> } } In route file To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. How to make a component show/hide on scroll in react.js. When should i use streams vs just accessing the cloud firestore once in flutter? When the button gets clicked, update the state variable. My question is..how to make the whole card clickable? For example . The way that you so that is by passing it on your MainCard component, like this: removeCard(index)} /> In your MainCard component you'll have to get it from the props, like this: const MainCard = ({ onRemove }) => { return ( And then you call it on your remove button: