How does the doctrine of stare decisis help in creating stability in a legal system? Owing to this, the judge reduces the damages awarded to Jane by $20,000. Solve the application problem. Who is the most well-known ethicist to write about this ethical decision making process? The parties incorporate an arbitration clause in their contract, which stipulates that they have agreed to submit their dispute to an arbitrator for resolution. It also offers to build a community park to balance out the negative impact the factory might cause. a. What does this endorsement do? Which of the following is the best course of action for Jill? What is the best option for Cindy and her insurer? This is an example of being ___________. Developing a systematic, comprehensive strategy for understanding current employee needs and predicting future employee needs is referred to as _______ human resource planning. Karl, an employee at BizVentures Inc., is known for his short-tempered and argumentative nature. A(n) ________ is a complaint by an employee that management has violated the terms of the labor-management agreement. He cited the two articles that he believes the REALTOR violated. Why was the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit created? experimental. Specify the article she believes Matthew violated. Which of the following is true regarding the standard of care expected of this physician? Contacting you to resolve disputes, collect fees and provide assistance with the Service. This is an example of a(n) ____________ performance appraisal. ______ is the NAR's preferred method of dispute resolution. What is the simplest, most direct, and least expensive way to settle a dispute? A labor ________ is an organization of employees formed to protect and advance their members' interests by bargaining with management over job-related issues. Paul and his wife have three separate insurance policies covering their home: Policy X with a limit of $100,000, Policy Y with $50,000, and Policy Z with $25,000. Which of the following people is NOT occupying a vehicle that would qualify as "your covered auto" on the declarations page of his Personal Auto Policy? The employer physician puts a plan in place to ensure that all government regulations are enforced in the practice. Before going to trial, the parties, with their attorneys, meet to try to resolve their dispute. _________ results when situations such as the nature of the job, supervisors and co-workers, pay levels, or the employee's own disposition cause the employee to become unhappy with the job. _________ is a pleasant feeling resulting from the perception that one's job fulfills or allows for the fulfillment of one's important job values. How often is the NAR Code of Ethics updated? Which of the following would be considered an example of shaping moral standards, as seen as a function of the law? Consider all aspects of the offer, not simply the price. How many days does she have left to file an ethics complaint? An economics student raises the following objection: The chapter said that a higher interest rate lowers investment, but this doesnt make sense. Which of the following programs can help the company avoid such situations from exiting employees? Ricki is a middle manager at a software design company. Low job involvement and low organizational commitment are. Wages or salary - monetary payments to employees in exchange for doing their jobs. A hospital administrator makes a decision to shut down a wing due to budget cuts even though some people will lose their jobs. DEC Construction is completely remodeling Randall's department store. What's the penalty he recommended? Which of these statements is true? After the defendant's attorney has finished calling witnesses, the plaintiff's attorney can call witnesses and put forth evidence to disprove the defendant's case. At the time of the loss, the barn's Actual Cash Value was $35,000, but it will cost $60,000 to replace it. He was excited to join and NAR and abide by the Code of Ethics because, Courtney is filing an ethics complaint against Matthew. "There's a lot of room for people to grow with this organization," hiring manager Myranda told the applicant. Zohrina is a top manager at her current company. A physician running a busy practice makes decisions for his employees on a regular basis. The decision is based on results that will produce the greatest balance of good over evil, everyone considered. Large hailstones break through a skylight and water pours in, damaging the flooring in the restaurant. As a basis of membership, all REALTORS must comply with the Code of Ethics. case that serves as a model for future cases. Coverage L in a Personal Liability Supplement provides: An unendorsed Dwelling Policy is intended to cover all of the following except: Cindy doesn't have a car, but she frequently borrows her friend's car to run errands. A week later, the stairs to the porch collapse and the client is injured. c. An individual or organization that pays premiums in exchange for financial protection. Under a garagekeepers policy, which coverage would pay for a covered loss after the vehicle owner's personal insurance has paid up to its policy limits? True False. Which of the following is NOT one of the criteria that makes acceptance of an offer to contract legally enforceable? How many Unfair Claims Settlement Practices has Tara's insurer committed? a. legal responsibility for the occurrence of an event causing loss b. rules governing commercial relationships and the enforcement of rights c. rules governing procedures involved when one person sues another d. rules providing members of a society with established Mary has already won her case at the U.S. Court of Appeals. b. Has Betty behaved ethically? A health care practitioner who practices the "four Cs of medical malpractice prevention" finds two important benefits related to one of the "Cs"that is, improvement in patients' medical conditions and the decreased likelihood that they will sue. If the tenses are not consistent, rewrite the sentence wich the correct verb tense. Ricardo reprimanded five of his employees for coming to work drunk after a lunch outing. Mike has likely ______. The physician would describe himself as a "moral man with common sense, a sense of justice, and courage who makes the right decisions in life by focusing on these moral traits." Psychologists question how individuals develop values that guide them in ethical decision making. }}$, List the prepositions in the following sentences. He should advise the seller to ______. He noticed that several of the security personnel at HCD allowed tankers to be filled over the legal limit with highly inflammable gases. Which of the following situations is an example of a voluntary turnover? Has Tony committed any ethical violations? Per Standard of Practice 9-1, what should REALTORS use in order to ensure that transaction documents are kept current at all times? This is what type of appraisal? Which of the following is not true about certification? PAP holders have several duties after a loss. Arbitration is an ADR (alternative dispute resolution) method where the disputing parties involved present their disagreement to one arbitrator or a panel of private, independent and qualified third party arbitrators. The arbitrator (s) determine the outcome of the case. In 1911, Frederick W. Taylor promoted labor efficiency because there was a labor shortage in the early 20th century., True or False? Mark's Louisiana adjuster license is going to expire in 3 months. Refer to figure 9.1 and place these steps in the strategic human resource process in the correct order, with the first step listed at the top, and the final step listed at the bottom. List the steps in the performance management process in the correct order. Which of the following would strengthen Heidi's belief? What kind of employment test does this describe? This is an example of a(n) ___________. The contractor estimates it will take $42,250 to repair the damage, but the adjuster estimates it will only take $38,340. F. A supplier of school kits has determined that the combined fixed and variable expenses to market and sell G kits is W. What expression models the price of a school kit at the breakeven point. The physician will be held to the same standard of care as other obstetricians. REALTOR Peri submitted her client's offer to a listing broker yesterday and the broker called this morning to say that the offer was accepted. Yes; arbitration can be appealed if there was a procedural error. ________ can uncover reasons why employees leave and perhaps set the stage for some of them to return. She told her firm colleagues to be careful if they end up working with him. After a fire causes $32,000 in damage to the home, how much of the damages will be covered by Jane's DP-1 policy? A patient undergoing surgery signs an informed consent for the procedure. Halfren, a county in the state of Halizona, is extremely earthquake-prone. According to Medscape, which of the following medical specialties is most likely to be sued? Holly refuses her employer's request to falsify the contents of a report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Im allergic to Bermuda grass $\underline{\text{which is planted all around my neighborhood. You can request a rehearing of an NAR ethics complaint ______. Match the type of sexual harassment to the correct description. illegal. A) Morality B) Philosophy C) Law D) Religion, Law is described as ________. The employees under Ricardo can conclude a lack of in dealing with employees being drunk at work. If Brigitta applies for insurance, the insurer will probably issue her a temporary policy so she can be covered while they come to a decision about her application. Less than a week later, the company fired Rashid. True b. A jury is selected in the ______ stage of a lawsuit. Which of the following is not sufficient grounds for revoking a medical license? The insurance company offers her a very low settlement amount, rather than abiding by the policy (Sandy has comprehensive coverage on her van). ________ is described as the science or philosophy of the law. While it provides a more accurate assessment of an applicant's job-related personality characteristics, the _________ has been criticized as being overly subjective and more prone to interviewer bias. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. But, for now, he's just looking for basic insurance coverage. What should Melissa do? Sharlene heard that Nick and his wife are going through a nasty divorce, and Nick has been drinking a lot. Under which type of plan, a patient may see providers outside the plan, but the patient pays a higher portion of the fees? In which of the following circumstances is it acceptable for him to adjust losses without a license? The U.S. Supreme Court is composed of ________ justices. Which school of jurisprudential thought emphasizes using law as a tool for market efficiency while solving legal disputes? Are you currently working with another real estate agent or broker and have you signed a representation agreement?". Arbitration is also a voluntary process, both parties must agree to arbitrate their dispute. The employees reporting to Dan are most likely to conclude he demonstrates a lack of ________ in dealing with employees who gossip at work. The endorsement provides liability and medical payments coverage. This is effected under Palestinian ownership and in accordance with the best European and international standards. He files a claim for the accident, stating that the windshield, lights, and oil tank were damaged by the collision. In an insurance policy, where might one find the following statement? Collective bargaining consists of negotiations between management and employees about disputes over compensation, benefits, working conditions, and job security. Just two days prior to that, his team told him that while they appreciated the initiative he demonstrated, they expected him to be less authoritative and more democratic in the future. Check all that apply. Which of the following is/are not enacted by government? Benjamin is an employee at Apex Inc. You're dropping your child off at school when you meet Jane, a prospective seller client, for the first time. Choose the best resolution. In which of the following cases does a class action occur? Yes; the postcard leads consumers to believe that Tony had something to do with the featured sales. For a court to hear the case, a. Gerry must agree. Methods used to manage risk are considered a part of which of the following? Which of the following people is LEAST likely to be placed on probation by the Commissioner of Insurance? This type of arrangement is called ________________., Barbara's company gives the employees off n771bc controller. Which of the following aspects of this physician's practice will impact the physician the most? If a mentally incompetent person enters into a contract, the agreement may be set aside or validated at a later date. This is called a ________. Orlando files a claim against his DP-3 with a $220,000 limit. Fire, lightning, and internal explosion. b. In which of the following cases is a default judgment entered? She must make sure to ______. Can Simone appeal? Strategic human resource planning is focused on which two intitiatives? b. The law of ______ makes employers liable for the actions of their employees. When his case went to trial, the jury also decided the policy language was open to interpretation, so they decided in favor of Stephan. Blake was an innovative arcisc; he invented many of his own printing techniques. $14,500. Which of the following provides basic property insurance for consumers who cannot secure coverage in the regular insurance market? Which of the following is NOT a way to determine an insurer's liability in a claim? After the meeting, you will need to decide which resolution is best. Which party has the right to decline arbitration? The parties may also provide for expedited arbitration procedures, including the time limit for rendering an award, if they anticipate a need for hearings to be scheduled on short notice. Match the element of compensation with its description. Ethics complaints must typically be filed with the local board or REALTORS association within ______ days. One day, the house is struck by lightning, and despite the fire department's efforts, it burns to the ground. A physician assistant provides treatment to a person who has come to the emergency room for treatment of a painful rash. The insurer even went up to $70,000, but Zach stuck by his demand for $95,000. Pull Malcolm aside and offer to help him. Which perils has Gary protected himself from? Employees are the human resources of an organization and its least valuable asset., True or False? REALTORS may only be disciplined if they violate the Code of Ethics; they are immune to other charges. REALTOR Sheena has a lot of fixer-upper listings, so she paid a photographer to edit the photos on her website in such a way that shows their "potential." All of the following statements are true of liability insurance, EXCEPT: Kerry accidentally set his kitchen on fire while frying a turkey for the holidays. Jocelyn visits her local car dealership to test drive a sports car, but once she gets on the road, she skips town with the car and doesn't come back. Which of the following statements is true about the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) of 1925? A health care practitioner completes a course in law and ethics. When a dispute arises, Destiny initiates a lawsuit against Enzo by filing a complaint. Unit 1 - Challenge 1 - Conflict Resolution - Sophia sophia pathways conflict resolution (conres1001) unit challenge describe conflict resolution and theories of Michelle felt that arbitration might not be the most appropriate process. New salesperson Nicole notices that several non-REALTOR licensees at her firm include the REALTOR designation on their business cards and websites, so she decides to do the same. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Scott is a manager at a large electronics company. Defines those acts individual health care practitioners can and cannot perform under the license they hold: When physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers contract with one or more HMOs or directly with employers to provide care, it is called a(n). Which of the following is a function of the state supreme courts? Which of the following statements about the "Extended Non-Owned Coverage - Vehicles Furnished or Available for Regular Use" endorsement is TRUE? a. it should be settled in favor of the claimant. The numbers started with 001 and ended with 250. a. According to Article 15 of the NAR Code of Ethics, REALTORS must not knowingly or recklessly make false or misleading statements about _, Other real estate professionals, the market, their businesses, or their business experience, Carly's latest ad features listings by other agents. - it structures a predetermined compensation curve, enabling them to reward top performers. The court passes a judgment for Terry to pay $20,000 to Jill. The different types of Inc., have their dispute re-solved in arbitration. Phil, an investor who swore at her and called her lazy and incompetent when his offer wasn't accepted. No; the altered photos do not present a true picture of the properties. With everyone in both her personal and professional lives. A(n) _________ is conducted at specific times throughout the year and based on performance standards that have been established in advance. Which of the following terms refer to the overturn of verdict when jury misconduct is detected? Which of the following is NOT a disciplinary action taken by the Commissioner to punish an adjuster who violates state insurance law? They told Tara that she'll need to accept the settlement under Coverage B before they can pay her for her loss under Coverage D. Tara tells the insurer that she plans to file a lawsuit, and subsequently receives a check from the insurer for $13,000, without any indication of which coverage the payment is being made under. This week, he missed his third showing. these tests assess attitudes and experiences a person's honesty, dependability, and trustworthiness. According to your text, people will be satisfied with their jobs as long as they perceive that. This is called ________ and the provider may be sued by the patient. This is an example of a(n) ___________. ________, a pretrial litigation process, serves several functions, including preventing surprises, allowing parties to prepare thoroughly for trial, preserving evidence, saving court time, and promoting the settlement of cases. The dispute will normally be resolved much sooner. d. In what other way could a random sample be selected from the 250 passengers? Trinity is updating her website, business cards, and advertising to include her recently earned credentials. The water damage that results is an indirect loss. "The insured must make reasonable effort to protect the covered property from further damage.". Regulation Z of the Consumer Protection Act, A patient has not paid the balance due after insurance payments. A defendant who believes that he or she has been injured by the plaintiff can file a(n) ________ against the plaintiff. a. insurance coverage may transfer to an insured's legal representative when the insured dies. Which acronym can be helpful in determining whether a fact about a property should be disclosed? Usually cheaper than litigation. Which of the following forms of turnover is illustrated in this scenario? ________ is the process whereby the judge and attorneys ask prospective jurors questions to determine whether they would be biased in their decisions. If the clause is not essential, insert commas where they belong. The company's best ground for dis-missal of the suit is that Naomi does not have, Destiny and Enzo engage in a business transaction. Shaquan knows that a full-price cash offer is coming in for his listing. Which of the following questions should you ask in order to meet your ethical obligations regarding representation? Assuming Phil does nothing else with his policy, it will: The primary difference between a Claims-Made CGL form and an Occurrence CGL form involves: d. Expert Arbor Service's CGL under Operations liability. Roz represents a seller who has tentatively accepted a verbal offer for his home. Broad enabling statutes defining an agency's powers and procedures are known as. Which of the following is NOT an endorsement commonly added to a Dwelling Policy? Rodrigo filed an ethics complaint with his local board of REALTORS. In 1994, Russia joined the Partnership for Peace program, and through the early-2010s NATO and Russia signed several additional agreements on cooperation.. Russia has engaged in hostile threats or actions against high top airforce ones. Based on the expectation that two people in conflict should first try to arrive at a settlement together, organizations have a policy of making managers available to hear complaints. A health care practitioner makes competent decisions related to patient care. He buys a DP-1 and opts out of the extended coverages. During a heated exchange at work one day, Karl makes a derogatory gesture toward his manager, which causes Karl to be fired. SourceCodes Inc. is an organization that tries to avoid the potential for violence or a lawsuit each time an employee is asked to leave the company. A third party suggests or proposes a resolution, which the parties may or may not decide to adopt. Her former broker never paid her for her last deal with him, so she filed a complaint against him. After looking at her payroll stubs for the past six months, she concludes that she has not received her share of overtime pay. Can he recover anything for his work? b. Larry accidentally left a candle burning when he went to sleep one night, and his house caught fire. He used without permission parts of a computer program copyrighted by another programmer. She still had a balance of $20,000 left on her mortgage at the time of the fire. This is an example of what type of decision making? The action by which workers vote on whether to accept or reject the terms of the contract negotiated by the union after collective bargaining is called _________. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Hope wants to file a suit against Gerry. Which ethical principle applies in this situation? There are only twenty available appointment spots per day and far more patient requests. The complaint should include, Mediocrit, Inc., makes and sells goods that are substandard. Six months later, the patient finds a lump in her breast. Which of the following would strengthen Raul's belief and maximize the likelihood of a lawsuit? Which of the following is a typical first response in the progressive discipline system? Omega Transports is a carrier that other companies hire to transport their goods from one location to another. Cara is involved in a dispute with another REALTOR, Sue. Four days before closing, an offer arrived in Charlie's inbox. illegal. According to the Assignment condition in an insurance policy: Which of the following is NOT an exclusion commonly found in the Standard Fire Policy? ________ refers to a court's jurisdiction over the parties to a lawsuit. Only REALTORS who participated in a transaction as a listing or cooperating broker may claim to have "sold" a property. Way back in the beginning of your course, you learned that, in order to provide information to your local REALTOR association and facilitate reporting of your NAR Ethics requirement for this course, you'd need to enter your ______ on your course affidavit upon completion of your course. His broker, Nancy, is trying to cheer him up. Making false or misleading statements about other real estate professionals. Which of the following statements is true regarding ethics complaints? The National __________ Relations Board enforces procedures whereby employees may vote to have a union and collective bargaining. But as she thinks about her future, she realizes that she only works to be recognized and have responsibility. ________ refers to the document a plaintiff files with the court that serves on the defendant to initiate a lawsuit. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the logical group of Windows Servers controlling the network access to a group of computers also known by?, Which of the following statements is true?, Which of the following is a centralized directory database that contains user account information and security for the entire group of computers? Leona is working with four rather difficult clients, but doesn't want to call it quits unless it's absolutely necessary. Which of the following statements is true about appeals? A few days later, Dan fires Gunther, another subordinate, from work for a similar reason. If peer review does not lead to a compromise, a neutral party from outside the organization hears the case and tries to resolve the conflict and attempts to reach a compromise. Sam, his supervisor on the new team, describes the set of behaviors that other team members will expect of Benjamin. His supervisor, Ravi, wants to fire him. How much is Brittany likely to receive from her insurer in response to her claim? Important changes include strengthened confidentiality, broad procedural powers to ensure a just, speedy, and economical resolution of disputes, along with simpler and faster appeals. Fairness, nondiscrimination, other's resentments. If you report that ______, you might be crossing an ethical line. Oswald's actions constitute: a. Endorsements either add or change coverage. According to the NAR Code of Ethics, which of the following is an acceptable reason not to cooperate with that broker? Ellen switched brokers last fall. Gary, a REALTOR, is in a dispute with April, who's a licensed real estate professional but not a member of NAR. Assuming NusquamCycle is no longer in business, which Commercial General Liability policy would cover Ryan's claim filed January 29, 2011? When he files his complaint, Leo must remember to _, Kendall is a respondent in an ethics complaint. c. The policyholder's spouse, who is not named on the policy but habitually drives the company's SUV without permission. The state government then passed a law making it mandatory to use the new steel-reinforced columns while constructing new buildings in Halfren. The named insured's 23-year-old daughter who is at an out-of-state college. The new Arbitration Act is based on a United Nations arbitration model adopted by many other jurisdictions. What is the purpose of a pretrial hearing? Although she would have liked the best coverage money can buy, she could not afford the most expensive policy. To be able to offer a lower-cost product, management decides to close its factory in Alabama, laying off 85 workers from the company's 465-person workforce. The next week, Ricardo fired another employee for being drunk at work. Under the terms of a written contract, who chooses an arbitrator? To which entity may Tiffany file a complaint? Tell the buyer's agent that the repair will be finished after closing. Of the following, who would qualify as an insured on a homeowners policy without being named on the declarations page? Who is responsible for making sure that Louisiana insurers do not routinely engage in Unfair Claims Settlement practices? ________ refers to jurisdiction to hear a case because of jurisdiction over the property of the lawsuit. However, she is leaving the company for a better job at a competing firm. Which of the following can be filed by the defendant of a lawsuit? ___ is an employee's recognition that demands of the job are incompatible or contradictory. When the defense claims that the patient's actions caused or contributed to the injury, this is called a(n). Devon was recently told by senior management that they expected him to exercise more authority and leadership with his work group. A week before closing, an offer arrives in Edward's inbox. Which of the following is an effective first tool that a REALTOR board can use in mending relationships and clearing up communication issues? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following hypothetical Supreme Court decisions are examples of judicial restraint, and which are examples of judicial activism?, Which of the following is a power granted to the Senate but not to the House?, How is a chair chosen for each of the committees in Congress? Which of the following is Emily allowed to do in this situation? Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. What type of negotiation technique are Larry and his insurer using? The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), created by the Congress to enforce federal securities laws, is an example of a(n) ________. To which of the following "4 Cs of medical malpractice prevention" does this statement refer? Which law says the doctor must first tell the patients of this change in policy? Which of the following is a physician responsibility? His primary role within the organization is to plan for the "people needs" of the business, and then attract, develop and retain an effective workforce. The sheriff serves Josh with a summons. Which of the following processes seeks to avert misbehavior and to correct, rather than merely punish, misbehavior? State law limitation and hospital not allowing privileges to physician with this type of insurance policy. She's planning to join soon anyway. During his interview, Mike was repeatedly given hypothetical scenarios and asked how he would respond. Exercise his or her best professional judgment in all cases. Offered to individuals covered by high-deductible health plans; this lets these individuals save money, tax free, to pay for medical expenses: A method used by a health plan to measure the amount and appropriateness of health services used by its members is called a(n). Each sampled passenger is to be interviewed in depth regarding airport facilities, service, and so on. Immanuel Kant defined categorical imperative as the guiding principle for all decision-making. the type of malfunction, the service call can take 1, 2, 3, or 4 hours. Which of the following is true regarding the NAR Code of Ethics? ", Highest and best use of the land and the widest distribution of land ownership. Which of the following statements is true of the plaintiff's case? Dax is an assembly line worker at an automotive plant. The mutually-agreed-upon and neutral third party in an arbitration who reviews the positions of each opposing side, and makes a final and legally binding decision. Local content regulations provide the biggest protection for the consumer. Larry disagrees with the amount of the adjuster's estimate to repair the damage, so he and his insurer have each chosen a representative, and the two representatives have also mutually decided upon an umpire. No; Joe's client told him she doesn't want to see any other offers, and it's in her best interests to abide by her wishes. Which of the seven principles of health care ethics has this nurse violated? Stare decisis is the doctrine of ________. The claim will not be covered because the accident did not occur during the current policy period. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What's the one purpose of the preamble to the Code of Ethics?, REALTORS may only be disciplined if they violate the Code of Ethics; they are immune to other charges., Courts rarely cite the Code of Which of the following is the final step in verifying the physician's credentials? Since loyalty is inherently divided in dual agency transactions, licensees can maintain ethical behavior by ______ information whenever possible. A patient who was injured in a fall in a health care facility due to the negligence of the nurse is filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. Mediation can clear up misunderstandings and preserve working relationships. Mark, a highly skilled technician, has been one of the most productive employee at Swenovo Inc. C. voluntary turnover. Which of the following statements about the Trucker's policy is FALSE? (Round all numbers to three decimal places.). The circumstances of the injury make it obvious that the defendant is negligent; no proof is needed. If the tenses are consistenc, write correct. Petro Construction Company has a system of progressive discipline. Which list describes the elements of a contract? During a ________, the defendant's attorney can call additional witnesses and introduce other evidence to counter the rebuttal. Which of the following statements is true of a progressive discipline system? In order to support the Quizlet business and provide our users with relevant information regarding the Service and opportunities presented by partners, Quizlet may use your personal information for marketing the Service. ________ refers to a concept that requires lawsuits to be heard by a court with jurisdiction that is nearest the location in which an incident occurred or where the parties reside. Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, **Directions** Read the following questions. b. alert a claimant when his claim is suspected of being fraudulent. Which would be the best source for learning these rules? When Joe screens job applicants to ensure that he hires the most qualified candidate, he is performing the HR function known as the _________ process. Greg then sues Julie for her actions. U.S. Department of Education and Council on Higher Education Accreditation. True or false: collective bargaining always settles differences. Andrew's house is struck by lightning. Which of the following roles is Johanna performing? Which of the following is a method of alternative dispute resolution? In which of the following cases do federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction? It brings about positive results when generalized to a wide variety of situations. Nigel is a trainee at ZenNext Corp., who is known among colleagues for his arrogance, rude behavior, and short-tempered nature. Instead of going to court, two parties in dispute agree to a neutral third party listening to both sides of the argument and helping to resolve the dispute. d. Submit written recommendations from three insurance company supervisors or claim management personnel. In a Dwelling policy, Coverage A provides protection for: a. You're part owner of the title company you recommended to your buyer client. Because of her extensive injuries, Andrea sued BB Mart and was awarded $375,000 in damages. a. What function of the law is being served when passing laws that protect the U.S. government from the risk of being forcefully overthrown? Those damages awarded by the court to punish the defendant are called. This is called: Oswald can't afford to take his car to a shop, even though it is falling into disrepair. What is the value of Richard's home? d. Agreement, consideration, competent parties, legal purpose. What should he do? d. Ruth may not collect any damages from the other driver. Local content regulations provide protection for a domestic producer. Did she do anything wrong? How much is the insured willing to pay? The fire results in $32,000 in damage to his home, which is valued at $175,000. Which of the following is being experienced by Carol? During a storm, lightning strikes a tree in Harry's yard and starts a fire that spreads to his shed where he keeps all the equipment for his landscaping business. Ben just became a REALTOR. What's the purpose of the NAR Code of Ethics preamble? No; he misrepresented himself and his qualifications. When employees initiate a turnover, when the organization would prefer to keep them, it is called turnover. He has completed 20 hours of general continuing education. Patients sue for a variety of reasons. You meet a prospective seller client at the grocery store. Based on this conversation, what stage of moral development would this child be experiencing? In order to receive an emergency license in the event of a catastrophe, an adjuster must: c. Patrick, who passed an exam for the adjuster license he holds in his resident state, which is reciprocal with Louisiana. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Accumulated Depreciation, Acreage Reporting Date, Actual Cash Value (ACV) and more. If employers covered by the ______ do not notify the employees (and their union, if applicable) of layoffs, they may have to offer back pay and fringe benefits and pay penalties as well. Which additional coverage could help Mark with this added expense? malfunctions occur at about the same frequency. Ordinances are codified laws that are issued by ________. Which of the following is NOT a prohibited act and thus grounds for license refusal, suspension, or revocation in Louisiana? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ______ include several different groups that an organization must appeal to, such as customers, investors and shareholders, employees, and the communities., Which concept involves planning? Which of the following aspects of satisfaction is among those emphasized by the Job Descriptive Index? They've finished their deliberations and are ready to make a penalty recommendation. The act of other interested parties joining as parties to an existing lawsuit is termed as ________. The tythingman might be considered the first real police officer, and he dealt with more serious breaches of the law. Under the Workers' Adjustment Retraining and Notification Act, what must PrettiGud Furniture do? c. He is fined $2,500 by the Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance. Even after Edward's listing was under contract, the seller called and asked him to present any additional offers that came in. When entering into a contract, certain conditions must pertain to the offer. A hailstorm moves over Erin's restaurant. ________ are established by the legislative and executive branches of the federal and state governments to enforce and interpret statutes enacted by the Congress and state legislatures. There's evidence of water damage underneath the wood paneling in the basement. This means that Kendall __. Advantages. workers must pay equivalent of union dues but aren't required to join the union. The seller client Veronica represents scheduled the buyer-requested repairs, but due to inclement weather, the repairs won't be completed until the day after closing. Brandon, an employee of EduTech Corp., demonstrates a series of unacceptable behaviors. If Alec wants to fill a vacancy in his department with an existing employee, which of the following techniques would be most appropriate? There's no obligation to share commissions. No; Craig's comments undermined Corina's relationship with her listing agent. Yes; all sources of information, such as her website, must accurately reflect her current credentials. a. receive the basic extended tail coverage. A motor carrier that offers transportation services to the public on a regular basis (rather than only for hire) is known as a: d. It is intended for those who store the property of others. On the other hand, Sonys fixation on Call of Duty is starting to look more and more like a greedy, desperate death grip on a decaying business model, a status quo Sony feels entitled to clinging to. An adjuster's license does NOT need to contain: With the commissioner's permission, a catastrophe adjuster could potentially work legally in Louisiana for up to: d. fine an adjuster $1,000 for fraudulently obtaining his license. ________ refers to an official notice that the Supreme Court will review a case. Which of the following statements is true of the U.S. Supreme Court? Supply chain management focuses exclusively upon the parties directly involved in providing supplies to the project team. 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